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Thai professor recommends raising taxes on non-married individuals


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Professor recommends raising taxes on non-married individuals
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Terdsak Chomtosuwan, an economics professor from Rangsit University, has asked the government to consider encouraging Thais to bear more children by collecting a “single tax” and “no children tax.”

The Kingdom's low fertility rate of only 1.6 children per household could result in a lack of labor in the future, Terdsak warned.

The academic also said that the Thai economy's boom as well as the attractiveness of a city lifestyle, which encourages youngsters to work rather than settle down, is contributing to the issue.

Many families, according to Terdsak, are choosing to have only one child because of the increasing cost of intuitions, hospitality and food. {read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/09/06/professor-recommends-raising-taxes-non-married-individuals

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-09-06

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Isn't this precisely the same as the UK system - tax advantages of being married and having children - but worded bass ackwards?

In Thailand tax advantage wouldnt work...since so few pays tax. It wouldnt be encouragement.

So, guess came the idea, turn the table, and tax the individuals.

Wont need to have a job, wont have to prove your earnings to be able to tax you, and thus offer tax advantage in turn...just enough to know that you exist.

I think if they would introduce a government child walfare that also has in some countries...ie. money to parents to help to raise the child...that could work. Just like old age pension, parents would get say 1000thb/kid/month.

Would it encourage really lots of adult to have kids for whom the diapers would cost twice that much monthly? not really, but then it would help some for the patents, as well, it would be still better than have piles of rice, or rubber, or whatever else come out of the usual great ideas of this government.

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I wonder how the hell he got his professor title.

I mean to come up with such a useless idea, that's an insult to real professors. The fertility rate is low simply because people struggle to survive, how can you expect them to make children when the country's policies make it difficult to take care of just themselves.

The solution is not raising taxes-is this man really serious or it is just the booze? What about stop robbing people and make it possible for them to live their lives properly? I guarantee as a result they will be like rabbits in terms of fertility.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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Well I have been trying to increase Thailand's population for years now, should I get a tax credit for all that........hard........work I've been doing ? w00t.gif

From your post I assume that you are not married to the ones you are trying to increase the population with.

You won't qualify IMO.

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The Kingdom's low fertility rate of only 1.6 children per household could result in a lack of labor in the future, Terdsak warned.

Lack of labor is not an issue, lack of qualified labor is an issue. I think it is better to have 1 properly educated child than 2 or more low educated children. Unless of course you are an old school farmer.

You think the 10 million Burmese laborers imported to Thailand are educated? What a joke post. Thailand needs grunt labor for construction, service jobs and factory work. They are not going to invent new computers or space ships yet.

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I wonder how the hell he got his professor title.

I mean to come up with such a useless idea, that's an insult to real professors. The fertility rate is low simply because people struggle to survive, how can you expect them to make children when the country's policies make it difficult to take care of just themselves.

The solution is not raising taxes-is this man really serious or it is just the booze? What about stop robbing people and make it possible for them to live their lives properly? I guarantee as a result they will be like rabbits in terms of fertility.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

I know your talking points are to bash anything Thai but Singapore and Japan are also exploring ways to increase population. It is a good idea to talk about alterative approaches to something that will become more of a problem in the future.

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There are too many people in Thailand as it is. This is shortsighted solution to a problem that goes far beyond the scope of his thinking. Not least of all is the fact that Thailand needs to move away from be a labour orientated factory. Education and automation are the way of the future. Thailand needs to change the way it thinks.

In summary, this guy is an idiot.

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Anyone who advocates their country (or their religion) artificially increasing it's numbers wants their head examined.

There's barely enough room on the planet as it is.

Australia, Singapore, Italy and Japan to name a few are lining up at the shrink now for the head examination

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The Kingdom's low fertility rate of only 1.6 children per household could result in a lack of labor in the future, Terdsak warned.

Lack of labor is not an issue, lack of qualified labor is an issue. I think it is better to have 1 properly educated child than 2 or more low educated children. Unless of course you are an old school farmer.

You think the 10 million Burmese laborers imported to Thailand are educated? What a joke post. Thailand needs grunt labor for construction, service jobs and factory work. They are not going to invent new computers or space ships yet.

You think the 10 million Burmese laborers imported to Thailand are educated?

