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Bangkok: Chula students celebrate graduation with Hitler


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I just spoke with the office of the Vice President for Administration for the university......

Excellent, Simple1. Good on you!

That would be a good idea for any and ALL of you who are bothered by this. Posting your views here is fine, but... ? What good does it really do...? If you want to at least try to have an influence on this . . . Pick up a phone. Or, have a local friend, family member, etc... , who speaks Thai call. IF the University receives no heat - nothing will change, that is for sure.

Ignorance is not bliss... It is dangerous.

You will have more success teaching monkey how to speak than influencing a Thai.

Hitler promotion has been explained to Thai's numerous times on all different levels including diplomatic and they simply either do not comprehend or just do not care.

You're probably right. Lip service if you're lucky.

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My 27 year old GF attended the ceremony at Chula today to see the graduation of a friend however she did not see the mural. When I showed it to her she recognised Hitler and knew at least something of the history of that time, as she attended a private UNI in BKK majoring in International Business, and WW 2 was studied to some extent. So you cant say that ALL Thai students are ignorant of these events and the evil that Hitler and the Nazis brought to Europe.

The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

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whistling.gif Oh come on, they are just having you on.

Faring think to much.

No they're not. Whoever did that and whoever didn't realize it was objectionable was IGNORANT. They have shamed their school in the eyes of the world, and also shamed Thailand as that is an elite school of the country ... except for Nazi lovers.

Seriously, how are Nazis and Hitler covered in the TEACHING there?

Won't it be interesting to see skinheads worldwide flocking to LOS where they feel their genocidal aspirations have taken root?

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Have met quite a few Chula students, nice kids, diligent students, but thick as planks about world affairs and history.....

Like everyone else of their generation...the world over. It just doesn't have the same priority as it used to. Not good , not bad, just the way it is.

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At least they have ignorance as an excuse. What's the excuse for all the Marxist "intellectuals" in western universities who turn a blind eye to communism's 100 million victims?

1) Marxism is not Communism

2) They DO teach the full history of the Soviet Union, and all of Stalin's and Mao's porgroms

3) They also teach of the hundreds of millions killed by Imperialism

Edited by Dr Strange
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My 27 year old GF attended the ceremony at Chula today to see the graduation of a friend however she did not see the mural. When I showed it to her she recognised Hitler and knew at least something of the history of that time, as she attended a private UNI in BKK majoring in International Business, and WW 2 was studied to some extent. So you cant say that ALL Thai students are ignorant of these events and the evil that Hitler and the Nazis brought to Europe.

The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

Well, you can only be pee if someone is Nong.....

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My 27 year old GF attended the ceremony at Chula today to see the graduation of a friend however she did not see the mural. When I showed it to her she recognised Hitler and knew at least something of the history of that time, as she attended a private UNI in BKK majoring in International Business, and WW 2 was studied to some extent. So you cant say that ALL Thai students are ignorant of these events and the evil that Hitler and the Nazis brought to Europe.

The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

Well, you can only be pee if someone is Nong.....

And according to some people in another topic we are confused about buddhism and the azian swastika priceles.
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The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

Mao? If anything, he saved the place.

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My personal opinion (not as a mod) is that cannot compare Che Guevara with Hitler

I didn't say they are equivalent.

But I did compare clueless Western students with their admiration of a mass killer with the clueless Chula students with their admiration of strong historical men.

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I guess thinks change over time. I am an old man, but still remember going to the movies and seeing

the victims of concentration camps. It is very sad to see Hitler given any respect. Thailand and Buddhism

both have a deep respect for elders and to rub the dead's faces in the dirt maybe shows a problem with

the learning that we gain from mistakes in history. I have a deep respect for those that gave their lives

to protect our freedom, and also those that gave their lives by living in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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My personal opinion (not as a mod) is that cannot compare Che Guevara with Hitler

I didn't say they are equivalent.

