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Where to report child beggars?


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Does anyone know of an NGO/government agency that can intervene when a child is forced to beg on the street 7 nights a week?

I live in Pattaya and, near my condo, there are several children that are forced to sell stuff to tourists in girlie bars all night long, 7 days a week. One of these kids actually seems to like me (not in the perverted way, he just seems to like me) and often comes to talk to me whenever he sees me. He's bright and funny and it just pisses me off that his parents or whoever force him and his sisters (the kids see to be between the ages of 5 to 10yo) to work in a seedy part of Pattaya until 3AM.

I'd like to find a government agency or NGO that can help them and relocate them to a children's home or something.

Any idea?

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Reality check, Thailand is still a third world country, maybe you could talk with the parents and propose to replace the childs income in exchange of the kids not being sent begging anymore

Edited by yoslim
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It is very likely these kids are very far away from any parents if they even know them, and that they are being handled by an operation either directly owned by or at least in cooperation with the police and/or local government officials, in other words the local mafia. These people are usually slaves, purchased not long after birth, in my experience usually ethnic Vietnamese from Cambodia.

What you observe has been happening for decades in every tourist-infested area of Thailand, and if there were forces of good that could do something about this problem I'm sure we would have seen some action by now, as these operations are operating with impunity and everyone knows what is going on.

When the national police authorities want to try to make any changes against the local mafia-police in Phuket or Pattaya they have to go in force, and there have in some cases even been gunfights between the different police forces.

So in short, sadly no, there's nothing I can think of that can be done that wouldn't be life-endangering to those involved.

A recent thread on a related topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/647615-what-has-happened-to-thailands-missing-children/

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Try to find someone that speaks Thai to talk to the kid , maybe you can help somehow or find out if he has parents waiting...

Its really up to you to help .

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In Bangkok, police and BMA officers have over 500 imported beggars deployed all over town every morning.

Most of them are diseased, severely disfigured, abuse babies (and puppy dogs) to increase donations.

Donations meant for the poor are diverted into the pockets of thugs (city officials)

Walking down the street has turned into a stomach turning, 'street of horrors'.

Now they are setting up in Pattaya too?

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As a general rule ...

I find myself fiscally gifted with an open heart, but have an abhorrence for fake or misleading injustice.

Many of the beggars, be child or otherwise are simply taking the piss out of us.

But, it tugs at my heartstrings to see some of those asking for help here in Thailand.

My general rule is ... if I observe a Thai giving to the cause, I will follow that lead because my intuitiveness is not yet developed to a stage yet where visually I see a beggar and not see the Mafia who drove that beggar there.

So, if a Thai give, I give ... the same amount as a Thai.

My 10 or 20 Baht worth ...


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Here is more info about street children in Thailand.


Are you sure this child actually has parents? If not perhaps you could do something to help him. Foster him yourself, find a foster family, find an orphanage.

Thanks for the advice (and thanks to the other posters as well). I'm going to bring a Thai friend along next time to see if we can learn more about his situation and then go from there.

Regarding what some of the other posters said: I have lived in Thailand for over five years now and, I am ashamed to say that I have never thought twice about those child beggars (apart from the usual "aww that's sad") up until now. But, the fact that he started opening up to me somehow made it personal.

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Here is more info about street children in Thailand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_children_in_Thailand Are you sure this child actually has parents? If not perhaps you could do something to help him. Foster him yourself, find a foster family, find an orphanage.

Thanks for the advice (and thanks to the other posters as well). I'm going to bring a Thai friend along next time to see if we can learn more about his situation and then go from there. Regarding what some of the other posters said: I have lived in Thailand for over five years now and, I am ashamed to say that I have never thought twice about those child beggars (apart from the usual "aww that's sad") up until now. But, the fact that he started opening up to me somehow made it personal.

Nothing wrong with having a heart and following it ! Good luck

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Buy them food they can share amongst themselves, cash is counter-productive, just makes the business more profitable encourages the operation to expand.

If you really wanted to "save" such a child, in the absence of a powerful countervailing force of arms behind you, you will be expected to pay a replacement cost to the beggar's owners - these are slaves of the mafia and have a high value.

Going rate is 50,000++ depending on how cute or pitiful they are.

And realize the conditioning (brainwashing) treatments inflicted to make them compliant with their handlers, and their incidental life experiences on the way would probably cause them to have many many problems adapting to a "straight" life in the future, not at all an easy road for any future sponsors/adoptees, similar to thinking of adopting the abused children offered by Russian institutions.

