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Tony Blair: People must solve their own internal conflicts


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"He said Thailand has economically expanded in the last few decades with outstanding tourism"

Guess he did not here that Thailand is now in recession

and tourism thrives on scams, ripoffs and mafia controlled zones

Hope Yingluck gives him a discount on rice at the airport as he leaves

Well the tourism has recovered unlike during the period under the previous administration where it collapsed. They didn't care.

We have record numbers visiting Samui for example and hotels in Bangkok have customers again.

Good governance. Good business.

"unlike the period under the previous administration when it collapsed"

Unfortunately your assertion of a collapse doesn't really appear to be borne out by the arrival-statistics ?

There was a small fall in 2009, followed by solid-growth in both 2010 & 2011, despite the ongoing-riots.

Source : Wikipedia

Year changes references 2013 (Jan-Jun) 12,744,374 +20.01% [18] 2012 22,303,065 +15.98 % [19] 2011 19,230,470 +20.67 % [20] 2010 15,936,400 +12.63 % [21] 2009 14,149,841 -2.98 % [22] 2008 14,584,220 +0.83 % 2007 14,464,228 +4.65 % [23] 2006 13,821,802 +20.01 %

Bit it is good that tourism's doing well, given the economic-damage from the 2011-floods, and the problems with agricultural-exports.

Edited by Ricardo
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The man did some good for the UK and he helped get past the deadlock in 2004 in Northern Ireland. Some of that experience is applicable to Thailand.

Forgive me but that's rather an exaggeration, the deadlock in 2004 on the larger scale of recent Northern Irish politics and the peace process. blink.png

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Yes, empty platitudes and cliches, at absolutely, positively, no cost to Thailand. Not impressed with Blair's tenure as PM, meaningless rhetoric that resulted in ultimate failure, and did little to repair the damage done by the conservative government. If Thailand was truly interested in getting a new perspective on their nation, then asking people other than ex-politicians for advice is the way to go. There are scientists, technologists, biz people, thinkers, futurists, and a few weirdos, with good ideas.

And my opinion of the UK is not affected in the slightest by the last (last) time I visited the uk, when, at Heathrow, an Indian guy took me aside and questioned me, and inspected my gear, asking if I planned to overstay and remain in Great Britain. I replied not in any way.

Britain uses foreigners to man their immigration station??

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Yes, empty platitudes and cliches, at absolutely, positively, no cost to Thailand. Not impressed with Blair's tenure as PM, meaningless rhetoric that resulted in ultimate failure, and did little to repair the damage done by the conservative government. If Thailand was truly interested in getting a new perspective on their nation, then asking people other than ex-politicians for advice is the way to go. There are scientists, technologists, biz people, thinkers, futurists, and a few weirdos, with good ideas.

And my opinion of the UK is not affected in the slightest by the last (last) time I visited the uk, when, at Heathrow, an Indian guy took me aside and questioned me, and inspected my gear, asking if I planned to overstay and remain in Great Britain. I replied not in any way.

Britain uses foreigners to man their immigration station??

Certainly a lot of employees of private contracted security companies are immigrants. Nationals wouldn't work for such low wages. The lady checking the fast track invite cards at Heathrow for many years was a very nice Indian immigrant lady. Had many conversations with her when my wife was pregnant and she escorted us to the front of the queue.

Birmingham airport used to have many immigration offices who were immigrants into Britain themselves - easily distinguishable by their poor spoken English and very rude manners. They may well have been entitled to British citizenship, and given jobs to help ethnic minority employment - but their attitude really inflamed many ethnic British on occasions.

Go out of Heathrow and see how many security,airline ground staff, and shop assistants are Asian or East Europeans in origin or ethnicity.

Good old Tony - he helped create the multi-national impoversished Britain we see today.

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"He said Thailand has economically expanded in the last few decades with outstanding tourism"

Guess he did not here that Thailand is now in recession

and tourism thrives on scams, ripoffs and mafia controlled zones

Hope Yingluck gives him a discount on rice at the airport as he leaves

Well the tourism has recovered unlike during the period under the previous administration where it collapsed. They didn't care.

We have record numbers visiting Samui for example and hotels in Bangkok have customers again.

Good governance. Good business.


So as I understand what you are saying is

Good governance and Good business = High Debt both public and private.

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"Thai people must collaborate together in passing through past experiences and follow the rule of law" so doesnt that mean bring Taksin back to Thailand and lock him up

Nah, fellow Ex-PMs don't do that to each other, not even rhetorically. It's an international club thing, exempting all good ole boyz and preempting the public's reaction.

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Yes, empty platitudes and cliches, at absolutely, positively, no cost to Thailand. Not impressed with Blair's tenure as PM, meaningless rhetoric that resulted in ultimate failure, and did little to repair the damage done by the conservative government. If Thailand was truly interested in getting a new perspective on their nation, then asking people other than ex-politicians for advice is the way to go. There are scientists, technologists, biz people, thinkers, futurists, and a few weirdos, with good ideas.

And my opinion of the UK is not affected in the slightest by the last (last) time I visited the uk, when, at Heathrow, an Indian guy took me aside and questioned me, and inspected my gear, asking if I planned to overstay and remain in Great Britain. I replied not in any way.

Britain uses foreigners to man their immigration station??

No - what they're trying to say without actually saying it is that some employees in the UK have brown faces rather than white ones...

Edited for too many actuallys...

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"Thai people must collaborate together in passing through past experiences and follow the rule of law" so doesnt that mean bring Taksin back to Thailand and lock him up

Who is this Taksin you are on about anyway?

No need for any beams dude, ignorance is bliss and your'e already there.

So why not find a new victim like one who's name you can spell?

I think you are missing or evading the point. "ignorance is bliss" looks like you are an expert in that department.

