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Nazi Symbols...


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On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

Lack of education and ignorance, I guess. And you are right, it does not make any logical sense for many groups to take on the Nazi-symbols. Same as it does not make sense for a Thai-person to run around in a Nazi T-shirt, because the idiot wearing it, does not realize that the real nazis, would be have loved to gas him and turn him into a lamp.

However, the symbols are very powerful and maybe that is why... A Hallo-Kitty logo, would just not have the same effect for a racist hate group.

Every society and country has its share of morons. Also a good reason why any sort of Neo-nazi views or symbols should be prohibited. No need to give any of these people, a way to better expose their sick way of thinking... And also by prohibiting these symbols, society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

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1. Banning of Neo-Nazi Symbols of any kind.

2. Education, Education and more Education so history does not repeat itself.

... and 3. SERIOUS jail-time, for them, who just do not "get it".

What does any society benefit from promoting or allowing pro-Nazism, hate, racism etc.? A good reason why many countries also have implemented bans and laws against Neo-Nazism and why many people get offended by it.

And then when you and your likes have jail the nazis you can all say someting similiar to sieg heil cant you? because to me you are the nazi here and i hate nazis, get it?

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On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

Lack of education and ignorance, I guess. And you are right, it does not make any logical sense for many groups to take on the Nazi-symbols. Same as it does not make sense for a Thai-person to run around in a Nazi T-shirt, because the idiot wearing it, does not realize that the real nazis, would be have loved to gas him and turn him into a lamp.

However, the symbols are very powerful and maybe that is why... A Hallo-Kitty logo, would just not have the same effect for a racist hate group.

Every society and country has its share of morons. Also a good reason why any sort of Neo-nazi views or symbols should be prohibited. No need to give any of these people, a way to better expose their sick way of thinking... And also by prohibiting these symbols, society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

So you approve of the principle of thought police?

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On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

Lack of education and ignorance, I guess. And you are right, it does not make any logical sense for many groups to take on the Nazi-symbols. Same as it does not make sense for a Thai-person to run around in a Nazi T-shirt, because the idiot wearing it, does not realize that the real nazis, would be have loved to gas him and turn him into a lamp.

However, the symbols are very powerful and maybe that is why... A Hallo-Kitty logo, would just not have the same effect for a racist hate group.

Every society and country has its share of morons. Also a good reason why any sort of Neo-nazi views or symbols should be prohibited. No need to give any of these people, a way to better expose their sick way of thinking... And also by prohibiting these symbols, society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

So you approve of the principle of thought police?

Perhaps he should listen to, Joes Garage by Frank Zappa.

"The white zone is for loading and unloading only"

society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

Get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship that you dont live in such a society.

Thankfuly I dont live in such a society, I approve of free thinkers and NON flat earthers.

Sounds like you approve of, The Witchfinder General, or the Spanish Inquisition

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It's the same reason why they wear Che Guevara t-shirts, it's because they think it's fashionable, no other reason. Ask all the thais wearing Che Guevara shirts where he's from and I guarantee you none will know.

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It's the same reason why they wear Che Guevara t-shirts, it's because they think it's fashionable, no other reason. Ask all the thais wearing Che Guevara shirts where he's from and I guarantee you none will know.

Ask all the farang wearing them and see how many actually know where he's from...

Lets commission ABAC to do a poll for our benefit, it'll be worth a giggle...

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It's the same reason why they wear Che Guevara t-shirts, it's because they think it's fashionable, no other reason. Ask all the thais wearing Che Guevara shirts where he's from and I guarantee you none will know.

Ask all the farang wearing them and see how many actually know where he's from...

Lets commission ABAC to do a poll for our benefit, it'll be worth a giggle...

The would probably go something like ahhhh ahhhhh puerto rico? Cuba? Just pull out any latin american country.

