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Thai Court accepts case against ex-monk for violating girl under 13


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Well...if understand correctly, the woman is 26 and filing charges now.

Okay, so...why now?

What happened until now?

Don't get me wrong- she should file, but I get the feeling, this is not about "child support", but pure greed!

And granny should get money, too?

For whoring her out to the "holy man" at the age of 12?

The only thing granny would get from me, is a nice little time in jail!

...just sayin'!


It's very possible the girl involved was quite intimidated by the monk, especially at just 13, 14, 15 years old, etc., perhaps (probably) she was told a million times to keep her mouth shut of else. In the rural areas people are often intimidated by monks, village chiefs, local government officials, and they do just keep their mouth shut. And at such a very young age, rural girl, little education, dysfunctional family, she's quite lost and confused about what is normal, lost in terms of what constitutes a civil society, etc. Also, perhaps at that temple this happened with other children so in her naivety she thinks it's 'normal'.

Suddenly the whole case has become public, and out of that, and perhaps by genuine advice from credible agencies / welfare people, and because she's now much older and more aware of what's right and what's wrong, she's been alerted to the fact that what the monk did was very wrong and she's become aware that he has broken some very serious laws, and the fact that in such circumstances people are entitled to compensation.

If the above is true (and my guess is that it would be true) she has IMHO every right to ask for some serious compensation for both herself and in terms of support for her son.

The evil grandmother should be given a fair trial then probably jailed for a long time.

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It always interests me why these muppets bask in their own ineffective actions. Why, for example, have we heard absolutely nothing about anyone else involved in this scam?

Have the authorities not seen the phots. on the net, showing the 'monk' being feted by police and military types?

Now that the international news has this story, I wonder how Thailand will respond?

Ho, hum...

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It's very possible the girl involved was quite intimidated by the monk, especially at just 13, 14, 15 years old, etc., perhaps (probably) she was told a million times to keep her mouth shut of else. In the rural areas people are often intimidated by monks, village chiefs, local government officials, and they do just keep their mouth shut. And at such a very young age, rural girl, little education, dysfunctional family, she's quite lost and confused about what is normal, lost in terms of what constitutes a civil society, etc. Also, perhaps at that temple this happened with other children so in her naivety she thinks it's 'normal'.

this is sad, very sad ! the 'monk' knew this is a wrong doing and he took advantage of his spiritual position and did it on an intention ( with that guilty grandma ). IMHO, this is a more serious criminal act than a rape.

as said, this is perhaps the tip of the iceberg. temple is not necessary a place for peace.

Edited by ETatBKK
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If his passport is revoked he will only be able to get a temporary letter allowing him to travel only to the country where his passport was issued.

The US will more than likely put him a plane to Bangkok,they are not too friendly towards child molesters over there.

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Wife tells me Thai TV news claims ex monk's passport has now been revoked.

Then it must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but............whistling.gif

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday revoked the passport of a former monk known as Luang Pu Nenkham who is wanted by authorities for statutory rape of a minor.


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While this may seem to be good news, remember that he can't be charged unless in Thailand to hear the charges read, and then can't be extradited to face those charges.

Of course, that could be changed with legislation, but given PTP's leader's current circumstances, I doubt that will happen.

!st post and you bring PTP into it OBSESSED

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Granny wants 30M for taking care of her.She presented the child to be abused regularly by a thieving Kiddy fiddler.What kind of religious instruction for a 12 year old continues till 4am.(when the monk would return her to granny after he was done with her) Suffer little children to be born to such as these.

Yeah, the DSI should be charged as well for not carrying out their duty; i.e. they should have charged the granny for child slavery and abeting this very serious case of child abuse.

Abeting a pedophile case. Why no case against the granny at all?

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First of all, they need to show that there was a sexual relationship between the girl and the monk. If it is his child, then that pretty much proves it. The charge is having sex with a child under 13; that would mean she was at least 12 years old when the liaison started.

If the sexual offense is proven, then they can look at charging the grandmother, but I would think it would be difficult to charge her until the other allegation is substantiated.

TIT, though, and nothing will probably be done to granny.

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Surely the US could declare him persona non grata and deport him. It will be surreal and bizarre if the US, of all countries, harbours a Thai paedophilia suspect.

The US can rightfully claim that they have been at the forefront of fighting the invasion of foreign paedophiles into Thailand. They deserve all credit for that.

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When I drove to Bangkok today, on the highway 7 just past the airport there was a huge billboard saying, stop disrespecting Budha and a list of the " quality's" of budishm.

As this billboard was entirely in English I guess it was intended at foreigners.

Wouldn't it better if they made a Thai version of it and place in front of the bigger temples in Thailand, facing to the temple.

truth be told, things have been changing fast for quite a while here, and they only continue to - albeit at an increasing rate.

Mai bpen rai has been the standard as well as turning a blind eye. It's too late for thailand to try and make things better for buddhism; too many bad apples have the outside world seeing the variety of Buddhism in practice here.

the majority lost face on the international stage. And that enquires strict enforcement.

And believe it or not, there is much worse going on, ruining the perception of the good monks here in thailand.

as frustrating it is, until the cover is blown on them as kun. Kam, it will be mai bpen rai. And if it is not then a few baht will make it mai bpen rai.

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Granny wants 30M for taking care of her.She presented the child to be abused regularly by a thieving Kiddy fiddler.What kind of religious instruction for a 12 year old continues till 4am.(when the monk would return her to granny after he was done with her) Suffer little children to be born to such as these.

As i understand it Buddhism teaches non-materialism, especially for monks, but the average Thai is nothing but.
Who said the average Thai was into Bhuddism.
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I believe this would be a paternity suit where the mother and the accused would be submitted to an H.L.A. test; the most accurate type of testing currenlty, which cannot prove he is the father, but only proves he is not the father, if that makes sense. This comes from presonal experience over 30 years ago when I was hit with a paternity suit.

As far as the rape charges, I think she is over reaching it a bit as she has had a long time to think it over, and will find it difficult to explain to a judge why she waited so long, as the post-tramatic disorders of a rape victim usually make life intolerable in much less time than this.

In my opinion, however, I would be leaning a bit towards the suthenticity of what she is saying about the child being his, since Thais hold the Buddhist monks in such awe, and for your average Thai to accuse a monk falsely, the consequences of shame and ostracism, as well as her personal nearness to the precepts of buddhism do not make it seem practical for her to choose to pursue this unless there is some ounce of truth.

You contradict yourself.The latter statement is correct.Who would believe a girl against a powerful monk,and who would help her anyway.It has taken 30 years for rape victims to come out against pedo.priests in the west.It doesn't make it any less believable.Every religion is a con on the gullible.
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