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Extension of Stay - K-Bank Refuses to Update Passbook on Fixed Deposit Acct

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I have a fixed deposit account with K-Bank. I rolled it over from a previous fixed deposit account about two months ago. It matures in two more months. No interest is paid during the life of the account; only on the maturity date.

I went to the bank today to get the verification letter (no worries) and to have the passbook updated. They refused to update the passbook saying that there were no transactions and therefore nothing to update.

Last year I used an account on which interest was paid during the life of the account, so the passbook had recent updates. This year the passbook just shows the original deposit and that's it.

Now I'm worried that Immigration will not accept the passbook because it hasn't been updated.

Anyone have a similar experience?

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They can do an update if they want to.

You could also have a problem if book does not show money has been there long enough.

When you rolled it over did you get a new book?

Same book, they just increment the account number with /1, /2, /3, etc.

So, any reasonable person could look at the book and today's letternand see that I've had at least 1.3 million in he account continuously for several years through today.

I'm just not sure Immigration will see it that way.

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I have a 15 month step bond with K-Bank for my retirement extension deposit and this has been rolling over with various durations and interest rates for several years, sometimes with a new book and sometimes using the same book. My branch of K-Bank (Central Festival Pattaya) has always updated the book for me even if there were no actual changes to the balance. They do it automatically prior to photocopying the book and writing the letter, and when the balance has been in 2 accounts/books during the previous 3 months they have just copied both of them. The dates of transfer between the 2 books/accounts always coincide, of course, so the end result is one continuous deposit.

So it sounds like your branch is just being awkward.

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I can't make deposits into this account. Fixed is fixed.

Advice anyone?

every fixed acc.i have if i dont instruct the bank what i want to do with the amount they will show the interest earned and transfer the full amount to a holding acc.untill i instruct them as to what i am going to do.the date is shown on the bank book along with the % the holding acc.pays i would have thought that is a transaction.you must have had the same member of staff that the wf.had last week,she asked her to update her book she replied how much do you want.

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and that is when you politely asked to talk to the manager, and made it apparent you weren't laving until you did right?

I don't speak Thai at all. I'd had my fill of humiliation by that point.

I did what I usually do in such situations: hang my head in shame and slink out.

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Just a thought, what do you do if immigration ask what you have been living on when you can't take money out? Wouldn't it be better to show the account that you use regularly?

They didn't ask last year. Immigration here in Korat has a supplemental statement on which you state your income and savings. I provide proof of savings because its cheaper and easier (or so I thought) than getting an income statement from the US Embassy.

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I've never had a fixed deposit account here... So I don't know if this would work...

But, what about trying your passbook in one of the K-Bank passbook update machines and see if that will print a current account balance?

The fixed deposit passbooks are too wide to fit in the passbook update machines.

I tried.

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A little more of why it's been a bad day.

When I went to the bank I took a copy of last year's letter to show them an example of what I wanted. After much talk they came back and said that they couldn't do it because they don't have a copy of the letter they issued last year. I had to put them on the phone with my wife who explained that I want a NEW letter just LIKE last year's letter.

BTW, my wife just called Kasikorn headquarters which confirmed that they will not do a passbook update if there are no transactions since the previous update.

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Gee...switch to a Bangkok Bank fixed account after you get through this mess. On the day Bangkok Bank issues your bank letter which says you have X-amount in the account they also update the passbook to reflect the current date...or that is the way it has always worked out for me. Or, you can just update the passbook yourself by using a passbook update machine since the Bangkok Bank fixed account passbooks are the same size as regular savings accounts passbooks. In fact, I went and updated my Bangkok Bank fixed account passbook in a machine about an hour ago since I'm going to apply for my yearly retirement extension tomorrow or Friday...there was no change in the balance amount from my previous balance put it still printed a new entry with today's date. Additionally, the passbook will be updated by the bank when they issue the bank letter...or that's the way it has always happened for me...but as mentioned I'm with Bangkok Bank which apparently does things a little different from K-bank.

If the period is still open to where you can make deposits to the fixed account and you can make a "small" deposit then just go that route to get an update. But I expect the period you can make additional deposits may have passed and/or any additional deposit may require a LARGE deposit...like maybe a minimum of Bt200K which is typical for many fixed accounts...different minimum amounts for different fixed accounts.

