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Swedes sentenced to life in prison for Filipino cyber-brothel

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Swedes sentenced to life in prison for Filipino cyber-brothel


MANILA: -- An appeals court in the Philippines has rejected an appeal by Swedes Stefan Sederholm, 33, and Andrew Solemo, 37, with a request for a new trial. They are now left several more years in prison before the Supreme Court may take up the case.

The Swedes were sentenced to life in prison on May 10, 2011, convicted of trafficking.

Sederholm and Solemo had along with three Filipino citizens launched a so-called cyber-brothel with operations in an industrial park outside the city of Cagayan de Oro.

Operations began in early 2009. Some 20 Filipino women were hired to pose naked and masturbate in front of webcams with customers paying to watch worldwide. The customers would buy time with the women and express their desire for sexual activities. The women were paid about SEK 2500 per month, equivalent to the salary of a regular office job in the Philippines.

As early as April 23, 2009, the police raided the business and three Filipino men were arrested. The Swedes were arrested when they arrived by plane to the Philippines on the same day. This type of online sexual service is not illegal in the Philippines but when the police raided the cyber brothel, one of the women claimed that she was posing in front of the camera against her will.

Arrested in May, 2009, now charged with human trafficking, the two Swedes were placed in the notorious Lumbia Jail. The trial against the Swedes and the three Filipinos began in February 2011. The sentence came on May 10 of that year: life imprisonment for Andreas Solemo and Stefan Sederholm. The three Filipino citizens received 20 years imprisonment. The two Swedes have since been relocated to the Davao Penal Colony

The Swedes have now turned to the Swedish Foreign Ministry with a request for financial assistance in order to obtain a new lawyer.

The denied request of a new trial will be appealed to the Philippine Supreme Court. A process that takes several years. Meanwhile, Solemo and Sederholm remain in Davao Penal Colony.

Andreas Solemo and Stefan Sederholm consider themselves to be the victims of a political verdict, and believe that the severe punishment is a way for the Philippines to make an example, showing that they come down hard on human trafficking.

“The absolute worst is that we are convicted of a terrible crime, which is very far from the truth. Now we are sitting here for life and quite frankly I am having a hard time seeing that they will ever release us,” said Stefan Sederholm to TV4′s Kalla Fakta last year.

Should the Swedes fail in their appeal, they will be forced to sit somewhere between 20 and 30 years in prison before they might be pardoned.

Source: aftonbladet.se

Source: http://scandasia.com/swedes-convicted-to-life-in-prison-for-filipino-cyber-brothel/

-- ScandAsia 2013-07-01

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Compared what else goes on in Phillippines (fx Manila and Angeles City), these guys have just acted like choirboys. But when that has been said, the law of course has to be followed - but unfortunately not by everyone.

Edited by Xonax
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I guess they needed to have the girls sign some kind of consent form. What is the definition of Human Trafficing? Again though something just isn't right. Assuming those are the two brothers pictured, they don't look too unhappy. In fact the one appears to be smiling and the other is defiantely smiling. These chaps are looking at life? BS

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If the facts stated are true, this has nothing to do with Justice. Philippines are a country where you cannot even get contraceptives legally, so maybe one shouldnt be too surprised...

Edited by metisdead
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I don't have a lot of sympathy.

A couple of sexpats living off immoral earnings in a corrupt third world country.

I am not of the view that the services are necessarily bad in terms of the relationship between the girl and the viewer(s).

But when you stick a couple of pimps in the middle. Guys who are effectively taking advantage of the fact there's a lot of uneducated girls with very low earnings potential and making money off their sexual services - well - I'm all for very stiff sentences.

No different from all those guys in Pattaya getting a bar girl girlfriend, letting her prostitute herself out to westerners and living off the money. They are frowned upon by Thai sexpats but I have a feeling they will be a lot more forgiving of these two.

Are you insane?

"Immoral earnings"?

Don't get lost on your way to the temple buddy.

No--not the same as anything you described. They took hookers who were at risk of disease and who were selling their actual bodies, and gave them jobs sitting in front of a computer screen. Not a bad gig for a prostitute.

Edited by KuhnPaen
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I don't have a lot of sympathy.

A couple of sexpats living off immoral earnings in a corrupt third world country.

I am not of the view that the services are necessarily bad in terms of the relationship between the girl and the viewer(s).

But when you stick a couple of pimps in the middle. Guys who are effectively taking advantage of the fact there's a lot of uneducated girls with very low earnings potential and making money off their sexual services - well - I'm all for very stiff sentences.

No different from all those guys in Pattaya getting a bar girl girlfriend, letting her prostitute herself out to westerners and living off the money. They are frowned upon by Thai sexpats but I have a feeling they will be a lot more forgiving of these two.

So basically you see no problem convicting a thief for murder, seeing that both acts are illegal?

