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Well so far your responses are not what I had hoped for. Why wife has told me many times that she wants to have many women love me. She has told me as long as I take care of my family. It is ok. I also wondered if this was a honey trap.


For me it's not about if I can afford to have how many "mia nois", but it's the principle of marriage and matter of RESPECT and LOVE to the first wife! I would rather have one at a time...than cheating both of them out of a real true love and respect in the relationship at the same time.

Let me Repharase the question. Has anyones Thai wife suggest that you get a mia noi. :o
The questions is still wrong. It should be the mia luang to get you a mia noi, with your approval, of course. Why should you have to do all that work?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Well that did not take long at all. My wife just asked me if I asked you guys about this and wanted to know whaty you said. She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.

My wife...told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would,
See, I told you! Compliments to your wife! If I weren’t so modest I’d say “great minds think alike”.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Well that did not take long at all. My wife just asked me if I asked you guys about this and wanted to know whaty you said. She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.

Don't tell me you haven't been dreaming about a threesome.... :o


Well that did not take long at all. My wife just asked me if I asked you guys about this and wanted to know whaty you said. She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.

I am pretty sure that the average Thai wife would feel disrespected.....even if she helped you out on that adventure. She would likely feel herself inadequate.


Well that did not take long at all. My wife just asked me if I asked you guys about this and wanted to know whaty you said. She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.

I am pretty sure that the average Thai wife would feel disrespected.....even if she helped you out on that adventure. She would likely feel herself inadequate.

It seems to me the wife is challenging him (and their marriage) for whatever reason. Could be risky, or not; who knows?

Not all marriages are the same.



I am pretty sure that the average Thai wife would feel disrespected.....even if she helped you out on that adventure. She would likely feel herself inadequate.

It seems to me the wife is challenging him (and their marriage) for whatever reason. Could be risky, or not; who knows?

Not all marriages are the same.


Well this topic has been a very good read, but i know my wife would proberly kill me if i ever had another woman or come to think of even mention that i wanted a "mia noi"

But Bbigman are you going to call her bluff :o

Mike :D


I am pretty sure that the average Thai wife would feel disrespected.....even if she helped you out on that adventure. She would likely feel herself inadequate.

It seems to me the wife is challenging him (and their marriage) for whatever reason. Could be risky, or not; who knows?

Not all marriages are the same.


Well this topic has been a very good read, but i know my wife would proberly kill me if i ever had another woman or come to think of even mention that i wanted a "mia noi"

But Bbigman are you going to call her bluff :o

I cannot say that I would not want another women. And by my wife putting this to me like she has I have no idea what she is thinking I mean really. She says she just wants me to be happy. And that she knows men. I have not brought this subject up. She has on her own, At other times she has said she wants to share my love. I love my wife and she is more important. But maybe in the future :D

She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would......

She is on to you. She sees your wandering eyes as you walk amongst other women.

You need to stop licking your lips as you walk along perving. It's a dead set give away.

..........and stop calling out the names of your phantom f****s just before climax. :o


I think there is simply a confusion about the mia noi.

First in Asia, the place and the role of the male/husband is not the same as in western countries, nor than in traditional african culture (that to just point out people are not the same everywhere).

Second, even if all we agree on the meaning of the mia noi (little wife), we tend to confuse the concept with the 'mistress' in the western culture.

The mia noi (with another name I forgot) exist also in chines culture (At least in north eastern part and in taiwan).

LEt say a woman is not operational for fun 24 hours a day, 7 days a week , 30 days a month .... Sound silly, but I do hope you agree it's a fact and it's the life. So rather than to see the 'big man' going somewhere, waste money, waste energy, and at the end get disease and small animals, it's simply better if another good lady, who reconise you as the 'Primary wife' (chinese naming), help the 'big man' to feel better.

Asian society, deeply influenced by Confusianism and/or boudhism, are mostly efficient.

So what about the Primary wife? Well, it will be someone who will be not a competitor, but who have to pay respect , and have in fact to be visitated only when you feel it have to be. You also gain face, because you lead the compromise, saved your couple, as you selected a good mia noi, husband is more happy, as you selected the mia noi, you control more the husband.

So, if really your wifey feel you spend too much time outside, she can think about it if she feel it can save your marriage (that is not only fun during 15mn, but also a rent to pay, kids to grow, marriage is also how people look at you ....).

