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Yup I swamped the wounds with alcohol, I was thinking about getting a basin and filling it so that I could effectively wash my feet in alcohol. Worth it to avoid infection.

And heres me thinking it should me taken internally

Have to have another look at me first aid book.

But seriously Blether, read recently that 74% of the road deaths in TL last year involved motorbikes or other 2 and 3 wheel v-hicls.

Take extra care on these things.

73.5 by this.


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@vtforyou May I add if merely to phone an ambulance for you. That would be good.

I had a knock at my door this morning......opened it up and there was a young lady with a bunch of flowers for me and a hand written note hoping that I would Get Well Soon. A few friends in the Thai community heard I was injured and got together. I think that was both thoughtful and very touching. I put the flowers into a 6 litre water bottle cos I don't have a vase, and now they are in pride of place next to my telly.

I'd post a pic but my camera died in the crash.

Upper body wounds are going well, my feet are still rough and painful, so I'm still room bound. I was persuaded to go downstairs last night but that was a mistake. The wounds on my left foot weren't happy about it.

Just on a side note, my sleeping has been shocking s ince the crash. It's not pain that's keeping me awake, it's that tense over tired feeling. That's a strange one.

Anyway my young sister arrives on Wednesday evening with her family, as long as I'm mobile for her that's all that matters. On the bright side I now have an excuse to sit out climbing the steps of Doi Suket with her. Happy days. smile.png


Have a painless recovery mate, some of those over the counter meds here will do the job.xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.vv3GCG8Loc.webp

Does that mean your laid up for a couple of weeks an invalid on the road to recuperation with nothing but the internet, Thai television and mercedes girl to entertain you?coffee1.gif

I look forward to your posts on account of a broken ankle this week.violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif


Mercedes Girl was here last night, drinking wine and taking some amusement from my obvious discomfort. She thought the fact I was sticking to the sheets was hysterical annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif Then she wanted to change the dressings on my wounds but I wasn't going to give her that pleasure coffee1.gif

Sorry to hear you have a broken ankle yourself, that's a sore one.

My sister is coming for a weeks holiday with her family next week, hopefully I'll be fit for that. Mercedes Girl took me to a meditation temple two weeks ago, and to another one last Saturday to have a look. The second one is stricter than the first and it's my intention to enter in on September 6th or thereabouts. If I go in and I'll be in for about 6 weeks. 6 weeks of silence, that'll be a challenge for me

On the bright side that will give you all a rest on Thaivisa biggrin.png

Wow. 6 weeks is a long time. I did 10 days once and I started going crazy after 5 or so. It might have been to do with the withdrawal of alcohol but.

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Have a painless recovery mate, some of those over the counter meds here will do the job.xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.vv3GCG8Loc.webp

Does that mean your laid up for a couple of weeks an invalid on the road to recuperation with nothing but the internet, Thai television and mercedes girl to entertain you?coffee1.gif

I look forward to your posts on account of a broken ankle this week.violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif


Mercedes Girl was here last night, drinking wine and taking some amusement from my obvious discomfort. She thought the fact I was sticking to the sheets was hysterical annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif Then she wanted to change the dressings on my wounds but I wasn't going to give her that pleasure coffee1.gif

Sorry to hear you have a broken ankle yourself, that's a sore one.

My sister is coming for a weeks holiday with her family next week, hopefully I'll be fit for that. Mercedes Girl took me to a meditation temple two weeks ago, and to another one last Saturday to have a look. The second one is stricter than the first and it's my intention to enter in on September 6th or thereabouts. If I go in and I'll be in for about 6 weeks. 6 weeks of silence, that'll be a challenge for me

On the bright side that will give you all a rest on Thaivisa biggrin.png

I would come out worse than when I went in. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif ...........................laugh.png


Have a painless recovery mate, some of those over the counter meds here will do the job.xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.vv3GCG8Loc.webp

Does that mean your laid up for a couple of weeks an invalid on the road to recuperation with nothing but the internet, Thai television and mercedes girl to entertain you?coffee1.gif

I look forward to your posts on account of a broken ankle this week.violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif


Mercedes Girl was here last night, drinking wine and taking some amusement from my obvious discomfort. She thought the fact I was sticking to the sheets was hysterical annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif Then she wanted to change the dressings on my wounds but I wasn't going to give her that pleasure coffee1.gif

Sorry to hear you have a broken ankle yourself, that's a sore one.

