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Warning - always carry your passport or at least a copy.

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Hmmm, I guess in all of my innumerable trips to Phuket over the past three decades, I must have missed the fact that they had instituted a feudal system of government there with lords and serfs.

You've had your eyes closed for three decades. The whole of Thailand is run by the feudal system. I thought everyone knew that........

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Hmmm, I guess in all of my innumerable trips to Phuket over the past three decades, I must have missed the fact that they had instituted a feudal system of government there with lords and serfs.

You've had your eyes closed for three decades. The whole of Thailand is run by the feudal system. I thought everyone knew that........

Yes, I really hate the fact that they make us stay here...

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Just recently, we had a Honorary Consul's health, safety and business threatened by an Immigration Official on Phuket. He has since announced his resignation. smile.png


Don't make a connection between 2 totally unrelated events.

Only Larry knows if the incident was connected to his resignation, or not.

Obviously, to declare his resignation, due to this incident, would have cause more publicity, and most likely, trouble for him, personally, and professionally.

Certainly, the timing of is resination, so close to this incident, is conspicuous.

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Pattaya South Road near the temple quite a while back.

Four Thai gentlemen came to me, said they were from Immigration, and asked to see my passport.

I asked them for ID and one of them proffered an "Immigration" ID card in English with nothing in Thai.

The type of ID you can buy on KhaoSan Rd. Or make with your PC.

Anyway they would not let go and since, by chance, I had my passport with me I showed it to them.

One guy flipped through it with an amused smile without checking anything, gave it back to me, and then they left, I could see, for their car which was parked in the temple grounds.

My guess is that without my passport they'd have told me that I was at "fault" and they'd have proposed an "arrangement".

Let me add that I had spotted a BiB in the nearby Police box and would have made a run for him if that had been the case or if they had kept my passport because those jokers really looked like Central Casting conmen.


Just recently, we had a Honorary Consul's health, safety and business threatened by an Immigration Official on Phuket. He has since announced his resignation. smile.png


Don't make a connection between 2 totally unrelated events.

Only Larry knows if the incident was connected to his resignation, or not.

Obviously, to declare his resignation, due to this incident, would have cause more publicity, and most likely, trouble for him, personally, and professionally.

Certainly, the timing of is resination, so close to this incident, is conspicuous.

No, not only Larry. People who are thinking will realise that it would be impossible for him to resign so shortly after the incident, with the thank yous etc. coming straight away. Governments simply don't work that way, this was known way, way in advance.

But if you like to believe otherwise, up to you, it just shows your ignorance on these processes.

On top of that, the SMS from the lady was for sure not smart, and can be interpreted, as has been shown here, as a threat. It can also be seen as inconspicuous, but that won't happen here of course.

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@ WaywardWind

Holidaying on Phuket is vastly different to living here.

Anyway, I'm thinking of moving from Phuket to Thailand. Any recommendations? smile.pngsmile.png

Won't make a difference, you won't like it anywhere. Nothing to do with a place, only with you. And that would go for anywhere in Thailand, in SEA, probably even worldwide.

But try Vietnam, you always claim you like it there, but you'll notice that holidaying there is vastly different living there. Or Burma, according to you almost on par with Phuket and Thailand. But you'll be vastly disappointed.

I asked them for ID and one of them proffered an "Immigration" ID card in English with nothing in Thai.

The type of ID you can buy on KhaoSan Rd. Or make with your PC.

Haven't seen an immigration ID but the standard Govt ID my nearest and dearest carries is all in Thai, laminated, looking as you described with her photo and a big red Garuda stamped in the middle.

Other official ID cards she carries authorising her for different Govt duties look the same as her official card.


@ WaywardWind

Holidaying on Phuket is vastly different to living here.

Anyway, I'm thinking of moving from Phuket to Thailand. Any recommendations? smile.pngsmile.png

Won't make a difference, you won't like it anywhere. Nothing to do with a place, only with you. And that would go for anywhere in Thailand, in SEA, probably even worldwide.

But try Vietnam, you always claim you like it there, but you'll notice that holidaying there is vastly different living there. Or Burma, according to you almost on par with Phuket and Thailand. But you'll be vastly disappointed.

I think you will have to brush up on your psychology skills stevenl. :)

I'm healthy and happy. :)

You shouldn't confuse my positive outlook on life with the fact that in Phuket, you pay a lot more, for a lot less. Phuket is simply being run as a

criminal enterprise and we are all caught up in it, in one way, or another. The tradition western market are voting with their feet.

Vietnam is a fun place. It's tourism industry is booming. In a couple of years, it will be up to speed with everything Thailand has, if not better.

Burma is offering 50 leases and have just announced the building of a big second airport. They are really gearing up for tourists in the future. It would be a good place to get in on the ground floor for business, but a little too early to consider moving there as an expat.

Nothing is changing for the better on Phuket, so, as other places in Thailand, and neighbouring countries, move forward, that effectly means Phuket is sliding bakwards.

Their asnwer has been to "keep the numbers up" by targeting holiday makers from emerging economies. Eg. Russians, Chinese and Indians. However, the baht is drying up here, as these tourists do not spend.

A personal attack on myself doesn't change the fact that the "influential people" on Phuket really are "killing the golden goose." All the positive thinking doesn't change that fact, and it's sad to see such a great place heading in the direction it is.

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Are you sure a 5 year DL is sufficient? After all it contains no entry information, and no visa information as well.

There is a lot of discussing going on about this subject.

I believe that It is not really clear in the Thai immigration law.

