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Possible terror threat closes U.S. embassies on Sunday


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I don't see how closing for one day will prevent anything. Terrorists are smart enough to just wait an extra day to do whatever they are going to do. blink.png

I'm not worried, Obama has assured us that Al Qaeda is on the run and that all the world now loves America.

Excellent. Now the NSA can use all their kit to focus on YOUR personal life.

Not sure they'll be too interested though but hey ho.

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They left out Saudi Arabia but maybe they are not open on Sunday.

good catch, and even there's the Haji

a quick random search revealed this

Chancery: from Saturday to Wednesday from 08:00 to 15:30. General for Consular Affairs: from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (French Embassy)

US Embassy closed though

Embassy Closure 4 August 2013

The Department of State has instructed certain US Embassies and Consulates to remain closed or to suspend operations on Sunday, August 4, 2013. In accordance with these instructions, the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh and the U.S. Consulates in Jeddah and Dhahran will be closed for business on Sunday, August 4. For more information, see the Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens.

Happy Birthday Barack Obama! good timing ... whistling.gif

Edited by wealth
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Assuming the terror threat is real, notifying the public is a courtesy to the alleged terrorists and they can re-schedule their event for a day the embassies are open.

Interesting in that US politicians have said terrorists attack and hate the US because they are free. Then why wouldn't the alleged terrorists attack societies that are freer like Sweden, Denmark, etc. ????

They have. Denmark has faced threats ever since the newspaper ran a cartoon that the zealots disagreed with.

Swedish security services have been vigilant ever since the December 2010 Stockholm bombing.

BTW, it is not just the USA that has closed embassies. Canada has closed its Bangladesh embassy. UK closed embassy in Yemen.

I find it interesting that Canada and the UK closed specific embassies. This suggests that there may be multiple targets and that the USA is but one.

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None of the countries in which the embassies are being closed has objected to the U.S. move because the info behind this drastic step was shared with them. So if that doesn't convince people this is REAL then you might just want to look in mirror and check your anti-U.S. bias.

Yes, US and UK foreign intelligence operations discovered specific messages from specific al Qaeda leaders specifically discussing a campaign of attacks in response to effective US attacks against terrorists organizations in the Horn of Africa and in Pakistan, among other places.

The intelligence is specific. Particular individuals are identified, such as al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri. The only information not yet discerned is where exactly in the ME area. Western targets are discussed in the terrorist electronic communications traffic.

Al-Qaida messages prompted U.S. terror warning


The United States intercepted electronic communications this week among senior operatives of al-Qaida, in which the terrorists discussed attacks against U.S. interests in the Middle East and North Africa, U.S. officials said Friday.

The intercepts and a subsequent analysis of them by U.S. intelligence agencies prompted the United States to issue an unusual global travel alert to U.S. citizens Friday, warning of the potential for terrorist attacks by operatives of al-Qaida and their associates from Sunday through the end of August

“A decision to close this many embassies and issue a global travel warning for a month suggests the threat is real, advanced and imminent but the intelligence is incomplete on where,” said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA case officer and a Brookings Institution scholar


The embassy closures come toward the end of the Ramadan holidays and the approaching anniversary of the terror attack Sept. 11 on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

“We are particularly concerned about the security situation in the final days of Ramadan and into Eid,” the British Foreign Office said in a statement, referring to the Muslim holy month that ends Wednesday evening.

'Significant Threat Stream' Prompts Embassies, Consulates Across Muslim Countries to Close


Officials intercepted electronic communications this week between senior al Qaeda leaders in which they discussed attacks in the Middle East and Northern Africa, according to a senior U.S. official in the region.

"It is more specific and we are taking it seriously, which I think you'd expect us to do," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsy told ABC News during the interview for "This Week." "There is a significant threat stream and we're reacting to it."

In Cairo, the U.S. embassy has been barricaded by stone as approximately 500 marines across the region are prepared to respond to any attack.

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Saudi Arabia is big threat to USA, but we kiss their asses because of oil. How about just closing permanently?

Trouble is that the USA needs Saudi crude for refineries that are designed to crack their particular crude formular of Sadi crude

Otherwise good idea close as many embassies in the Mid East as possible.

The Terrorists can not terrorise you if you are not there. Just sayin' folks

Running away from the problem only brings it closer to your own doorstep.

I can't believe I read what I read in the post. It would be a surrender. Surrender is not an option unless you wan to live under Sharia Law and see Western civilization disappear. I still can't believe what I read in the post.

