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School Director beats up student for not wearing proper shoes to class

Lite Beer

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Principal was just giving a "meta" lesson: superiors (in status anyway) can do what they want to you; you are lower than whale spit; face and how you look far more important than knowing anything useful. I think the principal needs some lessons, anger management being one of many areas to cover. And they wonder why kids drop out of school.....

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Some off-topic posts have been deleted. The photo isn't the school director, it's from a movie, as stated by several better informed posters.

Posts which question the source of the story have also been removed. It's off-topic.

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Why are so many kids becoming violent and rebellious against authority????

How do you solve all your problems, with violence...

An example set by the teacher, NOT BY VIOLENT GAMES, the source of violence is in the classroom....

... in XTREME cases, maybe one day the (former) victim(s) aka students will take revenge on those abusive teacher which can end LETHALLY DEADLY,.... IF they dare.,... beatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

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Ummm can feel the need sometimes as a teacher here but have 2 hold back , Monday i started my first lesson of the day 1 student i was standing near called teacher teacher ,then proceeded to make facial jest of as if blow j-- and right arm raised up and asked in Thai ham yai (c--- big) in front of the whole class i walked out got my senior head English teacher and explained she looked at me with a smug smile said i must have miss understood him .0hhhhhhhhh yeah teacher teacher get my attention forgot iam just a stupid farang but wrong shoes that a bit strong students here in Thailand are ment to have total respect for teachers wai2.gif

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So typical of the THAI media reporting. Sensationalism without substance, detail or a thread of credibility yet it makes the news. No arrest , no pictures of finger pointing , no names addresses and inside leg measurements.

Purile crap from a body of people without an ounce of proffesional ethics.

If you are going to report it then do so in as articulate and concise manner possible.

Was this an artricle concerning a foreign teacher then the information,format and implied outrage would be deafening.

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As per my comment on another medium.

I trust this guy will be charged by Police and if convicted, I hope he will be tossed into a Thai Prison for some of the inmates to have a bit of fun with and then be deported back to the sewer from which he crawled out of to get here.

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I am surprised that someone has actually stood up against a school. These things are happening routinely. I know of a schoolgirl whose nail was forcibly cut against her will.

You are right this happens more than is ever reported.

Some years back I worked at a Technical School in Nth. Isan where the Deputy Director responsible for discipline carried a small whip type instrument, something like a Sth. African shambok, which he routinely used to administer " justice " to latecomers and teenage boys fooling about in the corridors.

He and his goons, a couple of young male teachers, also grabbed the boys and dragged them to his room where their hair was forcibly cut with electric clippers.

I often wished the school's attitude to discipline had been reflected in their attitude to giving a decent education

Luckily, we all know what a SthAfrican shambok is.

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Ummm can feel the need sometimes as a teacher here but have 2 hold back , Monday i started my first lesson of the day 1 student i was standing near called teacher teacher ,then proceeded to make facial jest of as if blow j-- and right arm raised up and asked in Thai ham yai (c--- big) in front of the whole class i walked out got my senior head English teacher and explained she looked at me with a smug smile said i must have miss understood him .0hhhhhhhhh yeah teacher teacher get my attention forgot iam just a stupid farang but wrong shoes that a bit strong students here in Thailand are ment to have total respect for teachers wai2.gif

If you are a teacher i feel sorry for your students. My 8 year old writes better than that.

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I am surprised that someone has actually stood up against a school. These things are happening routinely. I know of a schoolgirl whose nail was forcibly cut against her will.

You are right this happens more than is ever reported.

Some years back I worked at a Technical School in Nth. Isan where the Deputy Director responsible for discipline carried a small whip type instrument, something like a Sth. African shambok, which he routinely used to administer " justice " to latecomers and teenage boys fooling about in the corridors.

He and his goons, a couple of young male teachers, also grabbed the boys and dragged them to his room where their hair was forcibly cut with electric clippers.

I often wished the school's attitude to discipline had been reflected in their attitude to giving a decent education

But nobody who works in schools here cares about giving a decent education. The teachers only care that they get their crappy pay each month and the principle only cares about getting tea money. In this country appearance is all, reality doesn't matter, as long as the kids look right nobody cares what's in their heads...On top of this the government doesn't want anyone to have decent education as they may realise the truth of what goes on here and start asking far too many difficult questions...

Glad you wrote that as 12 years ago my ex-girlfriend, a uni graduate, used to say the same especially the bit about the government not wanting a well educated public as people would see through them and what they do.

