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Help! GF refuses to leave!


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Honey, I am a woman, I have had pretty bad ex-boyfriends, and I never used that as an excuse to make current hubby's life miserable! On the contrary, I felt amazed and relieved anytime I met someone who treated me right;0)

It sounds like you are deeply sympathetic to her past hurts and may have tried to 'make it right' with her. It also sounds like you're not sympathetic to your own present hurts.

Will you make next girlfriend pay because this one was busting your balls? No, I thought not.

Your girlfriend does need help, but it's help that CANNOT come from you. The cracks are within her, and for her to fix.

You, on the other hand, need to do what's right for you. Are you happy? ('Cause you know, that's kind of the point of a relationship...)

What do you feel you 'owe' this woman? How guilty do you feel, and how much of this guilt is truly relevant to the situation? Why are you not putting more value on your own happiness and peace of mind?

She sounds like she is stalker material, so you need to protect yourself. Physical and emotional violence, not to mention sabotaging you at work are all unacceptable - but it truly is for YOU to reach that conclusion, not to just parrot the words against domestic violence. Why do you not think you deserve better? In such a situation, I'm guessing you live in dread and that you may have very strong physical symptoms of stress - why don't you start by addressing those?

Find support. And if it makes you feel better, find support for HER - her family, friends... Etc.

Accept being painted as the bad guy. Deep down, know you're doing your best and you're NOT the bad guy.

If I were you, I would move. I have almost no tolerance for scenes - I had a violent mother.

Find your boundaries. What is the thing she could do that would really make you break up on the spot, without ever looking back? Nothing? Really? Dig deeper. Find something. Connect to that feeling of absolute finality, and then STRETCH IT, extend it to more mundane occurrences, such as her hitting you.

At some point, your care for her will drop like an overripe fruit from a tree. Picture this moment, imagine it, FEEL IT. Great. What's the first thing you'll do?

Make a list of everything you can't do because of her. Read it often. Add stuff daily.

Realize that you're both echoing each other's pain on some level.

Also, what are YOU getting from the situation? This is a hard question that demands you look deep in yourself to the unsavory parts - martyr complex? 'Good' reputation? Knight in shining armor?...

FIND SUPPORT. You are NOT alone.

If you don't want to talk to people who know you (although, depending on the person it could be great), you can find therapists online, who can skype or email with you. I am a life coach and that's how I work.

And yes, you are a victim of domestic violence. Men can be the victims and women the perpetrators. Go online, read up on the subject.

And follow the advice - do anything and everything that makes you safe. I am not kidding. Mad women are dangerous. I would not call your gf 'the enemy' - it looks like you both have a heavy (karmic?) lesson coming your way. Learn from it. As a wise forum poster said, explore how you made that situation happen.

Good luck.

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OP - there are over 150 posts on your thread ... and I can't find one of them suggesting that you stay and work it out... almost all of them in one way or another say RUN - HIDE - DETACH - Don't go back... Ignore this advice at your own peril.

At this point OP you have the answers - it is now up to you ... if you ignore this sound advice given by experienced people - if you do nothing - then it is your fault as to what is likely to happen and you can't blame her - you failed to act. More Bad Extreme things are likely to happen.

Over the past several years there have been numerous psycho girlfriend stories posted on TVF and believe it or not yours is not the worst ... there is a recent one posted by an Indian fellow that makes yours sound like a love story ... IT DOES GET WORSE ... go look up his story - difficult to believe actually.

