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Go Home Yankee!


That's a bit strong, KKM.

People have a right to their opinion about what goes on in Thailand.

Ordering people to go home every time they have any criticism of any aspect of life in Thailand is totally OTP.

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I think it's normal for young people to want be interested in foreign things, especially controversial ones.

I was fascinated by Chinese things like Kung <deleted>, Indian things like Yoga and also people like Genghis Khan, Che Guevara, Chairman Mao. I never realized at the time some of the terrible things these people did.

I used to be an anarchist and basically rebelled against all authority.

I remember sitting on a bus next to a student with an anarchy badge on his uniform. When I explained what anarchy meant he was shocked!

Whilst jogging around a lake in Khon Kaen recently, I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a God save the queen , sex pistols t-shirt. I wanted to say something but didn't. I have done in the past though, asking a young girl if she thought it was ok for her to wear a t-shirt with a defaced picture of my queen. AS she replied, it's all about fashion, don't take it so seriously.


It's just a shirt fyi.

Do u see thais giving the salute and beating up ppl of other color?

That's the difference between someone wearing it as a fashion statement and one that believes in it.

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The Swastika is an ancient symbol which has been (and still is) used by many cultures an religions.

Go here !


The symbols association with Nazism is,should course, be condemned.

Oh please.

So I reckon the Thai bloke I saw the other day wearing a t-shirt saying WHITE POWER with large Nazi swastika was honoring his religion ... bah.gif

We're not stupid. We know the difference.

How stupid are the Thais wearing such crap? Not sure. I don't confront them. Not worth it.


The ugly head of Nazism is raising its ugly head again, in the countries that lost so much in fighting them and suffered so much, not even in Germany is it against the law to display Nazi symbols, It only is unlawful if you connect those symbols to a political movement or cause,. The European Union did not make displaying such symbols as an infraction of the law..

Thailand or Thai's are not the problem, it is mostly a problem outside of the borders of Thailand, and centered in the US and Europe, you are not the only person who relatives fought or suffered under the Nazi's, What give you the right to abuse Thai's in their own country, if you do not like what you see in Thailand go elsewhere, to live.

People such as you give Farang's such a bad image to locals in Thailand.;

Go Home Yankee!

The typical situation over and over again...

You criticizes Thais or Thailand in any way and you will always be confronted with the Thai-wannebe Farangs, who are still hit by the "Thailand Is Perfect"-illusion and will be telling you "Just go back home". Its always... Don't say anything bad or you will have to leave! BAD BAD FARANG!... How dare you criticizes the Thais! LOL!!!

Funny that I have never meet this attitude, when talking or discussing with educated Thais. Even they, can also see that Thailand and Thais are not always perfect. But present your opinions for many Farangs here and suddenly you are turned into a "Thai-hater".

Not long ago Thai-policemen kidnapped two foreign tourist and held them hostage for ransom money. Is that a perfect country and the actions of perfect people? Am I allowed to say that this is very wrong and represents a big problem for Thailand? Will it help the Thais, if someone says this is going to far in relation to corruption? Or should we just all be quiet and smile - and of course just "Go Home", if we can not accept it? Should Thailand be a place where you can not go to the police, because of the fear of never returning?

I am not Thai, I will never be Thai and I have no wish of becoming a Thai. In other words, I am not a Thai-wannabe. But that does not make me a Thai-hater, it just makes me a realist. And "Yes" I live in their country and with Thai-people. But this does not mean, that I have to just accept everything they throw at me. If they unknowingly offend me then I say so, just like they tell me if I offend them. If different cultures are to live together in harmony and understand each others way of thinking, then they must be willing to listen and respect each other.

The claims that Thais are sooooo tolerant and non-sensitive is totally BS! Unless of course you live your life in a Go-Go bar or talk about corruption. Thais are no more tolerant or non-sensitive than other people. If you think so, it is because you are still in the illusion-phase, smartly created by the Thai Tourist industry.

And where is the tolerance, in saying that people who state their own opinion about Thais and Thailand should just "Go Home"? And how will a society ever change and become better, if people are just told to "Go Home", if they come with their own opinion?

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The Swastika is an ancient symbol which has been (and still is) used by many cultures an religions.

Go here !


The symbols association with Nazism is,should course, be condemned.

Oh please.

