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30 day visa question and other misc questions

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Im in europe at the moment and will be flying into LOS in late august and will be stamped the 30 day entry visa on arrival. At the end of the 30 days I want to get the extra 7 days and realise that I will have to go to the local immig office to pay for this.

Basically Im trying to work out the exact date that I can fly into bkk knowing that I will want to stay the entire 37 days in Thailand. I have a flight out of bkk on the 24th sept. Working backwards from the 24th sept (day 7) then the 1st day of the 7 day ext is 18th september.

Does the 30 day visa start on the day that I fly into bkk? Assuming it does, does this mean that if I fly in on the 20th august, the 30 day visa will expire on the 18th sept?

Assuming that the 18th sept is not a thai public holiday is it ok for me to then go to get that 7 day extra visa?

If you have a calendar can you please check this for me?

After 3 to 4 months holiday in indonesia, I plan to apply for a double entry visa in KL. Will it be looked at unfavourably if I have that 7 day extension?

Another issue I just thought of.... If I only have a 1 way ticket into Thailand (from Russia), am I likely to get asked for a (thai) outward bound ticket when checking in? If the airline ticket I have is on the 37th day can they deny me boarding the flight (as they will know that with my oz passport I can get 30 visa on arrival).

Sorry for these basic questions...

many thanks

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  1. Leaving Thailand on 24 SEP 2013 you can arrive at the earliest on 19 AUG, receive permission to stay until 17 SEP, apply for extension on 17 SEP, receive a stamp saying that your application is under consideration and that you must report again on 24 SEP, leave Thailand on 24 SEP.
  2. The day of arrival is counted as day one of the 30-day visa-exempt permission to stay.
  3. Having had a 7-day extension will have no unfavourable effect on a subsequent application for a tourist visa.
  4. The airline can deny you a boarding pass if without a visa you do not have a confirmed flight out of Thailand within 30 days from arrival.

Suggestion: get a tourist visa for your flight to Thailand if you want to stay 37 days.

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Suggestion: get a tourist visa for your flight to Thailand if you want to stay 37 days.

+1 For the cost and hassle, plus your transport costs getting to Immigration in Bangkok

... Maestro offers sensible advice.


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yes - get a 60 day visa before you start. The fees plus incidental costs (transport, etc) of messing with extensions, plus your risk of fluffing the dates by a day and getting fined make the 60-day visa easily the most sensible and economic option.wai.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanks for all the replies but I do not want to get a single entry visa when Im not fully using it (or requiring it). In the coming years Im planning on getting multiple tourist visas for long term farang cohabitation in LOS. Thus, I dont want to get one in the case described above when Im only going to stay 37 days

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Old visas have no bearing on a current visa application. The issue you are confusing is the occasional refusal of a tourist visa when it is immediately after the last visa, or "back-to-back".

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  • 1 month later...

***IGNORE*** sorry for bumping old thread got referred from other thread and thought the last comment was from the original. Can't see how to delete this post :-S

If you know your planning to stay for a year or more you should just get an education visa and avoid having to go to immigration offices so often and trips out of the country every 3 months. Use one tourist visa for entering thailand to give yourself plenty of time to arrange an ed visa and pick a school your happy with. You only have to do something ridiculously small like a 100 hours a year.

Edited by Mic Samui
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