The U.S. takes the fight to 'em, creates a front where there wasn't any front.

Are you suggesting an invasion of Pakistan? Where's the next "front" going to be, as US Administration is in the process of disengaging from the current geographic fronts and the "war on terror" is not going to won by drone attacks.

I'm sure you have been following Kerry and his statements such as "Kerry said the United States was working with Pakistan on the issue, leaving open the possibility that the strikes might end only after the Pakistani government cracks down on the militant havens or takes steps to encourage a peace settlement between the Taliban and the Afghan government (read power sharing with a terroristic organisation who collaborates with Al Qaeda operatives and fighters) However, Pakistani officials said nothing on Thursday suggesting that such tough action might be imminent"


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I don't see how closing for one day will prevent anything. Terrorists are smart enough to just wait an extra day to do whatever they are going to do. blink.png

Actually, disrupting anyone's well laid out plans creates a huge mess. Are you able to communicate to everyone not to move ahead, to wait for further information, to develop your back-up plan, to train everyone again on what they are supposed to do, all the while being monitored by those that are watching you? I applaud the warning by the US. I look for this info from them. Well done.

You think they are not intelligent enough to replan in a short time ..?? If this is a real serious threat and not a mitigated one then /// Think again...!! May not be tomorrow but hey what's wrong with next month...!! or in 2 months... ?? In any case is this a real thing or just a once again government thing trying to instigate their usual scare tactics to make the USA look like martyrs.. and justify unknown other plans ...??

And maybe the communications that were intercepted were false in the sense of the actual timing and had a code that was meant for another day / month... let's keep on guessing folks... gov BS or real and smart threat ???????????

Edited by annabel
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I don't see how closing for one day will prevent anything. Terrorists are smart enough to just wait an extra day to do whatever they are going to do. blink.png

Actually, disrupting anyone's well laid out plans creates a huge mess. Are you able to communicate to everyone not to move ahead, to wait for further information, to develop your back-up plan, to train everyone again on what they are supposed to do, all the while being monitored by those that are watching you? I applaud the warning by the US. I look for this info from them. Well done.

You think they are not intelligent enough to replan in a short time ..?? If this is a real serious threat and not a mitigated one then /// Think again...!! May not be tomorrow but hey what's wrong with next month...!! or in 2 months... ?? In any case is this a real thing or just a once again government thing trying to instigate their usual scare tactics to make the USA look like martyrs.. and justify unknown other plans ...??

And maybe the communications that were intercepted were false in the sense of the actual timing and had a code that was meant for another day / month... let's keep on guessing folks... gov BS or real and smart threat ???????????

That's what I am thinking. Why didn't we keep crap off airwaves, quietly let people off on day in question and set a trap with some snipers and drones. That would have been some deterrence if we could have picked off a bunch nut bags trying to bomb an empty embassy. Now we just let them rehuddle.

Edited by F430murci
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None of the countries in which the embassies are being closed has objected to the U.S. move because the info behind this drastic step was shared with them. So if that doesn't convince people this is REAL then you might just want to look in mirror and check your anti-U.S. bias.

Yes, US and UK foreign intelligence operations discovered specific messages from specific al Qaeda leaders specifically discussing a campaign of attacks in response to effective US attacks against terrorists organizations in the Horn of Africa and in Pakistan, among other places.

The intelligence is specific. Particular individuals are identified, such as al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri. The only information not yet discerned is where exactly in the ME area. Western targets are discussed in the terrorist electronic communications traffic.

Al-Qaida messages prompted U.S. terror warning


The United States intercepted electronic communications this week among senior operatives of al-Qaida, in which the terrorists discussed attacks against U.S. interests in the Middle East and North Africa, U.S. officials said Friday.

The intercepts and a subsequent analysis of them by U.S. intelligence agencies prompted the United States to issue an unusual global travel alert to U.S. citizens Friday, warning of the potential for terrorist attacks by operatives of al-Qaida and their associates from Sunday through the end of August

“A decision to close this many embassies and issue a global travel warning for a month suggests the threat is real, advanced and imminent but the intelligence is incomplete on where,” said Bruce Riedel, a former CIA case officer and a Brookings Institution scholar


The embassy closures come toward the end of the Ramadan holidays and the approaching anniversary of the terror attack Sept. 11 on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

“We are particularly concerned about the security situation in the final days of Ramadan and into Eid,” the British Foreign Office said in a statement, referring to the Muslim holy month that ends Wednesday evening.