So I reckon the Thai bloke I saw the other day wearing a t-shirt saying WHITE POWER with large Nazi swastika was honoring his religion ... bah.gif

We're not stupid. We know the difference.

How stupid are the Thais wearing such crap? Not sure. I don't confront them. Not worth it.

WHat you allow you condone.


The Swastika is an ancient symbol which has been (and still is) used by many cultures an religions.

Go here !


The symbols association with Nazism is,should course, be condemned.

Oh please.

So I reckon the Thai bloke I saw the other day wearing a t-shirt saying WHITE POWER with large Nazi swastika was honoring his religion ... bah.gif

We're not stupid. We know the difference.

How stupid are the Thais wearing such crap? Not sure. I don't confront them. Not worth it.

WHat you allow you condone.

What are you on about? Non-Thais have no status in Thailand to allow or disallow anything. We can kvetch though. Big time!


I think it's normal for young people to want be interested in foreign things, especially controversial ones.

I was fascinated by Chinese things like Kung <deleted>, Indian things like Yoga and also people like Genghis Khan, Che Guevara, Chairman Mao. I never realized at the time some of the terrible things these people did.

I used to be an anarchist and basically rebelled against all authority.

I remember sitting on a bus next to a student with an anarchy badge on his uniform. When I explained what anarchy meant he was shocked!

Whilst jogging around a lake in Khon Kaen recently, I saw a middle-aged woman wearing a God save the queen , sex pistols t-shirt. I wanted to say something but didn't. I have done in the past though, asking a young girl if she thought it was ok for her to wear a t-shirt with a defaced picture of my queen. AS she replied, it's all about fashion, don't take it so seriously.

Very true, it is about fashion and most people not knowing the actual meaning of what they are actually wearing.

I could however think of some images on T-shirts, that I doubt Thais would accept me calling "Just fashion"... I wonder how tolerant they would be, even if i wore it in e.g. a Thai-restaurant in my own country? Would they just smile and say... "Oh, it does not matter, I am living in his country and have to accept it". I think NOT... They would beat the shit out of me, before I even finished my meal.

The government here banned religious tattoos on foreigners... Why? Why can I not have a picture of Buddha on my big fat Farang bum, if I think that looks great or makes me look cool? Its just fashion... right? So why take it serious and make laws about it?

Respect and tolerance goes both ways!


Thai's know full well that it was a symbol of some chaps in germany,

they just dont give a rats arse, and why would they ? nothing to do with them, they weren't even born.

I dont give a rats arse for the same reasons, and used to have a ww2 helmet even tho i ripped of the symbol,

unlike other helmets it stayed on without the rope, and the only reason i shifted helmet is coz i read someone got fined for not using the rope, so it lost the purpose.

If you did not care at all, then why rip off the symbol?


The Swastika is an ancient symbol which has been (and still is) used by many cultures an religions.

Go here !


The symbols association with Nazism is,should course, be condemned.

Oh please.

So I reckon the Thai bloke I saw the other day wearing a t-shirt saying WHITE POWER with large Nazi swastika was honoring his religion ... bah.gif

We're not stupid. We know the difference.

How stupid are the Thais wearing such crap? Not sure. I don't confront them. Not worth it.

WHat you allow you condone.

What are you on about? Non-Thais have no status in Thailand to allow or disallow anything. We can kvetch though. Big time!

But do we have a right to explain to them what offends us? And would it be in their benefit to respect us, in the way they expect we respect them?


But do we have a right to explain to them what offends us? And would it be in their benefit to respect us, in the way they expect we respect them?

Perhaps worth trying with Thai people you know. I wouldn't confront a stranger here on such a thing.


It's just a shirt fyi.

Do u see thais giving the salute and beating up ppl of other color?

That's the difference between someone wearing it as a fashion statement and one that believes in it.

Why don't you try printing a shirt with cartoons of Thais "sensitive matters" on it...

Wear it amongst Thais anywhere in the world and try to explain to them that it is "Just a shirt", "You don't really believe in it", "Its just for fun" and "Its just fashion"... Good luck!

PS. Let me know what hospital, you will be staying at and I will drop by with a Nazi-cake.

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This topic is about knowledge of history, empathy and respect. Easy to read who is lacking it. Sad !


