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Non-O Multiple entry - Savannakhet now requires proof of finances?

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I emailed Savan Vegas about the need of proof of finances to get multiple entry non-O visa (marriage). Here's what they wrote back to me:
In order to apply for the Non immigrant O Multiple entry visa, you need to show 300.000 THB on your Thai bank book which was updated not longer than 6 months.
The bit about 6 months just means the money has to be there at the time of the application, and not 6 months before or anything like that.
Anyone can confirm this?
Any reports from Vientiaine? With 400k money in the bank they can give multiple entry?
And yes, I know about extending the permission to stay in Thailand. I just don't have enough time to season the money in the bank anymore for that.
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"And yes, I know about extending the permission to stay in Thailand. I just don't have enough time to season the money in the bank anymore for that."

You can get 60 days at your local immigration office for visiting your Thai wife.

That would go a long ways towards seasoning the money - if you have it to season.

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The statement on the website is known. However no problems are been reported getting a multiple non-O without showing financials.

This is not correct.

I reported a while back (about 6 motnhs ago) that financial proof was needed.

I also wen to savan vegas but went to the consulate in person.

Proof of financials is most of the time not the case but as the officer can ask for whatever they want it does happen.

In my case it was show money in the bank or no visa.

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Who is 'them'? If you mean Savan Vegas. Sure i asked, never bad to ask questions.

I also just used their shuttle service and stayed there. I did not use their visa service although i used that specific package because it has a much better rate for accommodation.

If more details are necessary do a search about savan vegas, savannakhet here on this forum and you will find my report too.

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"Who is 'them'?"

You said you went to the consulate on your own, and that it was show money in the bank or no visa.

Did you ask the consulate official if you needed money in the bank to get the visa?

Edited by TerryLH
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I think Savan Vegas try to cover every thing just encase.........

​what they told me a few months ago made no sense, both with proof of money and being unlikely to get another Visa.......... I phoned the Thai Consulate myself in Savannakhet, and No they did not want the proof, and Yes they could issue another Visa no problem, as in fact they did.

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A friend of mine used the Savan Vegas visa service 5 days ago to obtain a multi entry O.

They did take as one of the documents, his bank passbook.

What they didn't say, and he didn't ask was if they actually showed it as part of his package.

His passbook was showing funds of sub 100K Baht.

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"What is so difficult to understand? English language?"

Apparently. I still don't see that you answered my question.

Sometimes it's better not to ask a question you don't want to hear the answer to.

If you ask them if they want something, it's more than likely they'll say 'yes'. If you don't ask, they might not want something.

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The statement on the website is known. However no problems are been reported getting a multiple non-O without showing financials.

This is not correct.

I reported a while back (about 6 motnhs ago) that financial proof was needed.

I also wen to savan vegas but went to the consulate in person.

Proof of financials is most of the time not the case but as the officer can ask for whatever they want it does happen.

In my case it was show money in the bank or no visa.

Mario is correct. I did my Non O two months ago. The Consulate did not ask for any proof of funds - they are strict about seeing the original wedding cert though. Of course, the Consulate can reserve the right to ask for proof of funds, but it certainly wasn't the norm 2 months ago. I did not use Savaan and my wife and I went ourselves. Savaan is a bit of a rip off IMO as its easy enough to go yourself to the Consulate and the little shop across the street will fill out all the paperwork (and take your picture if need be) for much less than Savaan will.

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In case it was not obvious from the context, 'them' means Savan Vegas. I figured they would have a finger on the pulse and know the current situation. That's why I emailed them.

Personally I would do it yourself. I've done it twice now and both times doing the visa yourself wasn't a hassle. (I wrote a report about my last Non O on here about two months ago.) I think Savan is over charging people for this. The Consulate is easy enough to find and the little shop across the street will handle all your paperwork preparation for you (for a fraction of the cost of Savan). And there are certainly nicer hotels in town - although I do like the casino as something to do.

More important than your bank book will be making sure you have your original wedding cert - as the Consulate seems to be strict on this part. Both times (and my wife was with me) they asked for the originals. Which we happened to have the first time, because my wife called the Consulate before we went to Laos.

As others have said .... just call the Consulate and ask them for their requirements.