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On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

Lack of education and ignorance, I guess. And you are right, it does not make any logical sense for many groups to take on the Nazi-symbols. Same as it does not make sense for a Thai-person to run around in a Nazi T-shirt, because the idiot wearing it, does not realize that the real nazis, would be have loved to gas him and turn him into a lamp.

However, the symbols are very powerful and maybe that is why... A Hallo-Kitty logo, would just not have the same effect for a racist hate group.

Every society and country has its share of morons. Also a good reason why any sort of Neo-nazi views or symbols should be prohibited. No need to give any of these people, a way to better expose their sick way of thinking... And also by prohibiting these symbols, society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

So you approve of the principle of thought police?

Perhaps he should listen to, Joes Garage by Frank Zappa.

"The white zone is for loading and unloading only"

society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

Get down on your knees and give thanks to whatever diety you worship that you dont live in such a society.

Thankfuly I dont live in such a society, I approve of free thinkers and NON flat earthers.

Sounds like you approve of, The Witchfinder General, or the Spanish Inquisition

Well, all I can say is google "Snowden" and "Guantanamo", if you really believe that you live in a world of free thoughts. Do you think that governments that call themselves countries of "free speech and thoughts" use energy on monitoring extremist groups and individuals for fun?

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On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

Lack of education and ignorance, I guess. And you are right, it does not make any logical sense for many groups to take on the Nazi-symbols. Same as it does not make sense for a Thai-person to run around in a Nazi T-shirt, because the idiot wearing it, does not realize that the real nazis, would be have loved to gas him and turn him into a lamp.

However, the symbols are very powerful and maybe that is why... A Hallo-Kitty logo, would just not have the same effect for a racist hate group.

Every society and country has its share of morons. Also a good reason why any sort of Neo-nazi views or symbols should be prohibited. No need to give any of these people, a way to better expose their sick way of thinking... And also by prohibiting these symbols, society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

So you approve of the principle of thought police?

We are talking about Neo-Nazis preaching hate and racism. When it comes to EXTREMISTS of any kind, I am fine with governments doing everything to prevent that. If they at the same time while monitoring us all, can catch some pedophiles then fine with me.

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1. Banning of Neo-Nazi Symbols of any kind.

2. Education, Education and more Education so history does not repeat itself.

... and 3. SERIOUS jail-time, for them, who just do not "get it".

What does any society benefit from promoting or allowing pro-Nazism, hate, racism etc.? A good reason why many countries also have implemented bans and laws against Neo-Nazism and why many people get offended by it.

And then when you and your likes have jail the nazis you can all say someting similiar to sieg heil cant you? because to me you are the nazi here and i hate nazis, get it?

Nope, I don't get it and I am starting to wonder, if you know what a Neo-Nazi actually is and believes in? If you hate Nazis, then it makes no sense to me, how you can approve of Nazi-symbols or Neo-Nazis of any kind.

Any chance you are hanging too much out at Khaosan Road and smoking a bit too much? You realize the world has changed since the 1960s... right? Ever heard of 9/11? or seen what Neo-Nazis do to people, they do not approve of?

Maybe you should google "Neo-Nazi" or "Extremists" and read a bit about it. Or maybe you should bring one of your Thai-friends to meet a real Neo-Nazi and hear what he has to say about your friend. I am sure you would be surprised...

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There used to a loads of Thais wearing Sid Vicious T-shirts. I wonder if it's because he liked the swastika.


The Thai greeting, sawasdee ka, comes from the same Sanskrit word as swastika.

I see sid vicious in that picture NOW and NOW we have a big problem. Yup the same bloody group of ppl that were calling the thais insensitive when they see sid wear that Well let's just say they aren't so aggressive in telling a person like sid and preaching "morality" to him. Other than the fact that sid would not only tell them to "f***" off and beat them up for good measure and so would his fellow sex pistol band mates well you cannot get thru to someone like sid would you? His band promoted anarchy in the UK and in this same instance might i showcase to all and sundry the double standards from the western perspective in judging ppl.

