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Been in Thailand for about 3 weeks now... My overall thoughts...

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5 star hotels are not Thailand? How do you figure that? A large majority of the resorts are now 4 and 5 star...

Another quality tourist lost..

Thailand has pockets of 5 star.. In its resorts.. But the basic infrastructure to cater to high net worth people.. Is totally lacking. The TAT doesnt seem to get that when it keeps mumbling 'quality tourists' every year as its arrivals from 1st world countries dwindle and its arrivals from Russia / India / China keep racking up.

Thailand is far more fun at the 3 star range.. Its pretty economical, tho no longer cheap certainly (another fact Thais are blissfully unaware of) and you can have some fun in a rough around the edges kinda way.

But once you want to start going up a teeny grade.. The prices rise exponentially and not that much about the experience changes.

Exactly! I was trying to figure out how to say that, but you did it well enough! The reason why Thailand is so popular is that it is a good value, up to a certain level of service, beyond which it simply cannot/does not deliver on its promises. Unless, that is, you stay in an exclusive resort where every thing is obsessively controlled, to be everything BUT the real Thailand, and you stay ensconced there. You could be anywhere in the developing world in one of them and you shouldn't leave unless you are prepared to be shocked and inconvenienced. Honestly, I think the OP would have been better off going to Japan, since it seems to be in his budget and they are more organized and hyper-efficient there. If I had 20k to blow on vacation, even I wouldn't come here, I'd go there! Thailand is not for every one, and that's ok! Also, it's a bit unrealistic to expect that he or anyone else could spend a month in a place and figure out its runnings. Give the guy a break; at least he's been polite, has asked for advice and is trying to learn! PS. I would have recommended Koh Chang and the eastern side of the gulf in general.

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For a start it's definitely the wrong time of the year for many of the beach resorts. You should have been aware of that.

I had a wonderful time in Ko Lanta at one of it's southern beaches but it was in February. The water was blue, the music at the resort was great, the food was good. I knew there wasn't much to do but relax and if you have female company that's what you want to do.

I'm not 20 so I would never go to Ko Phangan. But Ko Samui is OK at this time of year as is Chiang Mai. The crowds are down, the weather's OK and it's easy to move around.

Mostly when I'm on the move around Thailand I hire a car and that makes a huge difference. It allows you to stop off along the drive to visit numerous tourist spots and to eat when you're hungry etc etc. You didn't have that advantage and spent a lot of your time moving at the mercy of taxi drivers, ferries, airports.

You'd have almost been better off to hire a car from Bangkok & drive north to Chiang Mai. Lots of places to visit and the trip can be broken up into half day drives. Very good standard hotels should be much cheaper this time of the year.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday.


Wow, this thread has gone on way to long.

1. The more you travel the more you learn how to travel.

2. Always assume you will come back or else you will try to do too much.

3. The more you spend the more you insulate yourself from the people you have come to see.

4. Spend a long time in one place and do day trips.

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Neo,u sound like a guy that is not use to "adventure" or anything different- you should have stayed home which is not different and not going to ruffle your feathers. If you think the traveling around in airports is bad in Thailand, then you haven't traveled much. Any country has the same kind of security and some are worse (try the USA or Bali). Thinking the Paragon was great represents that you can not look at aging buildings or traditional buildings as different. I wouild like for you to answer this question: What "developing" countries have you traveled to before? After all, Thailand is not a developed country but is still developing. Don't be fooled by the private buildings that make the first impression that it is "with it" --- that it is a modern country. NO, there are many "loose " edges to this country, but that is what makes it unique. Next time, stay in your home country and check into a 5 star hotel and go to the mall.


Good God,

It depends where you go... you think Thai people who live on 10,000 BHT/month eat like this?

And they live in poverty? Where exactly have you been? Thailand isn't poverty, it's one of the most developed parts of Asia.

I think you need to stick to cruise ships in the future.