All people need to carry identification papers on their person and tourist are required to carry their passport.

But long term expacts are not tourist and can have Thai DL issued.

In most of the times it is understood that a Thai DL is sufficient as it has the PP number on it and they can check the immigration status with this PP number.

But other people argues that this does not clearly shows the immigration status to the police at that stage and the PP should be shown at the spot or in a timely manner or a copy of the PP and immigration status should be used.

I think that it is at the judgement of the officer at that moment.

Personally i always use my Thai DL for identification ( traveling in Phuket but also for domestic air travel and hotels ) and never had any problem in over 20 years.

There are two laws. The Thai ID Card act states everyone (Thai or foreigner) must be able to provide legally issued identification to identify themselves when asked by a "competent official". A passport or a Thai DL can accomplish this. The immigration law requires foreigners to be able to show they have "legally entered the Kingdom". That is where copies of your passport and current entry stamp or visa seem to suffice A current issues and answers in the Phuket Gazette recently showed two separate opinions by two top cops about whether a photocopy would suffice.

Can you confirm, if a Thai National is asked for "ID" by a competent official - if they produce a current Thai drivers/riders licence, does this suffice, or, they MUST produce their "National Thai ID Card?"

Good question. I believe the law states for a Thai national it must be their Thai ID card.

After I started to travel, I realized how rare the U.S. system is. Americans are not required to carry ID cards or passports of any kind, or even have any issued to them. There is no federal ID card in the states, but .individual states will issue them for a fee via the department of motor vehicles for people that don;t have DL's but it's optional. DL's are the defacto ID cards.


PG Issues and answers ( not online but in last weeks print edition ) confuses the issue further with a cryptic " or " .

@ WaywardWind

Holidaying on Phuket is vastly different to living here.

Anyway, I'm thinking of moving from Phuket to Thailand. Any recommendations? smile.pngsmile.png

Won't make a difference, you won't like it anywhere. Nothing to do with a place, only with you. And that would go for anywhere in Thailand, in SEA, probably even worldwide.

But try Vietnam, you always claim you like it there, but you'll notice that holidaying there is vastly different living there. Or Burma, according to you almost on par with Phuket and Thailand. But you'll be vastly disappointed.

I think you will have to brush up on your psychology skills stevenl. smile.png

I'm healthy and happy. smile.png

You shouldn't confuse my positive outlook on life with the fact that in Phuket, you pay a lot more, for a lot less. Phuket is simply being run as a

criminal enterprise and we are all caught up in it, in one way, or another. The tradition western market are voting with their feet.

Vietnam is a fun place. It's tourism industry is booming. In a couple of years, it will be up to speed with everything Thailand has, if not better.

Burma is offering 50 leases and have just announced the building of a big second airport. They are really gearing up for tourists in the future. It would be a good place to get in on the ground floor for business, but a little too early to consider moving there as an expat.

Nothing is changing for the better on Phuket, so, as other places in Thailand, and neighbouring countries, move forward, that effectly means Phuket is sliding bakwards.

Their asnwer has been to "keep the numbers up" by targeting holiday makers from emerging economies. Eg. Russians, Chinese and Indians. However, the baht is drying up here, as these tourists do not spend.

A personal attack on myself doesn't change the fact that the "influential people" on Phuket really are "killing the golden goose." All the positive thinking doesn't change that fact, and it's sad to see such a great place heading in the direction it is.

Right, and who can blame you fer venting? After all the country advertises itself as a even keeled place fo foreigners to do business- when if anything it's the direct opposite.

" English widely spoken in governmental offices," is the first lie .

("...world class educated and eager workers" is the second.)

If you are getting attacked personally, it's because they have no decent argument and seek to prop up their own interests.

Fact is Phuket has the whole world in India Russia states and China waiting to visit it and westerners can go f themselves with their nanny -state demands and war profiteering governments that are more concerned with where they can place military bases.


PG Issues and answers ( not online but in last weeks print edition ) confuses the issue further with a cryptic " or " .

Can you please provide the text, so your post might be understood?


Both are valid DL off-course but i think that the 5 year DL is regarded some kind of higher standard in respect of stay.

Because only long term ( visa / extensions ) can have the 5 year DL.

I know this is not water proof and does not mean that the person has a valid stay but i think it helps.

That's not quite correct. Visa or extension type has nothing to do with one year or 5 year DL. The one year DL is your first DL issued, thereafter a 5 year DL is issued.

Clearly a DL does not give any sort of information on Visa or entry/exit status. immigration officers will demand your passport to check immigration status - end of story.

But 5 year DL is not issued on tourist visa or Visa exempt.

Bit of a grey area. Depends on the processing officer.

c'mon son! haha love when you wrong and try to get it right - greay area - haha bullshit!

went down last week 2 times and both times they told me and other people you wont get a 5 years DL on tourist visa or visa exempt!


I HAVE A 5 YEAR thai driving license which is sufficient


Hmmm so you are in favor of badge wielding immigration cops riding around in unmarked cars indiscriminately,

harassing innocent farangs just for walking down the street ?

Lucky this fellow foreigner had all his papers in order or they would have picked his wallet to ensure his for freedom for sure

Sounds like racial profiling to me and smells of discrimination towards foreigners seems to be the norm in Phuket now a days....

For me (never been ask for it even at helmet checkpoints)

I always have copy of passport and immi card in my wallet or under motorbike seat,

more for if they sweep me up off the road than for the sneaky immigration cops.

WHAT YA SCREAMING FOR..? we can hear ya loud and clear.....


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