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Dengue Fever and Raw Papaya Leaf Juice


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I have just contracted dengue fever and I have been reading on a number of forums here (which have since been locked or archived) that Raw Papaya Leaf Juice can help a lot. I figure it is worth a try. Unfortunately, no one says where one can get this "Raw Papaya Leaf Juice." I am in Chiang Mai. Anyone have any idea where I can get this here? I drove around town looking for some without any luck.



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Get your hands on the top leaves of a young papaya tree. Grind it and make tea 3-4 times per day. Contact rob at sausage king for more info. Lanna herbs is located in the Jed Yod neighborhood just down from Karnkanok 3 on the opposite side of the road. Also, very good stuff for an assortment of issues.

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It is only if you have DHF, Dengue Hemorhagic fever, it helps. I used it and I think there was an immidiate improvement in my condition. It has been tested in the Philippines and test results were positive.

If you have Dengue fever get a CBC at the hospital. DHF is very dangerous.

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It has not, to the best of my knowledge, been "tested" in any scientific sense in the Philippines (or anywhere else for that matter). One case, involving one person in India, was written up in a professional journal, and there have been some in vitro studies of leaf extract, but no proper scientific studies on patients with dengue. Just a lot of reporting in the popular press and on the net.

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Just drive around Chiang Mai and look for papaya trees. They are everywhere. They are straight pole looking trees.

You will need a long stick with a loop on the end to pull the leaf. Like a slip knot so you can tighten it.

That works for lots of fruits etc.

Or pay a local to get them down.

I am curious if it works also. Would be nearly free to try.

No proof it works and equally no proof it doesn't either.

Lots of studies just reflect human mediocrity or questionable study design.

Ever see any pictures of obese people at Nazi concentration camps? Plenty of studies out there that purport to show calorie reduction doesn't cause weight loss. Some even call caloric reduction a 'Weight loss Myth'.

Some interesting info about medicinal uses of papaya plant. Doesn't look harmful to consume the Papaya leaves.


Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Hi ,

if you are still looking for Papaya leaf juice ,Lanna Herbs has it in chiang Mai and it cures dengue in few days.

My name Eezy

Hope you have conclusive, evidenced based proof of that assertion .

Dengue is a potentially fatal illness.

An individual may, of course, choose to treat themselves with a "Quack" cure but to encourage others to do the same is reprehensible !

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There is some pilot study data to support a potential benefit.


Sorry but that is a very poor study involving only 12 alleged Dengue sufferers .

I would agree it's a largely unproven remedy but where is there any proof of it being a hoax or quackery?

Unproven doesn't mean fraud.. It just means unproven.

Or is someone sitting on a some study that shows Papaya leaf is ineffective?

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Call me Mr. Not-so-fussy, but if there is no cure and this apparently helps, I can't see the harm in trying it.

If nothing else, the leaves are packed with other stuff that's useful to the body, like vitamins, iron, etc.

Doesn't seem to be too much of a downside.

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There is some pilot study data to support a potential benefit.


Sorry but that is a very poor study involving only 12 alleged Dengue sufferers .

I would agree it's a largely unproven remedy but where is there any proof of it being a hoax or quackery?

Unproven doesn't mean fraud.. It just means unproven.

Or is someone sitting on a some study that shows Papaya leaf is ineffective?

The whole point is that Dengue is a potentially lethal disease.

Close medical monitoring can reduce the risk.

There is absolutely no evidence that Papaya leaf cures Haemorrhagic Dengue Fever.

But as they say in Thailand "Up to You" !

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There is some pilot study data to support a potential benefit.


Sorry but that is a very poor study involving only 12 alleged Dengue sufferers .

I would agree it's a largely unproven remedy but where is there any proof of it being a hoax or quackery?

Unproven doesn't mean fraud.. It just means unproven.

Or is someone sitting on a some study that shows Papaya leaf is ineffective?

The whole point is that Dengue is a potentially lethal disease.

Close medical monitoring can reduce the risk.

There is absolutely no evidence that Papaya leaf cures Haemorrhagic Dengue Fever.

But as they say in Thailand "Up to You" !

Well first why make the HUGE assumption it's a therapy that displaces all other therapies and monitoring?

Why could it not be a supporting therapy like a so many other modalities?

And where is your evidence of the claim that it's quackery?

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I've not seen anyone claim that it cures haemorraghic Dengue fever, but it is claimed that it stimulates the production of blood cells, the lack of which I understand is one of the most debilitating things about this illness?

If it's rich in iron it's certainly going to be helpful to haemoglobin production, innit?

Edited by Chicog
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It is UNPROVEN Not disproven, but neither proven and no valid studies done. Any claims that has been "proven" = quackery as this is simply not the case.

in addition any claims that it instantly cures dengue = quakery; the hypothesized (and as yet unproven) mode of action is to reduce/prevent drop in platlet counts only, there is no known or postulated mechanism through which it would cure the dengue itself, the fever will still have to run its course.