Are you a troll ? whistling.gif

Anyone who looks for top end accommodation etc and moans about 1000bht, that's 20 English quid, for dinner for 2 is having a laugh. rolleyes.gif

Do you know how much it costs to get in the USA Disney land or world. Did you not remember in the USA at a restaurant they add on 15% service charge whether you like it or not. facepalm.gif

My point was Thailand is not cheap. Everyone always gives this impression it is and it's simply not.

I'm not complaining at a $30 meal for 2, I understand that might be the going rate these days... I was simply pointing out that Thailand is not cheap, that's all


It seems to me that you are visiting Thailand like you would visit Vegas - find a fancy hotel & see the sights. Thailand is more about the people, the culture, and exploring. I think if I remember correctly you posted before asking what/where/how and wanted to make a big stage for the girl friend. If I can remember further so advised you not to bring that type of girl friend. It's possible you are also repeating on here what your GF has been inclined to notice. Someone said that there is nothing more insecure than a foreign GF/wife in Thailand and that is very very true and it comes out in many ways. IF you - or her - are going to be a critical person then it can be hellish for the person that wants to enjoy themself.....if ONE of you is uptight and critical/controlling there is literally no place on earth that would be a paradise.

Thailand isn't about glitz and glam it's about getting out and about. See the temples, get around the people that smile (not the ones that smile because it's their job or for money)- it might rub off on you. It's almost like you've overwound yourself in a place that is more sabai sabai than you are used to. Yes - I think you started backwards. I would have gone to CM first and taken in the many sights and expeiences it has to offer(live here) lots to see and do and plan and you won't be stuck spinning around an island only to be surprised that it's tah dah - an island. People go to islands/beaches to enjoy the sand and lay out in the sun. You could realistically spent 3 weeks EXPLORING around the Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai/Mai Hong Song area of Thailand and taken in many different sights. I agree - forget the 5 star stuff - you could have saved yourself 1/2-2/3 of your vaction cost + opened yourself up for a most relaxed enjoyable experience. BKK - 3 days - see what you want to see and get out whether adult/cultural/wats/night life/shopping (Chatrium would have been a much better bet) - then get out.....find a big city that - well ISN'T a big city (Paris is the closest I've found).......

A big part of the charm of Thailand is the relaxed nature of it. You have not given yourself the chance to relax - or - to see what it has to offer - you're too busy being busy - almost like on a tour without the tour guide and baggage handlers.

Do yourself a favor - get to CM and slow down some. See the wats - Doi Suthep - Doi Inthanon - an elephant camp - maybe a river raft ride - there's some nice parks and waterfalls you can visit - there's zip lining - catch a Muay Thai boxing match - walk the night bazaar - there's longneck villages (tourist) but makes you take a look a a different life - go see the white temple and black temple in Chiang Rai...Get the 5***** (stars) out of your eyes (you're buying in to their agenda) slow down and enjoy the unique things to do and experience. Pai is a kick back place good for about 2-3 days. If you want to see the LOng necks, visit waterfalls, get mud on your face, etc there are one day tours by the bus station in Pai - leave about 6:30/back about 8PM - full day. The town has an interesting collection of people and fun stroll through the night market - Pairadise Inn is a nice friendly place to stay there and won't break your wallet (if someone is making you feel like you need to break your wallet to do it right there's a warning there - even if that someone is yourself).....go out and travel some of the side roads to the elephant camps and stop in a hot spring and soak - - - - - but for God's sake remember how to laugh at and enjoy things - - let down a little and enjoy - take lots of pictures so you won't remember the "inconveniences" of your holiday....the last night of your visit to CM go to the Khun Khuntoke and enjoy the food and the show (Northern traditional & Thai traditonal dancers and shows - plan 2 1/2 hours) - take a little different approach and you might just find this place growing on you......

I could say the same thing about Vegas. Why waste your time in all these casinos. Head out to the red rocks, visit the valley of fire, head over to the north rim, Death Valley, Bryce canyon, Hoover dam, Zion, etc.

