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Why is Yingluck not going to Washington?


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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

For political leaders, particularly those from developing countries, an invitation to the White House is tantamount to an actor winning an Oscar.

For Yingluck it would be immeasurably legitimizing, since she's seen as a puppet for her brother. It would do much in protecting her and her party from the threat of a coup, because it would be far more difficult for the resulting government to be recognized by the U.N.

your reasoning is flawed. She has already met Obama. It hasn't legitimised this government any more so than the legitimacy it may already have! and the UN will recognise any government of a state that is a UN member regardless of it's political views or how corrupt a government it may be.

It's all about timing. she got her visit at a point where it suited the USA to be friendly with her, to solidify the region a little.

Now the ante is being upped, and it is possible there could be a coup, or civil unrest, no one can predict the outcome 100%. So, the USA sits back to see what is going to happen, and doesn't show any overt friendship to KY. Basic diplomacy.

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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

Actually I would bet their English is better than you think. Diplomacy dictates they speak in their mother tongue/language on official engagements.

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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

Actually I would bet their English is better than you think. Diplomacy dictates they speak in their mother tongue/language on official engagements.

My wifw assures me that her Thai is pretty pi** poor as well!!

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

For political leaders, particularly those from developing countries, an invitation to the White House is tantamount to an actor winning an Oscar.

For Yingluck it would be immeasurably legitimizing, since she's seen as a puppet for her brother. It would do much in protecting her and her party from the threat of a coup, because it would be far more difficult for the resulting government to be recognized by the U.N.

your reasoning is flawed. She has already met Obama. It hasn't legitimised this government any more so than the legitimacy it may already have! and the UN will recognise any government of a state that is a UN member regardless of it's political views or how corrupt a government it may be.

No sir, your reasoning is flawed. An invitation to, and subsequent meeting at the White House would be a much, much bigger deal than when Obama met Yingluck last year. At the time Obama had come for the East Asian Summit, and to make a historic visit to Myanmar. He arrived in Thailand and stayed for less than a day. They were a notable stop on the tour, but it was just PR, no serious discussions took place.

Myanmar's president's subsequent visit to the WH the following May represented to many Myanmar's legitimate reentrance into global affairs.

The U.N. has often failed to recognize governments that are the result of a coup, unless the new governments have backing by a superpower, i.e., the U.S. Here's an example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_reaction_to_the_2009_Honduran_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat

Edited by aTomsLife
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6 -10 The same idiots that want Thailand to be ruled by appointed nominees (read cronies) and go under the name PA, multi colored shirts, V for something you ought to be writing with an "F" and not a V and so on. Accused the Americans when they asked for permission to use an airfield for NASA research that they would use poisonous gas to attack the people they really care of the Chinese and that the Americans were spying on them. (The last part was right only that was done by another agency from which the president claimed plausible deniability). And last but not least, it is a UN meeting, image all leaders descending afterwards on the white house. The NSA would not have employees enough to tape them all.

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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

Actually I would bet their English is better than you think. Diplomacy dictates they speak in their mother tongue/language on official engagements.

My wifw assures me that her Thai is pretty pi** poor as well!!

That's what my fiancée says, as well as the wife of a pal. They say she has quite a rough, low-class accent, and they say her English is a joke. I've never heard her speak in any language, so I can't comment, but these comments are from 40-something Thai women who have no respect for her at all. 'Mai bai rong rian', they say and that because she's from a wealthy family, she's never felt the need for an education. Hence I doubt she has a degree from Kentucky unless she paid for it off the Internet! :-)

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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

Actually I would bet their English is better than you think. Diplomacy dictates they speak in their mother tongue/language on official engagements.

My wife assures me that her Thai is pretty pi** poor as well!!

That's what my Pathum Thani fiancée says, as well as the Bangkokian wife of a pal. They say she has quite a rough, low-class accent, and they say her English is a joke. I've never heard her speak in any language, so I can't comment, but these comments are from 40-something educated Thai women who have no respect for her at all.

'Mai bai rong rian', they say and that because she's from a wealthy family, she's never felt the need for an education. Hence I doubt she has a degree from Kentucky unless she paid for it off the Internet! :-)

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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

Actually I would bet their English is better than you think. Diplomacy dictates they speak in their mother tongue/language on official engagements.

My wifw assures me that her Thai is pretty pi** poor as well!!

That's what my fiancée says, as well as the wife of a pal. They say she has quite a rough, low-class accent, and they say her English is a joke. I've never heard her speak in any language, so I can't comment, but these comments are from 40-something Thai women who have no respect for her at all. 'Mai bai rong rian', they say and that because she's from a wealthy family, she's never felt the need for an education. Hence I doubt she has a degree from Kentucky unless she paid for it off the Internet! :-)

As you imply, it does seem that she "not go school" to learn how to speak proper Thai!!!

