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All thai girls are money hungry women looking for a Falang?

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Nobody is "ALL" of anything. That said, it seems you found one of the maybe 5-10% of women who married for "Love". IMO most women are pragmatic and have been since the cave man days. They want a guy who can provide the nicest cave or the grandest nest. All of the other things like good looks, athletic, charming, smart, nice teeth, etc, are just a bonus. However, most of the world is poor and obviously poor people marry too--but even the poor have a hierarchy. A taxi driver might get more action than a farmer, or a guy with any job at all will be more desirable than the unemployed guy. MOST women have the little girl fantasy of a prince who is a combination of Bill Gates and Brad Pitt who rides up on a white horse to sweep them away--symbolically anyway. I was dating an average looking Korean woman who turned out to be a total gold digger, and she told me she wasn't happy because she was 45 and wanted to marry a millionaire. I told her something to the effect of 'Keep dreaming like that and you'll die alone. Besides, If I was a millionaire, I would be dating Thai Penthouse models and wouldn't be with you, so lower your standards and I will lower mine."

Didn't go over so well.


All I can say is thank God for Thailand. I have a girlfriend less than half my age.

1. Do I give her money? Yes

2. If I didn't would she stick around. Yes!! but only until she felt insecure then she'd bolt.

3. Does she cheat on me with a younger man? I don't think so but we never do, cos our girl is differentcheesy.gif

4. Would I go with anyone else eg some sexy young 24 year old with great boobs a gorgeous face and an ass you could sit your beer on in a disco. No def not!!!........if you believe that you'll believe anything

I hear this rubbish about Thai girls every day of the week.............There are some great girls work in bars offices banks etc and there are some bad ones......ALL is for idiots

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plenty of rich thai girls in bkk that wants farangs, so why deal around with poor issan girls..

reverse scamming is the shit..

Not sure there's tons of actual rich Thai's queuing up to meet farangs but there's certainly plenty of girls who are not poor who are open to dating a farang.

The main reason most Thai girls (whether poor or not so poor) want to date a farang is because Thai guys aren't interested in them or at least Thai guys on a similar educational and economic level and they don't want to date down.

The majority of girls I've come across who are interested in myself and other farangs I know is because they struggle to get a Thai boyfriend of course they mostly don't admit this and say "thai men no good...they cheat, they lie, they steal, they drink, they gamble etc" (no different from most of us then?).

Reasons they can't get a local bf include....

1) The way they look - not necessarily ugly but maybe darker skin / short / pudgy / not the typical Thai perception of beauty - but often still appealing to farang.

2) They are overweight by Thai standards - again doesn't mean fat or obese we can be talking 50kgs here which most Thai's consider very fat yet they can look anything but if they are tall especially compared to Western women who would do anything to be so slim.

3) Single mums - Thai guys will not accept another guys kids.

Not all. I've met plenty who didn't fit into any of the above but seemed to have a thing for farang still, a lot of them had lived abroad for study and work and had maybe had a taste of a life style or man they liked and didn't want to go back to dating local guys for whatever reason.

Spot on. Get a Thai friend (or for that matter, a Chinese, Japanese or Korean friend) and sit down in a public place and watch women go by. The Asians will generally not be interested in the women you are, although it is a Venn diagram thing, so the really super hot girls will be acceptable to both.

Also, the stepchild thing is completely true. Most Thais act like I am nuts for taking care of someone else's kids. However, I have met a few RARE exceptions who have stepchildren of their own and they love their kids as if they were their own.

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OP forgot to tell us how many masters degrees she has. And her possition in one of the top companies in the land.

We know she is in the top 1% of the best looking women. Not same has mine bottom 1%. No masters still never mind she is a good cook

I do not believe him soon he will be asking how to save on his electric bill I smell a poor faker that drinks


In a nutshell.. 99.9% Even when they say they love you and don't care about money just try dating one for a week without her asking you for cash for new shoes or a dress. Give it a month and it's the sick parents, 6 months and we're on to the motorbike or car. Anything over a year and they move onto the big stuff like houses and land.

Simply rules to a Westerner / Thai relationship:

1. Buy it a lady drink.

2. Take it home and use it.

3. Pay it.

4. Kick it out

Repeat twice a week for ultimate satisfaction but not with the same one twice and remember to wear that rubber.

If you are serious, I feel sorry for you. But I am sue you are not......


I was dating an average looking Korean woman who turned out to be a total gold digger, and she told me she wasn't happy because she was 45 and wanted to marry a millionaire. I told her something to the effect of 'Keep dreaming like that and you'll die alone. Besides, If I was a millionaire, I would be dating Thai Penthouse models and wouldn't be with you, so lower your standards and I will lower mine."