One way or another you'd more or less have to sacrifice your life to help; your intentions are saintly but the victim you "save" will simply be replaced with another - and whose purchase you will have funded at a profit.

I would think the more effective approach would be to launch a campaign at the systemic underlying causes of the problem. This would be very expensive and difficult, most likely need to be run from outside the country and even then with high security communications similar to Snowden's efforts, not much less dangerous opponents.

Right. The thugs behind the begging won't be pleased if somebody takes a personal interest in the kids.


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Some insight at the URL below. Most of the child beggars in Pattaya are from Cambodia. Either sold/rented to Thai/Cambodian criminal gangs or handled by human traffickers in collaboration with corrupt Thai officials. If the RTP pick them up during a "crackdown" they are deported back to Cambodia and the cycle starts again.


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Some insight at the URL below. Most of the child beggars in Pattaya are from Cambodia. Either sold/rented to Thai/Cambodian criminal gangs or handled by human traffickers in collaboration with corrupt Thai officials. If the RTP pick them up during a "crackdown" they are deported back to Cambodia and the cycle starts again.


Yes a rose girl I used to feed twelve years ago (she's now 20) called my mobile after she'd been picked up for me to bring food down to her holding cell. By the time I got down there the deportation bus had already left for Aran.

Next night she was back at her spot, I was gobsmacked.

She's still working the same area, apparently as a handler, says she enjoys it, they're like a family.

Surprisingly she never got into the sex trade, she used to say she'd only go with a guy that she was going to marry, very attractive but was always a tom-boy, and in fact has indeed turned out to be a Tom.

Right. The thugs behind the begging won't be pleased if somebody takes a personal interest in the kids.


Actually no problem as long as you don't try to interfere with their business.

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Buy them food they can share amongst themselves, cash is counter-productive, just makes the business more profitable encourages the operation to expand.

If you really wanted to "save" such a child, in the absence of a powerful countervailing force of arms behind you, you will be expected to pay a replacement cost to the beggar's owners - these are slaves of the mafia and have a high value.

Going rate is 50,000++ depending on how cute or pitiful they are.

And realize the conditioning (brainwashing) treatments inflicted to make them compliant with their handlers, and their incidental life experiences on the way would probably cause them to have many many problems adapting to a "straight" life in the future, not at all an easy road for any future sponsors/adoptees, similar to thinking of adopting the abused children offered by Russian institutions.

One way or another you'd more or less have to sacrifice your life to help; your intentions are saintly but the victim you "save" will simply be replaced with another - and whose purchase you will have funded at a profit.

I would think the more effective approach would be to launch a campaign at the systemic underlying causes of the problem. This would be very expensive and difficult, most likely need to be run from outside the country and even then with high security communications similar to Snowden's efforts, not much less dangerous opponents.

there was another thread going about defining poverty in the LOS. Poverty is much the same anywhere.

As many have said, the odds are the kids are not Thai.

Start A Campaign? Yeah, I know what you're saying. Like Bob Geldhof, and a myriad of others.

Ironically, a very old mate from South Australia arrived in the LOS last night. He just rang me. He and his wife are coming out tonight to see me as we haven't seen each other since the early 80s. Apart from that, another reason for their visit is a trip down south to a place just inland from Krabi.

World vision has arranged everything for them to visit the child they sponsor. All itemised and costed, included with their meticulous itinerary rep, guide & translator, taxis, hotels. meals, even down to a list of items to buy as gifts.

Not so many years ago in Cambodia, outside some of the biggest and flashest NGO compounds, the street children would gather, squat and set up home. Right next to the front gate.

Poverty is a business, unfortunately.

The Starfish story is a good one though, and I too like to do my bit now and again.

Giving is good.

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> As many have said, the odds are the kids are not Thai.

Of course not, otherwise Thais would get upset about it, abusing children from neighboring countries is OK though.

That's also why Vietnamese kids are available for sale as slaves in Cambodia. Remember the commercial surrogate mother operation set up by the Taiwanese businessman a few years ago? No Thai egg donors, only Vietnamese and Cambodians. . .

>Giving is good.

As long as you're not exacerbating the problem, like feeding the elephants brought into urban areas or giving cash to the beggars - just give them nutritious food, a bit of informal education practice their English.

Happy side note - that problem seems to have been properly solved at least in Bangkok, been years since I've seen one around!

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Happy side note - that problem seems to have been properly solved at least in Bangkok, been years since I've seen one around!