OP - You contributed to the problem -- you especially made it worse by getting her in your place of employment. Leaving your job sounds reckless - but if you don't get rid of this gal - get her out of your life... your supervisor just may decide your DRAMA is not wanted in the workplace... See if they will let you take a long leave of absence, secretly plan to move out .... cut off all possible contact - GO AWAY... leave her in the apartment - (take everything that you can that belongs to you)... pay ahead one months rent ... send a note to the landlord that you are departing - settle with the landlord. Cut off anything you pay extra for --- set it to do off like this ... Internet ASAP, land line phone if any -- ASAP, Electricity off when the last month lease ends, Disappear ... Arrange a payoff - conditioned on her leaving the apartment - use a go between... if you are in the north or central Thailand - go south to a place like Krabi or Surat Thani ... get a hammock - sleep soundly ... And if you contact her after that -- then you are as crazy as she is.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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In my culture there is a popular saying which goes like.. 'do not f..k a crazy person and do not be f..ed by a crazy person'.

The girl is psychotic, no doubt about that. Women ,and men, are more jealous when the opponent seems to be of the same social level. It hurts less and humiliates less if the opponent is of higher status. From my own experience with Asian women, I was on more than one occasion told by an insecure/jealous girl that she cannot accept I replace her for another Asian. If it is, however,a White/westerner woman, THEN SHE CAN SAY NOTHING ABOUT IT. This is how it was put to me. Clearly the inferiority complex of the non white towards the white is there, unfortunately, to the extend that if the spouse 'upgrades' the companion then the 'lesser' one has to accept it. No contest. She will not lose face if she is been defeated by a more potent force.

As an experiment try with a white woman of your circle to pretend to be your new love. It could be dangerous but it is the only way, in my opinion, to succeed. There is no way to escape an obsessed person. This might be the right button to push, make her understand that you need one of your own, this is what is expected by your family and culture.

Good luck


Edited by marios
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And i thought i had problems,, thanks for your detailed post, we are many such as you but you put it into words,, remember good karma "private life drama baby keep me out" said Grace Kelly the singer,, it's not a good situation for your mind, you need to concentrate on work and your life not who will stab you,, i don't know the answer as i just assume a new identity and go underground until the dust settles,, she is mental period and that's what you have to deal with the rest of your life if you have the strenght for it i know i don't, good luck and let us know the outcome....

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I will respond in the same manner as the OP.

1. You must go, but you must protect yourself.

2. Get a different job hopefully with the same company, none the less you must move.

3. Tell her nothing.

4. When you have everything in place, move your stuff to your new job and home.

5. AFTER, you have done these things, IF you feel you must speak to her that you are going, THEN you can do it. ONLY after you have have completed the move. Don't tell her where you moved to or any new information.

6. Don't look back. This girl is destructive. She feels like she is entitled to something but that's not your problem.

7. If you inform her of ANY of this, she will hurt you somehow to prevent you from leaving.

8. Get a new girlfriend. If the same happens, repeat the above.

9. Be strong.

Why do I never see Thai guys having to do any of the above?

The last one I witnessed the girl was given 1,000 baht and told to make her own way back to Issan.

The OP made the classic mistake of moving the girl into his apartment, if any of you guys are considering this, take note and think again.

Do what the Thais do, move in with the girl at her place, or rent a place in her name, then when the crap hits the fan, move out.

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Can relate to so much of this. I am an Ex biker who fell off the bike, literally, and also lived with this same kind of lady.

She has emotional issues that are triggered by a chemical imbalance in her system, not the situation you are in. I know this because after having gone through all the solutions available at the time from a medical and psychological assessment via counselling for my lady, her doctor put her on medication to balance her emotionally distorted thinking. She was diagnosed as manic depressive, and the drugs made her sane and normal. What you describe in your gf's behaviour is identical to my experiences with my lady. The problems only arose again when she went off her medication. Catch 22 situation, take the drugs, everything is normal so she thinks she does not need the drugs and round it goes. In the end I had no option but to leave her as living with her when she did not take medication was unbearable. Think about your situation, life with her is unbearable ( even if the sex is great ) and unless you can convince her to get assessed and take medication, there is no peace for you, you will have to disappear as suggested by other posters. Good Luck.

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I had a girlfriend like this in the States and she had a lot of money. She was so unstable the more I tried to get way from her the more crazy she would become. Would not take no for a answer.

