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Dunkin' Donuts Thailand under fire for 'racist' ad campaign

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Racism and racist are quite new words in the English language(about 60 years) but Race,as in Human race has been around a lot longer.

It has been said that the words Racist and racism were brought in just to clobber the white people.

But this Dunkin Doughnuts thing is ridiculous. Do these people have nothing better to do?


Looks more beautiful black. I think they're overreacting frankly, have to agree with the Thailand CEO. But also have to agree it "fits into a long history of racist advertisements in Southeast Asia."

Do you remember DARKIT tooth paste? Another brand that was forced to change because of the racist Americans.

If you mean Darkie, which became Darlie, the impetus came from Thailand's friends in the non aligned movement. Afro Americans, like their caucasian and hispanic fellow citizens most likely have no idea Thailand exists. There is a greater likelihood of the country being mistaken for a discount haberdasher outlet than a nation.

Yeah some of them misinterpret "Taiwan" with "Thailand". Happened to my girlfriend, who's degree and testamur were sent to "Bangkok, Taiwan" but still ended up in "Bangkok, Thailand" somehow. How anyone can confuse Taiwan, an island claimed by China and not much visited by western tourists with Thailand, a country that everyone else apart from Americans seems to know about, if only for it's ladies of the night, beautiful beaches, sunny weather and mass tourism is beyond me. Anyway I studied in America too (I'm not American BTW) and nearly everyone I spoke to did know about Thailand, though not very much. However, it is a bit of a concern when university administration staff don't even know their geography.


I don't see any racism in this advertisement. Not like the model was eating watermelon or grits. Sometimes being politically 'correct' takes some bizarre twists and turns. Doughnuts have no historical links to blacks as a preferred food. Maybe the police should be offended!Posted Image

Why don't you dress up like Al Jolsen in Harlem and see what happens....

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Where's the racism? Is it directed at a particular race of people? Geez the world has become so bloody over sensitive. Lets just ban strawberry, pineapple, vanilla and chocolate donuts and that should stop people breaking down in tears. It's a bloody donut for crying out loud.


Suppose next there will be a problem about white folk advertising ''your shirts will be whiter than white with our soap powder''.........coffee1.gif

And don't tell me that Thai folk don't make there faces look white, cos they dooooo. smile.png


Black is beautiful!

Amen brother! There's a whole heap 'o' truth to the saying "once you go black you never go back" wink.png

can't say that unless your black or it would be considered racist.

  • Like 1

It's just one of those things that is 'wrong in America' by default, without any sense or discussion.

This includes blackface makeup, even in countries that don't have any history of black slavery or minstrel shows. No, the imperial force of America will decide what is right and wrong for the rest of the world, projecting their own guilt trip globally.

Another one that America has collectively decided on for everyone else is 'rape can never feature in anything funny' and anyone who makes a joke that involves rape, however funny or appropriate, shall be tarred and feathered for life. Rape is also never sexual in nature, and there is *nothing* any woman anywhere can do or not do to reduce the risk. Ever.

Was gonna like this 'till I read the gobbledegook about rape, you think it's funny then?


I always gravitate to the products and companies bullied by the race card crap. Politically correct is an oxymoron and i support these persecuted folks by purchasing their products. Why don't these racist sensitive groups fight for world hunger and exploitation and quit wasting everyone's time.

  • Like 1

If anything it should be Caucasian that are offended. Why did a white women need to turn her skin black to get the part in this ad? Does anyone have the number for Jonnie Cochran's white doppelganger? I want to file a complaint!

What rubbish, I think I am going to go out and buy some donuts.


Unfortunately, many can find fault with any issue. Attaching the tag of Racism is the "flavor" of the year. I vote with my Baht and stay away if I don't like something. It has a much more profound impact IMO.


I don't see any racism in this advertisement. Not like the model was eating watermelon or grits. Sometimes being politically 'correct' takes some bizarre twists and turns. Doughnuts have no historical links to blacks as a preferred food. Maybe the police should be offended!cheesy.gif

Why don't you dress up like Al Jolsen in Harlem and see what happens....

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Right on dude! Look what happened to Bruce Willis...


I don't see any racism in this advertisement. Not like the model was eating watermelon or grits. Sometimes being politically 'correct' takes some bizarre twists and turns. Doughnuts have no historical links to blacks as a preferred food. Maybe the police should be offended!cheesy.gif

Why don't you dress up like Al Jolsen in Harlem and see what happens....

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You definitely need to lighten up a bit! I think Amos and Andy are on the radio tonight.


Would it also be racist to put white powder on the face?

HRW could then sue all cosmetic brands in Thailand for advertising whitening cream. We know that Asians are yellow, right? So this whitening products are racist against Caucasians.

Jeeze.. give us a break!

Reminds me Oprah's outcry of racism when a sales girl in Zurich didn't want to show her an expensive purse. It had absolutely nothing to do with the race, but a lot with desperately trying to get media attention.


I think it would be a good cause for those of us in Thailand, [or not in Thailand for that matter} to demand that the ad be reinstated or else we will boycott Dunkin Donuts. The fact that this "Jerk " HRW guy who is supposed to have lived in Thailand for 20 years, is so ignorant of his enviroment, is apalling. He may know otherwise, but is just professionally covering his a$$ , by trying to placate the noisemakers. Well let us become the noisemakers and let him placate us.

The fact that corporate America has nothing better to do than stirr up a mess like this is mindboggeling..... Find somewhere to get into a war or start one..... forget about sticking American PCness into any other country. Sounds like back to G Bush...... you're either with us or against us...... Corporate America and Political Correctness America....LEAVE US ALONE !!! tend to your own borders.