'Significant Threat Stream' Prompts Embassies, Consulates Across Muslim Countries to Close


Officials intercepted electronic communications this week between senior al Qaeda leaders in which they discussed attacks in the Middle East and Northern Africa, according to a senior U.S. official in the region.

"It is more specific and we are taking it seriously, which I think you'd expect us to do," Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsy told ABC News during the interview for "This Week." "There is a significant threat stream and we're reacting to it."

In Cairo, the U.S. embassy has been barricaded by stone as approximately 500 marines across the region are prepared to respond to any attack.

Any government can make such statements and everybody just Ouuu's and Ahhhh's and believes it /// !!

" The United States intercepted electronic communications this week among senior operatives of al-Qaida, in which the terrorists discussed attacks against U.S. interests in the Middle East and North Africa, U.S. officials said Friday."

Ok... Where is the proof ??? Why do we believe everything they just say..?? And IF we should ask for the proof /,,, what would be the answer ..? .. There would be none as would be told it is = "CLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCE" as usual ....

Ayn Rand / Atlas Shrugged !! (published in 1957 in the United States).. amd yes !! This is what is happening yet once again !

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I don't see how closing for one day will prevent anything. Terrorists are smart enough to just wait an extra day to do whatever they are going to do. blink.png

Actually, disrupting anyone's well laid out plans creates a huge mess. Are you able to communicate to everyone not to move ahead, to wait for further information, to develop your back-up plan, to train everyone again on what they are supposed to do, all the while being monitored by those that are watching you? I applaud the warning by the US. I look for this info from them. Well done.

You think they are not intelligent enough to replan in a short time ..?? If this is a real serious threat and not a mitigated one then /// Think again...!! May not be tomorrow but hey what's wrong with next month...!! or in 2 months... ?? In any case is this a real thing or just a once again government thing trying to instigate their usual scare tactics to make the USA look like martyrs.. and justify unknown other plans ...??

And maybe the communications that were intercepted were false in the sense of the actual timing and had a code that was meant for another day / month... let's keep on guessing folks... gov BS or real and smart threat ???????????

That's what I am thinking. Why didn't we keep crap off airwaves, quietly let people off on day in question and set a trap with some snipers and drones. That would have been some deterrence if we could have picked off a bunch nut bags trying to bomb an empty embassy. Now we just let them rehuddle.

Because the US govt is duty bound to protect its citizens.

They were obliged to release warnings.

Allow act of terrorism to take place, somebody gets killed, US govt accused of culpable homicide.

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Some misinformation has been posted regarding the role of the US Marines. Unless I missed it, I'm surprised it has not been highlighted that it is the host countries responsibility to provide perimeter security for diplomatic facilities.

State Department Special Agents including Marine Security Guards and private contractors, provide personal—as in of the body—security of American diplomats, as well as organizational and intelligence management of "inner" security, where foreign police and military units provide "outer" security—perimeter.

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Some misinformation has been posted regarding the role of the US Marines. Unless I missed it, I'm surprised it has not been highlighted that it is the host countries responsibility to provide perimeter security for diplomatic facilities.

State Department Special Agents including Marine Security Guards and private contractors, provide personalas in of the bodysecurity of American diplomats, as well as organizational and intelligence management of "inner" security, where foreign police and military units provide "outer" securityperimeter.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/these-guys-protect-us-diplomats-2012-9?op=1#ixzz2b40ebqX4

MSGs. Diplomats may have private security that may typically be former Navy Seals. I think larger facilities may have a Marine presence. I dunno, could perhaps look it up and get a decent answer provided it is not some story with a Benghazi angle and agenda looking to spin the issue.

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Some misinformation has been posted regarding the role of the US Marines. Unless I missed it, I'm surprised it has not been highlighted that it is the host countries responsibility to provide perimeter security for diplomatic facilities.

State Department Special Agents including Marine Security Guards and private contractors, provide personalas in of the bodysecurity of American diplomats, as well as organizational and intelligence management of "inner" security, where foreign police and military units provide "outer" securityperimeter.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/these-guys-protect-us-diplomats-2012-9?op=1#ixzz2b40ebqX4

MSGs. Diplomats may have private security that may typically be former Navy Seals. I think larger facilities may have a Marine presence. I dunno, could perhaps look it up and get a decent answer provided it is not some story with a Benghazi angle and agenda looking to spin the issue.

Talked to in the URL linked article - how about reading before commenting.

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Saudi Arabia is big threat to USA, but we kiss their asses because of oil. How about just closing permanently?