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Why do some consuls want the money in bank in Thailand. Surely if it is readily available but lodged in a country of origin bank this should be sufficient. Provided one can prove that he/she has money available if needed, this should be good enough. Do other countries insist on visitors banking money in their country.

Edited by oldsailor35
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Why do some consuls want the money in bank in Thailand. Surely if it is readily available but lodged in a country of origin bank this should be sufficient. Provided one can prove that he/she has money available if needed, this should be good enough. Do other countries insist on visitors banking money in their country.

No, some just refuse visas altogether...look what is happening to UK visa issues now, many Thais are being refused entry. Thailand has one of the simpleist visa requirements there are and many should really apply for extensions. 400K in the bank for an extension to last a year, that's 34K a month for a married family man, not exactly a lot, or earn 40K a month, again not a lot. I think if I was on skid row like so many seem to be, go somewhere else and work to save a bit then come back with some money.

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The statement on the website is known. However no problems are been reported getting a multiple non-O without showing financials.

NOT CORRECT I reported it early JULY that you now need to show funds

I used Savan Vegas July 3rd and was required by both Savan Vegas and the consulate that I needed to show funds ELSE NO VISA there is a new boss in town and the guy at Savan Vegas told me they did not require before but with the new boss they now will not issue unless you show funds.

I needed to show 400,000 in the bank when applying for a 1 year multiple O I just got mine beginning of July 2013 and needed to show proof of funds else they would not issue a multiple O

Edited by DiamondKing
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In case it was not obvious from the context, 'them' means Savan Vegas. I figured they would have a finger on the pulse and know the current situation. That's why I emailed them.

Personally I would do it yourself. I've done it twice now and both times doing the visa yourself wasn't a hassle. (I wrote a report about my last Non O on here about two months ago.) I think Savan is over charging people for this. The Consulate is easy enough to find and the little shop across the street will handle all your paperwork preparation for you (for a fraction of the cost of Savan). And there are certainly nicer hotels in town - although I do like the casino as something to do.

More important than your bank book will be making sure you have your original wedding cert - as the Consulate seems to be strict on this part. Both times (and my wife was with me) they asked for the originals. Which we happened to have the first time, because my wife called the Consulate before we went to Laos.

As others have said .... just call the Consulate and ask them for their requirements.

Is it really as simple as that? one official might tell you one thing and you go there the next day and get another official who tells you something different.

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The statement on the website is known. However no problems are been reported getting a multiple non-O without showing financials.

NOT CORRECT I reported it early JULY that you now need to show funds

I used Savan Vegas July 3rd and was required by both Savan Vegas and the consulate that I needed to show funds ELSE NO VISA there is a new boss in town and the guy at Savan Vegas told me they did not require before but with the new boss they now will not issue unless you show funds.

I needed to show 400,000 in the bank when applying for a 1 year multiple O I just got mine beginning of July 2013 and needed to show proof of funds else they would not issue a multiple O

So ..... why / how did my friend I mentioned in Post # 12 get a multiple non-O with less then 100K Baht in his passbook that may, or may have not even been shown at the Consulate just 5 days ago?

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The statement on the website is known. However no problems are been reported getting a multiple non-O without showing financials.

NOT CORRECT I reported it early JULY that you now need to show funds

I used Savan Vegas July 3rd and was required by both Savan Vegas and the consulate that I needed to show funds ELSE NO VISA there is a new boss in town and the guy at Savan Vegas told me they did not require before but with the new boss they now will not issue unless you show funds.

I needed to show 400,000 in the bank when applying for a 1 year multiple O I just got mine beginning of July 2013 and needed to show proof of funds else they would not issue a multiple O

So ..... why / how did my friend I mentioned in Post # 12 get a multiple non-O with less then 100K Baht in his passbook that may, or may have not even been shown at the Consulate just 5 days ago?

The Consulate can always ask for proof of funds, and Savan may just be covering their asses by following the guidelines. This is why its best to just go yourself.

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In case it was not obvious from the context, 'them' means Savan Vegas. I figured they would have a finger on the pulse and know the current situation. That's why I emailed them.