White dead iconic punk band member from iconic band wears offensive T-shirt = he's edgy, he's so daring, he's so brave.

Asian or thai person does the same = he's an ignorant f****** that should respect the feelings of people miles and miles away from his country that are now residing in his country.

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On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

Lack of education and ignorance, I guess. And you are right, it does not make any logical sense for many groups to take on the Nazi-symbols. Same as it does not make sense for a Thai-person to run around in a Nazi T-shirt, because the idiot wearing it, does not realize that the real nazis, would be have loved to gas him and turn him into a lamp.

However, the symbols are very powerful and maybe that is why... A Hallo-Kitty logo, would just not have the same effect for a racist hate group.

Every society and country has its share of morons. Also a good reason why any sort of Neo-nazi views or symbols should be prohibited. No need to give any of these people, a way to better expose their sick way of thinking... And also by prohibiting these symbols, society indirectly tells its people that this way of thinking is not acceptable.

So you approve of the principle of thought police?

We are talking about Neo-Nazis preaching hate and racism. When it comes to EXTREMISTS of any kind, I am fine with governments doing everything to prevent that. If they at the same time while monitoring us all, can catch some pedophiles then fine with me.

In your post you were actually talking about controlling what people are allowed to wear and think. You didn't mention anything about preaching hate and racism which are, and should be, against the law in most civilised countries.

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Some real Thai haters on this thread. Thais generally have great tolerance and perhaps those offended by a T-shirt should learn to be more tolerant of others.

This is not about hating Thais, but printing and selling e.g. T-shirts with Nazi-symbols or dressing up as Nazis.

Thailand and Thais are not perfect - same as all other nationalities/countries in the world are also not perfect. Why criticizing Thais always has to end up with someone claiming it is related to hating Thais, I will never understand? It has nothing to do with hate!

However, If there is something I really hate about living here, then it is all those "Thai-wannabe Farangs", who thinks everything related to Thailand or Thai people is just perfect. Wake up!... Thais are not perfect, same as we Farangs are not perfect. They are just human like we are and even they do mistakes.

Thais actually have very little tolerance, when it comes their beliefs and customs... If you do not believe me, then e.g. try to clap an adult Thai-person on his/her head, point your foot at a Thai or try raising your voice at a Thai in front of others. Thais are no more tolerant than any other people. Actually, they are a lot easier to offend, without you even realizing it. Look behind the smiles and you will realize, that they are just as human as we are. And don't always think a smile means they actually like you. They sometimes smile just to avoid "losing face" and having to beat the shit out of you.

So please do not play the "Thais are perfect" record again and again. Thais are wonderful people and we can learn so much from them and their culture. BUT they can also learn a lot from us... And one thing is understanding, that we can also "lose face" and they should respect that.

And to all wannabe-Thais out there... You can wear 100 Buddhas necklaces, change religion, marry a Thai, have 10 children with a Thai, go to the temple every day, speak Thai, act Thai and live in Thailand for 100 years.... BUT you will always be A FARANG in the eyes of any Thai!

Edited by btwretail
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I'm not saying those are not nazi swastikas, I'm saying that to Thais they probably have no idea of the nazi connotations, just the Hindu/Buddhist ones.

Rubbish. Go on google and find pictures of many schools who have had their students dress up in full nazi regalia. Not just talking the odd swastika either. May as well be cast and crew for saving private Ryan 2.

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Every country I have thus far visited appears to have some NUTS who try to shock/offend others by doing something outrageous. In the USA we still have semi KKK members as well as white supremeists and worse.

How many western people have offended Asians and DISRESPECTED Buddha by such actions as Buddha Beer or Buddha Babes or various improper images of Buddha?

There will always be people who are semi oblivious to how very offensive some of their actions or "humour" really are to other people.

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Well, with the Swastika (Nazi-version) being internationally known as a powerful symbol of racism and hate, I doubt Thailand would improve it reputation towards e.g. tourists, if all Thais started wearing Nazi T-shirts.

