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Syria's Assad says Western strike could trigger regional war


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Apparently some posters have forgotten to take their happy pill.

Let's keep it civil and let's stay on the topic, such as it is.

It's not always necessary to close threads. Sometimes they just die a natural death. If you have nothing to add, then feel free to stop posting.

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I wonder how long the Mods are going to keep this topic open? It has become absolutely clear to all posters that the lines are drawn along 'bomb - do not bomb' lines. It is abundantly clear that we have a typical case for open democratic debate. Which is - those who shout loudest are the majority and are right even if they are the minority and wrong. We had enough time and enough posted opinions to draw a line. With respectable posters like Publicus (145 + posts) and Chicog (61+ posts) we do have a winning group! At least Publicus published some interesting facts and was polite. Chicog, on the other hand, compensated less numerous posts by personal insults, the fact that he lives in Middle East and has a piece of Scud missile embedded somewhere(?) Perhaps he is hoping to add to his collection a piece of Patriot missile (?). So, let's advise both Putin and Obama that the bombings may begin. We, the TV members, have done all we could for Peace, for Syria and for Democracy. Time to take a brake. Cannot do any more.... coffee1.gif

Down with Assad! Voice of Sunni is the voice of the People! Voice of Shiites is the voice of the Devil! Rebels are in their millions! Terrorists are people too, they have Rights! Women and children human shields are volunteers! Putin cannot be right - he is a thug! Obama cannot be wrong - he is black and a Muslim! Bomb, bomb, bomb!...clap2.gif

Of course the winning Jihadists, Rebels, Al Qaeda and other groups promised to leave. And poor Israelis will have to deal with bunch of well armed fanatics at their doorsteps again. But this time they will have Assads heavy arms and chemicals on hand.

My sympathy goes to once again innocent jews. I am sure they will find a way to deal with the situation. They always do. Only this time there will be much more innocent civilians dead. So, the bloody jews could be blamed again. As usual. wai2.gif

Seems to me that essentially you're saying that you're right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

And then you whinge about the debate being polarised. I have to say that is quite amusing.

The thread is almost dead anyway because there is a process underway that will take some time. Unless something drastic happens in the meantime, both sides will give that process time to complete, which obviously benefits Assad a lot more than it does the Syrian people - unless he decides to allow humanitarian aid in the meantime.

I don't think it's a co-incidence that Iran are suddenly being friendly, either.

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I wonder how long the Mods are going to keep this topic open? It has become absolutely clear to all posters that the lines are drawn along 'bomb - do not bomb' lines. It is abundantly clear that we have a typical case for open democratic debate. Which is - those who shout loudest are the majority and are right even if they are the minority and wrong. We had enough time and enough posted opinions to draw a line. With respectable posters like Publicus (145 + posts) and Chicog (61+ posts) we do have a winning group! At least Publicus published some interesting facts and was polite. Chicog, on the other hand, compensated less numerous posts by personal insults, the fact that he lives in Middle East and has a piece of Scud missile embedded somewhere(?) Perhaps he is hoping to add to his collection a piece of Patriot missile (?). So, let's advise both Putin and Obama that the bombings may begin. We, the TV members, have done all we could for Peace, for Syria and for Democracy. Time to take a brake. Cannot do any more.... coffee1.gif

Down with Assad! Voice of Sunni is the voice of the People! Voice of Shiites is the voice of the Devil! Rebels are in their millions! Terrorists are people too, they have Rights! Women and children human shields are volunteers! Putin cannot be right - he is a thug! Obama cannot be wrong - he is black and a Muslim! Bomb, bomb, bomb!...clap2.gif

Of course the winning Jihadists, Rebels, Al Qaeda and other groups promised to leave. And poor Israelis will have to deal with bunch of well armed fanatics at their doorsteps again. But this time they will have Assads heavy arms and chemicals on hand.

My sympathy goes to once again innocent jews. I am sure they will find a way to deal with the situation. They always do. Only this time there will be much more innocent civilians dead. So, the bloody jews could be blamed again. As usual. wai2.gif

Thx for essentially generous words.