I had a conversation recently with an average looking Thai girl who told me she wanted to meet a rich man and anyone on a low income (despite her being on a very low income) wasn't good enough for her. I asked her what she considered 'low' was and she said anything under 100,000B per month...she earned 7k p/m.

This girl had very little to offer herself, no money, average looks, didn't seem particularly bright.

We were just having a civilised conversation at first but then she got quite nasty over it and started being abusive which just showed what type of girl she was even more.

So to spite her I pointed out to her than it's very unlikely a rich man would want a poor girl because he'd be able to snag himself a rich girl or at least one that wasn't quite so poor as her. Or he'd at least pick an attractive poor girl and she really wasn't that attractive.

I stopped talking to her after that and won't be doing so again.

In a nutshell.. 99.9% Even when they say they love you and don't care about money just try dating one for a week without her asking you for cash for new shoes or a dress. Give it a month and it's the sick parents, 6 months and we're on to the motorbike or car. Anything over a year and they move onto the big stuff like houses and land.

Simply rules to a Westerner / Thai relationship:

1. Buy it a lady drink.

2. Take it home and use it.

3. Pay it.

4. Kick it out

Repeat twice a week for ultimate satisfaction but not with the same one twice and remember to wear that rubber.

I've dated more Thai girls that I can count and I've never been asked for money from them. Sure I usually pick up the tab when we go out to eat or drink but never asked for cash for shoes, dress, gifts or anything else. Definitely no sick parents stories or other bullshit. They all know I wouldn't stand for it.

Though if you are 40+ and trying to date girls half your age I think you just have to suck it up and realize the only reason these girls can possibly be with you is for money / financial security so you're going to have to put your hand in your pocket if you want them to stick around. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone trying to date a girl young enough to be their daughter especially if said person is fat / bald / unattractive / not rich or famous.

In that case I think you are right you're better just sticking to hookers. Probably work out cheaper and at least you know it's just a <deleted> and not pretending otherwise.

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When the great recession of 2001 (or thereabouts) hit Australia, a friend lost his job. Six months later he announced to his (Australian anglo) wife that the money had run out, and that they would have to make serious cut backs, maybe even sell the house. She left him that evening. She got the house a year later.

That would not happen if your friend had married a thai woman.


OMG Not another one, rebuildng his life and living a dream he never actually lived out for real life. Just a little bit sick of how many ex special forces and ex cia men I have met here, who have come to reinvent themselves because they could not cope in their homelands and try to impress others, with their so called achievements in homeland. If life was so great back home, then why come here and pass on your Bullshit to others of what you would really like to like to have been like. The same goes for all those who were muliti-millionaires in their home country. If a Thai woman falls for all that, it just shows her lack of knowledge of the western world and what SAS , special forces and CIA really stands for. Their knowledge is limited to local events within thailand and their respective villages and truly have NO knowledge of the aforemntioned agencies. DOH!.clap2.gif

... Well done ... another farang who mets & weds a wealthy HiSo Chinese/Thai...thumbsup.gif ... your post says it all !!

Also I met her in a bar, but she was different from all the rest.

As is mine. The only reason she even considered dating me in the first place is because I was in the S.A.S....

Whoa boy - to poster "Raindancer" I think poster "Baboon" was just taking the piss, pulling your chain, etc. You know pretending to be SAS for a joke because there are expats that really do this. No need to stomp him into the ground. I'm sure his post was just for a laugh - same as "...but she was different from the rest".


Any statement that says ALL ... ARE ... is never correct. I thought you would have known this

Except when Shakespeare says it (end part of Romeo and Juliet).


My friend Gunther from Germany stayed in Pattaya south have restaurent and travel business,

When he got in trouble his wife never left him, looking cigarettes, rice etc take care him very good.

I admired him that he got a very good wife and not all Thai women are for money.


I was dating an average looking Korean woman who turned out to be a total gold digger, and she told me she wasn't happy because she was 45 and wanted to marry a millionaire. I told her something to the effect of 'Keep dreaming like that and you'll die alone. Besides, If I was a millionaire, I would be dating Thai Penthouse models and wouldn't be with you, so lower your standards and I will lower mine."

I had a conversation recently with an average looking Thai girl who told me she wanted to meet a rich man and anyone on a low income (despite her being on a very low income) wasn't good enough for her. I asked her what she considered 'low' was and she said anything under 100,000B per month...she earned 7k p/m.

This girl had very little to offer herself, no money, average looks, didn't seem particularly bright.

We were just having a civilised conversation at first but then she got quite nasty over it and started being abusive which just showed what type of girl she was even more.

So to spite her I pointed out to her than it's very unlikely a rich man would want a poor girl because he'd be able to snag himself a rich girl or at least one that wasn't quite so poor as her. Or he'd at least pick an attractive poor girl and she really wasn't that attractive.