And also an example of how we in our part of the world, totally have lost the respect for our own history and beliefs. The Thais are actually not to blame in this, but it is us that are wrong. We are wrong by not protecting and respecting our own history, like e.g. the Thais would do if it was the other way around.

Because of our "we don't really care" attitude, we have also lost the respect from e.g. the Thais. Why respect someone, that does not really care? They laugh at the Farangs who say "Don't sell shirts like that" because they know the majority could care less.

Ever seen a Thai go to a foreign country and become a Farang-wannabe?... change religion or want to forget their basic values etc.??? They adapt, but they never turn their back on their traditions, religion, history etc. like we will do in the blink of an eye.

It truly is sad!


Probably thailand has a fair share of foreigners living here with a lack of morals and who care jackshit what happens around them. A simple mind is a joy forever for many. In the years before when i lived with a thai woman in my homecountry they have adapted to what is of benefit for them. They never forgot that they were thai, of what i have seen. Rightfully so i think. Some of them are openminded and can see the benefits of living in a western world. Yesterday i met a thai woman whois divorced, most likely, and living alone with her son of 9. Upon asking why she does not go back to live in Thailand, she replied; here better for my sons education.


This topic is about knowledge of history, empathy and respect. Easy to read who is lacking it. Sad !

No.. This thread is about a foreigner getting upset by locals sporting "symbols" that he/she find offensive and feels the need to educate said locals on this matter via a foreign established social forum...

If anything, the OP should be respecting the history of said symbol in said country, not the symbolism adapted by a little Austrian man with a moustache..

If the OP is so slighted by this outrageous use of symbols, perhaps his energy should be directed to the Simon Wiesenthal Center... They eat this stuff for breakfast..

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This topic is about knowledge of history, empathy and respect. Easy to read who is lacking it. Sad !

No.. This thread is about a foreigner getting upset by locals sporting "symbols" that he/she find offensive and feels the need to educate said locals on this matter via a foreign established social forum...

If anything, the OP should be respecting the history of said symbol in said country, not the symbolism adapted by a little Austrian man with a moustache..

If the OP is so slighted by this outrageous use of symbols, perhaps his energy should be directed to the Simon Wiesenthal Center... They eat this stuff for breakfast..

Why you prove my point ? Daft ain't it ?


Ever seen a Thai go to a foreign country and become a Farang-wannabe?... change religion or want to forget their basic values etc.??? They adapt, but they never turn their back on their traditions, religion, history etc. like we will do in the blink of an eye.

It truly is sad!

I didn't get the opportunity to meet my father-in-law, however, he was as you term a "farang-wannabe" because he changed his religion, he grew up a Buddhist and on a visit to the USA was introduced to Chritianity, he never turned back to Buddhism.

My mother-in-law, also grew up a Buddhist, when she married my father-in-law, she too, converted to Christianity (she's the only one on her side of the family that is - her brothers and sisters and their families are still Buddhist).

The same can't be said for my wife and brothers-in-law as they grew up as Christians.

I know plenty of Thai-Christians nowadays, so if you need more examples of Thais who have apparently turned away from their culture, let me know.

I honestly don't believe they're sad either, pretty jovial really.


This topic is about knowledge of history, empathy and respect. Easy to read who is lacking it. Sad !

No.. This thread is about a foreigner getting upset by locals sporting "symbols" that he/she find offensive and feels the need to educate said locals on this matter via a foreign established social forum...

If anything, the OP should be respecting the history of said symbol in said country, not the symbolism adapted by a little Austrian man with a moustache..

If the OP is so slighted by this outrageous use of symbols, perhaps his energy should be directed to the Simon Wiesenthal Center... They eat this stuff for breakfast..

Why you prove my point ? Daft ain't it ?

Argh sorry.. Jumped the gun ;)


Take a ride through the southern USA someday and see how many confederate flags are still flying. South Carolina flys it at the state capitol building. I suspect it is hard for many to imagine how insulting this symbol of the old south, slavery and all, is to most blacks and to many whites as well.

The confederate flag in my opinion has become a "badge of honor" of redneck racists and is a way for them to let everyone know that if up to them slavery would be alive and well.

I see them and as much as I might like to confront them I am also very aware that most of them have an arsenal of guns and would just love to shoot your ass for suggesting they might want to stop dragging their knuckles and enter the 21st century.