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Even if Tony has said very little to upset his PT hosts it looks like from reports of the speeches of the other overseas 'guests' that they are well aware of what is going on in Thailand.

These speeches may turn up here in todays news, if not have a hunt around for them and you will see they have been less than complimentary (in a diplomatic way) to

the methods and aims of PT.

I hear that Nattawat posted on facebook regarding Tonys speech and has been getting enough stick from Thai readers to almost cripple the site, now there is someone who knows how to solve internal conflict.

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Wow. what is this, a gathering point for the Tony Blair haters?

The man did some good for the UK and he helped get past the deadlock in 2004 in Northern Ireland. Some of that experience is applicable to Thailand.

As Middle East Peace Envoy, he is privy to a great many political issues that devide people. Again, he can share his experience on bridging differences.

Reading some of the comments it appears that some supporters of the Scargill insurrectionist movement are still bitter that Blair didn't dismantle the Thatcher era reforms that challenged the blackmail of some big unions. Well boohoo.

Others offer up the useless blame immigrants line because they need someone to blame. Boo hoo again.

The UK wouldn't need those immigrants, if a great many UK nationals were not so bloody lazy living it up on the dole.

Every thread regarding Tony Blair seems to be full of criticism or even downright hatred. He's not perfect but much of what is said simply doesn't make sense. I often think I'll post with some defence but to be honest it hardly seems worth it. Thanks GK for injecting a little realism into the proceedings.

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I admire your advice and optimism in your attempt to educate and show the DEMORCRATIC way to an uninterested nation who don't even know who you are........ But here is a massive PAT on the back and a couple of million BHAT for your amazing after dinner speech!!

Unfortunately it won't make a difference to the majority of poor Thais in this LAND OF SADNESS ...... good try.... Enjoy your FEE.

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Wow. what is this, a gathering point for the Tony Blair haters?

Possibly, if Winston had a verruca removed, that would be, how can I put this, a man with some integrity having a part of him that didn't sit well with his ideals taken away.

If Tony Blair had a verruca removed, it would be the verruca shouting 'freedom'

Now who's living in the past?

I assume Thatcher had nothing to do with the state of the UK before Labour assumed electoral responsibility for governing the country

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I admire your advice and optimism in your attempt to educate and show the DEMORCRATIC way to an uninterested nation who don't even know who you are........ But here is a massive PAT on the back and a couple of million BHAT for your amazing after dinner speech!!

Unfortunately it won't make a difference to the majority of poor Thais in this LAND OF SADNESS ...... good try.... Enjoy your FEE.

The Thais may not know who Mr Blair is, but it's certainly a homing beacon for posters who can suddenly forget about the issues in Thailand.

It's the message, not the man which is relevant.

When the 'axe-to-grind' posters have got it out of their system, perhaps some constructive posts will be forth-coming.

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Mr Blair said the major principle of reconciliation is to set a fair and practical framework for the future

Heres my practical framework for your future Tony.

War Crimes Trial. Subject: Your invasion of a sovereign & non-aggressive nation. Exhibit A: 1m+ Iraqi dead civilians. You : guilty. Prison. Key. Throw key away. The end. Additional/PS ; Parents use "tony blair" in future generations as a boogeyman figure to frighten them when they've been naughty, and say what can happen to you if you sell your soul to Lucifer.


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His Immigration policy will ensure that the UK will be a Muslim state in under a hundred years, this man has contributed to wiping the identity of the UK away

Well, let's remember, the Poms are a bit inbred! What was the last Englishman that you met like?

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How dare he mention Northern Ireland where he let all the child murders go free from maze jail

Tourism has been hot hard by the minimum wage

Inflation is going through the roof

English forangs and all forangs are targeted expats who own business through legal loops wholes just to buy a house

When he is talking about democracy he is sutttley saying that taksin government buy votes from the poor and they do not like the rich and we should accept that

There again his party led England into in controllable debt due to 2 wars which we could have saved a fortune and his next PM to sell of England's gold assets plus get done for fraud and corruption and not go to jail by paying their cleaners high bonuses and having 2 houses on government money

I just hope we do not go to war with Syria as we cannot afford it plus it is not our problem

I cannot imagine any allie Iraq or afghan coming to recur England is we needed help why should we send our soldiers to et blown up when we have problems in our own country

Blair Big Txxxxt

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Wow. what is this, a gathering point for the Tony Blair haters?

The man did some good for the UK and he helped get past the deadlock in 2004 in Northern Ireland. Some of that experience is applicable to Thailand.

As Middle East Peace Envoy, he is privy to a great many political issues that devide people. Again, he can share his experience on bridging differences.

Reading some of the comments it appears that some supporters of the Scargill insurrectionist movement are still bitter that Blair didn't dismantle the Thatcher era reforms that challenged the blackmail of some big unions. Well boohoo.

Others offer up the useless blame immigrants line because they need someone to blame. Boo hoo again.

The UK wouldn't need those immigrants, if a great many UK nationals were not so bloody lazy living it up on the dole.

200,000+ dead Iraqis might beg to disagree with you about Blair the biggest scoundrel ever to be elected in UK.

As Middle East Peace Envoy he is blatantly an envoy of Israel and is despised by the Palestinians who at one stage refused to even meet with him. More free money for Blair for brown nosing Bush.

He is now wafting around blathering and collecting the benefits Bush promised him for his infamy in Iraq.

Blair is mostly despised in UK and internationally.

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Show some charity towards this man, he has had alot of problems to deal with in the past few years , his wife likes to spend money and gets very jealous if he "talks"

to another woman or emails another woman

His job is very difficult and requires him to travel a lot and keep up with all the "news" notwithstanding the cruel but understandable rumours around him

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