I think Chicog makes a lot of incisive posts.

He's over there so he gets to the point directly and emphatically. He lives it over there and knows it firsthand. So I respect the fact and readily accept his consequent approach and style, his perspective and his knowledge.

It's also helpful that he's not a rambler in his posts.

The main problem with the thread is the anti-Obama Confederates, but that exists at a lot of threads.

The matter of Syria isn't over by a long shot. There's already a new thread on the topic, but the military option continues to exist.

There's still a lot to say at this thread. It's consistently among the top five or six threads.

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Brilliant speech by Walid Muallem, Syria's foreign minister, at the UN. It's on now.

What's so brilliant about it?

Added: Already ended by the time I found the bbc live link.

Have a listen:


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I wonder how long the Mods are going to keep this topic open? It has become absolutely clear to all posters that the lines are drawn along 'bomb - do not bomb' lines. It is abundantly clear that we have a typical case for open democratic debate. Which is - those who shout loudest are the majority and are right even if they are the minority and wrong. We had enough time and enough posted opinions to draw a line. With respectable posters like Publicus (145 + posts) and Chicog (61+ posts) we do have a winning group! At least Publicus published some interesting facts and was polite. Chicog, on the other hand, compensated less numerous posts by personal insults, the fact that he lives in Middle East and has a piece of Scud missile embedded somewhere(?) Perhaps he is hoping to add to his collection a piece of Patriot missile (?). So, let's advise both Putin and Obama that the bombings may begin. We, the TV members, have done all we could for Peace, for Syria and for Democracy. Time to take a brake. Cannot do any more.... coffee1.gif

Down with Assad! Voice of Sunni is the voice of the People! Voice of Shiites is the voice of the Devil! Rebels are in their millions! Terrorists are people too, they have Rights! Women and children human shields are volunteers! Putin cannot be right - he is a thug! Obama cannot be wrong - he is black and a Muslim! Bomb, bomb, bomb!...clap2.gif

Of course the winning Jihadists, Rebels, Al Qaeda and other groups promised to leave. And poor Israelis will have to deal with bunch of well armed fanatics at their doorsteps again. But this time they will have Assads heavy arms and chemicals on hand.

My sympathy goes to once again innocent jews. I am sure they will find a way to deal with the situation. They always do. Only this time there will be much more innocent civilians dead. So, the bloody jews could be blamed again. As usual. wai2.gif

Holy cow, you counted posts? Forums are for entertainment and not to solve the worlds problems. No harm here.

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I wonder how long the Mods are going to keep this topic open? It has become absolutely clear to all posters that the lines are drawn along 'bomb - do not bomb' lines. It is abundantly clear that we have a typical case for open democratic debate. Which is - those who shout loudest are the majority and are right even if they are the minority and wrong. We had enough time and enough posted opinions to draw a line. With respectable posters like Publicus (145 + posts) and Chicog (61+ posts) we do have a winning group! At least Publicus published some interesting facts and was polite. Chicog, on the other hand, compensated less numerous posts by personal insults, the fact that he lives in Middle East and has a piece of Scud missile embedded somewhere(?) Perhaps he is hoping to add to his collection a piece of Patriot missile (?). So, let's advise both Putin and Obama that the bombings may begin. We, the TV members, have done all we could for Peace, for Syria and for Democracy. Time to take a brake. Cannot do any more.... coffee1.gif

Down with Assad! Voice of Sunni is the voice of the People! Voice of Shiites is the voice of the Devil! Rebels are in their millions! Terrorists are people too, they have Rights! Women and children human shields are volunteers! Putin cannot be right - he is a thug! Obama cannot be wrong - he is black and a Muslim! Bomb, bomb, bomb!...clap2.gif

Of course the winning Jihadists, Rebels, Al Qaeda and other groups promised to leave. And poor Israelis will have to deal with bunch of well armed fanatics at their doorsteps again. But this time they will have Assads heavy arms and chemicals on hand.