My sister is coming for a weeks holiday with her family next week, hopefully I'll be fit for that. Mercedes Girl took me to a meditation temple two weeks ago, and to another one last Saturday to have a look. The second one is stricter than the first and it's my intention to enter in on September 6th or thereabouts. If I go in and I'll be in for about 6 weeks. 6 weeks of silence, that'll be a challenge for me

On the bright side that will give you all a rest on Thaivisa biggrin.png

I would come out worse than when I went in. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif ...........................laugh.png

Only if you went to the one the flying monk runs. I am sure you could teach the rest a thing or two.,smile.png


Have a painless recovery mate, some of those over the counter meds here will do the job.xmellow.png.pagespeed.ic.vv3GCG8Loc.webp

Does that mean your laid up for a couple of weeks an invalid on the road to recuperation with nothing but the internet, Thai television and mercedes girl to entertain you?coffee1.gif

I look forward to your posts on account of a broken ankle this week.violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif


Mercedes Girl was here last night, drinking wine and taking some amusement from my obvious discomfort. She thought the fact I was sticking to the sheets was hysterical annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif Then she wanted to change the dressings on my wounds but I wasn't going to give her that pleasure coffee1.gif

Sorry to hear you have a broken ankle yourself, that's a sore one.

My sister is coming for a weeks holiday with her family next week, hopefully I'll be fit for that. Mercedes Girl took me to a meditation temple two weeks ago, and to another one last Saturday to have a look. The second one is stricter than the first and it's my intention to enter in on September 6th or thereabouts. If I go in and I'll be in for about 6 weeks. 6 weeks of silence, that'll be a challenge for me

On the bright side that will give you all a rest on Thaivisa biggrin.png

I would come out worse than when I went in. crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif ...........................laugh.png

Only if you went to the one the flying monk runs. I am sure you could teach the rest a thing or two.,smile.png

Noooooooooooooo, no V8 engines there, sadly. ............biggrin.png


So here I was watching a cat on a roomba wearing a shark costume and cleaning the floor......I was.....LOOK>>>>>

When I touched a wound deep on my left foot. I jumped a mile, the pain was unbelievable. I had a look and I thought it was puss, I touched it and it was solid, and I winced again.....I tried to pull it out but I near collapsed with the agony. I looked at it thinking that must be pouring some crap into my blood stream.....so I grabbed a knife, braced myself, dug deep in the wound and extracted this long piece of grit. I can't tell you how sore it was pulling that out from an open wound, especially as there was a growth membrane around it that was playing tug of war with my central nervous system.

The cat video was good eh? smile.png


So here I was watching a cat on a roomba wearing a shark costume and cleaning the floor......I was.....LOOK>>>>>

When I touched a wound deep on my left foot. I jumped a mile, the pain was unbelievable. I had a look and I thought it was puss, I touched it and it was solid, and I winced again.....I tried to pull it out but I near collapsed with the agony. I looked at it thinking that must be pouring some crap into my blood stream.....so I grabbed a knife, braced myself, dug deep in the wound and extracted this long piece of grit. I can't tell you how sore it was pulling that out from an open wound, especially as there was a growth membrane around it that was playing tug of war with my central nervous system.

The cat video was good eh? smile.png

Pluck up a bit of courage and take a little trip over to the emergency department at SuanDork and have it checked out. ( I say Suan DOrk because in my opinion they pay more attention to cleanliness than the others.

We really do not want you to really disapear......though somtimes a holiday is good.

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If you want to know wow to ride your bike properly without falling off you could watch the 6 year olds at the 2013 Edinburg Tattoo on BBC1 last night. Of course if you can use iPlayer you can if not the demo of UKTV is usefull.

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