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Disliking everyone you meet in Thailand...


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No apology needed, I always dispense the very best information.

Dont take this too seriously, at least were moaning to each other, in our daily lives (myself) anyway I am pretty nice guy, never even sent a meal back in Thailand, I'm that polite.

Give me a cloak of anonymity andI will speak from the heart.

What you need Son, is a few weeks downtime, might I suggest Ao Nang (Krabi), just come back from their myself, hence my absence. I am completely dejaded.

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You dont sound very worldwide to me,and i think u listen to much on forums.The absolute minority of expats moan i9n real life,get out more and listen not read silly forums,where guys have nothing better to do than troll.

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Don't take it all too serious.

Generally it is a great place to live, nice people. However be same as careful as you would in any western country....


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I decided to change my mind.

Fewer posts, more reading other peoples posts instead, but still getting involved from time to time.

No apology needed, I always dispense the very best information.

Dont take this too seriously, at least were moaning to each other, in our daily lives (myself) anyway I am pretty nice guy, never even sent a meal back in Thailand, I'm that polite.

Give me a cloak of anonymity andI will speak from the heart.

What you need Son, is a few weeks downtime, might I suggest Ao Nang (Krabi), just come back from their myself, hence my absence. I am completely dejaded.

homeownership ... what happened to this?

attachicon.gifBy Bye.png


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Thais trust absolutely no one.

My partner would trust me with her life

... and vice versa? Maybe yes & maybe no but IMHO better still not to have put yourself in a position to have to decide.

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As for posts complaining about the complainers complaining about complainers:

'Hold your tongue!' said the Queen, turning purple.

'I won't!' said Alice.

Off with her head!' the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved.

'Who cares for you?' said Alice, (she had grown to her full size by this time.) 'You're nothing but a pack of cards!'

... and these are only a bunch of dis-embodied voices on a moderated-in-arrears website.

Given the way I post on Twitter (140 characters max), other websites, and maybe even here, I try to post with as much brevity as possible so people have often finished reading before they realize that they wished they hadn't read my stuff in the first place.

Edited by JLCrab
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I agree with you. But just like the newspapers its not the good news that gets the print. One poster put it the way I like to think when I read all the negative " That's the Thailand you live in. I live in the other Thailand"

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Anyway the OP has been a negative moaning faced git for ages, he's got a cheek complaining. coffee1.gif

blether...best sum up, I have read for ages.

didn't see his OP as I blocked him just after he started posting....lol

Blocking? Is that like an online 'talk to the hand'?

How childish. Not you personally, just the whole concept of being unable to ignore someone without a third-party filter.

Almost as childish as digging up and posting flounces.

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Dear OP.

I'll tell what I'll do. Next time you are at a loose end in Bangkok and wish to see another side of life, one which is in direct contrast to the one you seem to believe is all inclusive of the Ex Pat 'Community' here. I extend an invitation to you. (outer BKK Suburbs) Get in touch and come out here for a drink and BBQ in my Soi, Moo Baan. Sing along with us, as the blokes drag out their guitars and belt out numbers from CCR, Eagles, John Denver, Bee Gees, Everly Bros, Mamas and Papas, Lionel Ritchie, etc. When we are not doing that we talk about things most blokes anywhere like to talk about - Football, (even if it is English Soccer), food, work, females and sex, alcohol, music, cars, home improvement and maintenance, just about everything. Not a lot different to what most blokes at home talk about at BBQs and social gatherings. We even visit the odd Karaoke Bar or Snooker Room when we are in the mood. We consciously avoid Thai Politics though. For obvious reasons. Too polarising.

I have quite a diverse group of good friends.

One of them, who holds a Senior Management position at Saha Farm Lop Buri, at Sat Night Drinks last week he was telling me about what was going on up there, showing me the pics he personally took on his Galaxy S4 of the recent fire damage at the factory. The slaughter area destroyed, 3 machines at 2 Mil Baht each, plus all the overheads had fallen in, but the Sausage Manufacturing area survived. Another has his own Electrical, Security and Access control company with some big contracts in progress such as Mahindol Uni, another is a Childrens Toy Importer and supplies Villa Markets etc., an interior designer, a 'rag trade' wholesaler, a very, very senior government official, a pest controller, a professional driver, bookings manager for one of the most famous hotels in the Kingdom, Thai Inter Ground Crew, even a Copper. And they are all good friends. Plus their wives and children. I attend Tam Boons, Buats, Weddings, Funerals, weekends at the beach, concerts and many other social events at the invitation of my thai friends. I truly love it. Never a cross word or a blue.

I don't have much to do with other farangs here, simply because there are none around here. I can go months without talking face to face with one. Doesn't mean I am anti social. On the contrary. I am quite a sociable person. Not so good at singing though, but I do my best.

I treat everyone with respect - and, a certain amount of trust, until they may prove themselves unworthy of it.

I am not a mug. I have been traveling and living in Asia now for a total of 43 years. 30 years married to a Thai. (My 26 YO Australian/Thai son is staying with me at the moment). 10 years experience in Oz as a Thai Restaurant Owner, Since I was 16, every girl friend I ever had, bar two, were in Asia. I came very close to marrying a Filippina in 1979. I still think about her from time to time. She was a great girl. As a matter of a fact when I first came to Asia, the girls I had 'relations' with, would, if it were nowadays, qualify to be listed on a Sex Offenders Register!

How I feel, think and live my life, and what I post here about Asia/Thailand I do so, mostly from experience - not what I read here or in a book, nor what I see on (my Samsung) TV,

I would not take this forum too seriously. Narks are everywhere. Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction at all.

As I said, give me a call. (BTW, everyone here drinks Whisky & Soda, or to a much lesser extent, beer. If you want anything else then you will have to BYO. Sorry 'bout that.

In closing, The invitation is there. To quote and old Thai saying - 'Up to you'. I would like you to see that all is not as bad or stereotypical as you think. My glass if neither half full nor half empty - It's Chokkas!

Pity I am not in BKK or I would ask you to extend that offer to me. Looks as if we both started off the same here though I had a very long gap away from home er.....I mean here.

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Sounds like the gent above has reached the ultimate middle-class suburban dream just with blokes of the Thai persuasion.

As Frank Zappa put it: TV dinners by the pool; I'm so glad I finished school (Brown Shoes Don't Make It 1967)

So I'll slip an extra shrimp on the Barbie for ya:


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Out of all the farangs I've ever associated with in Thailand none of them have been dodgy in anyway as far as I can see.

It's quite easy to avoid dodgy foreigners mostly by avoiding areas where dodgy foreigners hang out like in tourist areas, RLDs, expat bars, hooker bars etc.

If you don't go to these places then you won't see them.

You can avoid a lot of dodgy Thai by avoiding these places too.

Edited by TheSpade
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The few people I have met on TV have always been exactly as I thought. There are people who I do not want to meet. A few I do not like, but would like to meet, as I find their points of view interesting though not in accordance with mine and some people who I would say hello to but have little more in common. There are also those who I would really like to meet. I have never been disapointed with those I have met.

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