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Iraq violence killed more than 800 people in August - UN


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@sing-sling, you said this...."Kuwaitis didn't like Sadaam . . . Ask Iraqis what hey think of the US

That is a rather spurious statement. Over 90,000 Iraqi immigrants in the US as of 2000 census. I think they aren't complaining much.

Perhaps it's more relevant to ask the 2 million Iraqi refugees that have fled to countries bordering Iraq and have been not been resettled for years, together with the estimated 2 million internally displaced.

The US has been processing Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) for Iraqis who assisted the US during and after the invasion, but the processing time is painful. Unless Congress allocates more funding the SIV program will expire on 30/09/2013. It is interesting to note the quotes below from the US Embassy Baghdad website. To be fair their is guidance on the process to obtain a visa to enter the USA as an immigrant.

"We recognize that many who have been employed or worked on behalf of the U.S. government in Iraq, and their families, face real threats as a result of their U.S. government affiliation". "The Embassy is sensitive to the security concerns faced by all SIV applicants, expeditious processing is not available solely on the basis of ongoing threat"..

Edited by simple1
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@sing-sling, you said this...."Kuwaitis didn't like Sadaam . . . Ask Iraqis what hey think of the US

That is a rather spurious statement. Over 90,000 Iraqi immigrants in the US as of 2000 census. I think they aren't complaining much.

Simple1 took the words right out of my keyboard

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tuesday 24 September: 22 killed.
Baghdad: 4 by car bomb, gunfire.
Ana: 11 by suicide car bombers.
Tal Afar: 2 by gunfire.
Mosul: 1 by gunfire.
Ajrish: 1 by AED.
Baquba: 1 by gunfire.
Rawa: 1 policeman by gunfire.
Ramadi: 1 policeman by gunfire.
September casualties so far: 940 civilians killed.
Saturday 21 September: 116 killed
Baghdad: 107 by suicide bombers, car bombs, gunfire.
Mosul: 2 policemen by gunfire.
Kirkuk: 1 body.
Shirqat: 4 Sahwa members by gunfire.
Basra: 1 body.
Saadiya: 1 by gunfire.
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Another tough month....

Monday 30 September: 62 killed
Baghdad: 54 in several bombings.
Baquba: 3 by IEDs and AED.
Tal Afar: 3 by IED.
Mosul: 2 by gunfire.
Iraqโ€™s Months of Sectarian Violence May Lead to a Civil War
Early Monday morning, more than a dozen car bombs ripped through mostly Shiโ€˜ite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing at least 50 people and leaving dozens lying bloodied in the streets. The worst attack that day was in heavily Shiโ€˜ite Sadr City, where a man parked a white car near an area where day laborers gather; a bomb inside erupted, killing seven people and wounding 16.
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Off to a roaring start in September:

Sunday 1 September: 73 killed
Camp Ashraf: 52 reported killed in clashes.
Tuz Khurmato: 6 by suicide car bomber.
Dujail: 5 family members by IED.
Tikrit: 3 by IEDs.
Ramadi: 3 policemen by suicide car bomber.
Mosul: 1 policeman by gunfire.
Baiji: 1 policeman by IED.
Amiriyat Falluja: 1 policeman by mortars.
Muqdadiya: 1 by IED.

It would have helped if some of the neo-con chuckle-heads had even a remote clue about the Shi'a - Sunni split in Iraq? And what would obviously happen once we de-stabilized the country.

Oh well, live and learn, then forget. Rinse, repeat.

You have to wonder what was the reason for the shift in policy of an administration that once helped Saddam kill Shi'as and then a few decades later was letting the Shi'a genie out of the bottle.

I suspect it's simply because some very influential people saw a good opportunity to steal fuloos beyond the dreams of avarice.

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Another tough month....

