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Are alot of people off work Monday & Tuesday and traveling for the holiday?...


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Are alot of people off work Monday & Tuesday for the holiday?

Do alot of people travel to back home or to other jangwats during this Holiday?

If you know alot of people traveling when will most of them travel back home?

Or do most people stay in their normal local area?

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The roads will be a nightmare - many have already made it into a long weekend. I drove Jomtien to Laem Chabang this morning and have only seen the roads busier once, and that was at the last election. Mind you, the Pattaya marathon was also on this morning so that may have affected traffic locally.

Central Plaza was the busiest I have ever seen it yesterday. Looked like many non-local Thais as well as an inordinate number of Russians and Chinese. Had a power outage for 20 minutes and you should have seen the shop assistants and security guards watching there stock like hawks.

The funny thing is that I was waiting for the wife to get out of the toilet and was watching a Thai maintenance chap up a ladder replacing a light bulb in a shop beside the food court. As he twisted a new bulb into the socket, the bulb lit up, and then the power went out. I think he thought he'd caused it, he looked very worried for a few minutes.

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