If it did not hurt Thailand, then why did the schools here go out and say that they where sorry, for dressing up as Nazis? Could someone "smart" maybe had told them that they where on the wrong track?

When it comes to the Nazi-swastika, there are some international basic moral rules. People and countries respect these rules, because nobody wants history to repeat itself and also nobody (except neo-nazis) wants to promote racism and hate.

Anyone (who is not a neo-nazi) protecting the Nazi-swastika, are in my opinion unknowing of its real meaning. Printed on red and white, it has nothing to do with religion or anything else. It is a clear symbol of racism and hate... Nothing else. If that makes Thailand and Thais look good, then I would like to know how?

1. Banning of Neo-Nazi Symbols of any kind.

2. Education, Education and more Education so history does not repeat itself.

... and 3. SERIOUS jail-time, for them, who just do not "get it".

What does any society benefit from promoting or allowing pro-Nazism, hate, racism etc.? A good reason why many countries also have implemented bans and laws against Neo-Nazism and why many people get offended by it.

When you started the OP you wanted to educate Thailand ... to give them a history lesson ... fair enough ... you weren't to know that they really don't care ... it's a world and lifetime away for them. No need for you and no interest from them, to educate the Thais re Hitler.

Please don't use the excuse that Thailand needs to know ... so that the mistake won't happen again.

The Thais will do what they think is in their best interest.

Oh ... do I presume correct from your almost Evangelical style that you are a US citizen?

Mate ... no need to change the world ... the world will decide for itself what is good for it ... or not.

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Thailand has a long history of the use of the symbol, centuries before the birth of Hitler and Nazism, for you to take issue on this perception of history based on your belief of how Thai people should behave in their own country. Is extremely immaterial to Thailand and its people, what you perceive to be right or wrong, and again the Falang label of "ignorance" is used, when it shows the OP's ignorance of the history of world religious and Thai history.

To attempt to force your concerns about a world acknowledged religious symbol on the people of Asia in a country in which you are an outsider, and mistakenly believe that Thais should consider what you dislike in choosing what to wear or display in their own country is insulting at best.

If you are from the US, go to the steps of the state capital of Arizona, Phoenix, to see the brown shirt Nazi's in full uniform marching under the Nazi battle flag, demonstrating against immigration rights, or in the street of Sokie Illinois of uniformed Nazi marching in a Jewish neighborhood, or the rising White power movement which uses Nazi symbol. Not only in the US but in all of Europe,

That is the real ignorance, the very land that the Nazi rolled over in the WW II and its population murdered by the Nazi "final solution" its children identifying with that movement and its symbols.

If you want to preach on this subject, go home and do it, where the problem really is a reality and not what you perceive to be a issue in Thailand.


Edited by kikoman
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Thai's know full well that it was a symbol of some chaps in germany,

they just dont give a rats arse, and why would they ? nothing to do with them, they weren't even born.

I dont give a rats arse for the same reasons, and used to have a ww2 helmet even tho i ripped of the symbol,

unlike other helmets it stayed on without the rope, and the only reason i shifted helmet is coz i read someone got fined for not using the rope, so it lost the purpose.

Edited by poanoi
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1. Banning of Neo-Nazi Symbols of any kind.

2. Education, Education and more Education so history does not repeat itself.

... and 3. SERIOUS jail-time, for them, who just do not "get it".

What does any society benefit from promoting or allowing pro-Nazism, hate, racism etc.? A good reason why many countries also have implemented bans and laws against Neo-Nazism and why many people get offended by it.

And then when you and your likes have jail the nazis you can all say someting similiar to sieg heil cant you? because to me you are the nazi here and i hate nazis, get it?

Nope, I don't get it and I am starting to wonder, if you know what a Neo-Nazi actually is and believes in? If you hate Nazis, then it makes no sense to me, how you can approve of Nazi-symbols or Neo-Nazis of any kind.