Trouble is that the USA needs Saudi crude for refineries that are designed to crack their particular crude formular of Sadi crude

Otherwise good idea close as many embassies in the Mid East as possible.

The Terrorists can not terrorise you if you are not there. Just sayin' folks

Running away from the problem only brings it closer to your own doorstep.

I can't believe I read what I read in the post. It would be a surrender. Surrender is not an option unless you wan to live under Sharia Law and see Western civilization disappear. I still can't believe what I read in the post.

The U.S. takes the fight to 'em, creates a front where there wasn't any front.

Are you suggesting an invasion of Pakistan? Where's the next "front" going to be, as US Administration is in the process of disengaging from the current geographic fronts and the "war on terror" is not going to won by drone attacks.

I'm sure you have been following Kerry and his statements such as "Kerry said the United States was working with Pakistan on the issue, leaving open the possibility that the strikes might end only after the Pakistani government cracks down on the militant havens or takes steps to encourage a peace settlement between the Taliban and the Afghan government (read power sharing with a terroristic organisation who collaborates with Al Qaeda operatives and fighters) However, Pakistani officials said nothing on Thursday suggesting that such tough action might be imminent"


The strong suit that got Army Gen Martin Dempsey appointed by Prez Obama as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is that his focus is on working with weak foreign governments to develop their own military capabilities so the U.S. doesn't see the need - real or imagined - to rush troops in to engage, to create a front as it were, or to confront a perceived threat it considers the particular national government incapable of dealing with.

So it's not only SECSTATE Kerry who is working the Pakistani government to get off the dime to do something radical to fundamentally alter the Afpak situation. The U.S. military has increased its work with the Pakistani and Afghan military forces to further develop their own capabilities in these respects. Building self-confidence and the will to act is an important aspect of the focus on these governments, predicated in part on providing some of the best weaponry and training.

The US Government has been pumping billions of dollars into these governments and their militaries for many years, so Washington is now calling for the governments involved to show a new effectiveness. Massive corruption always exists in such governments, countries, their militaries so the focus is on playing through the sleaze factor to nonetheless accomplish Gen Dempsey's designs and purposes.

Closer to here, Gen Dempsey has spent a lot of time in Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines in these respects. The major problem in Thailand however is to get the Thai military's focus off domestic politics. And he's put a new focus on accomplishing his purposes in Taiwan, where the U.S. was horrified to discover several years back is no Israel.

Gen Dempsey has just been renominated by Prez Obama for a second, two-year term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs (two terms being the legal maximum). Congress will vote to confirm him, no problem.

Afpak will be the real test of Gen Dempsey and Prez Obama's new strategy. Kerry, a Vietnam war navy veteran officer, is the point man due to his present position as SECSTATE.

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Saudi Arabia is big threat to USA, but we kiss their asses because of oil. How about just closing permanently?

Saudi supplies only 10% of the USA's oil. They could disappear tomorrow and Mexico and Canada would pick up the slack in a heart beat.

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Saudi Arabia is big threat to USA, but we kiss their asses because of oil. How about just closing permanently?

Trouble is that the USA needs Saudi crude for refineries that are designed to crack their particular crude formular of Sadi crude

Otherwise good idea close as many embassies in the Mid East as possible.

The Terrorists can not terrorise you if you are not there. Just sayin' folks

Nothing special about Saudi crude it is normal mature crude oil.

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Running away from the problem only brings it closer to your own doorstep.

I can't believe I read what I read in the post. It would be a surrender. Surrender is not an option unless you wan to live under Sharia Law and see Western civilization disappear. I still can't believe what I read in the post.

The U.S. takes the fight to 'em, creates a front where there wasn't any front.

Are you suggesting an invasion of Pakistan? Where's the next "front" going to be, as US Administration is in the process of disengaging from the current geographic fronts and the "war on terror" is not going to won by drone attacks.

I'm sure you have been following Kerry and his statements such as "Kerry said the United States was working with Pakistan on the issue, leaving open the possibility that the strikes might end only after the Pakistani government cracks down on the militant havens or takes steps to encourage a peace settlement between the Taliban and the Afghan government (read power sharing with a terroristic organisation who collaborates with Al Qaeda operatives and fighters) However, Pakistani officials said nothing on Thursday suggesting that such tough action might be imminent"


The strong suit that got Army Gen Martin Dempsey appointed by Prez Obama as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is that his focus is on working with weak foreign governments to develop their own military capabilities so the U.S. doesn't see the need - real or imagined - to rush troops in to engage, to create a front as it were, or to confront a perceived threat it considers the particular national government incapable of dealing with.