Monday 30 September: 62 killed
Baghdad: 54 in several bombings.
Baquba: 3 by IEDs and AED.
Tal Afar: 3 by IED.
Mosul: 2 by gunfire.
Iraqโ€™s Months of Sectarian Violence May Lead to a Civil War
Early Monday morning, more than a dozen car bombs ripped through mostly Shiโ€˜ite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing at least 50 people and leaving dozens lying bloodied in the streets. The worst attack that day was in heavily Shiโ€˜ite Sadr City, where a man parked a white car near an area where day laborers gather; a bomb inside erupted, killing seven people and wounding 16.

May lead to a civil war? It is already a civil war <deleted>. Has been for the best part of a year, The fact of the matter is that Iraq has been abandoned by the American / UK alliance, left to their own devices, the country in chaos, Al Qaeda running amok, The average Iraqi citizen was far better off under Saddam Hussain, every opinion poll taken since his demise bears this out. Al Qaeda had no presence in Iraq under Hussain, none at all. No car bombings, suicide bombings, nothing. Now on a daily basis, market places, schools, etc. Disgraceful. G W Bush and Tony Blair should be dragged to the Hague and charged with the war crimes they are surely guilty of. Both of them directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, a direct result of their warmongering lies. At least Bush has kept his head down, Blair on the other hand has no shame at all, on the front pages every day, furious that the West hasn't launched an onslaught on Syria. This is the man who is supposed to be the neutral Middle East Peace Envoy! Neutral!! Iraq is now a basket case, as is Libya, although off the radar now, is at the mercy of various groups of Islamic fundamentalists, ( those that haven't decamped to Syria). What a success that was! A prosperous, stable country reduced to anarchy by Western intervention for their own selfish reasons. But i suppose they now have a western central bank, with all the debt that entails, as does Iraq. Interesting that J P Morgan were given the franchise to open the new central bank in Iraq. Even more interesting that immediately on standing down as Prime Minister Tony Blair was awarded a position with J P Morgan as a 'consultant', (whatever that means), on 3.5 million dollars a year! The whole thing stinks, but thankfully people are starting to wise up, can see the anarchic state that Iraq is in today,( a direct result of the criminal intervention of the US and their allies, only those who are in complete denial can deny that), and hopefully are determined not to let the rest of the Middle East go the same way. Quite frankly, given the 9-11 atrocity, i find it amazing that so many US posters on this forum appear to turn a blind eye to the overt support given by their government to Al Qaeda terrorists in their attempts to overthrow another stable, secular Middle East country. Do the ends justify the means? Is that the rationale? It should never be forgotten that the Al Qaeda agenda is not just confined to the Middle East. They have a global agenda, as citizens of the US and Europe know to our cost. The ends can never justify the means if it means allying with these people. It can only end in tears.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Another tough month, 1,056 deaths...

Wednesday 30 October: 39 killed
Tarmiya: 10 by suicide bombers.
Al-Mowali: 8 by suicide car bomber.
Abu Ghraib: 3 by IED.
Baghdad: 8 by gunfire, IEDs, mortars.
Tikrit: 1 by IED.
Mosul: 4 by gunfire.
Albu Ajeel: 1 policeman by IED.
Falluja: 3 by gunfire.
Arab Jubour: 1 Sahwa member by mortars.
October casualties so far: 1,056 civilians killed.
Over 7,000 killed this year.
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US renews vow to help Iraq combat terror

" The United States has vowed to help Iraq combat terror groups as mounting attacks claimed more lives ahead of talks between Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President Barack Obama". http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/10/31/13/48/us-renews-vow-to-help-iraq-combat-terror

It is just going to continue to worsen with the ongoing western support of terrorists against the Syrian regime. The entire Syrian/ Iraqi border is starting to be not that unlike that of the border shared between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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You might be interested to read one of the lastest analysis of the fighting in Syria and the impact on Iraq.

"As Syria disintegrates, so too does Iraq - The civil war in Syria is reigniting the sectarian civil war in Iraq"


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You might be interested to read one of the lastest analysis of the fighting in Syria and the impact on Iraq.

"As Syria disintegrates, so too does Iraq - The civil war in Syria is reigniting the sectarian civil war in Iraq"


Right on the money that report. thumbsup.gif

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