Make it clear to her that you are finished. Don't send mixed messages. Get everything lined up and then get out.

Huh..! ....so did you go out with Kim before or after me ?....boy she packed a punch and that was 20 years ago...I remember her loosing it after we came out of an indian restaurant in Pompano one time.....I had a black eye for a week...she was an heir to Phillip Morris, aka Marlboro....."money can't buy you love...."..biggrin.png

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Well, for us more stupid people, could you please spell out, what the THAI WAY is then???

They just chuck them out, with or without violence and deal with the consequences (if there are any) later.

Precisely! How many posts did it take to hear sense?! Just as it's done in the west and most everywhere else. Do people really lose the ability to function once they land in Thailand? It honestly isn't that parallel universe that many seem to think it is. Some cultural differences, yes granted but this is a place also inhabited by mere humans too! Jeeeeeez!!

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For gawds sake just grow some balls and throw her out. Tell your boss they will find a reason to get rid and replace.

Do as said throw her out and make it clear you aren't backing down. If you let people walk all over you they will. Most people are just front, give then more front and they go.

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It's an unfortunate situation, but it isn't your fault she's a lunatic.

Yes, she followed you and gave up her job, but it was her choice to do so with no promises.

The best thing you can do is buy her a ticket back to where she came from and wish her well. If she won't leave then call the police and ask them to remove her.

It sounds like she could use some professional help. But that's not your responsibility. With the relationship being dead you just need to get out and move on.

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Speaking as a woman, I say tell her clearly and firmly that it is over, and don't let there be any further discussion. We thrive on those little chinks in your armour, so don't let there be any. Just end it, then tune her out completely. Choose a time and place where this is likely to be possible, and if possible have some people around to help restrain / whatever. Also important: choose a time when she's calm. Don't do it during an argument. OK, she won't stay calm for long, but if you get it over and done with quick, she'll take it all in before she flips.

Speaking as a long-term resident of Thailand, I say that, before this little chat, make your plans. It may involve leaving your job. It will definitely involve money, firstly because you imply yourself that she would find it hard to make ends meet by herself after following you, and secondly because that's what you do when you break up - you divide assets. That's not unique to Thailand.

Loss of face is definitely an issue here. As others have mentioned, she sees herself as engaged, and her family sees her as such, too. After living with someone and breaking up, she will be seen as 'spoilt goods' - even in this day and age. But don't feel guilty - this relationship is going to ruin both your lives. Get out and don't look back.

Edited by Lucie
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The OP should bear in mind that he's seeking the advice of a demographic that - 9 times outta 10 - came here to Thailand in the first place precisely because they were clueless about and/or baffled as to the ways of women so when someone suggests that our hapless love fool "Pay her off" and another advises that he "leave his job, his condo, his car and delete his Facebook account", he knows he's receiving BS advice.

This is it in a nutshell, I think

All these fully-grown men talking like scared little boys beggars belief until you remember that many of them don't understand much about women to begin with.

It's like taking advice on responsible drinking from an alcoholic.

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If ever there was a topic on TV that made an argument for only renting Thai female company then this is it. So many posters with so much drama, pain and grief in their lives caused by crazy Thai partners.

So to those who rent Thai female company - your decision has been well & truly vindicated. Good luck to you. But at times you may feel lonely for a loving relationship.

To those that chose to live in a long term relationship or marry a Thai girl - just hope like hell you don't get the crazy ones that ruin your life. There's probably 20%-30% that are really happy. Now as for the rest.............

And yes I know there's a massive amount of crazy, jealous, vindictive women in the Western society as well.

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My utmost thanks to everyone for the posts - many are thought provoking with a range of angles to look at things from.

May I just say that from the outside looking in, the solutions always look so easy.

I am quite often the person that my friends and colleagues turn to in troubled times or emergencies as I'm usually seen as being very calm and logical. However, when emotions are involved, things get cloudy and it's not as easy to be as decisive which is why I've been in this situation for so long.