Personally I would do it yourself. I've done it twice now and both times doing the visa yourself wasn't a hassle. (I wrote a report about my last Non O on here about two months ago.) I think Savan is over charging people for this. The Consulate is easy enough to find and the little shop across the street will handle all your paperwork preparation for you (for a fraction of the cost of Savan). And there are certainly nicer hotels in town - although I do like the casino as something to do.

More important than your bank book will be making sure you have your original wedding cert - as the Consulate seems to be strict on this part. Both times (and my wife was with me) they asked for the originals. Which we happened to have the first time, because my wife called the Consulate before we went to Laos.

As others have said .... just call the Consulate and ask them for their requirements.

Is it really as simple as that? one official might tell you one thing and you go there the next day and get another official who tells you something different.

IMO yes its really as simple as calling and asking. And frankly, people should go to the Consulate dressed nicely (not in shorts and ratty t-shirts), be polite and provide the required documents. We've gone for two years in a row now and each time we use the little shop across the street, present our documents at the window and pick up the visa the next day with zero hassle.

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I did the Savan Vegas thing in June with no problems. When I gave my documents to the person ad the hotel concierge they asked for financials. I did not have them and I said I hear its ok. That was it, and everything is approved. They ask for it because they want to make sure that you wont be denied but it will be fine. I mean you should always have a backup plan like signing for for ED with a school or you could find an accountant to put you on the books and set you up with a work permit/business visa but those options are around 30Kthb.

My experience I posted:


I doubt anything changed though in the past 2 months. I think Savan Vegas has some kind of deal with everyone there because even at the Laos border they have a special lane at Immigration Lao border crossing.

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In case it was not obvious from the context, 'them' means Savan Vegas. I figured they would have a finger on the pulse and know the current situation. That's why I emailed them.

Personally I would do it yourself. I've done it twice now and both times doing the visa yourself wasn't a hassle. (I wrote a report about my last Non O on here about two months ago.) I think Savan is over charging people for this. The Consulate is easy enough to find and the little shop across the street will handle all your paperwork preparation for you (for a fraction of the cost of Savan). And there are certainly nicer hotels in town - although I do like the casino as something to do.

More important than your bank book will be making sure you have your original wedding cert - as the Consulate seems to be strict on this part. Both times (and my wife was with me) they asked for the originals. Which we happened to have the first time, because my wife called the Consulate before we went to Laos.

As others have said .... just call the Consulate and ask them for their requirements.

Is it really as simple as that? one official might tell you one thing and you go there the next day and get another official who tells you something different.

IMO yes its really as simple as calling and asking. And frankly, people should go to the Consulate dressed nicely (not in shorts and ratty t-shirts), be polite and provide the required documents. We've gone for two years in a row now and each time we use the little shop across the street, present our documents at the window and pick up the visa the next day with zero hassle.

Yes, but you are not meeting the officers face to face in a bad mood, you are right about the need to dress properly, and those who show disrespect by wearing shorts should get refused and told to come back the next day dressed decently.

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Why use a Visa Service when you can get all the answers just asking in Thai immigration offices???? Visa Services will tell what is good for them to make money. Are you an American citizen?? American citizens do not need at all to show bank accounts for any kind of visa, just the right amount of monthly income statement very easy to get. Not income documentation need it to get the statement.

Edited by lopburi3
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Immigration is not used for visa (except in conversion to extension) and do not and can not answer question. Americans are no different than anyone else among the visa exempt entry allowed countries. You are confusing visas and extensions of stay and the requirement for extensions if using income is Embassy letter for everyone. And everyone could be asked for documentation by immigration to support those letters.

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Why do some consuls want the money in bank in Thailand. Surely if it is readily available but lodged in a country of origin bank this should be sufficient. Provided one can prove that he/she has money available if needed, this should be good enough. Do other countries insist on visitors banking money in their country.

Which consuls "want the money in a bank in Thailand?" A visa, any visa, is for the purpose of travelling to Thailand and it would be wrong to expect that the visa applicant has a bank account in Thailand. Of course, if you state on your application form that you live in Thailand the consular staff may assume that you have your bank account in that country. They may also refuse the visa on the basis that they suspect that you are working in Thailand without a work permit, ie that you would be using the visa for a purpose other than for which it is issued.

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