And if anyone doesn't know the why..... its all stirred up to cater to the vote for the politicans, not what is right, rather , what is right to get you to vote for me...

AND one more thing....


I just wrote a comment through their website supporting the ads and criticizing the critics. Simply go to their website and at the bottom they have a "contact us" button


Absolute political correctness crap !.

A Black is a Black, A White is a White and a Brown is a Brown !.

If you tell me that Black is Blue, Then I will call you something that I can not post on here !.

Dunkin' Donuts apologises for 'bizarre and racist' Thai advert

Poster to promote new 'charcoal donut' featured Thailand chief executive's daughter in 'blackface"


Why is this so offensive.

other than its not really that great of an advert, IMO.

The reason it is offensive is that it represents job security for self-appointed politial correctness police that take it upon themselves to know what is best for everyone else.

  • Like 1

I think it would be a good cause for those of us in Thailand, [or not in Thailand for that matter} to demand that the ad be reinstated or else we will boycott Dunkin Donuts. The fact that this "Jerk " HRW guy who is supposed to have lived in Thailand for 20 years, is so ignorant of his enviroment, is apalling. He may know otherwise, but is just professionally covering his a$$ , by trying to placate the noisemakers. Well let us become the noisemakers and let him placate us.

The fact that corporate America has nothing better to do than stirr up a mess like this is mindboggeling..... Find somewhere to get into a war or start one..... forget about sticking American PCness into any other country. Sounds like back to G Bush...... you're either with us or against us...... Corporate America and Political Correctness America....LEAVE US ALONE !!! tend to your own borders.

And if anyone doesn't know the why..... its all stirred up to cater to the vote for the politicans, not what is right, rather , what is right to get you to vote for me...

AND one more thing....


I just wrote a comment through their website supporting the ads and criticizing the critics. Simply go to their website and at the bottom they have a "contact us" button

Want to join in yourauntbob, but can you give us the link you used...... HRW or Dunkin Donuts....



I don't see any racism in this advertisement. Not like the model was eating watermelon or grits. Sometimes being politically 'correct' takes some bizarre twists and turns. Doughnuts have no historical links to blacks as a preferred food. Maybe the police should be offended!cheesy.gif

Why don't you dress up like Al Jolsen in Harlem and see what happens....

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You definitely need to lighten up a bit! I think Amos and Andy are on the radio tonight.

Holy mackel Andy.........!!!


I think it would be a good cause for those of us in Thailand, [or not in Thailand for that matter} to demand that the ad be reinstated or else we will boycott Dunkin Donuts. The fact that this "Jerk " HRW guy who is supposed to have lived in Thailand for 20 years, is so ignorant of his enviroment, is apalling. He may know otherwise, but is just professionally covering his a$$ , by trying to placate the noisemakers. Well let us become the noisemakers and let him placate us.

The fact that corporate America has nothing better to do than stirr up a mess like this is mindboggeling..... Find somewhere to get into a war or start one..... forget about sticking American PCness into any other country. Sounds like back to G Bush...... you're either with us or against us...... Corporate America and Political Correctness America....LEAVE US ALONE !!! tend to your own borders.

And if anyone doesn't know the why..... its all stirred up to cater to the vote for the politicans, not what is right, rather , what is right to get you to vote for me...

AND one more thing....


I just wrote a comment through their website supporting the ads and criticizing the critics. Simply go to their website and at the bottom they have a "contact us" button

Want to join in yourauntbob, but can you give us the link you used...... HRW or Dunkin Donuts....


You should also link TV on their comments thread so they can read firsthand what is being expressed here.


I think it would be a good cause for those of us in Thailand, [or not in Thailand for that matter} to demand that the ad be reinstated or else we will boycott Dunkin Donuts. The fact that this "Jerk " HRW guy who is supposed to have lived in Thailand for 20 years, is so ignorant of his enviroment, is apalling. He may know otherwise, but is just professionally covering his a$$ , by trying to placate the noisemakers. Well let us become the noisemakers and let him placate us.

The fact that corporate America has nothing better to do than stirr up a mess like this is mindboggeling..... Find somewhere to get into a war or start one..... forget about sticking American PCness into any other country. Sounds like back to G Bush...... you're either with us or against us...... Corporate America and Political Correctness America....LEAVE US ALONE !!! tend to your own borders.

And if anyone doesn't know the why..... its all stirred up to cater to the vote for the politicans, not what is right, rather , what is right to get you to vote for me...

AND one more thing....


I just wrote a comment through their website supporting the ads and criticizing the critics. Simply go to their website and at the bottom they have a "contact us" button

Want to join in yourauntbob, but can you give us the link you used...... HRW or Dunkin Donuts....




"According to the AP, the commercials say white-skinned people have a better chance of landing a job than those with dark skin".

Now that is a startling revelationbiggrin.png ...............................I don't suppose such a comment could possibly also apply to the UK, South Africa, Europe or USA?


I cannot see how this ad is racist at all?

The woman is mean`t to represent the Charcoal Donut, not black people.

It is a matter of interpretation.and this group of do gooders are well over the top on this one.

  • Like 1

I'll wait 'til I see all the donuts, black, yellow, red, brown, and white, all lined up and Juxtaposed with 5 grey-scale donuts before i make a call on this one. Let's all head to the fruit stand ... more fun there.

Dunkin' Donuts apologises for 'bizarre and racist' Thai advert

Poster to promote new 'charcoal donut' featured Thailand chief executive's daughter in 'blackface"


Doesnt offend me much

and its not really that great of an advert, IMO

Me either. If they wanted realism they would have used a fat model.

Not that well thought out it should have a white background.

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