If K-bank's letter is the same as Bangkok Bank's letter the letter will state the amount in the account, but I realize immigration officers many times want to see a fresh update in the passbook also. But maybe your immigration office knows K-bank don't do a update unless the amount has changed...then again, maybe not. Good luck.

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I can't make deposits into this account. Fixed is fixed.

Advice anyone?

Yes I can confirm that.

At KasikornBank a "Fixed deposit" can't be modify and you will have an update on your book only when you will get interest to add, and it may be every 3 months, 6 months, 1 year,... depending of the type of fixed deposit you choose.

You can't add anything on it.

You can remove the money (and lost the interest) by breaking the contract. Not an option.

No transaction possible => no change => no update sad.png

I already asked too one day to have an update, even if no change in amount, but really the system does not allow it. I saw the lady trying in front of me at her desk and the book came back unmodified. I even tried at an updating machine outside but seems it refuses to update this kind of book.

BTW I know people using this kind of account of Stay Extension, and despite no update in the book the letter given by KB seems to be enough for Jomtien Immigration smile.png

I don't see why you cannot make a deposit. I do it quite often.

Unless KB have different fixed Accounts to other banks

Please tell us what kind of fixed account exactly you have at KB.

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Yes, I made my wife leave her office (she's an attorney) and go to K-Bank with me. She tried very hard to get them to update the passbook but, as Pattaya46 says, it can't be done.

So, here's what I have:

  • A passbook showing successive fixed deposit accounts, each one opening on the day the previous one closed
  • For the most recent fixed deposit account all that is shown is the initial deposit on June 21st
  • A letter saying that the current account has x baht, was opened on June 21st and matures on October 21st

I'm worried that since the current fixed deposit account has been open for less than three months Immigration will balk.

Should I be worried? I can always go to the US embassy to get an income letter if this fixed deposit is not going to cut it with Immigration.

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Extension of stay based on marriage: money needs to be there two months.

Extension of stay based on retirement: money needs to be there 2 months for the first time and 3 months every next extension.

If in trouble, you can get a 60 day extension based on your wife (no financials required, only the fee), and at the end of those 60 days apply for the 1 year extension.

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I would say that because you have three successive lines in your passbook stating the opening and maturity of each FD (I assume for the same amount), plus a recent letter (less than 7 days old) from K-Bank confirming that your current FD balance is X and is equal to the current balance in your FD passbook.....you should be OK.

Take a Thai speaker with you and school them up well about ensuring they have to explain the continuity of the funds.

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Mario: Not legally married, so it has to be retirement. If the bank account doesn't work, I have sufficient income. It just means a trip to Bangkok and the extortionate US Embassy notary fee.

As for the successive fixed deposit accounts, each has a different opening balance. Sometimes I added surplus funds; sometimes I used some if the funds for other purposes. At all times the balance has been in excess of a million baht. It's easy to see that looking at the passbook. Sadly, Thais rarely see things the way I do.

Next year I will definitely go the income route right off the bat.

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Here's an interesting addendum. K-Bank refused to put anything in writing about the old fixed deposit accounts. We asked if they would write a letter saying that I had not less tha 1.3 million baht on deposit with them continuously since July X, 2011. They refused.

Edited by Ratsima
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k bank just lost a customer i would hope

On everything else they've have been very good.

It took years for Bangkok Bank to give me online banking.

With K-Bank I had it the day I opened the account. And, their online banking is quite good.

So, I will continue to use them in that way.

However, large fixed deposits are going elsewhere....

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k bank just lost a customer i would hope

On everything else they've have been very good.

It took years for Bangkok Bank to give me online banking.

With K-Bank I had it the day I opened the account. And, their online banking is quite good.

So, I will continue to use them in that way.

However, large fixed deposits are going elsewhere....

Are there any options in your online banking to print off some sort of statement for your FD accounts?

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What a pain in the arse.

You could make a transaction by withdrawing money but then i guess you would lose all interest. We have struck a good relationship with one of the employees at our Scb bank, she takes care of everything for us. I would like to think she would bend the rules if needed.

Good luck mate.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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