Several different ways you could approach a trip to either Vegas or Thailand. Different strokes for different folks, right?



I half read what you have written.When I got to the place about Bangkok being overcrowded and polluted (with its 12 milliion people) and dirty (in Asia) I started to worry about what you were thinking leaving your country..... Is it the US?

Then you went to the most popular and expensive restaurant/bar in Bangkok for tourists and complained it was busy.

Next you pick something to do that only tourists do and fall for the overcharge that we all did in the early days.

Next you eat food you can get down your street at home and complain that its hot..... What in Thailand? Who would have thought? Then you get on a flight to tourist areas and complain people want money off you and there are tourists there.

Not cheap? 1,000 baht for a meal? You were too lazy to take a trip to Bophut lights in Samui where you get a good Thai meal for 200 baht in a local restaurant. Travel 15Km's more and you see no foreigners.

I dont think that those bags that travel by themselves have been invented yet or the machines where you are teleported between locations. Do you not have check in times, taxis and planes where you come from?

I've lived in Samui 3 years and Bangkok for 14 months. I now live in Australia but am from The UK.

I'd give my right arm to be living there now.But, I eat in the right places and live in normal hotels that are comfortable and reasonable.

Maybe yyou should not visit Asia again...... Its different to The West, you know. Maybe try Australia next year. Bring 3 times as much money, though...... At least.

Huh? I made a quick summary of Bangkok, that was it. I don't see where I complained about food being too hot... I love the food. Also I didn't complain about tourists in Samui, I even said it was pretty quiet and that I don't understand why Samui gets such a bad rap.

Anyway I'm off to the beach for a bit smile.png

Sorry Neo, I meant that Bangkok was hot. I think I remember you complaining about the heat. Maybe next time you can call ahead and get the heat turned down, clear the bar so you can have it to yourself and let the country know you want to be the only tourist in the area.

There are lots of things wrong with Thailand. I have no rose coloured glasses on. However, you only see those things when you live there, long term. It is the slowest and most annoying difficult place to run a business (I have a business in Samui).

However, you have no reason whatsoever to complain. Thailand is a third world country with a relaxed lifestyle (it says this on the tin) where the roads aren't finished and the beaches are fantastic.

Try doing the holiday you just did somewhere like Hawaii and let me know the costs you incur. With regard to going to Europe..... Why would you want to go to Europe, when you can go to Asia? Apart from a few cities its not quite as interesting and 3 times the price.

I think maybe you were expecting to be treated like a king with your five star stays. Kings do not travel by ferry and bus though.

It's that simple, mate.


So don't come back !. I love Thailand, !. If you didn't like Thailand, then go back home to mummy and stay there !.

P.S. I got really bored after reading the first 2 paragraphs !.


Thailand isn't about glitz and glam

While I agree with you.. Someone needs to tell the TAT this..

When they market high priced 5 star resorts and experiences.. then deliver 3 or 4 star connections, pickups, transfers, amenities and attractions.. Can you really blame someone who thought he was paying for the brochure some mild displeasure at finding out hes paid probably 3 or more times the costs of 95% the same deal.

Me I stay 3 or maybe at best 4 star.. I hire a scoot.. I dont do 'attractions' but like to just hang out and people watch, etc.. Suits me fine.. But I can be happy with dirt rads and 3 dollar crab feasts on Kep beach or even Otres in Snooky.. When times on your side you can take a bit of rough with your smooth.


And they live in poverty? Where exactly have you been? Thailand isn't poverty, it's one of the most developed parts of Asia.

Yeah It stands right up there with Tokyo, Singapore. Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, etc...


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No Phuket or Pattaya on your itinerary, OP?

Plan was to go all around the Krabi area (including Phuket), but it turns out Lanta is the worst possible place to do that from. Would have been nice to know this!

As for Pattaya why would I go there? Isn't it full of old fat dudes trying to get laid? I'm with my GF and have no need for that nonsense smile.png

Just for the record, Pattaya is full of matue to old [some fat and some not] dudes that are getting laid. Not "trying" to get laid.