The first time my gf got physical with me and punched me, I was so shocked and promised myself that it was over as it made no sense to be with someone who had no control and that I would end things as soon as she found her feet with a secure job...

She turned down so many opportunities waiting for an opening in my company which eventually came up - I didn't do anything to get her the job outside of doing her CV and training her for the interview. She thought it would be great to be close to me but our situations were different as she found herself in a horrible position and was really miserable reporting to a bully of a boss whilst I worked really, really hard to achieve stability for myself and department to the point where I was made head of department. I have tried to advise her how to manage her work situation and improve her career to little effect.

She continued to occasionally totally flip out and go crazy. She knows that I have trained as an amateur boxer for over 10 years in my younger days and taunts me to hit her back which would be stupid, but my lack of desired response strangely escalates things, one time to the point where she sucker punched me in the face when I was driving because I wouldn't accept her accusations. I stopped the car and asked her to get out which she refused to. Writing this now, I know I should have at that very point gone to the police for assistance but instead accepted her sobbing apologies which usually come a day or two later when she calms down, cries hysterically and literally kneels on the floor begging for another chance explaining that I am the greatest thing to have happened to her life and that she reacts that way because she can't bear the thought of someone else having me.

Again, I promised myself that as soon as she was stable in her job that I would be gone and my own trusted staff who know of my situation have advised that being as emotional as she is, she would never let me go, and could kill me or herself if I tried to leave.

My plan is to find another place to live, and to move out to that new home as soon as I have a chance before taking some time off away and alone where I myself can think things through and hopefully have her calm down so I can explain why I cannot return to her. In this present economic climate when so many people are losing their jobs, I don't think it would bode well for my future to walk away from a good career path so I plan to tough it out and remain in my company for the time being.

She'll come for me, I know it already but it's a start at least as we'll no longer physically be together.

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I was in a similar situation with my wife of 11 years

Tearing my cloths of trying to rip my passport up Jumping on top of me and hitting and punching me. I too have never hit her or any other woman and after the 3rd or 4th time this happened I said

Thats it I cannot take it anymore "I warned you if you punched or hit me again I would divorce you and that is exactly what I did That was over 5 years ago and I have finally found a sane nice woman I can be with

So all I can say is finish with her. If you are afraid for your safety Tell the local police and lock her out. Send her to see her family by herself then hen she is there call her and tell her you have changed the locks and not to come back to you. Protect yourself I know this insanity

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So many people saying you'll have to give her money (some even saying 50-100k). Where does this nonsense come from?

She chose to follow you to wherever you are now. You did not force her.

If she has to go back home then so be it.

If she can no longer afford the condo or car then tough luck she'll either have to get a second job or give them up.

Money will not solve this situation. The crazy bitch will take it and continue her psycho antics.

It says a lot about the majority of people round here when their answer is just to throw money at every situation that arises.

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Quickie early morning synopsis: 90% of men on here don't understand women anyway so why listen to their advice and introducing money into the equation never solves anything.

However, the OP himself actually chimed in at #174 and said he wants to stay in his good job after taking a vacation and moving to an 'undisclosed location'.

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I was nearly "hoist with my own petard" with my first Thai ex GF,

I taught her how to shoot,then when the lies she had told me and the Paranoia and tantrums emerged I left her a decent amount of money,

and 3 months paid on the condo,but during the happier times I had taught her how to shoot...biiiiiig mistake,

if she hadn't chosen an ex detective Thai Friend(yes one of the good ones!)

to help track me down,and shown him the .38 she intended to do me in with it would have been curtains for yours truly,

well before this happened(back when I was fairly naive vis a vis Thailand)and I first attempted to tell her it was over,she pulled the"suicide card",

"If you leave me,I jump off balcony honey!" (this may sound harsh but it worked) I picked her up and started striding towards the balcony saying