But I did compare clueless Western students with their admiration of a mass killer with the clueless Chula students with their admiration of strong historical men.

Why is Che a mass killer? When it is agreed by non blinkered historians that there is no evidence he ever executed an innocent?

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I don't know what Chula students have learned about 20th century Europe and judging by these posts no one else here does either. I don't recall that in my 18 years of education in America any 'education' relating to Thailand. Maybe western people concern themselves with western issues. Maybe Thai students concern themselves with Thai issues and interests. I don't see anything evil, suspicious or particularly alarming by this other than the preposterous bloviating by indignant farangs bemoaning their irrelevance. I'd bet that the students find this brouhaha extremely amusing.

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Could things like this ... and wars in general be one of 'Mother Nature's' way of curbing over population? (Along with disease). Is it cyclic? Like a massive disease outbreak? When is the next episode due?

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The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

Mao? If anything, he saved the place.

From getting overweight?

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The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

Mao? If anything, he saved the place.

From getting overweight?

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I don't know what Chula students have learned about 20th century Europe and judging by these posts no one else here does either. I don't recall that in my 18 years of education in America any 'education' relating to Thailand. Maybe western people concern themselves with western issues. Maybe Thai students concern themselves with Thai issues and interests. I don't see anything evil, suspicious or particularly alarming by this other than the preposterous bloviating by indignant farangs bemoaning their irrelevance. I'd bet that the students find this brouhaha extremely amusing.

That may be because Thailand's contribution on history in terms of momentous moments is rather limited.

Of course except plodprasop reinventing fluid dynamics and successfully pushing water. Now that was amazing.

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The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

Mao? If anything, he saved the place.

From getting overweight?

The seething millions lived and prospered. Mao and Communism were the right answer at the time. These days? ... another topic. Edited by Fullstop
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I don't think Hitler killed any Jews at all. In fact I believe he was part Jew himself. The political machinery he put in place was responsible for the eradication of millions...not just Jews.

That is not what I was referring to. Genocide is abhorrent... but when did we see any Jew expressing their horror of what happened in Rwanda with the slaughter there? We didn't of course...hence my ME ME ME comment.

Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany. He was the man most responsible for the genocide against the Jews even if he didn't physically touch one Jew. His ethnic history is irrelevant but I don't really think it's at the level of "fact" to assert Hitler had some Jewish ancestors

Of course many Jews are quite interested in the subject of other genocides, both historically to remember and to address current ones and prevent future ones. Jews are a diverse people. They are human beings like all. Some better than others. Like any people.


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What may offend one person may not necessarily offend another. I've seen numerous examples, most recently the Buddha placed lying down in an exhibition in Germany. Ignorance and insensitivity exists. We have the right to object but to expect everyone to understand and recognize the thousands of taboos that exist in this world is unrealistic. The chula students made a bad decision based on ignorance. Being Thai's with their "krengjai" culture, once they find out how much it offends certain people I'm pretty sure they will remove it. BTW, buddhists are offend by topless bathers and yet even though you are warned of it in guide books people still do it. Ignorance or insensitivity?

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This mural is a warning.

- first the images are superimposed over camouflage. Which represents war, secrecy, concealment, militarism,etc

- next there are American Super Heroes. Only now they no longer appear friendly and have turned theatening and offensive.

- Then red and gold china flag colors are combined.

- Hitler is saluting the fascism that is growing in our world. Only now it's more subtle. Camouflaged by corrupt govts, Corporate journalism, MSM, fiat monetary systems,etc

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This mural is a warning.

- first the images are superimposed over camouflage. Which represents war, secrecy, concealment, militarism,etc

- next there are American Super Heroes. Only now they no longer appear friendly and have turned theatening and offensive.

- Then red and gold china flag colors are combined.

- Hitler is saluting the fascism that is growing in our world. Only now it's more subtle. Camouflaged by corrupt govts, Corporate journalism, MSM, fiat monetary systems,etc

Could I please have some of what you are smoking? ;)

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