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Thaksin's Sister Targeted For Graft Inquiry

Jai Dee

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Probe sought into power agency's leasing project

Democrat deputy leader Alongkorn Ponlabutr has petitioned the auditor-general to look into the bidding for the provincial power agency's three-billion-baht computer software leasing project that was won by a firm owned by a sister of the caretaker prime minister.

Mr Alongkorn, who chairs the Democrat party's anti-graft panel, showed up at the Office of the Auditor-General yesterday to present Khunying Jaruvan Maintaka with a petition for an investigation into a project of the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) to lease computer software from the private sector with a budget of around 3.192 billion baht.

Mr Alongkorn alleged that checks had showed a lack of transparency and traces of corruption in several ways. These were the PEA board and the interior minister's decisions to shift from buying to leasing, the fact the budget was too high and that only one bidder passed the technical screening process and then won the bid at a price close to the median price.

Mr Alongkorn alleged that state power must have been used in favour of the bid winner _ a private firm owned by caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's younger sister Yaowapa Wongsawat _ as the company had a registered capital of only one million baht, but still won the costly project.

"[Feasibility] studies done by Inthanon Consulting Company hired to study the project were also questionable. So, I want the Office of the Auditor-General to look into the matter because initial checking found there might be corruption or bidding collusion, which is against articles 7-19 of the state bidding law of 1999," he said.

After accepting the petition, the auditor-general said her agency's duty was to examine every project for irregular spending in order to safeguard taxpayers' money. Petitions were handled on a first-come, first-served basis, with evidence gathered, relevant people questioned, and the cases forwarded to the State Audit Commission for scrutinising before probe results were publicised.

"I'm neither worried nor stressed about looking into this project although the prime minister's younger sister was allegedly involved. This is because the Office of the Auditor-General handles cases based on principles, reasons, evidence and facts for the country's benefits without taking the side of any party. Whoever is found guilty, whether they are the prime minister's sister or anyone, will be equally investigated. So, the people can trust the office," she said.

Asked if she feared being thought of as working in line with the former opposition parties' tip-offs, Khunying Jaruvan said she liked working on her own. But she admitted rebuking Mr Alongkorn for turning up in the Democrat party's name.

Source: Bangkok Post - Tuesday April 18, 2006

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Shinawtra software deal in the spotlight

The auditor-general has been asked to investigate alleged irregularities surrounding the Provincial Electricity Authority's (PEA) Bt3-billion software lease deal signed more than two years ago with a company linked to the Shinawatra family.

Democrat Party deputy leader Alongkorn Pollabutr has alleged the contract was suspicious, pointing out that the deal was won by a company part-owned by a sister of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Alongkorn has provided Auditor-General Khunying Jaruvan Maintaka with documents that he says support his suspicions.

He said the government changed its plan to buy software and decided to rent it in a deal signed on March 17, 2004.

Alongkorn alleged there was no benefit in the government renting software as opposed to buying it.

He said Monthatip Kowitcharoenkul, Thaksin's sister, was a co-owner of the only company technically qualified to provide the service - a joint venture between Siemens, IBM and Portal Net.

Monthatip owns Portal Net.

That the bid offer was close to the median price set by the PEA and appeared inflated was also cause for concern, said Alongkorn.

He said the joint-venture company had registered capital of just Bt1 million, but won bidding for a project worth more than Bt3 billion.

He said he wondered whether there had been lobbying, or outright corruption, in relation to the project.

Jaruvan said she told Alongkorn he should not have come to her, as people might think she was motivated by her recent conflicts with the government if she responded to the former opposition party's calls for an investigation.

Jaruvan was suspended from her duties as attorney-general in 2004, only to be re-appointed earlier this year, after a public spat with the ruling administration.

Alongkorn has filed his complaint as a Thai citizen, she said.

He is also investigating alleged irregularities behind a bank loan for Bt800 million for a housing estate project that is linked to Yaowapha Wongsawat, another of Thaksin's sisters.

Source: The Nation - 18 April 2006

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You see this story perfectly illustrate the problem with the "Thaksin's clique".

It's not about corruption... It's about an OBSESSION for money. And never ending greed, that consummes every member of the family.

The family has secured a deal of 2.5 billions USD. Plus many other in the past (plus the one we don't know). They are swiming in a sea of cash.

But NO, it's never enough. Never. They will continue to suck every satang they can.