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Ummm can feel the need sometimes as a teacher here but have 2 hold back , Monday i started my first lesson of the day 1 student i was standing near called teacher teacher ,then proceeded to make facial jest of as if blow j-- and right arm raised up and asked in Thai ham yai (c--- big) in front of the whole class i walked out got my senior head English teacher and explained she looked at me with a smug smile said i must have miss understood him .0hhhhhhhhh yeah teacher teacher get my attention forgot iam just a stupid farang but wrong shoes that a bit strong students here in Thailand are ment to have total respect for teachers wai2.gif

<deleted>????? Please tell me you are not working as an English teacher at a school in Thailand! I'm in shock reg. your writing skills; not the bj story...

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I'm with most of you, the day a teacher lays a hand on my kid, let alone completely assaults him, I will physically destroy that teacher to the point of him / her eating through a straw for the rest of their wretched life. I would gladly cash them out or even spend time in jail knowing I disabled such a human from ever abusing a child again.

.......And then you woke up? So that is how you teach your kids to deal with violence? I can think of a several ways to exact revenge on a violent control freak non of which uses violence.

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While the students should wear the correct clothing, this smacks of rank militarism in the schools, which might not be so bad if the level of education the students are receiving weren't so low. Priorities, people. They care more about the dress than they do about learning. A sad state of affairs, really.

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What outrageous behaviour from an educator!

remember that my school changed the colour of the official school raincoat from green to navy blue for some reason and one poor 9 year old boy was caned by the headmaster because his mother had refused to buy him a new coat or even dye the old one. That type of gratuitous violence for trivial offences used to be commonplace but is now illegal in the UK and Thailand. Unfortunately teachers in Thailand, where there is limited rule of law, seem to get away with physically abusing students and illegal corporal punishment is still widespread. A girl from a Bangkok school was given one stroke of the cane for each hour of school she missed (7 I think), suspected of attending a yellow shirt rally, and no action was taken against the teacher who flagellated her. The Ministry of Education simply confirmed to reporters that corporal punishment was illegal in Thai schools but declined to take any action, as did the police, despite complaints by her parent or guardian. Also in Bangkok girls' parents have been told to take their daughters away from the school when they claimed they had been raped by a male teacher in the school toilet.

Mrs Arkady recalls being beaten on the backside with a piece of wood the size of a broom handle by an irate male Thai primary school teacher in a mass class flogging of 10 year olds that left them all badly bruised.

The record of the Ministry of Education and the police at protecting school children from predatory and violent teachers is abysmal. They are far more interested in collecting bribes from the teachers and others. .

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The Deputy Director might be bigger and he knew that the student is no match with him so he was courageous to do it. But if the student is bigger, he couldn't do it.

The Deputy was imagining that he was in muay thai fight so he used even his elbow

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Come on guys - get your priorities right. The wrong shoes are definitely not 'beautiful' so a severe beating, according to Thai culture, must be fully justified, right?

Posted Image

Thai culture rules - plenty of TV posters believe it is sacrosanct
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What and who is that photo?  Is this some kind of sick joke story?  

I tried the link, and it only has a couple added sentences, but doesn't shed much light on the story. 

Is the farang in the photo the alleged attacker? 

I think its a screenshot from Ferris Beulers Day Off

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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though not as bad as the reported story, it reminded me of when I was 14. I got taken out of US schools and did a year at an English boarding school. The gym teacher was a former Irish sergeant who hated Americans. I was the only American at the school, so he took delight in tormenting me. We had white tennies for gym, and if there was the slightest speck of smudge on my shoes, during pre-class inspection, he would harass and embarrass me for many minutes. He once pulled my head down to my knees, by grabbing my eyelashes with one hand. Another time, he did it with my earlobe.

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though not as bad as the reported story, it reminded me of when I was 14. I got taken out of US schools and did a year at an English boarding school. The gym teacher was a former Irish sergeant who hated Americans. I was the only American at the school, so he took delight in tormenting me. We had white tennies for gym, and if there was the slightest speck of smudge on my shoes, during pre-class inspection, he would harass and embarrass me for many minutes. He once pulled my head down to my knees, by grabbing my eyelashes with one hand. Another time, he did it with my earlobe.

I had a Latin master at boarding school who enjoyed coming up behind unsuspecting boys and pulling them out of their seats by their ears, then twisting the ears very painfully (he called it coping). Also large numbers of press ups had to be performed by miscreants in front of the class. He was a hopeless teacher as well as a sadist and spoke in a terrible asthmatic drone that made everyone fall asleep. When he clocked off I was astounded to see so many paying tribute to him in the school magazine as if he had actually been a wonderful, kind man and a fabulous educator. I suppose old boys who hated him like me didn't bother to write in or did but weren't published.

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