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Thais are Number 2 in Amount of Time Spent Reading


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I can't disagree with you. But, again, there are a lot of knowledgable posters here. If I wasn't able to ignore the unsubstantiated bashing I would feel exactly as you do. I just make it a point to engage those who are actually saying something substantive. Trading posts with you proves my point.

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As to your comment about...LIBRARIES? This is the year 2013. University students don't even read books in libraries anymore.

Looks like haven't seen a university from inside ever.

For your next journey, I suggest to visit the state library in Singapore or visit some of the local ones scattered all over the city. And later on, have some intelligent discussion with some local citizens.

Just to get a clue, how it looks like in the educated world.

Actually, I have been in university libraries. Quite recently. Now we're not talking course textbooks that students are required to read, but actual books, correct? With the internet, Ipad, e-book, etc., students don't even need to go to the library to do their research...unless it's to use a computer in the library.

Anyways, I can see where the old farts on this forum are going. The Thais can never do right, and the young are just not as studious as we were "back in the day!" I don't particularly find that survey to be completely accurate, but no need for the Thai-haters to be bashing the Thais with made-up criticism using flawed evidence.

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This is only possible if Thais are Number 1 Secretive.

They must be doing their reading in closets.

Perhaps it is another part of Thai Culture - NEVER to be seen reading?

I am used to be told many things... but SEEING is believing still is my motto.

With all due respects to all sources involved biggrin.png

BTW, did this info arrive on the same flight as 'The Reading Capital of Bangkok'?

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Do you believe Thailand is a literary society? That the average Thai is well read?

I wonder how many of the posters on here read a real book in the last year. Not many, I suspect, though I have an equally strong suspicion that that won't be any kind of obstacle when it comes to berating Thais (or is that Thai's? Or Thais'? It's so confusing) for their (there? they're?) imagined failings.

Wow, I would be shocked if most expats here haven't even read a book in a YEAR!! Especially considering many/most of us don't work? I read usually a book a week, when I did work, or even when I worked and went to school (non-school books.)

I now read, 1-3 books a week. But I have been slacking off lately and wondering WHY? I've been wondering if surfing the net has caused me some kind of attention disorder? Seriously.

I would say, I amost never see Thai people reading, or talking about reading, or buying reading materials, etc. Or if they read, it is just the newspaper, which my cheaper Thai friends, claim they read while eating at the local noodle shop "because it is FREE."

Haven't ever seen a Thai pass up something that is "FREE." The people I know, seem happy if water is "free" at some restaurnt, talk about going to parties and such things "because they have free food", etc. Maybe the government should make education "free" with purchase of "blank" and more people would take advantage of it! Maybe if they didn't PAY for it, they could feel less entitled to cheating?? No need to get their money's worth? Just a thought!

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I've know my university educated Thai wife since 2001 and in that time she has never read a book. She says it gives her a headache. She does spend every minute of the day on Facebook though.

Same here, my ex-gf has two Bachelor's degrees and one Master's and I never saw her read a book, or talk about a book she read.

When non-Thais talk about reading, we mean a book. Thais think of reading as street signs, Facebook, an email, a packet of Mama noodles, the bus number, a menu, the remote control....no wonder they are the 2nd greatest readers in the history of the universe. In the mind of a Thai they are all gaeng maak at everything, and I have no idea how this came about, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I can only assume that as it is a loss of face to point out that someone might be a few cans short of a six-pack then everyone just assumes that if nobody tells them they are a dill then they must be gaeng maak.


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I've know my university educated Thai wife since 2001 and in that time she has never read a book. She says it gives her a headache. She does spend every minute of the day on Facebook though.

Same here, my ex-gf has two Bachelor's degrees and one Master's and I never saw her read a book, or talk about a book she read.

When non-Thais talk about reading, we mean a book. Thais think of reading as street signs, Facebook, an email, a packet of Mama noodles, the bus number, a menu, the remote control....no wonder they are the 2nd greatest readers in the history of the universe. In the mind of a Thai they are all gaeng maak at everything, and I have no idea how this came about, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I can only assume that as it is a loss of face to point out that someone might be a few cans short of a six-pack then everyone just assumes that if nobody tells them they are a dill then they must be gaeng maak.


lol at +5 likes.

Kurnell's post is pretty funny, but it's an exaggeration. Even though I think this study is nonsense, I can't imagine that average Thais regard themselves as scholars. Ask your friends and see what they say.

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^ I've had Thai uni grads tell me I'm wrong when telling them about the basic laws of physics.

