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Thailand's 'SMART LADY' has emerged


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The Nations attempt at morality....what hope is there!

It's almost as though neko is responsible for dragging Thailand down in the education rankings too.

I await her being found responsible for global warming and being part of the ASEAN conspiracy to ruin Thailand. Maybe the rice escapade was her problem too?

She and her warped ideas? All she said was that school uniforms were already optional and inappropriate for university students. The sky is falling.....

Edited by Thai at Heart
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If what was said was so shocking why did Khun Pontipa keep this LM in her possession?

I can only think of two reasons. Either she is a secret fan or she was waiting for an opportunity to cash in.

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The Nations attempt at morality....what hope is there!

She sounds like she has more morality than those running the country! And the nation is sounding hypocritical. So much for letting students think for themselves as opposed to think what they are told!

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"She and her warped ideas are only the product of a failed society like ours. All she knows is how to tear everything apart, not how to build something better for society. The dimwit narrowness of her focus is the accepted and prevalent behaviour and practice in our land.

While Aum Neko repeats her senseless mantra of absolute freedom, our leaders fall asleep at the wheel and are incapable of feeling disgrace at all our national failings. Like Neko, we are running in circles, thinking we are going somewhere, while in fact, we are going nowhere."

Really "The Nation"?

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She looked smart and sounded extremely articulate. Her arguments were syllogistically sound, as long as one could agree with all her contentions. She could be the winner of the government's "Smart Lady Project".

Never in a million years, they wouldn't let it happen.

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The Nations attempt at morality....what hope is there!

It's almost as though neko is responsible for dragging Thailand down in the education rankings too.

I await her being found responsible for global warming and being part of the ASEAN conspiracy to ruin Thailand. Maybe the rice escapade was her problem too?

She and her warped ideas? All she said was that school uniforms were already optional and inappropriate for university students. The sky is falling.....

Sooner or later someone will call her a ghost or a witch dealing with evil spirits to bring the country down

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This guy that won the smart lady contest may very well be arrested for lèse majesté if a certain person gets her way.

He definitely look like a guy, duped the judges into thinking he was woman so definitely smarter than them.

Anyway if you want to see his other pics you can find them here. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Aum+Neko.&id=4D70FC2DBABCA4DB6AEA52A02A37553F4DC1CDCA&FORM=IQFRBA#a



Edited by chooka
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Bravo to this fine individual.

Going against the status quo is a tough gig and this person will be just the first of many, as the youngsters see a rebel, not against Thailand, but against the misconcieved ideals and corruption that they are born into. The article goes to great lengths to spout facts and figures about how bad Thailand compares to the world, which in a way is commendable, then suddenly sink into "slagging"... Pity, it ruined what is a great article.

Thailand does not have to worry about its "managers" offering up stupid solutions to combat "easily managed" problems. Thailand now has its youth to worry about, that can see and read the truth about the world and can come to the conclussions that their own country is not all that great.(Viva La Internet)

These kids will mature and their thinking will mature as well and lets hope that they find their way into "manager" roles and make positive changes for the betterment of their people.

For me personally, I think this is exactly what Thailand needs. A voice... not exactly of reason, but of exposing issues and making people think for themselves.

GO GIRL !!!!


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you have to be joking, this is a thais idea of good looking and smart, if my dog looked like that I would shave its arse and teach it to walk backwards and she would have to take off her shoes to count past 10, what a load of crap.

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The Nations attempt at morality....what hope is there!

It's almost as though neko is responsible for dragging Thailand down in the education rankings too.

I await her being found responsible for global warming and being part of the ASEAN conspiracy to ruin Thailand. Maybe the rice escapade was her problem too?

She and her warped ideas? All she said was that school uniforms were already optional and inappropriate for university students. The sky is falling.....

Sooner or later someone will call her a ghost or a witch dealing with evil spirits to bring the country down

It's so 1984 you can't really believe it's not intentional.

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