I note you seem disdainful of fornicating/whoremongering old men. Are fornicating with your GF ?

If you stay at the 5 star places and expensive resturants then of course it's not cheap.

Since you have the money,.. I don't blame you a bit for living/traveling luxuriously.

Be advised we of lesser means appreciate low cost Thailand.

Exactly. They spend 10% as much money for 10 x better holiday. And contribute much more long term than these "quality" tourists.


Blame yourself if you had a bad experience. You seemed to have planned badly with your eyes wide shut.

I mean...BKK has a pollution problem, and that came as a shock!

Holy Cow Batman.....to the batmobile and off to Sin City, for surely the Joker is up to his evil tricks again, he's polluted Bangkok and the tourists are revolting!w00t.gif


Well, sorry you haven't had a good holiday so far.

I personally think Bangkok is only ever worth 2 days - when my visitors come I take them shopping and to the temples then we leave! I guess shooting ranges and VIP cinemas are not what most people come to Bangkok for; or maybe I'm missing something?

Samui is a major tourist destination - hence it's very expensive and of questionable ethics; like all tourist destinations over the world. I would never recomend it to anyone I know - it's not Thailand. But, that's my view, if you like busy and expensive then it's for you.

Thai islands are as a rule quiet - that's the beauty of them. I've been to loads and enjoyed evryone of them :-) There isn't anything to do but lie on a beach and eat (Oh, and perhaps have a beer or two). I guess if cinemas, Tesco and bowling are your thing then Islands perhaps weren't a good choice?

Like any web based information, sites like Tripadvisor and Hotels.com have to be taken with a pinch of salt. Making choices based soley on what's on these sites usually leads to disapointment.

My guess is we'll be reading another post later in the month telling us about the disapointing time you've had in Chang Mai ......... I guess they have bowling and cinemas though :-)

At least you can say you've been, stayed where they filmed Hangover 2, went to some islands and be the envy of (almost) everyone.

I do hope contrary to my comment that you do enjoy yourself for the rest of your holiday and that perhaps this redeems some qualities of Thailand.


Neo 6, I have gone through the trouble of reading your lengthy report to the very end. Was curious to know how a newcomer experienced LoS

- Land of Smiles - or rather, nowadys: LoN - Land of Noise - wonder why you didn't report about the noise everywhere, compared to Thailand 20 years ago -

well, you simply made a mistake:<<Because I consider myself someone who likes to explore and see real places>>

What are real places?? - Have you seen unreal places? Did you ask yourself: what am I looking for?

My advice: ask yourself this question next time before you set out to a 20 000 $ holiday.

<<Because I consider myself someone who likes to explore and see real places>> In that case just avoid 4/5 star hotels, go along with the flow of things and limit yourself to 2 or 3 places.

Then your next holiday will be more satisfying and cost you far less money...smile.png


I would say just bad planning on the latter part of your trip. Also 5 star hotels are not Thailand..

Have fun in Majorca next year biggrin.png

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

Funny because most people on this forum said my plan was very good.

5 star hotels are not Thailand? How do you figure that? A large majority of the resorts are now 4 and 5 star...

And thanks but no thanks to Majorca, have a bit more adventure in me than that smile.png

I simply meant that you went on holiday at 5 star resorts which generally people do if they just DO the resort. You didn't do Thailand. It's well known that travelling in Thailand can be a chore. If people here on TV said it was OK then either they have never been or understand the traveling.

Anyway at least the 1st bit was fun.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

Maybe he choose 5 * resorts to avoid the risk of being mugged or worse by a ladyboy.

Then ripped of by the BIB.


Are you a troll ? whistling.gif

Anyone who looks for top end accommodation etc and moans about 1000bht, that's 20 English quid, for dinner for 2 is having a laugh. rolleyes.gif

Do you know how much it costs to get in the USA Disney land or world. Did you not remember in the USA at a restaurant they add on 15% service charge whether you like it or not. facepalm.gif

My point was Thailand is not cheap. Everyone always gives this impression it is and it's simply not.

