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Chonburi man kills his wife's adulterer for 'disrespecting him'


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I look forward to the corroborating evidence that the deceased was taunting the murderer, and threatened him with a gun. Not just the murderer very conveniently saying that's what happened.

Mandy Rice-Davies springs to mind.

It would also be illuminating to hear the murderer's wife's side of the story.

In the meantime, TV's macho men will continue to condone murder.

God give us strength.

Which God are you speaking to, the Christian one?

"If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death." - Leviticus 20:10

Just kidding. tongue.png

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I will also shoot the man and my wife. I do it when they are together but I

don't surrender to the police. My friend, who is a politician,will be the one to

surrender me. He will tell the police not to get media ...LOL. Juz kidding

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But if a Muslim or Arab man had done this is would not be acceptable. Saving face is the most important thing in Thailand, regardless of the cost.

So how's left field this time of year?

Edited by aTomsLife
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Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

Probably in the final stages of "negotiation" of what it costs to get away with it. Seems like "life" means very little here, "face" is far more important.

By no means do I mean to but in Tatsujin, but I think that life means quite a bit here; been to too many funerals with people getting close to wake-boarding while crying their eyes out - on the contrary I think safety is put on the back burner and carelessness left home alone without parental supervision. Or many have gotten used to the 'pay-and-go/all about who you know' type of thing.

And for the other demographic I am quite sure tbis happens all over the world, but wrote the former based on the country in which this incident happened.

I was of course "generalizing", but has no one else noticed in recent years how much things have changed here? Greed, corruption etc running rampant and out of control, "face" and respect becoming very one-sided, and it just seems to me that old style "values" that used to be here are rapidly disappearing with other not so nice values taking their places.

Yes, of course, people get killed in other countries, but (again) it seems to me here that these killings/deaths happen far more easily with a lot less thought of consequences than a lot of other places in the world.

Hark back to the poor Policeman killed by the Ferrari, nothing's happened with that or with many other similar cases here . . . and I would guess if the price is right, or he knows the right people, little will happen in this case also. The "value" of a life here means very little if you've got the money or the connections.

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A Canadian man recently allegedly stabbed to death his girlfriends lover, after coming home and finding them in bed, in Bangkok. He was charged with murder or manslaughter. We have not heard more of this story here. Whether he would get bail? Flee the country, or what?

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If we take the story at face value then I've got to admit the dude's got style.

I agree. The fella who was killed wasn't only nailing the shooter's wife, but talking sh*t, too; he had it comin'.

A man can only take so much before his life feels cheapened enough that consequences don't matter anymore.

Christians have a saying "Thou shalt not covet another man's wife." Good advice for the randy, foolhardy, impetuous and other risk takers.

I had a woman riding a bicycle pointed out to me by my partner one day, driving through a neighbouring village.

She said. "See that woman there! She killed her husband."

I said "Really?" and immediately became curious.

"How long did she spend in kook?"

"Two days." she said.

I said "Wow. Only two days. How come?"

She replied. "Nobody liked her husband. He was a real butterfly."

I don't know if that was meant as a hidden warning.

Interesting place.

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

How do 'civilized people' solve that problem ?

Divorce, maybe???

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There is a theory that every divorce kit should contain at least one bullet.

If there are children involved, there are other considerations; not least is depriving them of both parents if he shot his wife.

To all those who decry the lack of civilisation - very little of the world's population share the Judeo-christian sanctity of life sentiment, even in so-called civilised countries. That is why we have police and armies; and those are often looked down upon by the same holier than thou "civilised" people.

Edited by OzMick
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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

Of course you are right; just take a gun and kill the guy- problem solved!

What a bout throwing the wife out and file a divorce?

Na...not "manly" enough!

I think you'd take a gun long before the rest of us; you're always the most bitter, angry poster

.At least the rest of us are admitting things.

Some guy is plowing your woman and insulting you...what would you do?

Imagine another guy was spunking a bun in your favorite oven.....

Edited by gemini81
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I think you'd take a gun long before the rest of us; you're always the most bitter, angry poster

.At least the rest of us are admitting things.

Some guy is plowing your woman and insulting you...what would you do?

