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Are you a more 'chilled' person In Thailand? If you are, why?


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I tend to have a quickish temper with people and sitiations where I feel that I am being badly served or badly treated, its a real topic of conversation in my family. I also suffer from the age old problem of shouting and muttering to myself while driving, when I meet other drivers who are acting like idiots. Lots of us are like that I know. However, the strange thing is that in Thailand, where I have been a visitor and sometime short term resident for many years, I seem to calm down and accept many things that I would nenver dream of accepting in the UK, without a murmer and with more of a smile of resignation, than a burst of temper. Of course, I am well aware that prompting a confrontation in LOS is not a good idea at any time and maybe I have just taken that advice to heart, but it feels much more than that, almost like a personality change It doesn't seem to happen when I am on holiday in other places, so why in Thailand I wonder?

Has anyone else experienced this type of change of personality and is it lilkley to continue when I move to Thailand permanently? I would like to think so.?

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I am certainly more "chilled" but not sure if its becasue of living in Thailand or the fact I am getting older, and the things that used to set me off...dont bother me anymore.

although I will agree the longer you live here the more cynical/jaded you become..

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I tend to agree more with Soutpeel. As we grow older small problems of the outside world move to the background.

The all-important inevitability ahead helps the 'doesn't matter' attitude.

But a match is a match - and I still flare-up when stricken. I wouldn't call it 'chilled' but rather older.

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For some, it is easier to relax here because you are not being confronted with constant responsibility. You have a driver (taxi, bts, etc) take care of your transport. Your bills are minimal and there isn't an overwhelming stress to pay on time as the credit system here isn't like west. You aren't really "in control" due to language/cultural barriers, so you have no choice but to let go, and just see what happens. You can't beat yourself up about mistakes, because foreigners are expected to make them, whereas in your home country it is expected that you won't. There is also the fact that the country is very "feminine" with a focus on everything being "cutesy", so things have a more lighthearted nature vs. the aggressive masculinity of western countries.

However, my personal experience is that living here full time, you are likely to become more pessimistic as the day to day inefficiencies and "<deleted>" moments start to really affect your life. It becomes a bit of struggle to keep the rosy glasses on as the years go by and the underbelly of Thai society rears its ugly head. When it does though, there are plenty of places to go visit and things to do that will restore your positive feeling towards Thailand, but it does become more difficult.

Spot on !

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I am certainly more "chilled" but not sure if its becasue of living in Thailand or the fact I am getting older, and the things that used to set me off...dont bother me anymore.

although I will agree the longer you live here the more cynical/jaded you become..

I havew been here 10 years and i get more chilled and less cynical,strange aint it.

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Just the opposite,

I'm ready to pull my piece at the slightest problem, shoot them in the head, and then do a little victory dance as I walk away.

Same as the locals.

Blimey, another post l agree with today. If one has been ''stuffed'' by a loved one in one's past life THEN one can now deal with any crap. thumbsup.gif

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I think the only thing that gets to me here is the stupidity ,especially of the drivers ,but as was said before there is no bullshit like in the UK ,jobsworths around every corner ,but as i get older i find i am far more cynical ,

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I think the only thing that gets to me here is the stupidity ,especially of the drivers ,but as was said before there is no bullshit like in the UK ,jobsworths around every corner ,but as i get older i find i am far more cynical ,

I agree with every word you say.

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I agree with the op. in UK its a stressful place, shitty service, work, expenses etc.

When I'm in Thai I change, laid back, easy going, no stress.

Lived in Thai and holidayed.

Work for myself now as had a stressful job for 10 years which I hated, less stressed, less worry. Better life.

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Some interesting responses from certain regulars, several of whom come across on this forum as being extremely cranky old buggers ;)

I wouldn't say 'chilled' personally - more careful about treading on the wrong set of toes, but that applies across the region. Conversely, I'm usually less wary of others than I am in Sydney and Melbourne, the exception being ATMs and any time I have to take my wallet out. Still much happier to wander around LOS at 3am than any Australian city.

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I don't know if it is my red hair and Scottish-French back ground or not, but I was always a hothead and quick to temper. But, with the help of an older mentor, who taught me that boors are not worth spending energy on, I've gotten much better. He taught me to just laugh at the boors and idiots because it is their problem and not mine. I seem to have changed completely and very little bothers me anymore.

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I always try to chill out. In all situations, at all times. No matter where I am in the world.

One thing I have to say though is, there is nothing more embarrassing than seeing a foreigner shouting and screaming at a Thai for bad service or similar nonsense.

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