I stopped talking to her after that and won't be doing so again.

In a nutshell.. 99.9% Even when they say they love you and don't care about money just try dating one for a week without her asking you for cash for new shoes or a dress. Give it a month and it's the sick parents, 6 months and we're on to the motorbike or car. Anything over a year and they move onto the big stuff like houses and land.

Simply rules to a Westerner / Thai relationship:

1. Buy it a lady drink.

2. Take it home and use it.

3. Pay it.

4. Kick it out

Repeat twice a week for ultimate satisfaction but not with the same one twice and remember to wear that rubber.

I've dated more Thai girls that I can count and I've never been asked for money from them. Sure I usually pick up the tab when we go out to eat or drink but never asked for cash for shoes, dress, gifts or anything else. Definitely no sick parents stories or other bullshit. They all know I wouldn't stand for it.

Though if you are 40+ and trying to date girls half your age I think you just have to suck it up and realize the only reason these girls can possibly be with you is for money / financial security so you're going to have to put your hand in your pocket if you want them to stick around. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone trying to date a girl young enough to be their daughter especially if said person is fat / bald / unattractive / not rich or famous.

In that case I think you are right you're better just sticking to hookers. Probably work out cheaper and at least you know it's just a <deleted> and not pretending otherwise.

I've dated more Thai girls that I can count and ... It's really pretty easy: You start with 1 (one), then 2 (two), 3 (three), and pretty soon you get the hang of it even in Chinese yee-er-san-see-wu not so tough ... how about being asked for taxi money for the ride home or are the TGs just too overwhelmed to ask?


Any statement that says ALL ... ARE ... is never correct. I thought you would have known this

You're saying that ALL statements that says ALL.. ARE... ARE never correct !

No , he is saying ANY..tongue.png


In the topic about living in the West with a Thai wife nearly ever single post talks about how all the Thai women living in the West (besides their wife) are a bunch of gambling, lying, cheating, gossiping villains?

I assume you are not American because the average American can't even find Thailand on a map! Taiwan? Is that in China? Is it close to Shanghai? Tom Cruise went there in Mission Impossible III.

That's a stereotype...but like so many racial and ethnic stereotypes there is a lot of truth in it.

Most Americans are pig-ignorant about geography.

Unlike Australians who are suprisingly well-informed about it, although they are blissfully ignorant about everything else under the sun.

Americans think that their country has it all. If it's not in the USA, it's not worth having, or seeing, or doing.

Australians know that they live on a desolate island with a history that could be contained in a comicbook, and populated by people who never had what it takes to fight for their own freedom.

So much for stereotypes.

  • Thanks 1

Fact: Take a woman out anywhere on the planet and expect her to pay for everything and wait and see how long it is till you can hang out of the back end of her... It won't happen, except for a few extreme cases.

Conversely.. Throw money at every date and your hit rate will increase exponentially.

The thing with Thailand is, ya average joe white guy is in a financial position to be a bit of a player. If cities anywhere else in the planet were littered with single guys with way more cash to burn than the local female population is used to. There would likely be a que of chicks more than happy to bend over for a guy twice their age too.

Women want stability, protection, etc from men anywhere on the planet. They are the weaker sex. What makes this so apparent in Thailand is the economic differences between the east and west and your average thai female and western male.

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I think I would be terrified to start a topic on this board...................................wub.pngwub.pngwub.png

And you would be right tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png


Who cares what the hell inbred yokels who have never left their own country think about Thai women / Thailand / South-East Asia ? Tell them you've just hooked up with a bored entrepreneur from Shanghai - she's made her millions and just wants to settle down with you on an island in the Gulf of Thailand. Lay it on so thick that they completely forget about 'ping-pong shows in Patpong' and assorted other drivel : its just you and your billionairess gazing into one another's eyes as the sun sets on another perfect day in paradise. Think Gong Li at 35 and 'Mr Wang' at 9 :)


plenty of rich thai girls in bkk that wants farangs, so why deal around with poor issan girls..

reverse scamming is the shit..

Sure but those girls are most likely not looking for foreign guys 10, 20, 30+ years older than they are.

I'm guessing they want someone with common interests they can hang out with and have a good time with...who is most likely attractive in some way and not a fat alcoholic with 3 kids from another marriage.

You have to get in where you fit in.

well i think thats why all old farts in this thread is trolling and being negative, their prime have past long time ago, now they stuck with their ex bargirl from isaan and dreaming about snow white..


