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Should I go out tonight


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And to the guys that say it's good and cheap to have a gf... some of us like changing girls. All of them are different and fun/cute/beautiful in their own way. Getting stuck with one of them is alright if you want to marry or some crazy stuff like that, otherwise there's no point in maintaining a relationship.

What are you, like 16 or something ?

What are you, like jealous or something?

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Are you a gen y? Is your next thread gonna be "what should I wear tonight", go and do what makes you feel is right for you an not worry about such trivial things.smile.png

After having sex with a non-bar girl, she automatically thinks of you as her boyfriend, as I would if the roles were reversed. Try letting someone down in this way, is not a good feeling.

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So what's the difference between going out and finding a girl for a "short time" and chasing girls?

Short time is walking into a go-go bar or soapy massage parlour, selecting the girl you like, taking her to a room, have sex, shower and going back out alone the rest of the night. Chasing girls is not having sex at the beginning of an evening, therefore carrying around the desire to have sex during the evening, and thus adds a handicap when socializing.

I found that even the most sexy, stunning, beautiful woman, you don't want to go with again after 1 or 2 times.

There is more to a lasting relationship than sexy and external beauty.

So why not... "stop looking in the bars for a girl friend as its not the right place to look". I'm too lazy to mount an expedition for her and in the meantime I'm still a man.

hopefully the right girl will come along at some point, until then I don't want to lie and say "yes I want to be with you" because of the human drive to pro-create.

The OP has a very sound agenda and I concur wholeheartedly with the premise of getting the dirty water off ones chest before going carousing, especially when the carousing is mostly linked with getting rid of aforementioned dirty water. The biggest danger when suitably lashed is to wander 'undiscovered paths' beyond 4 in the morning and waking up finding you have shagged a bloke. The only thing worse than that is waking up alone but THINKING that you MAY have shagged a bloke.

I often found that after the 'joy of sex', all further need to go wandering around the traps had sufficiently dissipated and the path of least resistance inevitably led me back home. AS one gets older, there always the sure-fire, money-saver, the hand shandy. Why else so we have fridges and internet at home?... think cold beer and TV.

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So what's the difference between going out and finding a girl for a "short time" and chasing girls?

Short time is walking into a go-go bar or soapy massage parlour, selecting the girl you like, taking her to a room, have sex, shower and going back out alone the rest of the night. Chasing girls is not having sex at the beginning of an evening, therefore carrying around the desire to have sex during the evening, and thus adds a handicap when socializing.

I found that even the most sexy, stunning, beautiful woman, you don't want to go with again after 1 or 2 times.

There is more to a lasting relationship than sexy and external beauty.

So why not... "stop looking in the bars for a girl friend as its not the right place to look". I'm too lazy to mount an expedition for her and in the meantime I'm still a man.

hopefully the right girl will come along at some point, until then I don't want to lie and say "yes I want to be with you" because of the human drive to pro-create.

The OP has a very sound agenda and I concur wholeheartedly with the premise of getting the dirty water off ones chest before going carousing, especially when the carousing is mostly linked with getting rid of aforementioned dirty water. The biggest danger when suitably lashed is to wander 'undiscovered paths' beyond 4 in the morning and waking up finding you have shagged a bloke. The only thing worse than that is waking up alone but THINKING that you MAY have shagged a bloke.

I often found that after the 'joy of sex', all further need to go wandering around the traps had sufficiently dissipated and the path of least resistance inevitably led me back home. AS one gets older, there always the sure-fire, money-saver, the hand shandy. Why else so we have fridges and internet at home?... think cold beer and TV.

Good man! :-)

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I'll probably get in trouble for saying this, but that's quite a shallow, pointless life you have.

Assuming this is the OP's daily routine, and assuming it is the only focus of his life, I might have agreed with you. But why would you make these assumptions? Or is his life pointless because he enjoys a promiscuous lifestyle?