Every country will likely always have a bunch of jerks, morons, idiots, racists, that love to display controversial images just because they can. Thailand is no exception.

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You're equating the U.S. confederate flag to Hitler Swastika flags? Okie dokie. rolleyes.gif

Ask a few old southern blacks their opinion as to which IN THEIR MIND was worse.

No I'm not equating them but they both seem to come out of the same pile of racist rubbish.

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The ugly head of Nazism is raising its ugly head again, in the countries that lost so much in fighting them and suffered so much, not even in Germany is it against the law to display Nazi symbols, It only is unlawful if you connect those symbols to a political movement or cause,. The European Union did not make displaying such symbols as an infraction of the law..

Thailand or Thai's are not the problem, it is mostly a problem outside of the borders of Thailand, and centered in the US and Europe, you are not the only person who relatives fought or suffered under the Nazi's, What give you the right to abuse Thai's in their own country, if you do not like what you see in Thailand go elsewhere, to live.

People such as you give Farang's such a bad image to locals in Thailand.;

Go Home Yankee!

The typical situation over and over again...

You criticizes Thais or Thailand in any way and you will always be confronted with the Thai-wannebe Farangs, who are still hit by the "Thailand Is Perfect"-illusion and will be telling you "Just go back home". Its always... Don't say anything bad or you will have to leave! BAD BAD FARANG!... How dare you criticizes the Thais! LOL!!!

Funny that I have never meet this attitude, when talking or discussing with educated Thais. Even they, can also see that Thailand and Thais are not always perfect. But present your opinions for many Farangs here and suddenly you are turned into a "Thai-hater".

Not long ago Thai-policemen kidnapped two foreign tourist and held them hostage for ransom money. Is that a perfect country and the actions of perfect people? Am I allowed to say that this is very wrong and represents a big problem for Thailand? Will it help the Thais, if someone says this is going to far in relation to corruption? Or should we just all be quiet and smile - and of course just "Go Home", if we can not accept it? Should Thailand be a place where you can not go to the police, because of the fear of never returning?

I am not Thai, I will never be Thai and I have no wish of becoming a Thai. In other words, I am not a Thai-wannabe. But that does not make me a Thai-hater, it just makes me a realist. And "Yes" I live in their country and with Thai-people. But this does not mean, that I have to just accept everything they throw at me. If they unknowingly offend me then I say so, just like they tell me if I offend them. If different cultures are to live together in harmony and understand each others way of thinking, then they must be willing to listen and respect each other.

The claims that Thais are sooooo tolerant and non-sensitive is totally BS! Unless of course you live your life in a Go-Go bar or talk about corruption. Thais are no more tolerant or non-sensitive than other people. If you think so, it is because you are still in the illusion-phase, smartly created by the Thai Tourist industry.

And where is the tolerance, in saying that people who state their own opinion about Thais and Thailand should just "Go Home"? And how will a society ever change and become better, if people are just told to "Go Home", if they come with their own opinion?

A Thai wanna-be that's a new one to me, I am tired of the Farang's that come to Thailand on their own and then state without his retirement money Thailand would not exist., along with your Delusions of Grandeur, that you and your beliefs are superior to that of the Thai's in their own country The Nazi master race philosophy, that you states is so distasteful to you, yet you embrace its ideals. You as the self chosen one to educate Thai's to your superior beliefs.

I can not let such conceit and ignorance go unanswered, You are the usual sex-pat that comes to Thailand and live in the wild west beer bar tourist cities and make your generalization of all Thai's from those in your sex paradise.

Most Falangs I run into in Thailand want to discuss, politics, religion and the third world Thai's, I do not care or desire to mingle with such negative riff-raff the vast majority of friends I have are Thai's and a handful of Falangs. In my 12 years of living in Thailand I am not aware of offending any Thai's by what I intentionally say and or do. I have had run-ins with some Thai's when I lived in Pattaya. 10 years ago.

I find Thai's to be my preferred company and friends, I do not try to change them and have learned many ways of doing things that I did not know before, there is much to learn in Thailand, if you have an open mind.

You would never come to my house and disrespect it by sprouting your beliefs, with out being forcefully escorted out the gate!



The ugly head of Nazism is raising its ugly head again, in the countries that lost so much in fighting them and suffered so much, not even in Germany is it against the law to display Nazi symbols, It only is unlawful if you connect those symbols to a political movement or cause,. The European Union did not make displaying such symbols as an infraction of the law..