Any chance you are hanging too much out at Khaosan Road and smoking a bit too much? You realize the world has changed since the 1960s... right? Ever heard of 9/11? or seen what Neo-Nazis do to people, they do not approve of?

Maybe you should google "Neo-Nazi" or "Extremists" and read a bit about it. Or maybe you should bring one of your Thai-friends to meet a real Neo-Nazi and hear what he has to say about your friend. I am sure you would be surprised...

It is not a surprise to me that you are familiar with kaosan road and the smoking going around and i just stick to what i said before, to me you are the nazi here and until your ideas has leverage i am allowed to think like that and even put it writing, that is called freedome maybe you should try google since that word must have no meaning to you. Btw it is you ranting about neonazis i have not mentioned them because they are of little if any interest to me, i am still talking about tshirh sellers in hua hin that peddels nsdap flag printed clothing. Oh and yes does insulting people hiding behind your comp makes you feel brave and superior?

Edited by Indrid Cold
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I give up guys... Since I realize that the Nazi-symbol, does not seem to really mean much to many people today - no matter nationality.

Maybe it requires a certain age or having relatives who died fighting the Nazis, before people understand. Maybe it requires german friends of a certain age, to know and understand the pain and embarrassment they feel, when they see this symbol. Maybe it requires having talked to and having known Holocaust victims to truly understand.

No matter what, then I still despise the symbol and I truly find it sad, that people do not understand the effect and bad feelings it still brings to many people. But if Thai people want to offend people, then let them do it. I will however always comment on it, when I see it anywhere in Thailand - because that was the way I was raised.

So when I see a shop selling Nazi stuff, I will tell the shop owner that what he is doing is not good and offends some people. The guy can then chose to ignore me, laugh, smile, lose face or whatever... I really do not care, as long as he understands that every time I pass his shop, then he will get my opinion on what he is selling and its meaning to me. And I will do the same, if I see a Thai guy or any other nationality wearing a Nazi-symbol. That is just how I was raised and how I have become after knowing people, who went through hell during WW2.

I am not from the US and I am also not a jew. But I know and have known many people from these countries, who risked everything to get rid of the Nazis and I will always be grateful to them for their bravery. Therefore, I will also always respect them and their memory by commenting on the Nazi Symbols, when I see them here in Thailand or anywhere else in the world.

What I never will understand is how Thailand tourist industry or Thais benefit from offending people? And also, if the symbols are okay to use, then why did the Thai-schools end up apologizing and the stories ending in the media? Someone within the Thai system, must have been clever enough to see that kids dressing up as Nazis was wrong and therefore ordered the apology to be made. I can only hope that or those persons, then do more about it.

And I can also take comfort in knowing that this is still a subject that catches media attention. This at least means that some people out there still care and understand.

@Indrid, if you start the offending and insulting, by calling me a Nazi - then be prepare and brave enough to also receive some response back. You state that you have freedom of speech... well, so do I :-)

I sometimes wonder how many tourists in Thailand walk past a shop with Nazi-merchandise and feel disgusted. I also wonder how many comment on it, although I am sure many older people do. I also know the shop-owner just laughs and smiles, without him knowing the effect of laughing at people he just offended deeply. I wonder how this benefits Thais, Thailand and their tourist industry?

Well, at least the school leaders figured it out and apologized. Maybe one day the shop owners will also get it.

Edited by btwretail
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There used to a loads of Thais wearing Sid Vicious T-shirts. I wonder if it's because he liked the swastika.


The Thai greeting, sawasdee ka, comes from the same Sanskrit word as swastika.

I see sid vicious in that picture NOW and NOW we have a big problem. Yup the same bloody group of ppl that were calling the thais insensitive when they see sid wear that Well let's just say they aren't so aggressive in telling a person like sid and preaching "morality" to him. Other than the fact that sid would not only tell them to "f***" off and beat them up for good measure and so would his fellow sex pistol band mates well you cannot get thru to someone like sid would you? His band promoted anarchy in the UK and in this same instance might i showcase to all and sundry the double standards from the western perspective in judging ppl.