In many cases your friends are right, in your case they re apparently wrong. Your problem is that you worry about what your friends think about your wife, which may be because you are a bit insecure or perhaps just still young - or both (just guessing). Even if your wife is/was a money hungry bar girl, so what? You decided to marry her anyway. If your friends ask improper and intrusive questions about your wife (no matter where she is from), simply ask them if they have a problem with your wife? Most will say "nono, sorry" and that will be the end of it, they will never ask again. The few that will keep asking, you simply dump.

No mate, I'm not insecure. I'm more amused at how many of my mates make comment about a life that they know sweet f all about. My friends have no issue with my wife, but their understanding of South East Asia is all based on the limited doco's that the media pump out portraying Asians as poor and farangs as deviants. The only reason I mentioned my wife's economic staus was the fact that she is down to earth and wants to make her own way in life. I come from a rural background so I'm pretty relaxed about the people I meet and I couldn't give a rats ass about high society.

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Fact: Take a woman out anywhere on the planet and expect her to pay for everything and wait and see how long it is till you can hang out of the back end of her... It won't happen, except for a few extreme cases.

Conversely.. Throw money at every date and your hit rate will increase exponentially.

The thing with Thailand is, ya average joe white guy is in a financial position to be a bit of a player. If cities anywhere else in the planet were littered with single guys with way more cash to burn than the local female population is used to. There would likely be a que of chicks more than happy to bend over for a guy twice their age too.

Women want stability, protection, etc from men anywhere on the planet. They are the weaker sex. What makes this so apparent in Thailand is the economic differences between the east and west and your average thai female and western male.

Doesn't work for most guys in Oz - get past 50 and you may as well be invisible to any woman under 35. Even the pollies and business moguls who have mistresses inevitably seem to have a woman ~40 or beyond waiting for them to leave their wives, but most get busted paying for it. We did have one very high-profile case of a guy who was getting it on with a 17-year old (I think he was 45), but it caused him untold grief (both were total wackjobs). Worked with a guy who banged a younger co-worker and she completely fixated on him - eventually cost him his marriage - but he was nowhere near 50 at the time.

The over-35 'desperate and dateless' are a whole other story here, but the fantasy of an old guy walking out of a club with his hand on 20-somethings rear is just that - a fantasy. Branson could probably do it, but his picture would be all over the papers. Short of a swingers club or a particularly drunk girl, it just isn't going to happen - no shortage of competition and the financial incentive just isn't that strong.

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Gawd you men are boring; Thai women are this, Thai women are that, Thai women are something else. It's the same old crap over and over, but repackaged to look like something new. Why should it matter what narrow minded bigots think? Just treat everyone decently and let the idiots think what they want. Too many people generalize too much.

Finally some sence.Really,would men know how women think.


In a nutshell.. 99.9% Even when they say they love you and don't care about money just try dating one for a week without her asking you for cash for new shoes or a dress. Give it a month and it's the sick parents, 6 months and we're on to the motorbike or car. Anything over a year and they move onto the big stuff like houses and land.

Simply rules to a Westerner / Thai relationship:

1. Buy it a lady drink.

2. Take it home and use it.

3. Pay it.

4. Kick it out

Repeat twice a week for ultimate satisfaction but not with the same one twice and remember to wear that rubber.

Total BS.


I also married a reasonably wealthy Thai and she has asked me say I spend a substantial amount of money each month if one of her friends asks.

This is because she doesn't want her friends to think I live off her as they seem to have a poor opinion of most of the farangs here.

Got to say compared to the rich Thais most of the farangs I know seem to be very careful with their money apart from those spending it at bars and one night stands.

Their life style is shall we say second class . Most of them think they are rich but everything is relative and this is because they've never mixed with anyone who is wealthy and educated and most likely never will.

To cap it all their knowledge of Thai females is governed by the people they mix with.They think they know it all but they don't.

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Gawd you men are boring; Thai women are this, Thai women are that, Thai women are something else. It's the same old crap over and over, but repackaged to look like something new. Why should it matter what narrow minded bigots think? Just treat everyone decently and let the idiots think what they want. Too many people generalize too much.

Why do you bother involving yourself over a subject of which you really have no knowledge. As a female you cannot possibly have any understanding of a Male approach to to Thai women. Furthermore you do not offer anything positive about the Thai womans perspective...is that because you have no idea and just wish to foist your Farang female views on Male farangs by calling us "narrow minded bigots: Seems to me that you just like to to troll. Maybe you are bored .

Get to know Thai women, their culture, their family values, their fears, their poverty, their views on marriage with Farang, before you join in with male dominated opinions who are actually living a life that you can never and will never comprehend.

As a female i rekon she would know more than most insecure males on TV


Jeez, the vast majority of posts talk about girls as opposed to women...there is a difference guys...and then people go on about different nationalities as though they are cattle. In my experience every one is an individual who should be judged on their merits, or lack of. That includes both men and women.

Jing jing.Take everybody as they come.

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