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do Thais and young expats save for their old age ?


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i have never heard anyone even whisper anything on this topic ,its a great unsaid topic .so what do they actually think about saving for their old age ?

where do they put their money ? will Stickman being living in poverty like old Bernard Trink in his old age ?he cant leave his webpage as he would be broke and he cant sell it on as its not much good without him at the helm .

young expats are all having a ball but what when the money runs out ?

will the numbers of homeless farangs accelerate over the coming years ?

over to you for your pearls of wisdom................................

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All correct about Stickman he has wasted his good earning years here in Thailand and I get the inpression he is waiting for his folks to pass on and leave him the house back in New Zealand so that he can tell every body on his site how well he has done in his life in Thailand. But is is from his inhertance. I think many in Thailand are waiting to cash up there oldies cash and goods( eg house) to bale them out.

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I'm 26. Don't save anything*. By the time I can retire it'll be 2050... by which time with global warming, water shortages, food shortages, disease, etc, I doubt my country (uk) will even still have pensions.

And if I am still alive, well I live very healthy now.... I lift weights 5 times a week, do yoga, go swimming, eat my veggies, hopefully I'll be in a good state to keep on working.

*for old age. I still save for emergencies, home visits, etc.

Edited by razorramone
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I used to give the nieces and nephews one thousand baht to kick start their savings - it worked like a charm and luckily they are really good at it and proud to tell me what they've saved - sadly freaking Apple keeps coming out with new toys that eat away at their savings.

I do believe some Thais live in fear of being poor and guide themselves accordingly - it's the speculative investing I haven't caught onto.

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well i presume older expats have lived thru the golden age and put aside some wealth ,and as you say blow it in LOS and exist in a potless state or go home potless .the golden era appears to be from the 60s to the oos .youngsters will find it hard to acquire wealth in this new lean era

Edited by giggles
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All correct about Stickman he has wasted his good earning years here in Thailand and I get the inpression he is waiting for his folks to pass on and leave him the house back in New Zealand so that he can tell every body on his site how well he has done in his life in Thailand. But is is from his inhertance. I think many in Thailand are waiting to cash up there oldies cash and goods( eg house) to bale them out.

Sorry, but what does "he has wasted his good earning years" mean?

Are you just assuming that running his rather popular website doesn't generate much of an income when compared to being a wage slave making average salary for 40 years in farangland?

young expats are all having a ball but what when the money runs out ?

There are plenty of old expats whose money is running out too. I remember many of my fellow Brits bitchin' about their pensions buckling at ฿45 to the pound and the rising cost of a coronary-on-a-plate full English breakfast.

A lot of those guys went home

At least the young expats who have jobs are earning rather than bringing readies over from home.

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My Thai family do nothing but work hard, save and invest. Rather than the next five minutes or at best tomorrow, they now think thirty years ahead, especially about the children's future. This is in stark contrast to a five years ago. A remarkable change in attitude and behavior.

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I save all I can and as a cheap charlie, I m not too bad.

I live well below my mean.

I met other guys Mid age who do the same. Just rent cheap room, eat Street food and still work in Thailand or Asia. One guy can live well with less 13000 bahts /per month.

We don't trust our western countries, government are already broke and now print their own money to make you Belive it s ok. Alleluia !

They simply wait for a Santa Klaus who will create millions of jobs all over western countries. This story is ongoing since 2008 and now we are just in a non ending stagnation period with over 100 millions chap in usa who just gave up looking. God bless usa! They need it...

Yes some expats are saving. It's not very hard, instead to buy a house, keep your $, invest in funds/obligation/stocks... , and live with interest. You can even save.

You can work aside or get free money by playing lottery.

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I'm young but not an expat. I save as much as I can. There's the emergency fund, for when you get laid off, and the rest goes into mutual funds.

I believe I'm better off than my friends at this stage in my life, although DINKs should do very well over the long run.

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obviously that all depends on there country,job,cost of living..

If people are in a position to save then they will, but some like to indulge n have the finer things

in life.. and others struggle as the cost of living increases n wages stay stagnant..

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i have plenty of friends back home that haven't saved a dime. most people that make good money save some of it, most people that dont make much dont save much. their are exceptions, but that pattern holds across many countries.

Problem is where i come from if you made good money the government would do its hardest to take it away from you and give it to the poor. Even when dying you pay tax over money that has been taxed before. Crazy.. and its just outright stealing. While the idiots who spend it all get helped when they are in trouble.

My parents are slowly giving away their money to me and my brother so we don't have to pay tax on it when the time comes. Making sure they stay under the legal limit so it won't get taxed.. I really hate this that they have to do it this way just because government squander their money by helping the stupid and lazy.

I do believe in welfare.. but I also know there is loads of misuse of the system.

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i have plenty of friends back home that haven't saved a dime. most people that make good money save some of it, most people that dont make much dont save much. their are exceptions, but that pattern holds across many countries.

which brings me neatly to question I posed once before on TV....how many farangs in Thailand are holding or have access to a "slush fund" of say 3 months money cash in case of a rainy day while living here ?

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i have plenty of friends back home that haven't saved a dime. most people that make good money save some of it, most people that dont make much dont save much. their are exceptions, but that pattern holds across many countries.

which brings me neatly to question I posed once before on TV....how many farangs in Thailand are holding or have access to a "slush fund" of say 3 months money cash in case of a rainy day while living here ?

Yep... That's what my parents taught me as well...

Should have 3 months Salary liquid (just in case) and then anything over that invest

Still have About 25 more years ahead of me until its time to start thinking about retirement, but putting away for retirement every year while working here in Thailand

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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