Let's face it a degree from Kentucky is not going to be the most prestigious degree in the world, is it!!

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

Get real. The US is Thailand's largest trading partner and its #1 export market. Link That even though Thailand doesn't export cars to the US because Thailand's cars don't meet US safety standards.

The US is the world's largest economy by twice as much as second place, and without the US trading, Thailand would fail tomorrow.

Myanmar is an excellent example. Yingluck was boasting about how Thailand was to get a new deep water port right up until the moment that Japan's PM and about 30 of its business CEO's went to Myanmar, inked a deal, and shocked Yingluck and many others in Thailand. Yingluck had egg on her face and it was a deliberate slap-down for screwing around with China.

Yingluck had just been to Japan to sell them on the location of the port, and the Japanese as only the Japanese can, just smiled and acted all nice, and then jilted her.

Thailand already had the big industrial park marked out, but the US and Japan marked out big industrial parks in Myanmar farther up the coast, leaving Thailand in the dust and out of luck.

Yes Yingluck "needs" to go to the US but she isn't welcome. No invitation has been forthcoming. Thailand is being snubbed by at least the US and Japan.

Thailand needs to decide which side it is on, because there are war clouds with China in Asia.

China is currently stockpiling huge amounts of food staples & iron ore which could be an indication of them getting ready to go to war.

The war in the south & corruption here hardly rate with the US as it does not impact them directly. She might get an invitation if she were to get really serious about something intellectual property rights as there are certain big business groups in the US which could benefit from that & Obama looks pretty keen to keep them happy with Monsanto being a prime example.

Well Thailand is currently stockpiling huge amounts of rice and rubber but even with 1600 army generals I doubt if they're getting ready for war. rolleyes.gif

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A better question is why YS isn't going to the UN instead she is sending Surapong

A strong showing at the UN by it's PM would have gone a long way to establishing Thailand as a real player on the world scene.

Unfortunately she still is being handled and until her handlers wake up they are going to kill this country. Thee is no way unless a strong PM stands up that anyone even Montenegro is going to vote a seat on the security council to her.

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(Messed up quotes edited out)

The above comments about her English and Thai are irrelevant to the thread subject.

The point about the US not giving a monkey's about the gov and sees ties to the military as more important is pertinent. Although it must be a minefield as to which of the hundreds of generals is more important to establish contacts with. Also, I wonder if the US is waiting for the AEC to come into being. Not to mention the FTA talks with the EU. There must surely be some significant issues with trade here that the US is watching with keen interest. Which way is that trade going to swing? In favour of the US?

Edited by Scott
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Because she need to go to Wall Street first. That's the Wall Street school of English.

At least she attempted to speak English, unlike some of the great leaders from say China, Japan, Russia, etc, who couldn't utter a word of English at all.

Actually I would bet their English is better than you think. Diplomacy dictates they speak in their mother tongue/language on official engagements.

My wife assures me that her Thai is pretty pi** poor as well!!

That's what my Pathum Thani fiancée says, as well as the Bangkokian wife of a pal. They say she has quite a rough, low-class accent, and they say her English is a joke. I've never heard her speak in any language, so I can't comment, but these comments are from 40-something educated Thai women who have no respect for her at all.

'Mai bai rong rian', they say and that because she's from a wealthy family, she's never felt the need for an education. Hence I doubt she has a degree from Kentucky unless she paid for it off the Internet! :-)

Sorry to contradict your Pathum Thani fiancée ( where did she graduate incidentally?) but she is talking nonsense.Yingluck speaks perfect Thai but with a Northern accent - is that a crime? As for her English it isn't that good but much better than some past PMs.The criticism is however quite common on the social media among "educate people", the cosmic joke however being that they can scarcely string an accurate English sentence together.

And by the way an educated Thai would never say of someone " Mai bai rong rian".You might wish to review the social and educational credentials of your Thai acquaintances.

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(Messed up quotes edited out)

The above comments about her English and Thai are irrelevant to the thread subject.

The point about the US not giving a monkey's about the gov and sees ties to the military as more important is pertinent. Although it must be a minefield as to which of the hundreds of generals is more important to establish contacts with. Also, I wonder if the US is waiting for the AEC to come into being. Not to mention the FTA talks with the EU. There must surely be some significant issues with trade here that the US is watching with keen interest. Which way is that trade going to swing? In favour of the US?

Thanks for that, Scott. I'll keep it in mind next time.

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If Myanmar and Vietnam are examples for how US are choosing their allies, with a lack of democracy and a very sad human rights record, maybe Thailand should consider themselves happy, not to be among "the chosen ones"??whistling.gif

Why do Thailand need the "approval" of the US in any context ?