"ok,I help you if you don't want to live"....needless to say she changed her mind after a few steps and no more suicide blackmail,

sometimes you have to give the impression of ruthlessness to get through a Thai woman in a manic state,

I agree with the above posters who say change the locks or move,personally I'd move without telling any of your work mates/staff/friends,

in case she gets some male relatives to do something nasty,

I've had some jealous GF's in my life,but the only 2 that made me fear for my safety were a Brazilian girl and a Thai girl.,

leaving her some money to put into a business if she can afford it is a good idea,will distract her for the first crazy months,

the older male Thai idea is a good one too,especially if he's a copper.

good luck!

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I first attempted to tell her it was over,she pulled the"suicide card",

"If you leave me,I jump off balcony honey!" (this may sound harsh but it worked) I picked her up and started striding towards the balcony saying

"ok,I help you if you don't want to live"....needless to say she changed her mind after a few steps and no more suicide blackmail,

I told one with a razor in her hand to do it outside the apartment so I don't have to clean up the mess, I opened the door and yelled 'get the f$*k out' at her.

Needless to say she soon calmed down after that and never did it again.

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One gets mocked on here by the usual suspects for 'paying for sex' but in reading all the above horror stories one can also appreciate the wisdom of Charlie Sheen who (supposedly) told the judge upon being queried why someone like himself needs to pay for sex:

I don't pay for sex; I pay for them to go home after sex.

... which in Thailand might involve paying for them to have a place to where they actually can go home ... and thus all the fracas as described involved with getting her to move out becomes moot.

Edited by JLCrab
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All women are jealous to some degree and Thai women seem to be more jealous than most. The degree to which they indulge themselves though tends to be what they can get away with, or what they think they can get away with.

It sounds like you indulged this early on and now she can't stop. My missus had a few episodes very early in our relationship and I told her I would not tolerate it at all. I have a young (12 now, was 8 when we got together) daughter living with me and told her any hint of violence and she would be out the door, no second chances. You have created the monster in a way. It is so recognised as a problem in Thai society that they have retreats where the monks will discuss the destructive nature of jealousy for days.

Funny about work though. In most of the relationships (Thai/Farang) I have seen they respect work. Thais seem to get that we are screwed without income.

All this talk about getting violent with her only works if you are a violent person and it doesn't sound like you are. Can you both approach her family? Will she agree to that? With her telling her Mum, Dad, sisters, brothers, what she has been up to?

Don't envy you at all.

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I will respond in the same manner as the OP.

1. You must go, but you must protect yourself.

2. Get a different job hopefully with the same company, none the less you must move.

3. Tell her nothing.

4. When you have everything in place, move your stuff to your new job and home.

5. AFTER, you have done these things, IF you feel you must speak to her that you are going, THEN you can do it. ONLY after you have have completed the move. Don't tell her where you moved to or any new information.

6. Don't look back. This girl is destructive. She feels like she is entitled to something but that's not your problem.

7. If you inform her of ANY of this, she will hurt you somehow to prevent you from leaving.

8. Get a new girlfriend. If the same happens, repeat the above.

9. Be strong.

Why do I never see Thai guys having to do any of the above?

The last one I witnessed the girl was given 1,000 baht and told to make her own way back to Issan.

The OP made the classic mistake of moving the girl into his apartment, if any of you guys are considering this, take note and think again.

Do what the Thais do, move in with the girl at her place, or rent a place in her name, then when the crap hits the fan, move out.

Absolute perfect addition to my post. Thanks

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Her previous bf cheated on her numerous times before they eventually split up

Don't judge her ex by what she says, if what you say is any indication of her character, she'll be telling her future boyfriend how you used to cheat on her and beat her.

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A, Love up to her. Arrange to take a holiday from work, move back to where you were before, disappear, come back and move out. She will probably turn up at your work and hassle you. If so, be a man.

B, Pay money to get her sectioned.

C, Don't get involved with Thai women. whistling.gif

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