If someone with dengue wants to take papaya leaf in the hopes it will prevent devlopement of the hemorraghic complications, no harm in it as long as you don't forgo monitoring of platlet counts etc. Of course, since vast majority of people do not develop hemorrhagic form, you'll likely never know if it made a difference.

But understand that the fever and aches/pains will not be affected and will still have to run their course.

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Hi ,

if you are still looking for Papaya leaf juice ,Lanna Herbs has it in chiang Mai and it cures dengue in few days.

My name Eezy

I would get a patent on it mate, no known cure for Dengue fever. Hospital the best place, you will need hydrating a lot, it take's month's to get rid of it. all your joints will ache, and your apatite will disappear, then you are really in trouble. Take my advise don't mess with it.

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It is indeed self-limtiing, but the acute phase, depending on severity, can last as long as 2 weeks (longer of course if trhe complicated hemorraghic form). And the convalescence can be very prolonged with fatigue and depression lasting for many months, though again varying with severity.

Not all cases require hospitalization, in fact most cases of "simple" dengue do not, though platlet count should be monitored. A key factor is whether the patient is able to maintain adequate hydration without an IV. Another is the patient's living situation i.e. whether there is anyone in the home who can provide the basic nursing care that will be needed.

I've had dengue 3 times (over a period of more than 20 years). First time sever (not hemorrhagic, but severe-- violent shaking chills & fever for 2 weeks and couldn't keep anything down, pain bad enough top need opiates). Hospitalized for that. Next 2 times comparatively mild and managed at home, scarcely even missed a day's work though of course wasn't at my best, and managed on just paraectemol for the pain.

So there is a wide spectrum.

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Some research has been done. As stated in my earlier post you should not trust this remedy alone but get a Complete Blood Count at the hospital to make sure you do not have the Hemorraghic type. Can fruits really cure dengue?
Posted at 07/19/2010 7:41 PM | Updated as of 07/21/2010 10:26 AM

MANILA, Philippines - Papaya leaves can help dengue fever patients fully recover from their illness, a recent study showed.

Dr. Sanath Hettige, who conducted the research on 70 dengue fever patients, said papaya leaf juice helps increase white blood cells and platelets, normalizes clotting, and repairs the liver.

Speaking to Sri Lankan news agency Lankapuvath, Hettige said these are the main aspects of the body that are affected by dengue fever.

There is a condition to this remedy, however.

According to Hettige, the papaya leaf juice will not be as effective during the final stages of dengue fever since, by then, the patient's organs are already badly affected by the disease.

Given this, he suggested that patients consume the remedy as early as possible.

Juice recipe

Hettige said adults should consume 10 ml of fresh papaya leaf juice (without water, salt or sugar) twice a day, along with their prescribed medication, to get its full effect.

Kids aged between 5 and 12, meanwhile, were asked to take in 5 ml 2 times a day.

Here's how to make papaya leaf juice, as told by Hettige to Lankapuvath:

1. Take fresh, mature leaves from a papaya tree. Leaves from the "Red Lady" papaya (papaw) variety are more effective.

2. Wash the leaves with clean water.

3. Crush the leaves in a pestle, without water or salt.

4. Squeeze the crushed leaves to extract the juice.

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Some research has been done. As stated in my earlier post you should not trust this remedy alone but get a Complete Blood Count at the hospital to make sure you do not have the Hemorraghic type. Can fruits really cure dengue?

Posted at 07/19/2010 7:41 PM | Updated as of 07/21/2010 10:26 AM

MANILA, Philippines - Papaya leaves can help dengue fever patients fully recover from their illness, a recent study showed.

Dr. Sanath Hettige, who conducted the research on 70 dengue fever patients, said papaya leaf juice helps increase white blood cells and platelets, normalizes clotting, and repairs the liver.

Speaking to Sri Lankan news agency Lankapuvath, Hettige said these are the main aspects of the body that are affected by dengue fever.


There has yet to be a proper scientific study. Dr. Hettige has published one observational study which involved only 12 patients and had no control group. Additional cases "studied" are I think just firther clinical observations, not proper studies in the scientific sense i.e. this has yet to meet scientific standards of proof of efficacy. That does not necessarily mean it does not work, but it has not yet been proven.

More importantly, the suggested effects are limited to improving drop in platelet counts which occurs only in complicated forms of dengue. (Indeed, his 12 patient observational study was limited to patients with a low platlet count, hence the small number.) It is not even hypothesized to be of use in treatment of dengue itself, only of the bleeding disorder which is a complication (possibly autoimmune in nature) for a minority of cases.

Simple dengue does not damage the liver in any way. It is only Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever which is associated with (usually mild) liver impairment.

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