On the other hand, if you propose your wife to invite your last conquest from Nana, there is huge chance she will hit your balls or smash your hand with chair. If you read and understand what I type, you will see the mia noi concept is not 3some party lol

I cannot say that I would not want another women. And by my wife putting this to me like she has I have no idea what she is thinking I mean really. She says she just wants me to be happy. And that she knows men. I have not brought this subject up. She has on her own, At other times she has said she wants to share my love. I love my wife and she is more important. But maybe in the future :o

Maybe you should investigate some swingers boards. Sounds like that is more what she is thinking of...

Not inconcievable.


A week or so ago my wife was reading a Thai newspaper. She handed me the paper and wanted me to look at a picture. In the picture was a young Thai guy with a beautiful lady on each side kissing him on his cheeks. She explained to me that the ladies were twins and that they didn't want to separate so he married both of them. She says that having two wives is no problem as long as they both agree to it. She then asked me if I thought he was a lucky guy. I hesitated and told her that one woman is enough problems for any man. :D I then asked her if I could have a mia noi. She grinned and told me SURE! She thought I may have a problem finding one agreeable to the arrangement. Since she is the mia luang she would also be the boss and that the mia noi would do all her work so she could sleep all day. I think she was serious. :o


My wife tells me that no one uses the term "mia noi" around here any more as it's too old fashioned.You must use the term "gig". The thai guy living opposite my home told his wife on Sunday night that he had a gig. She asked him to finish with her. He said he loved his wife and 2 kids, but couldn't give up the sex with his gig. Next day the house is empty and she is living with her mother in Bangkok. My wife says I can only have one if she has more income than me. She doesn't care much about the faithfullness, she'd just be livid if I gave anyone else money :o


Have you considered she may want a "Small Husband"

This conversation came up a while ago in Baan Khutan, and Mrs Khutan said it was ok if she could do the same.

I then said I actually wanted two wives at the same time, and she asked me how I would feel about her having two husbands at the same time. :o

The conversation ended there.

Just Marry Bi, she gets a new partner for us every 4 or 5 weeks or so. No fuss no muss and it's fun to see what will she bring home next :o

A Hoe?


Let me Repharase the question. Has anyones Thai wife suggest that you get a mia noi. :o

The questions is still wrong. It should be the mia luang to get you a mia noi, with your approval, of course. Why should you have to do all that work?



If you let the girl choose her, gaurunteed she'll bring back someone uglier and fatter than her.

Well that did not take long at all. My wife just asked me if I asked you guys about this and wanted to know whaty you said. She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.


1) The wifey has an affair or has the desire to have one and this is her way of taking the pressure off her


2) She is testing your loyalty. She is bored from normal life watching Thai soaps all day..She wants some of the drama action slapping around the inferior chick who is wrecking her home

or maybe

3) She is starting to question her sexuality and so called morals.

My wife tells me that no one uses the term "mia noi" around here any more as it's too old fashioned.You must use the term "gig". The thai guy living opposite my home told his wife on Sunday night that he had a gig. She asked him to finish with her. He said he loved his wife and 2 kids, but couldn't give up the sex with his gig. Next day the house is empty and she is living with her mother in Bangkok. My wife says I can only have one if she has more income than me. She doesn't care much about the faithfullness, she'd just be livid if I gave anyone else money :D

I think you got it wrong there. If your gik or mia noi, whichever one she is (the is a big difference in fact but I prefer to use # 1, # 2, etc. ) was

A) Richer than number 1

:D Prettier than number 1

C) Sexier than number 1

D) More sexual energy than number 1

E) All of the above

It's a dangerous affair to pursue number 2 for number 1 will definately be jealous, even if she hides it on the surface...she'll always have the fear that you'll outright leave her for number 2 and become psycho if you're not careful

BTW, never believe the first instance the girl says she is open for a number 2 in the picture...There is usually a hidden agenda. If in fact, it's been several years that the idea has been exposed/on the table, than okay...otherwise be weary...

Like the guy in Samut Sakorn who married the twins...Even he had been litterly dating both of them for three years before they were ready to marry him...not to mention knowing them both since child hood.

She told me if I wanted her to find me a second wife she would, Of course I told her no. But she told me if I like a lady that is ok.
Are you serious? Does she have any sisters???

The Dude doesn't believe that any tg suggesting that her mate can have one of these noi mias is actually serious. They just don't dig the concept. can you dig it?

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