I'm not complaining at a $30 meal for 2, I understand that might be the going rate these days... I was simply pointing out that Thailand is not cheap, that's all

Might be that ***** holidays here are getting dearer but living here is really cheap!


Having visited Thailand three times as a tourist and now living there, my impression is that Thailand is not a good place for people who like heavily planned trips, 5-star hotels and entertainments, and 5-star beaches. On the other hand, backpackers and people who miss adventure in their actual lives and probably can't afford countries like Japan enjoy it the best. If you can't bear passing by half-dead beggars, smelling fresh urine in the streets once in a while, and many other goodies of a poor third world country, you best probably should avoid it. I wish you can enjoy the rest of your trip though. Chiang Mai is a beautiful and calm city. Don't miss visiting Doi Inthanon.


Neo you should have left the GF at home and come with a few mates. A month in Pattaya I think would have been an eye opener for you. Don't knock the ping pong games until you have played them.


Well, sorry you haven't had a good holiday so far.

I personally think Bangkok is only ever worth 2 days - when my visitors come I take them shopping and to the temples then we leave! I guess shooting ranges and VIP cinemas are not what most people come to Bangkok for; or maybe I'm missing something?

Samui is a major tourist destination - hence it's very expensive and of questionable ethics; like all tourist destinations over the world. I would never recomend it to anyone I know - it's not Thailand. But, that's my view, if you like busy and expensive then it's for you.

Thai islands are as a rule quiet - that's the beauty of them. I've been to loads and enjoyed evryone of them :-) There isn't anything to do but lie on a beach and eat (Oh, and perhaps have a beer or two). I guess if cinemas, Tesco and bowling are your thing then Islands perhaps weren't a good choice?

Like any web based information, sites like Tripadvisor and Hotels.com have to be taken with a pinch of salt. Making choices based soley on what's on these sites usually leads to disapointment.

My guess is we'll be reading another post later in the month telling us about the disapointing time you've had in Chang Mai ......... I guess they have bowling and cinemas though :-)

At least you can say you've been, stayed where they filmed Hangover 2, went to some islands and be the envy of (almost) everyone.

I do hope contrary to my comment that you do enjoy yourself for the rest of your holiday and that perhaps this redeems some qualities of Thailand.

Do you mind? annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif

theblether has already sorted out the itinerary for Chiang Mai. The OP will have an outstanding time.

I have never been so insulted


I mean truly please tell me how I can see this amazing real Thailand. Shall I check into a dirty hostel with bed bugs then go eat some fried chicken at a street vendor on my way to a lady boy ping pong show? Is that the real Thailand? Shall I spend 2 days on a cramped train traveling down the country looking at one banana plantation after another?

I just don't get it. What have I missed?

In Bangkok I went to all the recommended places. In Samui I went all around the island, went to the all the best rated spots, saw a bunch of different beaches, ate at a load of different restaurants. In Phangan I nearly killed myself on their stupid roads trying to explore the place. And now in Lanta I spent 2 hours driving around the whole island just looking for something cool. So tell me, what am I doing so wrong? I'm not sitting in my hotel every day watching cable TV. I've really tried to see and explore. Were the destinations I chose crap? If so what are good places to visit?

To be fair, I don't think you really missed anything. Thailand as a travel destination is way past it's prime and is generally coasting on its past reputation. There are way too many tourists, Thais are by now quite jaded when it comes to foreigners and tourists. Even the notorious nightlife that Thailand partly built its reputation on has become somewhat tame and boring.

I think you might have been a bit naive before coming to Thailand, but so are the vast majority of first time travellers to Thailand who believe the marketing.

The TAT has become quite good at marketing the product, but the quality of the product has been eroding rapidly. Just be happy you avoided Pattaya!