Thailand or Thai's are not the problem, it is mostly a problem outside of the borders of Thailand, and centered in the US and Europe, you are not the only person who relatives fought or suffered under the Nazi's, What give you the right to abuse Thai's in their own country, if you do not like what you see in Thailand go elsewhere, to live.

People such as you give Farang's such a bad image to locals in Thailand.;

Go Home Yankee!

The typical situation over and over again...

You criticizes Thais or Thailand in any way and you will always be confronted with the Thai-wannebe Farangs, who are still hit by the "Thailand Is Perfect"-illusion and will be telling you "Just go back home". Its always... Don't say anything bad or you will have to leave! BAD BAD FARANG!... How dare you criticizes the Thais! LOL!!!

Funny that I have never meet this attitude, when talking or discussing with educated Thais. Even they, can also see that Thailand and Thais are not always perfect. But present your opinions for many Farangs here and suddenly you are turned into a "Thai-hater".

Not long ago Thai-policemen kidnapped two foreign tourist and held them hostage for ransom money. Is that a perfect country and the actions of perfect people? Am I allowed to say that this is very wrong and represents a big problem for Thailand? Will it help the Thais, if someone says this is going to far in relation to corruption? Or should we just all be quiet and smile - and of course just "Go Home", if we can not accept it? Should Thailand be a place where you can not go to the police, because of the fear of never returning?

I am not Thai, I will never be Thai and I have no wish of becoming a Thai. In other words, I am not a Thai-wannabe. But that does not make me a Thai-hater, it just makes me a realist. And "Yes" I live in their country and with Thai-people. But this does not mean, that I have to just accept everything they throw at me. If they unknowingly offend me then I say so, just like they tell me if I offend them. If different cultures are to live together in harmony and understand each others way of thinking, then they must be willing to listen and respect each other.

The claims that Thais are sooooo tolerant and non-sensitive is totally BS! Unless of course you live your life in a Go-Go bar or talk about corruption. Thais are no more tolerant or non-sensitive than other people. If you think so, it is because you are still in the illusion-phase, smartly created by the Thai Tourist industry.

And where is the tolerance, in saying that people who state their own opinion about Thais and Thailand should just "Go Home"? And how will a society ever change and become better, if people are just told to "Go Home", if they come with their own opinion?

A Thai wanna-be that's a new one to me, I am tired of the Farang's that come to Thailand on their own and then state without his retirement money Thailand would not exist., along with your Delusions of Grandeur, that you and your beliefs are superior to that of the Thai's in their own country The Nazi master race philosophy, that you states is so distasteful to you, yet you embrace its ideals. You as the self chosen one to educate Thai's to your superior beliefs.

I can not let such conceit and ignorance go unanswered, You are the usual sex-pat that comes to Thailand and live in the wild west beer bar tourist cities and make your generalization of all Thai's from those in your sex paradise.

Most Falangs I run into in Thailand want to discuss, politics, religion and the third world Thai's, I do not care or desire to mingle with such negative riff-raff the vast majority of friends I have are Thai's and a handful of Falangs. In my 12 years of living in Thailand I am not aware of offending any Thai's by what I intentionally say and or do. I have had run-ins with some Thai's when I lived in Pattaya. 10 years ago.

I find Thai's to be my preferred company and friends, I do not try to change them and have learned many ways of doing things that I did not know before, there is much to learn in Thailand, if you have an open mind.

You would never come to my house and disrespect it by sprouting your beliefs, with out being forcefully escorted out the gate!


First you tell me to go back home and now I am not invited to your house. What a bad day for me! ;-)

You lIved in Pattaya... What a great choice, when you want to get a taste of the real Thailand!... Let me guess... Isaan now in "your" house? (owned by your 30 year younger GF/wife)


Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!



Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


Wow. The humanity!


Yes, it would be a bad day for you, I do not live anywhere by you, as I am the resident and only Farang in my village. Which I greatly enjoy.

You picked the wrong part of Thailand, so much for your perception

Let me guess you live in Chiang Mai with your Lady boy, boyfriend., in a 2000 baht a month apartment.

Nothing would brighten up Thailand's scenery better then your absence!


Should you not know better. Come on please !

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