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I have a tom cat. I don't know what we should do with him. He is 8 years old, is not neutered, needs special food (Persian long hair with kidney problems), has Leukemia (vet did not specify details but I guess he meant FeLV). The vet does not recommend castration because of risk of killing the cat. I am moving back to UK shortly (from Thailand). I really want to find a new home for him (here in Thailand). Can someone tell me if it is OK to neuter a cat with Kidney problems and FeLV disease? I have read the castration can stress the Kidneys, not sure whether that is direct or not and or correct. We have to keep him in a (small) cage as he only fights if we let him out and he sprays everywhere as well.
Thank you if anyone can give me some ideas!

Offers of adoption welcome - I can pay for the spaying if your vet thinks he/she can do it without risking the life of the cat.
Best wishes.

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The kidney problems will make it harder for the cat to excrete the anesthesia so the dose would have to be carefully adjusted.

Also depending on the cat's blood count there might be an increased risk of bleeding.

This is not to say it can't be done, just that careful evaluation wuld be necessary to determne the risks first.

If in Bangkok I suggest you try either:

1. Dr. Matee at Ari Pet Hospital

2. One of the university Vetinary Hospitals e.g.

Mahidol University
Faculty of Veterinary Science

Kasetsart University
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Tel. :0-2942-8756-9

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