No, that's why I said : Lack of labor is not an issue.

Thailand needs grunt labor for construction, service jobs and factory work. They are not going to invent new computers or space ships yet.

And in between those two groups is a big shortage of educated labor.

Don't waste my time if you have no idea what you are talking about and on top of it don't even know how to read.

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There are too many people in Thailand as it is. This is shortsighted solution to a problem that goes far beyond the scope of his thinking. Not least of all is the fact that Thailand needs to move away from be a labour orientated factory. Education and automation are the way of the future. Thailand needs to change the way it thinks.

In summary, this guy is an idiot.

How many migrant workers are imported to Thailand every year? One of the problems is the employer has to pay the same as Thai workers and in addition supply housing for the migrants but not the Thais. A lot of Thais are upset. So who is an idiot?

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Lack of labor is not an issue, lack of qualified labor is an issue. I think it is better to have 1 properly educated child than 2 or more low educated children. Unless of course you are an old school farmer.

You think the 10 million Burmese laborers imported to Thailand are educated? What a joke post. Thailand needs grunt labor for construction, service jobs and factory work. They are not going to invent new computers or space ships yet.

Don't waste my time if you have no idea what you are talking about and on top of it don't even know how to read.

Thailand needs construction workers a lot of them. There are not enough Thais to fill the positions. How much education does a construction worker need? Thailand needs factory workers. How much education does a factory worker need?

Thailand is importing millions of migrant workers because there are not enough Thais available to do construction and factory jobs.

Cear enough?

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Absolutely ridiculous!

What about the infertile?

Or those who are unable to find a mate?

The mental challenged, or physically incapable of married life?

This is not going to force anyone to marry, but it will be grossly unfair.

'Hey, will you marry me, we need the tax reduction.' ABSURD!

and the planet is already overpopulated.

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Absolutely ridiculous!

What about the infertile?

Or those who are unable to find a mate?

The mental challenged, or physically incapable of married life?

This is not going to force anyone to marry, but it will be grossly unfair.

'Hey, will you marry me, we need the tax reduction.' ABSURD!

and the planet is already overpopulated.

Singapore is not overpopulated, Japan is not overpopulated, Australia is not overpopulated, Italy is not overpopulated and THAILAND is not overpopulated. Wake up call. .....

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There are too many people in Thailand as it is. This is shortsighted solution to a problem that goes far beyond the scope of his thinking. Not least of all is the fact that Thailand needs to move away from be a labour orientated factory. Education and automation are the way of the future. Thailand needs to change the way it thinks.

In summary, this guy is an idiot.

I'll give you an example. Are there enough plumbers in Thailand? No. Do plumbers need a good education? Poop rolls downhill is about it, eh? Are they going to automate poop? No. It's still going to roll downhill. Thailand needs plumbers, electricians, bricklayers, carpenters, gardeners, landscapers, road builders ..... and on and on and on. None of these trades will be automated and none will benefit from a marketing MA from NakonNowhere Univ.

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I am amused by the outrage expressed in this forum.

"Thai professor recommends raising taxes on non-married individuals"

As usual, Academia think and live in a vacuum.

Their world is not ours. Leave to a "professor" to try to organize society and you will get a lopsided establishment. Barry Soetoro, community organizer, Law Professor and Savior of a once "exceptional Western country" is a clear example of that.

What this Thai professor is proposing is quantity, not quality. What labor force can be assured without quality in education? The answer: cheap laborers: 300 Baht a day... or less.

A quick fix of the population makes him feel important, regardless of the consequences.

One of the traits of the so called Third World is not the industrial development or political alignment. This perception nowadays points to the mental attitude of the citizens, academicians, politicos and government officials.

Thailand could get out of the doldrums in which it is if only that thirst for control of every single human being would be phased out. The color of the shirt or whether a ruling party is a D, PTP or DOA is irrelevant. None of them is interested in making Thailand into a dynamic country such as Singapore. The history of this country is heavily edited, omitting sad periods, to instill a vacuous sense of pride in the people. Education is kept in the early 20th. century at best. Corruption at all levels is deeply ingrained in the social fabric. Disregard for the Rule of Law is what rules this land... and many more etc...

And this professor uses his Gray Matter (so called brain) to increase the population by taxing the unmarried citizen?

Enough said!

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