Imagine another guy was spunking a bun in your favorite oven.....

I couldn't care less what you think.

Violence is no option anyways and I am not "admitting things", because that is not how I would handle stuff!

If you think, it is okay to settle things with (gun) violence...feel free to do so.

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Thai law is similar to most western countries - if there are children involved, there is no "throw the wife out" as she will get the house assuming the children stay in her care.

How much more for two instead of one?

Perhaps Mother and Father can look after the kids while Daddy has a little holiday, problem solved??

Maybe even an insurance policy on the wife with children as beneficiaries, being careful about premeditation?

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Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

Actually, his non-verbal communication -- body language --- reveals total resignation.

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Another nut- job with a gun!

Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

RIP the victim

The shooter doesn't strike me as nuts at all. He just got pushed too far.

If some dude is nailing your wife and boasting insults about it, how would you solve this problem like a civilized person?

Of course you are right; just take a gun and kill the guy- problem solved!

What a bout throwing the wife out and file a divorce?

Na...not "manly" enough!

I think you'd take a gun long before the rest of us; you're always the most bitter, angry poster

.At least the rest of us are admitting things.

Some guy is plowing your woman and insulting you...what would you do?

Imagine another guy was spunking a bun in your favorite oven.....

I would consider her unworthy of further attention on my part. And he could have all he wanted from that point on.

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In Western civilization, he would apply for divorce, would never ever see his children again, but would pay child support unil they are 25 yo. The cheating wife would get half of his assets, and monthly alimony payments so that she can keep her former life standard and would not need to work.

More often, the cheated husbend would live near poverty levels. If he refuses to follow the court orders, they would put him to jail and confiscate his passport.

I don't know what part of "Western civilization" you hail from, but the above - except the last sentence - is certainly not the norm (in fact it would be so unusual as to be rare), in my neck of the woods.

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Well, I don't know, maybe he feels he had good enough reason for his actions thus reckons that he actually SHOULD get away with it. You never know. This IS Thailand after-all hey.

Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

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Yea, so much for sivilisation. Nonetheless he shouldn't have killed the lover, he should've killed HER and that be WITHOUT any cosequence whatsoever.

How do 'civilized people' solve that problem ?

In Western civilization, he would apply for divorce, would never ever see his children again, but would pay child support unil they are 25 yo. The cheating wife would get half of his assets, and monthly alimony payments so that she can keep her former life standard and would not need to work.

More often, the cheated husbend would live near poverty levels. If he refuses to follow the court orders, they would put him to jail and confiscate his passport.
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The victim was 34. The killer is 50. What age is the wife?

p.s. 'wife' here in Thailand can have the very broadest of meanings. It can include all sorts of sexual partners to which one party or both feels there is some sort of bond, financial, ownership or otherwise.

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I don't want to claim that lover-boy did NOT know easy cheap feline was married okay. But you have to admit that it IS potentially possible that he could've been brought under the impression that she's in fact SINGLE. So now, considering this, where now is it fair that he had to get gunned down? But on the other hand she could NEVER'VE thought that she's a single chick now, could she? Hence the real guilty party in this whole situation is in fact HER. That's why I say, if this adulterous act then constitutes the gunning down of someone THAT someone should've been the unfaithful wife. Or what do you think?

I think you'd take a gun long before the rest of us; you're always the most bitter, angry poster
.At least the rest of us are admitting things.
Some guy is plowing your woman and insulting you...what would you do?
Imagine another guy was spunking a bun in your favorite oven.....
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In Western civilization, he would apply for divorce, would never ever see his children again, but would pay child support unil they are 25 yo. The cheating wife would get half of his assets, and monthly alimony payments so that she can keep her former life standard and would not need to work.

More often, the cheated husbend would live near poverty levels. If he refuses to follow the court orders, they would put him to jail and confiscate his passport.

I don't know what part of "Western civilization" you hail from, but the above - except the last sentence - is certainly not the norm (in fact it would be so unusual as to be rare), in my neck of the woods.

Green Snapper is spot on, heck when filling for divorce in most civalized countries , infidelity cannot even be used in a court of law!

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