AND WHO BUYS MOST of thailand sick Shrimps and most other stuff Thailand makes? I am not a US citizen but I have google.....

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

Get real. The US is Thailand's largest trading partner and its #1 export market. Link That even though Thailand doesn't export cars to the US because Thailand's cars don't meet US safety standards.

The US is the world's largest economy by twice as much as second place, and without the US trading, Thailand would fail tomorrow.

Myanmar is an excellent example. Yingluck was boasting about how Thailand was to get a new deep water port right up until the moment that Japan's PM and about 30 of its business CEO's went to Myanmar, inked a deal, and shocked Yingluck and many others in Thailand. Yingluck had egg on her face and it was a deliberate slap-down for screwing around with China.

Yingluck had just been to Japan to sell them on the location of the port, and the Japanese as only the Japanese can, just smiled and acted all nice, and then jilted her.

Thailand already had the big industrial park marked out, but the US and Japan marked out big industrial parks in Myanmar farther up the coast, leaving Thailand in the dust and out of luck.

Yes Yingluck "needs" to go to the US but she isn't welcome. No invitation has been forthcoming. Thailand is being snubbed by at least the US and Japan.

Thailand needs to decide which side it is on, because there are war clouds with China in Asia.

Your link is 3 years out of date, even the CIA doesn't believe the US is any where near the largest partner for either imports or exports.

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Do you think Myanmar is a good example?

Why is the Nation baggin Yingluck out for going on trips and then saying she needs to go to the US

Obama came to Thailand? Maybe business was done then?

So who in the Govt. is saying that Yingluck has to go to the US?

I would see other countries in the region as important as the US, to develop stonger economic relationships. The US is still coming out of major global/financial problems.

This maybe a story but the Nation appears to leave quotes from source' out of the commentary.

When is the Nation going to get over Mr T?

Get real. The US is Thailand's largest trading partner and its #1 export market. Link That even though Thailand doesn't export cars to the US because Thailand's cars don't meet US safety standards.

The US is the world's largest economy by twice as much as second place, and without the US trading, Thailand would fail tomorrow.

Myanmar is an excellent example. Yingluck was boasting about how Thailand was to get a new deep water port right up until the moment that Japan's PM and about 30 of its business CEO's went to Myanmar, inked a deal, and shocked Yingluck and many others in Thailand. Yingluck had egg on her face and it was a deliberate slap-down for screwing around with China.

Yingluck had just been to Japan to sell them on the location of the port, and the Japanese as only the Japanese can, just smiled and acted all nice, and then jilted her.

Thailand already had the big industrial park marked out, but the US and Japan marked out big industrial parks in Myanmar farther up the coast, leaving Thailand in the dust and out of luck.

Yes Yingluck "needs" to go to the US but she isn't welcome. No invitation has been forthcoming. Thailand is being snubbed by at least the US and Japan.

Thailand needs to decide which side it is on, because there are war clouds with China in Asia.

Your link is 3 years out of date, even the CIA doesn't believe the US is any where near the largest partner for either imports or exports.

Do you have a link? That is the newest I can find. I can find links for bilateral (two-way) trade, for Thailand being the US' 25th largest trading partner etc., but all of that combines imports and exports.

In 2010, the US bought more from Thailand than any other country. LINK Even if that has shifted some, it still would make the US a very important place for exports.

Also, the US is one of the largest investors in Thailand, building cars, Intel chips, smartphones and many other things. Those don't show in all of the numbers because much is sold domestically, but it's a big boost to the Thai economy.

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Funny how the Thai media has repeatedly made mention of Yingluck's shortcomings with the Thai language ever since she was elected and yet, some farang on here claims she speaks perfect Thai.


Because she does speak perfect Thai like most middle class people who have the language as their mother tongue - though she does have a pronounced accent (I'm surmising like many of Thai Visa's English speakers).

I have this on authority of a Cambridge educated Thai lawyer since I was genuinely puzzled by the references to her poor Thai language skills in the Thai press (which the poster refers to) and more particularly on the social media.Much of this seems to be just political schtick

Her English language skills are a different matter and obviously she is much less proficient than Abhisit with his years overseas at outstanding schools and university.On the other hand she is a great deal better than Chuan or Banharn.Frankly she seems fairly typical of middle class Thais whose sole overseas experience was at a third tier US university.

But it's hard to demonstrate she has significant shortcomings in the Thai language.Not being very articulate is a different matter.

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This is an article from The Nation

as the Democratic Party's Media Division it is their job to come up with stories that cast Yingluck in a bad light.

This has as much relevance as that other burning question .... Why hasn't she visited Belize, or, er, Bermuda?

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