One was the difference between the speed of light and speed of sound in relation to lightning and thunder.

The fact of light traveling faster than sound, thus first you see the lightning then you hear the thunder, and knowing the difference means youcan calulate the distance, was blown to pieces with the revelation that 'No, no, you wrong. First you hear a plane above, then you see it.'

Not much you can say to that, really. You have to gather that there's not much hope. Not much hope at all. No matter how many street signs and comics they read.

Edited by Salapoo
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^ I've had Thai uni grads tell me I'm wrong when telling them about the basic laws of physics.

One was the difference between the speed of light and speed of sound in relation to lightning and thunder.

The fact of light traveling faster than sound, thus first you see the lightning then you hear the thunder, and knowing the difference means youcan calulate the distance, was blown to pieces with the revelation that 'No, no, you wrong. First you hear a plane above, then you see it.'

Not much you can say to that, really. You have to gather that there's not much hope. Not much hope at all. No matter how many street signs and comics they read.

What did she graduate in?

It was in the arts you can hardly criticize her.

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The constant Thai bashing. My Thai acquaintances are all well read and spend lots of money at Kinokuniya or Asia Books (and not on comic books). Certainly better read than a lot of the people on TV, judging by some of the posts made.

Could be your friends happen to read, but I ride the BTS at least 25 times per month, and hardly ever seen a Thai read anything but comic books or some study book from university.

Have looked many times, as I like to look around.

And BTS riders are much more wealthy and educated than the average Thai farmer (40% of the population).

Maybe you missed all the book readers as you were so engrossed in your own book ?

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Simply the most inaccurate, idiotic bunch of crap "survey" I have ever read. And yes, I read a lot.

I can't count the number of times, when reading in a public place, a local has said, "Why do you read a book?"

Besides, Thais are not multi-taskers. Hard to find time to read, when you are watching the boob-tube 12 hours a day.


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The constant Thai bashing. My Thai acquaintances are all well read and spend lots of money at Kinokuniya or Asia Books (and not on comic books). Certainly better read than a lot of the people on TV, judging by some of the posts made.

Could be your friends happen to read, but I ride the BTS at least 25 times per month, and hardly ever seen a Thai read anything but comic books or some study book from university.

Have looked many times, as I like to look around.

And BTS riders are much more wealthy and educated than the average Thai farmer (40% of the population).

Well I can't say that I've noticed too many farangs reading books in my daily wanderings. But then again, I don't generally notice much of what anyone else is doing as it's none of my business. You guys are so incredibly nosy.

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The constant Thai bashing. My Thai acquaintances are all well read and spend lots of money at Kinokuniya or Asia Books (and not on comic books). Certainly better read than a lot of the people on TV, judging by some of the posts made.

Could be your friends happen to read, but I ride the BTS at least 25 times per month, and hardly ever seen a Thai read anything but comic books or some study book from university.

Have looked many times, as I like to look around.

And BTS riders are much more wealthy and educated than the average Thai farmer (40% of the population).

Well I can't say that I've noticed too many farangs reading books in my daily wanderings. But then again, I don't generally notice much of what anyone else is doing as it's none of my business. You guys are so incredibly nosy.

There's nothing nosey about taking notice of what's going on around you.

Observation is my watch word.


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Not being judgmental, but a couple times a week I will take something written in Thai to whichever Thai person is close at hand for help understanding whatever is written. It is very common for whomever to pass the paper to someone else because a certain segment of Thai society cannot read at all. That has never happened to me in any western country. I have no figures, just observation and personal experience. I am not bashing at the moment but I do bash incompetent people who cannot do simple things no matter what passport they carry.

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Sadly some of this comes from home conditions. There is a percetion (which is true in comparrison to wages) that electricity is expensive so using the lowest possible wattage light makes sense. (These days lighting makes a small fraction of the electricity costs in a thai home...cooling and refrigeration ande hot water and water pumps are higher).

My nieces hardly ever read at home but when they come to our house like nothing better than turning our big lights on and lying there on our bed reading books.

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I've been visiting the LOS for the last 20 years. I see Thais reading all the time, from motor taxi drivers, clerks on break, people sitting roadside or at the cafe. The materials range from Thai news, foreign papers, books, catalogs, comics, magazines, pamphlets and others.

Surveys, charts and statistics are merely a tool subject to human manipulation. Painting the Thai people, or any group as #2 or #222 in any subject or field is purely opinion in MHO. :)

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