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What most commentators have failed to address is your original question of why if you have short time before going out you don't end up staying out for ages and getting quite drunk. A bit sad there are so many "self righteous" who feel they are entitled to comment on your morals. Let he who is without sin caste the first stone is fairly appropriate for some. So, back to the topic. What is happening is by having sex, the urge to do so is reduced for a period of time; maybe one day, or one week or one month depending on your age and hormons. Because of the post coitus "calm" the hunter desire is much reduced, so you are contented to have a meal, a few drinks and socialise with your Friends without your libido taking a priority. On the other hand, when you don't have short time, you are "on the hunt" and at a given point of drinking, the sex drive goes into high drive and your outlook changes from a "would be nice to have" to "got to have", on top of which ones judgement also becomes less objective. Hope it helps and enjoy your life - you are not the only one leading this sort of life and do take all the time to find your perfect partner. wai2.gif

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What most commentators have failed to address is your original question of why if you have short time before going out you don't end up staying out for ages and getting quite drunk. A bit sad there are so many "self righteous" who feel they are entitled to comment on your morals. Let he who is without sin caste the first stone is fairly appropriate for some. So, back to the topic. What is happening is by having sex, the urge to do so is reduced for a period of time; maybe one day, or one week or one month depending on your age and hormons. Because of the post coitus "calm" the hunter desire is much reduced, so you are contented to have a meal, a few drinks and socialise with your Friends without your libido taking a priority. On the other hand, when you don't have short time, you are "on the hunt" and at a given point of drinking, the sex drive goes into high drive and your outlook changes from a "would be nice to have" to "got to have", on top of which ones judgement also becomes less objective. Hope it helps and enjoy your life - you are not the only one leading this sort of life and do take all the time to find your perfect partner. wai2.gif

Well put. Thank you very much.

Edited by ArranP
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What most commentators have failed to address is your original question of why if you have short time before going out you don't end up staying out for ages and getting quite drunk. A bit sad there are so many "self righteous" who feel they are entitled to comment on your morals. Let he who is without sin caste the first stone is fairly appropriate for some. So, back to the topic. What is happening is by having sex, the urge to do so is reduced for a period of time; maybe one day, or one week or one month depending on your age and hormons. Because of the post coitus "calm" the hunter desire is much reduced, so you are contented to have a meal, a few drinks and socialise with your Friends without your libido taking a priority. On the other hand, when you don't have short time, you are "on the hunt" and at a given point of drinking, the sex drive goes into high drive and your outlook changes from a "would be nice to have" to "got to have", on top of which ones judgement also becomes less objective. Hope it helps and enjoy your life - you are not the only one leading this sort of life and do take all the time to find your perfect partner. wai2.gif

Or he could just have a wank before going out whistling.gif

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After having sex with a non-bar girl, she automatically thinks of you as her boyfriend, as I would if the roles were reversed. Try letting someone down in this way, is not a good feeling.

Shit! That means I've got a load of gfs I didn't even know about, uh oh!

Seriously though girls don't automatically think you are their BF because you had sex with them unless you lied / bullshitted them to get them into bed or gave that impression.

If you are clear with them from the start you can avoid these problems. Not every girl wants a BF, many young Thai girl's are happy with casual dating, one night stands and to be giks.

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After having sex with a non-bar girl, she automatically thinks of you as her boyfriend, as I would if the roles were reversed. Try letting someone down in this way, is not a good feeling.

Shit! That means I've got a load of gfs I didn't even know about, uh oh!

Seriously though girls don't automatically think you are their BF because you had sex with them unless you lied / bullshitted them to get them into bed or gave that impression.

If you are clear with them from the start you can avoid these problems. Not every girl wants a BF, many young Thai girl's are happy with casual dating, one night stands and to be giks.


Searching the internet for "casual dating" I found the following on Wikipedia,



Hopefully I can explain I'm only interested in "casual relationship" without fear of offending the woman I'm with or her thinking I'm "not a good man".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your reasoning made sense...when I was single!

Now I've got myself a great girlfriend and I can stay in and shag as often as I want. Therefore saving myself loads of money and nights I wish I could get back once I woke up.

Seriously....if you think having a girlfriend is cheaper than taking the odd bar girl, then you're most certainly deluded!!! cheesy.gif

In my case I am lucky, as my GF has a professional office job and makes more money then I do. So yeah...I'm good thanks *winks*

Anyways....depending how often you want or need to "shag" or go out and drink yourself into a stuper....you can take that and add it up along with the costs of going out and getting an "odd bargirl"...against me having a real true live in GF and am able to finish my mornings & nights off with a smile every day at least once a day at a minimum! And I think it's clear what the smart decision is. wink.png

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