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Chiang Mai, beware of this scam


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Well, theres 55 minutes of my life I ll never get back!!

Whats the old saying? A fool and his money.......... Honestly, in this day and age, who, in their right mind is going to invest over 100,000 Dollars of any currency to a cold calling, untraceable, never been heard of before financial institution?!

Oh, what a surprise, its a scam operating out of a non descript 12th floor scruffy condo somewhere in Chiang Mai!!

The man speaks very well and tells his story well, but hes still an IDIOT!!!!

Have to agree. I couldn't be bothered to watch the entire thing, but did get this out of it--the guy sent a large amount of money to people he had never met in order to invest in some "highly profitable" financial scheme.

Like I've always said, the only way one can be scammed in this way is to be both greedy and stupid. Must have both.

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I watched some of it and it looks like he invested slowly and over a period of time. Basically never trust anyone who contacts you.... You contact those who you want to invest with and make sure it is a well established company.

Would be nice however to see those guys get what's coming to them . Anyone can get away with anything for awhile but it all comes around some time... Greed will bring them down.

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I watched some of it and it looks like he invested slowly and over a period of time. Basically never trust anyone who contacts you.... You contact those who you want to invest with and make sure it is a well established company.

Would be nice however to see those guys get what's coming to them . Anyone can get away with anything for awhile but it all comes around some time... Greed will bring them down.

Or they'll feel the heat, shut up shop and disappear.

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Have to take your word for it people. With out even watching it I was thrown back to a community I lived in. It had a population of 100,000 people in Canada. Phone soliciting for lottery tickets and other iffy big money things was just about a major industry until the law shut them down.

There are con artists all over the world. they have the telecommunication means to reach all over the world and there are a lot if people all over the world just waiting for there call with the promise of riches for a small investment.

I am no good at it. I legally own the Brooklyn bridge and people don't believe me when I tell them and quote the ridiculously low price I have put on it.

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Well, theres 55 minutes of my life I ll never get back!!

Whats the old saying? A fool and his money.......... Honestly, in this day and age, who, in their right mind is going to invest over 100,000 Dollars of any currency to a cold calling, untraceable, never been heard of before financial institution?!

Oh, what a surprise, its a scam operating out of a non descript 12th floor scruffy condo somewhere in Chiang Mai!!

The man speaks very well and tells his story well, but hes still an IDIOT!!!!

Have to agree. I couldn't be bothered to watch the entire thing, but did get this out of it--the guy sent a large amount of money to people he had never met in order to invest in some "highly profitable" financial scheme.

Like I've always said, the only way one can be scammed in this way is to be both greedy and stupid. Must have both.

I agree too. I watched the whole thing. Very well-spoken man obviously has done O.K. with his life but just became greedy and foolish.

I do hope that someone can identify these guys (clearly Americans by the sound of their voices) and someone will render some vigilante justice.

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The guy goes bumbling around Thailand and thinks that the Thais are all in on some big conspiracy. Most of them had no clue what he was on about and were not covering up anything at all.

True, the people in the shops, hotel, taxi, security guys, etc. did not have a clue what he was on about, but the change in the evidence by the RTP was priceless.

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Watched only the first 5 minutes and the last 10 but I honestly cannot believe such a well spoken and apparently intelligent person would invest overseas based on cold calls when

one could easily open an eTrade account or whatever to purchase the same shares at little cost or risk.

Another one of these fake "reality" shows? `Perhaps the whole thing was made up to create a TV programme?

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Watched only the first 5 minutes and the last 10 but I honestly cannot believe such a well spoken and apparently intelligent person would invest overseas based on cold calls when

one could easily open an eTrade account or whatever to purchase the same shares at little cost or risk.

Another one of these fake "reality" shows? `Perhaps the whole thing was made up to create a TV programme?

Interesting thought! A very elaborate troll ?!

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I agree, anyone giving money to a cold caller isn't thinking it through. Common sense says this is bad, and $100,000 is simply ridiculous to hand over without doing due diligence. I'll admit, I was scammed by the mail to the tune of $80 on some house title i thought i needed to purchase. Turns out, it's free and this was a scam (well, they sent what I wanted, but I was a fool). You know the saying, "if this video helps ONE person, it's worth it." So, of course, 99.9% of people don't fall for the Nigerian scam.....but somebody does. Think of what Bernie Madoff did....anyhow, beware of the cold call offering gold to the "special people hand picked to make millions". smile.png

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