White dead iconic punk band member from iconic band wears offensive T-shirt = he's edgy, he's so daring, he's so brave.

Asian or thai person does the same = he's an ignorant f****** that should respect the feelings of people miles and miles away from his country that are now residing in his country.

You got it in one bro.

Us farang are so sensitive.

How arrogant some are to be visitors in this country and to insult the locals and tell them what to do or not do

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@Indrid, if you start the offending and insulting, by calling me a Nazi - then be prepare and brave enough to also receive some response back. You state that you have freedom of speech... well, so do I :-)

I felt offended by how you responded long before the nazi comment but who started is a rather sandbox thing to me. I allso think i recevied your comments with proper bravery and i never said you can not think the way you do, off courese you can, for now but what happens if the ones controling thinking takes over i doubt you could. Anyway i leave you with this and i wish there is way for you to get some peace with this neonazi thing because there are certain forces at play that neither you nor i can do anything about.

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There used to a loads of Thais wearing Sid Vicious T-shirts. I wonder if it's because he liked the swastika.


The Thai greeting, sawasdee ka, comes from the same Sanskrit word as swastika.

I see sid vicious in that picture NOW and NOW we have a big problem. Yup the same bloody group of ppl that were calling the thais insensitive when they see sid wear that Well let's just say they aren't so aggressive in telling a person like sid and preaching "morality" to him. Other than the fact that sid would not only tell them to "f***" off and beat them up for good measure and so would his fellow sex pistol band mates well you cannot get thru to someone like sid would you? His band promoted anarchy in the UK and in this same instance might i showcase to all and sundry the double standards from the western perspective in judging ppl.

White dead iconic punk band member from iconic band wears offensive T-shirt = he's edgy, he's so daring, he's so brave.

Asian or thai person does the same = he's an ignorant f****** that should respect the feelings of people miles and miles away from his country that are now residing in his country.

You got it in one bro.

Us farang are so sensitive.

How arrogant some are to be visitors in this country and to insult the locals and tell them what to do or not do

WE are sensitive? ... are you joking?

You think, Thais are not sensitive?... For real?

You realize, that you can go to jail for many years here, if you do not respect the sensitive matters of Thais? I grantee that you would also get a lot of trouble from Thais, if you even did not respect their sensitive matters in your own country.

Thais being non-sensitive or more tolerant than other is not true. You can start out by trying to live with one for years and you will see.

Thais have their values, which we must respect, like they must respect our values. This last part can sometimes be more difficult for Thais to understand.

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@Indrid, if you start the offending and insulting, by calling me a Nazi - then be prepare and brave enough to also receive some response back. You state that you have freedom of speech... well, so do I :-)

I felt offended by how you responded long before the nazi comment but who started is a rather sandbox thing to me. I allso think i recevied your comments with proper bravery and i never said you can not think the way you do, off courese you can, for now but what happens if the ones controling thinking takes over i doubt you could. Anyway i leave you with this and i wish there is way for you to get some peace with this neonazi thing because there are certain forces at play that neither you nor i can do anything about.

True :-) It out of our control anyway... Have a great day and weekend :-)

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The ugly head of Nazism is raising its ugly head again, in the countries that lost so much in fighting them and suffered so much, not even in Germany is it against the law to display Nazi symbols, It only is unlawful if you connect those symbols to a political movement or cause,. The European Union did not make displaying such symbols as an infraction of the law..

Thailand or Thai's are not the problem, it is mostly a problem outside of the borders of Thailand, and centered in the US and Europe, you are not the only person who relatives fought or suffered under the Nazi's, What give you the right to abuse Thai's in their own country, if you do not like what you see in Thailand go elsewhere, to live.

People such as you give Farang's such a bad image to locals in Thailand.;

Go Home Yankee!

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