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Does TVF ever affect your mood?

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I haven`t been a member here for long and I must admit to getting influenced by rude and and condescending comments by members who has a different opinion than you have. Sometimes I even catch myself being rude and condescending as a result. But I never am face to face. Maybe it gets better after a while, as someone else said here.

How to put it? "The good thing about freedom of speech is that you are free to express your opinion whatever it is. The bad thing is that other people are too." coffee1.gif

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if u don't like Thailand and bitch on thai visa forum u can still go back to the usa... us people say usa is the nirvana, the number one country... so what the f.. are you doing in Thailand?

you have to go home.... and be happy.

Edited by Cheapcharly
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if u don't like Thailand and bitch on thai visa forum u can still go back to the usa... us people say usa is the nirvana, the number one country... so what the f.. are you doing in Thailand? you have to go home.... and be happy.

Lol. This comment on this topic made my day. cheesy.gif

Edited by Espen
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Have to agree with the OP,it's one of the most depressing forums I've ever seen in my life!

It can be depressing at times especially when you have to walk on eggshells when you comment on other peoples posts, wondering whether you are going to get suspended, but in saying that, I have had a lot of help from posters about cars, computers, the banking forum etc I would not want to be without Thaivisa, also any questions are answered quickly by Linda, who I think does a great job.

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If you find this site depressing and affecting your mood you must be pretty close to the edge.

Try working in sales getting told to F off 50 times a day for 10 years.

Take TV like Thailand and go with the flow .

Switch of the computer, go sit outside in the sun. Have a beer and some pork scratching's.

What a wonderful day.


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I pretty much agree, although I find it depends on my mood. If I'm in a good mood, I get a chuckle out of a lot of the stuff people say on TV. But if I'm already having some negative thoughts about some aspect of Thailand and living here, reading TV is the worst thing I can do. It's the exact same reason why I avoid the depressing expat haunts in the real world.

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Most make me chuckle and laugh. Some make me feel like I don't know whether to laugh at - or with the posts or posters while some make me feels sad for them.....can't say as any change my mood as all I'm doing is observing the thoughts of others.

Some folks just seem lost - but that isn't to do about Thailand - they'd be lost anywhere...see them when out and about too.

I do get tired of the Thai bashing - maybe I've just met the "right" Thais.

Mostly it's entertaining.......

Sometimes very informative - glad it's here.....

Mostly - my mood belongs to me - mostly sunny - - - but when partly cloudy I won't share.

Edited by pgrahmm
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Have to agree with the OP,it's one of the most depressing forums I've ever seen in my life!

Yes, even before reading this thread I was thinking I really need to stop reading TV threads that don't have to do with legitimate Immigrations information or things like the Thai Language forum where people behave civilly. I know a lot of the "news" items are chosen deliberately to be provocative and they always bring out the Thai bashers. Then that nonsense always makes me get ticked off and I respond in kind, which of course serves no purpose since the dedicated bashers don't really care about facts or other points of view.

And yes, a lot of the time the stuff I read here is a major downer. Have to constantly remind myself that the negative opinions do not reflect the thinking of even a significant minority of farang. Definitely better things to do with my time, including enjoying Thailand and Thai people.

Now if I can just ignore the emails that seem to come out with new topics 2 or 3 times a day!

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Yes my mood is affected by Thai Visa Forum on occasion! In fact one of the things that sets my teeth grinding is the increasing use of abbreviations which everyone is expected to understand.

OMG but TFS. :)

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there always seem more negative than positive comments complaining about rules etc. if we dont like it you dont have to state the obvious, also when someone asks for help you always get smart remarks which makes the person asking a question think twice about asking another one. they take the time and effort to ask for advice and get knowall remarks from so called experts

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No better comedy as " tales from Thai government " I always get a lough and sometimes it makes my day(" Thais have to consume more dairy products to get taller").on the other hand to derogatory posts about Thai woman(" use them,pay them) are making me quiet angry or rather ashamed of a few fellow members...

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What's with the negative waves, man...?

In the absence of any political satire in Thailand (although it can occasionally be found in a column of the other paper) the TV forum often provides some amusement, albeit unintended, courtesy of politicians, officials and journos alike and for that we should be truly grateful.

But if only some posters would remember not to take it all so seriously!

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Have to agree with the OP,it's one of the most depressing forums I've ever seen in my life!

If you believe that, then why do you read it? I liken it to alcohol addiction. If it affects you too much & you have the fortitude to give up, then switch it off for a while. If you cannot do that then you are addicted and need help.

Sometimes I like it (but just skim the comments) some times I get mad at myself for wasting time & switch off.

The voice of experience two week member with 20 posts.

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What's with the negative waves, man...?

In the absence of any political satire in Thailand (although it can occasionally be found in a column of the other paper) the TV forum often provides some amusement, albeit unintended, courtesy of politicians, officials and journos alike and for that we should be truly grateful.

But if only some posters would remember not to take it all so seriously!

Not sure who is taking what seriously...

On one side there are the ones who read the posts and might feel depressed by constant negative comments. I can understand them.

On the other side there are the depressed posters who, like if it was their mission, a duty that they seem to take very seriously, jump on any occasion, any thread, any subject, to rant again and again about the usual things (the present government being their prime target, follow by anything else that is "Thai").

And if we succeed in bringing some positiveness and (genuine) humor in the thread, which they have a hard time to join in because there is no sarcasm,... then they quickly move away to another thread where they can go on with their negativity.

To me, the second group seems to take their "role" very seriously.

I am sure you see what I mean :)

Or maybe you don't...

Sent from my iPhone...

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Does TV make me depressed? If passing annoyance qualifies, then the answer is yes, but only momentarily. On the other hand, there are quite a few very practical and helpful answers/comments and there are some who really should be comedy writers and help to lift the day - momentarily. But remember Folks, it is not the situation that makes you angry/depressed, it is you that allows yourself to become angry/depressed. Generally I like TV and enjoy reading it, but like most peps I don't like all of it and when I come across something that's a bit smelly I move on quickly or skim over it. On balance, I think it provides a good service to the ex-pat community and would be quite disappointed if it were to disappear.

Great post. I completely agree. (Which is not often.) tongue.png

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What's with the negative waves, man...?

In the absence of any political satire in Thailand (although it can occasionally be found in a column of the other paper) the TV forum often provides some amusement, albeit unintended, courtesy of politicians, officials and journos alike and for that we should be truly grateful.

But if only some posters would remember not to take it all so seriously!

Not sure who is taking what seriously...

On one side there are the ones who read the posts and might feel depressed by constant negative comments. I can understand them.

On the other side there are the depressed posters who, like if it was their mission, a duty that they seem to take very seriously, jump on any occasion, any thread, any subject, to rant again and again about the usual things (the present government being their prime target, follow by anything else that is "Thai").

And if we succeed in bringing some positiveness and (genuine) humor in the thread, which they have a hard time to join in because there is no sarcasm,... then they quickly move away to another thread where they can go on with their negativity.

To me, the second group seems to take their "role" very seriously.

I am sure you see what I mean smile.png

Or maybe you don't...

Sent from my iPhone...

That all sounds very depressing... so I'll move on!

Have a nice day!

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