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Staff says cash got stolen


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One of my staff who collects the rent from my tenants told me that couple hundred thousand cash got stollen when she went out for rest room. How should I deal with problems such as this? please advise… Did anyone in here experienced something like this from your local staff? :(

Advise please…

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Tell her that the money was to be used at the temple to help deal with the ghosts you keep seeing at work. If the moneys not returned, "You're certain the office and everyone in it is gonna be haunted".

Buy some yellow candles and some incense sticks first and then pull em out during the conversation I outlined above for additional authenticity

Tis merit in that approach ... clap2.gif

Don't know if it would work or not though.

'A' for effort!

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So, we have ONE individual alone, collecting/responsible for several hundred thousand baht, you deserved to lose it mate, question is have you learned your lesson?

If thats how you operate/ handle large amounts of cash I am surprised it hasnt happened sooner and will no doubt happen again if you are so totally irresponsible with your cash.

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She was the only one responsible and am here working only since week a go and now my father in-law is getting little upset

mate although I do not agree with it do what thais do, tell her she is responsible for it, she collected it, she had it in her possesion therefore she has to pay it back to you. This is exactly what happens with thais, they lose the money they replace it. This way it stops them taking it themselves, makes it hard when they are innocent but you dont leave a few hundred thousand baht just lying around while you go to the loo then claim it was stolen. Have to admit it sounds very fishy and there is a chance that she is the one that now has it, make her pay it back.

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kidnap her....take her to a disused building, tie her arms behind her back and pull out a plastic bag and tell her if she doesn't tell you where the money is.....only kidding!!!

if not a troll then I suspect that this employee thinks that she should have been put in charge of collecting the rents and got a pay rise or something....you've been there a week and this has happened but never happened before?

you sure your father in law likes you and isn't in on it?

good luck

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She was the only one responsible and am here working only since week a go and now my father in-law is getting little upset

Who gave the the authority for her to collect the rent...did you select her or you FIL?

If you it is something you must handle on your own. Decide whether to press charges, fire her, make a token repayment plan (which of course can only be token or she cannot do it.)

If your father in law is the one that apponted her you need to discuss it with him. He knows her background and then you have to decide if she was taking advantage of your newness..in which case you need to throw the book at her.

Until that is decided of course you will have to stop her collecting any rent or handling money.

Edited by harrry
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We operate one small mall & an apartment, our work place is in the mall and apartment got its own office in the apartment building and that's where the staff works and that's from where the money disappeared. When me and my wife where half way to office our manager called us to inform this stuffs huh

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It is your father in law's business. Did your father in law set up this system of keeping all that money so unsecured? Is that how he ran it? If so, I'd insist that it's his fault. Of course you can't be that blunt, but if you were just following the established procedure...

Obviously there needs to be good accounting and a bank run at least once a day or even more often depending on how fast the money piles up.

It's standard procedure for dishonest employees to report rented units as vacant and pocket the rent, steal 1/2 the money from coin operated machines and so on.

It's up to you to put some controls in place, and to do some spot audits. It's also a VERY good idea to have anyone who handles cash take a mandatory two week consecutive paid vacation once a year so you can run it yourself and discover if there's more money coming in when you run it.

For now I'd fire that employee just for allowing the money to get "lost" and start over.

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NeverSure thanks, sounds like a good idea. Yes all the staffs and whatever systems we have are all done by my father in-law and his staffs so we are trying to figure things out. Till date all the books of accounts are manual. I mean hand written :) we are changing those things now ...

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