Neo. You have completely missed the real Thai experience. Not much interaction with real Thai people. You will not meet them at 4/5 star hotels. 99% of Thais have never had your 5 star experience and cannot relate to your complaints. I can afford to replicate your itinerary but if I did I'd be bored sh*tless. Thais are a crazy bunch of nutter's but I still luv em. I should know, been married to one for 25 years. Don't get that for murder.

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the few times I had off from work in thailand for some fun, I would just go about and if I did not like the place or area I was in, I would leave for better places,''

Over planning a trip is a waste of time, and being stuck on a schedule take the fun out of any trip ( unless you are one of those older folks that books a tour and get shuttled about every waking hour)


I think that most of you guys here on TV do not have the right impression of where this young man is coming from. He is probably 5th generation old money. Daddy has $3 billion in the bank. When he travels about town, his white gloved driver opens the door. When he flys around Europe, it's on dads G5. This is his first trip away from home with out mommy and daddy making all the plans. He is trying to impress his lady and now knows he has blown it.

Neo6, take a year off by yourself and learn how to be a normal person. Good luck.

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I think that most of you guys here on TV do not have the right impression of where this young man is coming from. He is probably 5th generation old money. Daddy has $3 billion in the bank. When he travels about town, his white gloved driver opens the door. When he flys around Europe, it's on dads G5. This is his first trip away from home with out mommy and daddy making all the plans. He is trying to impress his lady and now knows he has blown it.

Neo6, take a year off by yourself and learn how to be a normal person. Good luck.

Bit harsh..........................biggrin.png


Thailand is a beautiful country but it’s dissimilar from the west, the culture is a complete 180. Myself I’m American in my country we are all decedents from some ware else, I’m half Italian and half German. In America we accept every nationality as equal because there is no one nationality that is dominant.

Thai’s have lived here I don’t know exactly how long but I think thousands of years. The Thai’s are fiercely loyal to Thailand. I think a lot of that comes from the King; he is truly someone that commands respect. There is a saying “by his deeds you shall know him” the King has proving by what he has done who he is and the Thai’s love him, he has enforced the feeling of unity and pride in the people. I know there are laws against speaking badly about the King but I doubt many Thai’s would have a bad thing to say about him law or not.

Being that you were thrust into this 180 culture from the west I can understand what has happened. Because its is so different Thailand takes time to understand, maybe if you invest the time to learn and understand the beauty of the country you will realize the special qualities of Thailand. It will take some effort to understand the Thai way, maybe your better off vacationing in the western countries. But if you take the time you will learn that Thailand has much to offer and is a wonderful country with a unique culture that for many of us is treasured.

Here are some links to some history of the King and Thailand. Maybe you could understand more about the Kingdom if you have some background. Believe me from what I've read in your posts there is a quality of Thailand you have not seen, it may be difficult to unravel but there is a profound beauty in this country.





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Hope it gets better and your luck changes.

Hi, thank you for your reply and insight. I do think having a good holiday comes down to a lot of luck and being in the right place at the right time. Unlike some people in this thread seem to think I do have an open mind... I'm willing to try pretty anything and explore and try to experience new things. However I did over plan this holiday and probably booked the hotels too late. I also tried to fit too much into 1 trip. Bangkok for 3 or 4 nights, then Samui for 2 weeks, then Chiang Mai for 10 nights would have been a much better experience in my opinion and suited both my GF and I far better. She would have had the tanning in Samui and I would have had the whole elephant and tiger experience and exploration in Chiang Mai. Plus our traveling and messing about would have been VASTLY reduced.

I've seen a lot of very strange westerners whilst in Thailand who seem to be in a World of their own and I can only think some of them populate TV. There's no doubt now in my mind that Thailand is over rated. Of course it can be an amazing country and offer great experiences, but so can a lot of places. Anyway that's slightly beside the point... Thanks again for your reply

I think you should stop claiming that you are open minded. When you travel overseas, you should take it as it comes otherwise you won't enjoy it, regardless where you go. Even you already have doubts about Switzerland, just figure!

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