My sympathy goes to once again innocent jews. I am sure they will find a way to deal with the situation. They always do. Only this time there will be much more innocent civilians dead. So, the bloody jews could be blamed again. As usual. wai2.gif

Holy cow, you counted posts? Forums are for entertainment and not to solve the worlds problems. No harm here.

Just to add to the point, one could say for edification, I don't post to try to convince the poster I disagree with - that never happens, never could happen.

I post to try to influence the many TV members who read threads but rarely post, and the many visitor-readers who aren't even members. That's a lot more people than those who make posts.

For every incessant poster such as myself or you, there are dozens who visit to read. I post to those people who are looking to see what we have to say in our posts. They are the people who can be influenced.

(The Mods and Admin too smile.png. )

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"I think Chicog makes a lot of incisive posts.

He's over there so he gets to the point directly and emphatically. He lives it over there and knows it firsthand. So I respect the fact and readily accept his consequent approach and style, his perspective and his knowledge.

It's also helpful that he's not a rambler in his posts."

Hey Pub. Check out his football forum posts.

Anybody want incisive entertainment?

No bull.

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"I think Chicog makes a lot of incisive posts.

He's over there so he gets to the point directly and emphatically. He lives it over there and knows it firsthand. So I respect the fact and readily accept his consequent approach and style, his perspective and his knowledge.

It's also helpful that he's not a rambler in his posts."

Hey Pub. Check out his football forum posts.

Anybody want incisive entertainment?

No bull.

Well, thx for the tip, but I'm an American - I'm much more interested in gun issues, cruise missiles, baseball and American football. Hockey too. Don't care much for basketball (which the PRChinese love to talk incessantly).

I'll leave socc, er, football, to the experts such as yourself, Chicog and the many others.

I could do a lot of damage to Assad's palace tho with just one baseball bat. Save the US government a couple of cruise missiles.

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A poll by The Guardian: Who's more deserving the Nobel Peace Prize, Putin or Obama?



Putin among dozens of others has in fact been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

The nomination process is pretty open, which means I could nominate you, or you or ABCer here, for example, could nominate Bashir al-Assad.

I'm confident the Nobel Peace Prize Committee will again chose another worthy recipient this year. I'm also pretty confident I can say who it won't be, and he happens to reside in the Kremlin. Putin's record on human rights is the 180-degree opposite of Obama.

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Putin's record on human rights is the 180-degree opposite of Obama.

Though I agree that Putin would be laughable as the recipient of the prize, so would Obama (not as in only Obama, but any leader of the US) due to far too many factors, one of them being Guantanamo.

(Murci, one doesn't need to count posts to see the results . . . the internet is a wonderful thing)

(Edit - bugger, I used to now how to search and divide by posts . . . mod?)

Edited by Sing_Sling
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Let's stick to the topic. The post about Putin and the Nobel Prize is relevant in that it points out that he is widely popular on his plan regarding Syria.

The topic is about Syria and not about the Nobel Peace Prize, per se.

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Let's stick to the topic. The post about Putin and the Nobel Prize is relevant in that it points out that he is widely popular on his plan regarding Syria.

The topic is about Syria and not about the Nobel Peace Prize, per se.

Not questioning the moderation, Scott, but I'd like to point out that he's widely popular with Iran and the Alawites, and with people who don't understand his true motives.

Not with anyone else.

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Makes a change from all the disinformation we have been fed so far.

give peace a chance (but I'm sure the warmongers will still find something wrong to pick on)rolleyes.gif

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime deserves credit for complying with a chemical weapons deal, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said.clap2.gif


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Makes a change from all the disinformation we have been fed so far.

give peace a chance (but I'm sure the warmongers will still find something wrong to pick on)rolleyes.gif

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime deserves credit for complying with a chemical weapons deal, US Secretary of State John Kerry has said.clap2.gif


I think "deserves credit for buying himself more time" would be more appropriate.

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Scoring political points through hypocrisy deserves a red card.

Putin is a hypocrite and dangerous.

Suffering from mass psychosis "American Exceptionalism" propaganda?

Thought Mrs Obama handled Mrs Xi Jinping very well though.

Mrs Putin is no longer on the scene I believe.

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