If you consider them pimps, which I suppose I more or less agree with, then charge them with pimping, which has nothing to do with human trafficing and/or slavery - the main difference being the "voluntary" part.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Hate to come to their defense, but this sort of business is perfectly legal in USA, and probably many other countries too. They were promoting safe sex, unless they loaded computer viruses.... seems the punishment is way off base and extreme. PI isn't exactly Saudi Arabia in general sex and entertainment.

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One out of 20 was there against her own will?

That sounds odd, very odd. If they get 19 girls to work for them legally then it would be no problem to find one more to join the team legally.

My thought also. These guys are being railroaded by a government that wants to be seen as coming down on "human traffickers"; a so often misused and abused term. The "ONE" girl out of 20 is lying through her teeth. I hope she rots in h@#$ll for her lies. So she says nothing and they are free; lie and their lives are over. That sure sends a message...stay out of the Philippines.

Edited by oneday
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Shouldn't the punishment fit the crime? Many Filipinos work for 100 to 200 pesos a day, roughly 70 to 140 baht. Sounds like these ladies were being well paid for being "naughty" on a web cam. No actual touching and the Sweedes get life?

The Ampatuan Massacre took place November 2009 and as far as I know there have been no convictions.. The Ampatuan Clan allegedly massacred 58 people, 34 were journalists, for challenging the clan's hold on political power in the upcomming 2010 elections.

What a travesty when masacres go unpunished, but two foreigners get life for facilitating encounters between consenting adults...

Yes this "newish" fad word "trafficking" has gained a stigma as bad as "Pedophile" Just watch out what you do in 3rd world countries, as almost anything involving the natives could be called this way.

Next thing is your girlfriend or boyfriend will be claiming a "trafficking offense"... Girlfriend: "I was forced to be his girlfriend against my will" that's it Lock him up!!!!

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If 1 was there against her will why is it so difficult to get the other 19 to testify one way or the other?

Because the Philippine government could care less about the truth or this isn't the whole story, which is often the case with these news articles.

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I don't have a lot of sympathy.

A couple of sexpats living off immoral earnings in a corrupt third world country.

I am not of the view that the services are necessarily bad in terms of the relationship between the girl and the viewer(s).

But when you stick a couple of pimps in the middle. Guys who are effectively taking advantage of the fact there's a lot of uneducated girls with very low earnings potential and making money off their sexual services - well - I'm all for very stiff sentences.

No different from all those guys in Pattaya getting a bar girl girlfriend, letting her prostitute herself out to westerners and living off the money. They are frowned upon by Thai sexpats but I have a feeling they will be a lot more forgiving of these two.

Immoral ? Oh... these Christian people.

Everybody is "Taking Advantage" of everybody in all business, if you want to look at it like that. Employee - Employer relationships.

If you don't, then look at it like this. These guys where not taking advantage of anybody, in fact they provided these girls with better/easier means to survive. Their other option would be to actually provide "services" (read: do nasty shit, often) to sexually repressed nationalities, like yourself.

And even if it's illegal, immoral or whatever, the charges against them don't fit the 'crime'.

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....the scam against foreigners is alive and well in South East Asia.....

.....South East Asia is a brothel.....

..the woman, embarrassed to be caught.....had to cast the blame....she was not a prisoner or chained.......

....she might even have enjoyed it....to have worked there for so long........

(...I hear 'Christianity' is 'big' in that part of the world....)

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who would be surprised

to find those 19 girl still doing the same

but now for lower wages and a philipino boss

if one girl was there again her will, why did she not cry wolf to her customers ? i guess that kind of setup has a webcam and computer and speakers and microphone ....

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I don't have a lot of sympathy.

A couple of sexpats living off immoral earnings in a corrupt third world country.

I am not of the view that the services are necessarily bad in terms of the relationship between the girl and the viewer(s).

But when you stick a couple of pimps in the middle. Guys who are effectively taking advantage of the fact there's a lot of uneducated girls with very low earnings potential and making money off their sexual services - well - I'm all for very stiff sentences.

No different from all those guys in Pattaya getting a bar girl girlfriend, letting her prostitute herself out to westerners and living off the money. They are frowned upon by Thai sexpats but I have a feeling they will be a lot more forgiving of these two.

Taken advantage of?? clap2.gif Sit there playing with themselves and get paid the same as an educated office worker? Who's taking advantage of who? whistling.gif Simply shocking you condone the sentence. 1 girl who CLAIMS to be there against her will (actually I'm surprised it wasn't more... Obviously this saves them face and even gains sympathy if they claim doing it 'against their will') puts 2 guys away who were otherwise doing what the article says was a legal business.

Even beyond the 'legal' aspect, this is a transaction between willing adult participants and it wasn't harming anyone. Disgustingly immoral to deny someone this right and Man, I'm glad you're not in some sort of position of authority.

If anything the girl who put in the false claim should be put away for a weekend or two for bullshitting. thumbsup.gif

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