So it's not only SECSTATE Kerry who is working the Pakistani government to get off the dime to do something radical to fundamentally alter the Afpak situation. The U.S. military has increased its work with the Pakistani and Afghan military forces to further develop their own capabilities in these respects. Building self-confidence and the will to act is an important aspect of the focus on these governments, predicated in part on providing some of the best weaponry and training.

The US Government has been pumping billions of dollars into these governments and their militaries for many years, so Washington is now calling for the governments involved to show a new effectiveness. Massive corruption always exists in such governments, countries, their militaries so the focus is on playing through the sleaze factor to nonetheless accomplish Gen Dempsey's designs and purposes.

Closer to here, Gen Dempsey has spent a lot of time in Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines in these respects. The major problem in Thailand however is to get the Thai military's focus off domestic politics. And he's put a new focus on accomplishing his purposes in Taiwan, where the U.S. was horrified to discover several years back is no Israel.

Gen Dempsey has just been renominated by Prez Obama for a second, two-year term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs (two terms being the legal maximum). Congress will vote to confirm him, no problem.

Afpak will be the real test of Gen Dempsey and Prez Obama's new strategy. Kerry, a Vietnam war navy veteran officer, is the point man due to his present position as SECSTATE.

One of the reasons Pakistan military and intelligence elements are supporting radical organisations based on its territory is to enlist their efforts to counter Indian influence in Afghanistan & to launch attacks against India, especially in Kashmir. How come you never hear of this matter being raised by US/NATO? Also what is SECSTATE doing to address the well know issue of Pakistani support, training and supply of war weapons to the various groups based in Pakistan launching attacks against ISAF & Afghan forces.

Of course payments are still being made to the Taliban so that ISAF resupply convoys can reach Afghanistan & the merry go around still continues. There is such a massive amount of bullshit that is going on.

EDIT: I don't think this is off topic as it feeds into the overall situation of transnational and local country Islamic extremist terrorism

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I don't see how closing for one day will prevent anything. Terrorists are smart enough to just wait an extra day to do whatever they are going to do. blink.png

Actually, disrupting anyone's well laid out plans creates a huge mess. Are you able to communicate to everyone not to move ahead, to wait for further information, to develop your back-up plan, to train everyone again on what they are supposed to do, all the while being monitored by those that are watching you? I applaud the warning by the US. I look for this info from them. Well done.

You think they are not intelligent enough to replan in a short time ..?? If this is a real serious threat and not a mitigated one then /// Think again...!! May not be tomorrow but hey what's wrong with next month...!! or in 2 months... ?? In any case is this a real thing or just a once again government thing trying to instigate their usual scare tactics to make the USA look like martyrs.. and justify unknown other plans ...??

And maybe the communications that were intercepted were false in the sense of the actual timing and had a code that was meant for another day / month... let's keep on guessing folks... gov BS or real and smart threat ???????????

That's what I am thinking. Why didn't we keep crap off airwaves, quietly let people off on day in question and set a trap with some snipers and drones. That would have been some deterrence if we could have picked off a bunch nut bags trying to bomb an empty embassy. Now we just let them rehuddle.

I can say to you that your suggestion is not something military planning or operations officers would ever consider recommending to commanders in the present situation as it's been described by US government officials.

Potential targets include but are not limited to embassies. They include airports, train stations, buses and terminals, could include certain types of military facilities and installations, open markets, bridges, tunnels, ships, other government offices and the like.

There aren't enough resources to fix in place military combatants at all the many possible targets the terrorists could strike.

Rather, the US has 500 marines available at a naval air base in Italy as a tactical rapid mobile response force to protect embassies in N Africa and the ME. The focus is realistically and rightfully on embassies and consultates of the region only, and their US and local personnel.

This is not WW 2 where we can spread an army division of 22,000 troops along a broad front of territory and strategic locations.

In practical terms, the best response to not knowing what is being targeted is an adequately numbered ready and highly mobile standby tactical force which has massive firepower rather than spreading a mass of troops across an entire region which would very likely leave most troops unengaged if and when attacks do occur.

The overwhelming firepower of the mobile tactical force is integrated, i.e., from land, sea, air.

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US posts in Muslim world will remain closed


The weekend closure of nearly two dozen U.S. diplomatic posts resulted from the gravest terrorist threat seen in years, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss said "the chatter" intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies led the Obama administration to shutter the embassies and consulates and issue a global travel warning to Americans.

"Chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that's going on — very reminiscent of what we saw pre-9/11," Chambliss, R-Ga., told NBC's "Meet the Press."

"This is the most serious threat that I've seen in the last several years," he said.

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Can't help but thinking this alert has something to do with the fallout on the Benghazi incident.

Also can't help notice this alert went out a few days after the former US Secretary of State, who is concerned that the lingering fallout may hamper her bid to run for president in a few years, met with president.

Valid or not, you can't go wrong playing on fear. At least not in the US.

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Can't help but thinking this alert has something to do with the fallout on the Benghazi incident.

Also can't help notice this alert went out a few days after the former US Secretary of State, who is concerned that the lingering fallout may hamper her bid to run for president in a few years, met with president.

Valid or not, you can't go wrong playing on fear. At least not in the US.

A lot more likely related to prison breaks in in the past week or two in Iraq, Libya and Pakistan that have freed hundreds of terrorists and other criminals that has also prompted an alert by Interpol to all member countries. In addition there was a very recent attempt to release a number of Islamic extremists held in detention in Yemen where the 'chatter" is alledged to have orginated.

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Can't help but thinking this alert has something to do with the fallout on the Benghazi incident.

Also can't help notice this alert went out a few days after the former US Secretary of State, who is concerned that the lingering fallout may hamper her bid to run for president in a few years, met with president.

Valid or not, you can't go wrong playing on fear. At least not in the US.

One often does go wrong making cynical accusations, however.

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US posts in Muslim world will remain closed


The weekend closure of nearly two dozen U.S. diplomatic posts resulted from the gravest terrorist threat seen in years, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss said "the chatter" intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies led the Obama administration to shutter the embassies and consulates and issue a global travel warning to Americans.

"Chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that's going on — very reminiscent of what we saw pre-9/11," Chambliss, R-Ga., told NBC's "Meet the Press."

"This is the most serious threat that I've seen in the last several years," he said.

"Chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that's going on - very reminiscent of what we saw pre- 9/11"

But but but--- i thought 9/11 was a surprise attack? Senator Chambliss's admission that the NSA detected significant 'Chatter" prior to the events of 9/11 completely contradicts the Governments claim that the attack was "A bolt from the blue". So which was it? Someone has been caught in a lie here. Questions need to be asked.

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US posts in Muslim world will remain closed


The weekend closure of nearly two dozen U.S. diplomatic posts resulted from the gravest terrorist threat seen in years, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss said "the chatter" intercepted by U.S. intelligence agencies led the Obama administration to shutter the embassies and consulates and issue a global travel warning to Americans.

"Chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that's going on — very reminiscent of what we saw pre-9/11," Chambliss, R-Ga., told NBC's "Meet the Press."

"This is the most serious threat that I've seen in the last several years," he said.

"Chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that's going on - very reminiscent of what we saw pre- 9/11"

But but but--- i thought 9/11 was a surprise attack? Senator Chambliss's admission that the NSA detected significant 'Chatter" prior to the events of 9/11 completely contradicts the Governments claim that the attack was "A bolt from the blue". So which was it? Someone has been caught in a lie here. Questions need to be asked.

Yes, questions do need to be asked.

How and why do a certain category of people ignore or dismiss the purposes, motives and virulence of al Qaida? Why do some accuse others who have genuine and honest motives and purposes of instead having ill designs, sinister motives and purposes? What's wrong with the particular people who consistently assign to others cynical and sinister purposes and schemes? Why is there a malicious mindset at work in such accusatory people?

The 9/11 Commission Report stated more comprehensively and in specific detail that which began to be assembled in the months after 9/11, i.e., US intelligence agencies failed to "connect the dots." A major reason was the legal firewalls that existed among the various intelligence agencies designed to keep them separate and isolated from one another.

The shortcoming in the present global context was corrected when the Congress subsequently voted to unify the work of intelligence agencies by establishing the Department of Homeland Security and the Directorate of National Intelligence, and mandated cooperation and coordination of their tasks, subject to Congressional oversight.

There was indeed "chatter" before 9/11. However, it was didactic to the US Government. Consequently, it wasn't identified as a significant part of a whole picture nor was it assembled as such for proper analysis.

That's what's being done presently and in the years subsequent to the 9/11 attacks against the United States in the United States. It's been highly effective.

Edited by Publicus
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Let's steer clear of an indepth discussion of the 9/11 situation. It's off-topic and will ultimately derail the thread.

Comments should be made in the context of the Embassy closures and related security concerns.

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