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Pheu Thai MPs also upset over changes

Lite Beer

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Pheu Thai MPs also upset over changes
The Nation on Sunday


BANGKOK: -- Criticism by outgoing and outspoken Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung has prompted Pheu Thai MPs to also complain about the Cabinet reshuffle.

Pheu Thai party-list MP Cherdchai Tantisiron said too many outsiders were being appointed in the latest reshuffle and this meant veteran MPs like Mingkwan Saengsuwan, who was knowledgeable of trade issues, had been passed over. Cherdchai said some of the new ministers were bureaucrats who would be unable to "think outside the box". What's more, he said, it was also unclear if they were really capable of running their respective ministries. Cherdchai said his views were also shared by a number of ruling party MPs, particularly MPs for the Northeast, who felt disheartened.

Another Pheu Thai MP, Anand Sriphan of Udon Thani, said many northeastern MPs did not understand why Chalerm was transferred to oversee the Ministry of Labour and thought this was inappropriate. Chalerm, he said, always defended PM Yingluck in parliament and now he was no longer a deputy PM, he would not have the right to answer on the prime minister's behalf. Many northeastern MPs also felt disgruntled that some of the new faces - who never took part in an election campaign - were going to be appointed as ministers.

"Eighty per cent of the outsiders appointed as ministers won't understand the needs of the people, because they were not elected by the people," he said, adding that Isaan MPs were not consulted, but only asked to find ways to solve the rice pledging scheme.

Chalerm, who was in charge of national security issues, voiced anger on Friday at an event at Royal Thai Police headquarters, criticising Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre chief Tawee Sodsong for his alleged refusal to report to him on problems in the restive South.

Chalerm said he did not want to be transferred to the Ministry of Labour and added that the government faced a political crisis that threatened the future of Pheu Thai. The government, he said, remained in the "hot seat" over the rice-pledging scheme and would continue to face protests from those who wanted to bring it down.

But Tawee said he had never had any ill thoughts about Chalerm. He said it was the Internal Security Operations Command - not his agency - that was the core body in charge.

-- The Nation 2013-06-30

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Which of the current ministers were capable of running the ministry they were in charge of? Banana Republics around the world are shaking their head at the incompetence of this administration.

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A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

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Is Chalerm being just a little bit disingenuous here? Although he loved being 'pretend' PM when the 'real' PM was away he hated the going down south bit unless it was all the way to Kuala Lumpur.

As for the rest of the MPs whingeing about changes being unfair they seem to forget PT is not like any ordinary political party. As KY said herself this week promotion in the 'de facto' PM's party is not about ability but suitability.

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Here's a novel idea for PTP MPs - have a meeting and select a new PM who listens to the members of the party instead of passing on orders from her criminal brother.

Trouble is "He who pays the piper calls the tune"

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This is an intriguing double edged sword in that when, if ever, will Thaksin stop taking his supporters and their support for granted and when will the grass roots PTP and reds finally realise they are only having their plonkers pulled ?

The later is more likely as I can't see Mr. T accepting he could possibly be wrong and seeing the need to change.

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Now that the PTP parade is in disarray our fellow posters who fervently supported this mess have disappeared maybe to reappear with a new name in support of the opposition.

Indeed. TRT one was enough for those with the eyes to see and the intelligence to comprehend.

Some needed 2

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hahahahaha, the drunk is upset and cannot understand why his ear medicine habits have caused his downfall along with his idiotic outbursts. The rest of them are pissed their snouts have been dragged back from the trough, typical ptp/red shirt crap.

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it was also unclear if they were really capable of running their respective ministries.

It hasn't stopped ministers being appointed for the last 2 years.

Very true and we were told at the time they were being given those jobs because they could do them.

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Well, well, well.

Maybe something is beginning to dawn on some people. Their great strategic thinker is not interested in democracy, challenges or listening to other's opinions. It's his way or the highway.

The PTP MP's who were actually elected and the Red Guards will find out that this means nothing. Thaksin thinks, PTP does (as its told) - sums it up nicely. Now they will see his true clours - only his family and cronies will have positions of power, few of whom were actually elected. This will be the same in government and civil service. Will these sheeple see through this cunning but openly obvious plan before it's too late?

Interesting to see how history so often repeats - a small faction manipulating and ruthlessly exploiting the masses to take control. What's worse, the US and EU treat him like he is already in power!

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A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

And the ear medicine man gave her an earful also.

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Now that the PTP parade is in disarray our fellow posters who fervently supported this mess have disappeared maybe to reappear with a new name in support of the opposition.

I'm sure some ot them will return - probably to tell us that Yingluck made these changes, nothing to do with Thaksin; that the long term economic gains of the rice pledging and water management scams far outweight the short term apparent losses (not real losses but only accounting ones anyway), the 400M THB spent on advertising the now forgotten Expo bid was wisely spent, that corruption has been eliminated - so no need to worry about removing all the checks and balances, and that the 2.2Tr THB will be spent honestly and transparently for the benefit of the people by the benevolent, democratically elected people's populist party.

Has the new RTA Airbus, which will now fall under the command of PM/DM Yingluck been bought as a safeguard in case they have to do a quick runner, or a trophy plane to bring the leader triumphantly home?

This farce has the potential to become dangerous, especially now that people lilke Chalerm have become disaffected.

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Well, well, well.

Maybe something is beginning to dawn on some people. Their great strategic thinker is not interested in democracy, challenges or listening to other's opinions. It's his way or the highway.

The PTP MP's who were actually elected and the Red Guards will find out that this means nothing. Thaksin thinks, PTP does (as its told) - sums it up nicely. Now they will see his true clours - only his family and cronies will have positions of power, few of whom were actually elected. This will be the same in government and civil service. Will these sheeple see through this cunning but openly obvious plan before it's too late?

Interesting to see how history so often repeats - a small faction manipulating and ruthlessly exploiting the masses to take control. What's worse, the US and EU treat him like he is already in power!

And I wonder if jatuclown is still so keen to give his unwavering support?

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Everything seems to be falling apart for PTP,perhaps the reason for bringing in NEW and UNKNOWN faces to either shake things up or to have an escape goats to blame

Escape goats?

Actually, not a bad definition thinking about it.

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Everything seems to be falling apart for PTP,perhaps the reason for bringing in NEW and UNKNOWN faces to either shake things up or to have an escape goats to blame

Escape goats?

Actually, not a bad definition thinking about it.

Meant to be scapegoats, but in this regard i thought escape goats was more appropriate biggrin.png

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Everything seems to be falling apart for PTP,perhaps the reason for bringing in NEW and UNKNOWN faces to either shake things up or to have an escape goats to blame

Escape goats?

Actually, not a bad definition thinking about it.

Meant to be scapegoats, but in this regard i thought escape goats was more appropriate biggrin.png

The newcomers will take the jobs, may be acting the goat better.

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Well, well, well.


Maybe something is beginning to dawn on some people. Their great strategic thinker is not interested in democracy, challenges or listening to other's opinions. It's his way or the highway.


The PTP MP's who were actually elected and the Red Guards will find out that this means nothing. Thaksin thinks, PTP does (as its told) - sums it up nicely. Now they will see his true clours - only his family and cronies will have positions of power, few of whom were actually elected. This will be the same in government and civil service. Will these sheeple see through this cunning but openly obvious plan before it's too late?


Interesting to see how history so often repeats - a small faction manipulating and ruthlessly exploiting the masses to take control. What's worse, the US and EU treat him like he is already in power!


And I wonder if jatuclown is still so keen to give his unwavering support?

Give him a pack of lard and he's anyone's

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