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Democrats win probe into PEA, Thaksin’s sister

Democrat Party deputy leader Alongkorn Polabutr yesterday presented a letter to Auditor-General Khunying Jaruvan Maintaka asking her to investigate irregularities in the Provincial Electricity Authority’s (PEA) 3.19 billion baht computer rental project, alleging the deal unfairly favours the bidding firm owned by Yaowapha Wongsawat, the sister of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, at the expense of the state power enterprise.

Alongkorn, who chairs the Democrat Party’s corruption probing committee, asked Khunying Jaruvan to find out if bidders were colluding to set a price in favour of Yaowapha. If that is the case, the bidding violates sections 7 - 19 of the state procurement law, he said.

Based on an initial investigation by his team, Alongkorn said several irregularities had been uncovered in the project. For instance, he said it was strange that the PEA board and the Interior Minister had approved a change in the original contract from purchasing computers to renting them instead, an action he deemed would bring little gain to the state yet would benefit Yaowapha’s firm. Alongkorn added that the proposed bidding price of 3.19 billion baht for computer rentals was too high regardless. He also said it was strange that the only firm to meet the technical requirements set by the PEA was Yaowapha’s, and it was unusual that her firm’s proposed bidding price was relative on par with the price set by PEA. Another irregularity Alongkorn raised was that Yaowapha’s firm, despite having a combined registered capital of just one million baht, managed to win the bid worth over three billion baht.

“I want Khunying Jaruvan to look into the case since we have found several irregularities,” said Alongkorn.

In response, Khunying Jaruvan told reporters yesterday that she would do her best in probing the alleged irregularities while ensuring that all parties concerned received the fairest treatment possible.

Khunying Jaruvan said the fact that the case involves the sister of the caretaker premier does not worry her. “I’m not under any pressures in probing this case. We will treat everybody, irrespective of whether or not they are relatives of Thaksin or any other powerful politicians, fairly and in straightforward manner,” she said.

The Auditor-General added that her agency has yet to search for relevant documents or invite individuals concerned to clarify information.

She said the findings of the probe would disclosed as soon as the investigation was complete.

Source: ThaiDay - 17 April 2006 21:41

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Democrats win probe into Thaksin's sister

In response, Khunying Jaruvan told reporters yesterday that she would do her best in probing the alleged irregularities while ensuring that all parties concerned received the fairest treatment possible.

Khunying Jaruvan said the fact that the case involves the sister of the caretaker premier does not worry her. "I'm not under any pressures in probing this case. We will treat everybody, irrespective of whether or not they are relatives of Thaksin or any other powerful politicians, fairly and in straightforward manner," she said.

The Auditor-General added that her agency has yet to search for relevant documents or invite individuals concerned to clarify information.

She said the findings of the probe would disclosed as soon as the investigation was complete.

Source: ThaiDay - 17 April 2006 21:41

Just to help out in the "probe", this cattle prod might be of some invaluable assistance in getting the truth out of this defective DNA gene holder:



p.s. Khunying Jaruwan can best serve the public by keeping the "findings of the probe" undisclosed. The photos are likely to be so gross and gut-wrenching, I know I don't wish to "view" them...


Edited by sriracha john
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It's sad to see how greedy people can become. I can only assume that they enjoy these kinds of things and the attention they create, otherwise, why not take a few more vacations and enjoy what you have.

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PM’s sister denies her wealth is odd


The sister of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shi-nawatra, Yaowapa Wongsawas, yesterday denied allegations by a senior opposition politician that she had become unusually wealthy and had employed irregular means to acquire a plush housing estate on Bangkok’s northern outskirts.

Addressing a press conference at the Thai Rak Thai party headquarters on New Phetchaburi Road, Yaowapa, who is also a TRT deputy leader, threatened to file civil and criminal charges against Alongkorn Pollabutr, Democrat party deputy leader, for alleged defamation.

Alongkorn had earlier petitioned the National Counter Corruption Commission to investigate the source of what he claimed was Yaowapa’s unusual wealth and to look into how she acquired a luxurious housing estate on Chaeng Watthana Road near Don Muang Airport.

Yaowapa yesterday denied the charges, claiming that the allegations against her were aimed at undermining the credibility of her elder brother.

She said that the housing estate had been acquired by her daughter, who was old enough to do business.

Her lawyer, Somsakdi Toraksa, said at the press conference that Yaowapa would file a criminal libel lawsuit against Alongkorn next week, which would be followed by a civil action.

Source: ThaiDay - 26 April 2006

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