A couple of years ago, I was working at Central Bangna. On the pedestrian bridge over Bangna-Trad Rd, there was a young kid who was sitting all day long in the heat and what not, begging for money. Every hour or so, a hi-so looking woman would come and stand about 20 meters from the kid. The kid then dropped whatever money he had collected in her handbag and that b**** would stroll away.

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Aren't all the beggars Cambodian? A Thai friend won't help. unless they speak Khmer.

They've been here long enough they've learned Thai, often better than their English.

Happy side note - that problem seems to have been properly solved at least in Bangkok, been years since I've seen one around!

A couple of years ago, I was working at Central Bangna. On the pedestrian bridge over Bangna-Trad Rd, there was a young kid who was sitting all day long in the heat and what not, begging for money. Every hour or so, a hi-so looking woman would come and stand about 20 meters from the kid. The kid then dropped whatever money he had collected in her handbag and that b**** would stroll away.

I meant the elephants, sorry if that wasn't clear.

And I think you're not using the term "hi-so" correctly here. . .

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Not sure if it's been said already, but you'd be wise to be careful and not 'disrupt' things too much here. It's quite common for those kids to be 'employed' by dangerous criminals who would not hesitate to remove you from this existence if they thought you were inferring.

Be careful.

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This is a very active Thai community many case of child beggars are followed through.


When every you see a child beggar keep in mind that it is a crime and part of human trafficking in most case. Please take a photo and report them to the website

Thanks for that. Is there any information on the organization in English or a proper (non-FB) website?

And have they had any success when the traffickers are policemen?

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> As many have said, the odds are the kids are not Thai.

Of course not, otherwise Thais would get upset about it, abusing children from neighboring countries is OK though.

That's also why Vietnamese kids are available for sale as slaves in Cambodia. Remember the commercial surrogate mother operation set up by the Taiwanese businessman a few years ago? No Thai egg donors, only Vietnamese and Cambodians. . .

>Giving is good.

As long as you're not exacerbating the problem, like feeding the elephants brought into urban areas or giving cash to the beggars - just give them nutritious food, a bit of informal education practice their English.

Happy side note - that problem seems to have been properly solved at least in Bangkok, been years since I've seen one around!

Not just in the tourist areas either. Where I live in Outer Suburban Bangkok, no farangs to be seen, it is still quite evident in the local, Thai, Karaoke, Hostess Bars, Pubs etc.(which I frequent on occasions with my thai mates) Mostly, if not all, are females. Very young girls of primary school age selling flowers and other assorted trinkets. They are allowed to wander into the karaokes etc. hawking their wares, even in the wee small hours. The Thais don't bat an eye.

Indians on push bikes flogging peanuts at 20 baht a bag. One of these named 'Archilles', who I often have a chat to about Cricket, reckons he has the 3 year Visa! How the bloody hell does that work?

indeed a fair number of the working girls in my immediate area are Vietnamese, as are the young male waiters and car park attendants.

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Indians on push bikes flogging peanuts at 20 baht a bag. One of these named 'Archilles', who I often have a chat to about Cricket, reckons he has the 3 year Visa! How the bloody hell does that work?

indeed a fair number of the working girls in my immediate area are Vietnamese, as are the young male waiters and car park attendants.


Bicycles? Wow, coming up in the world, in my neighborhoods they've always just walked around but then customer demographcis are probably more dense here downtown.

How do you think it works? The peanut vendors are put out there by very well-organized trafficking operations that buy their documents wholesale and are either in partnership with the mafia-police or run directly by them. Same with the roti-pancake guys, used to be southern Thais, not anymore.

Bet they all come from the same region too, thought they were Bangladeshi?

If you were able to gain the confidence of your Vietnamese friends enough to trace back far enough I'm sure you'll find a common connection to how they arrived here, many scams are run by the local precincts, have their own independent networks.

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And I think you're not using the term "hi-so" correctly here. . .

Actually I did. While the kid was sitting on the floor in rags, the woman who came to collect the money was wearing expensive-looking clothes and had a smartphone.

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Actually I did. While the kid was sitting on the floor in rags, the woman who came to collect the money was wearing expensive-looking clothes and had a smartphone.

That's called a small-time crook with a little money.

What percentage of the Thai population would you classify as "hi-so"?

By income she might be in the top 40%?

By assets probably far less.

I use the term hi-so for the top maybe 5% and even that's really too broad, properly more like 1%.

True hi-so's would never dirty their hands by directly participating in crime, they've got staff for that. Much less actually walking along a footpath. . .

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