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FLIES. its a NIGHTMARE! How to stop?


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Flies flies lies..

My approach to Thailand flies is boredom ! they look very insistent much more than austro-africa, middle east, India or EU cousins at least in my experience. They learn quickly how to land on interesting places and does it over and over again. There should be a reason why Steve Vai's Bangkok song has a background of flies noise, I made my confirm here. Flies, above scientific meanings, are not an useful beast for human's life, actually they acts as airliner for bacteria that surely cannot move alone, apparently they obbey to an equalizing law force: you made some stupid argument with an akin the flie lands to your skin and leaves an egg that makes you loose an arm or a leg. So, nobody loves them, are dirty fling objects to stop soon and forever. Joe Cartoons, who remeber him? Welcome to the jungle smile.png

Clean all surfaces, floor up to desk, walls, etc: flies will not be interested in decomposition-free places, that reverts to allowance of garbage-landscape habits, poor lifestyle is subject to underdevelopment, a multiple pathologics environment dominated by violence to weak, mental runaway, lazyness, lack of empaty and initiative. There flies will grew and multiplicate happy.

My exterminatination tools:

Dettol-water D.I.Y spray makes them blind and lazy, not flying but is expensive and short duration effect

Bayer flycatcher, the yellow trap that allows watching the agony, at least 24 hours of turn-free attempts (dont like too much indeed)

Electrocute bat, very effective but needs AC and active operation and are fragile plastic toys

Best of all: vileda mop, the tiny skin-like cloth water embedded and used one hand or two hands as return a splatter, too fast for any dirty fling object, no hope.

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Ahh man.... I have no idea what is going on but moved into a new house and its like a hotel for flies. Its a nice big house, clean, not old, and the mrs seems to spend most of the time cleaning so its not a hygene thing. Plus my mate who lives around the corner says he has the same issue and its a recent thing.

There must be 100 of them in or around the house, As I write this there are about 20 of them just walking around on the lounge floor. They gather in little mobs and fly away when you get up and startle them.

Im constantly waving my arms around swatting them away and its driving me nuts!

I spent 3000 baht on a nice mosquito black hole thing that the bloke said works for flies also. It dosent. Neither does the electric zapper thing with a blue light that cost 1500 baht. Im too bloody slow to swat them and they dont annoy my mrs half as much as they do me, so she only occasionaly swats them.

Fly spray no good. Kills them for a while but reinforcments arive in 10 mins and i have a dog so dont like too much toxic spray kicking about.

Any tips? Any machine out there i can buy? They are pissing me off so much i would even say money is no object.

Apart from this - why the hell are there so many of them?

There is an old Thai technic ; find some empty plastic bottles (1.5 liters, pepsi or coke bottles are fine) remove all stickers , wash thoroughly, fill with plain water and place them in and around your place. I saw this so many times here and asked an old lady what purpose it serves and she told me this technic works fine with common flies.

Should put a couple of copper coloured coins too (50 / 25 satangs). In mainland Europe )Spain etc) you often see zipper bags (those sealable plastic bags) filled with water and a couple of coppers in nailed/pinned around houses.

There is science behind this - the flies compound eyes cannot see the colour red (no red cones) the water causes the coins to be magnified (flies have a range of sight of about 1 metre). As they fly by they see a flicker of black (red) and white which triggers a flight response - that is, they see predator and go into escape mode - they react 15 times faster than we can btw. If they see predators everywhere - they go elsewhere. Clever eh? Mediterranean trick dates back a long time before the reasons for its working was understood :)

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Lot's of flies outside my house but with the screens very few get inside. Getting my sons to close the doors though is a different ball of wax and has now become my full time job. I seem to remember my parents always telling me SHUT THE DAMN DOOR when I was a kid so I hope there're enjoying the payback where ever they are.

Glad I am not the only one, my other half is always leaving the fly screens open 'to let the air in' pointing out the air passes through the mesh does not work. Is there a word in Thai for logic? More bothered by cockroaches than flies at out house.

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In my previous town in the Mediterranean basin copper is used to stop mosquito larvae disclosing. Use a small pot of water like flowerpot under-dish makes exactly the place were mosquito likes to drop their eggs. Metallic copper in water makes with sunshine copper sulfide, a poison for eggs-larvae. It becomes popular after the tiger mosquito invasion, early 2000. This a popular-scientific knowledge, used copper is naked electric wires, enough soft to be mould in place or cut in small lengths. If red is the answer why not using anything red colored? Or may be both optical and poison effects, however the copper in counter dish is made for mosquito, at least in my town, as flies are not a problem. In any case flies like the decomposition smell - they have a contract with decomposition bacteria to mutually help: flies makes free flight for bacteria in change bacteria makes easy food for flies. Like a MacDonald-PanAm trust.

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  • 3 years later...
On 7/12/2013 at 11:06 AM, KhunBENQ said:

There are many pictures of such simple fly traps from bottles.

Just do a Google picture search for "กับดักแมลงวันขวด" (trap fly bottle).

But I doubt, that plain water is useful, you will probably need some sugar to get a sweet mix.

Simple example:


Another technique used is glue sticks, like this:


You can also simply purchase the glue. e.g. at BigC and smear it on some carton or the like.



Does it really work ? Any better solution without reading all the pages ? Thank you,




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On 7/12/2013 at 10:17 AM, skyaslimit said:

There is an old Thai technic ; find some empty plastic bottles (1.5 liters, pepsi or coke bottles are fine) remove all stickers , wash thoroughly, fill with plain water and place them in and around your place. I saw this so many times here and asked an old lady what purpose it serves and she told me this technic works fine with common flies.


This doesn't work at all.  Lots of houses in my neighborhood have these bottles "decorating" the fronts of their houses.  Still as many flies as ever.  Others have told me the bottles are to keep dogs away, but that doesn't work either because that's the first place my dogs go to pee when I take them for a walk.

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Buy a few Basil plants and place them around the outside of your house. Also come in handy for cooking. Makro have a lemongrass liquid cleaner that flies hate, it cleans good and smells very nice. Can use this on floors inside and out. On counters. Seems to help keep the flies at bay. Need to find where they are reproducing such as a garbage tip and eliminate the eggs/maggots.

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