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Dead Dogs


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Once in a while we have a massive dog killing in the village. 5-6-7 dogs are poisioned in a night . Nobody has a real idea who and why and what.

What poision would people use to be so lethal so quick.? Could one do anything to prevent ones own dogs to eat it ?

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Keep your dogs in the house and don't let them wander. I would put CCTV around the house if this ever happened in my village and catch the sorry git doing this.

Not sure who or what poison, but unfortunately a certain religious caste is often blamed wether they are guilty or not!

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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

Better be careful that you don't piss your wife off.

We've been together for 18 years, I did buy her a house in Thailand so hopefuly I'll be OKsmile.png

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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

Better be careful that you don't piss your wife off.

We've been together for 18 years, I did buy her a house in Thailand so hopefuly I'll be OKsmile.png

Should have put a joke smiley there.. sorry.. And not all foreigners get bumped off by their wives.. at least I hope not or i need a quick divorce.

Back to the dog problem, i let my dog wander a bit too say like 20 minutes usually around 23:00 in the park in front of my house. I would hate it if he ate a poison. But I doubt it happens here a lot I see loads of dogs wander a days on end and they seem to stay alive so low risk.

Edited by robblok
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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

Your wife has obviously got great language skills.

Methocarbamoloxy is a mouthful,for a native English speaker.

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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

Better be careful that you don't piss your wife off.

We've been together for 18 years, I did buy her a house in Thailand so hopefuly I'll be OKsmile.png

No no... now the problems will start.

Don't go hounding around the moo bahn.

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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

Your wife has obviously got great language skills.

Methocarbamoloxy is a mouthful,for a native English speaker.

Guy showed us the container, packaging in Thai, chemical name in English

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do all these dogs wander around? are they all in fenced yards? what are you suggesting? someone went around and had multiple poisoned doggy treats? for what motivation?

I am an animal lover. Always have been. However since coming to Thailand, that has waned a lot. I am unable to go for a nice long walk as no matter where I go, dogs will chase me down and show no fear when there are 3 or 4 of them. I have had to adjust my walking route so many times that now I am at the point of desperation. I can see the motivation for wanting to kill these dogs. I wouldn't do that but letting packs of dogs dictate my life is not something I want to happen. The owners don't seem to care. blink.png

Um...we are talking a dogs aren't we, your description "show no fear when there are 3 or 4 of them" describes the way many Thais assault foreigners.

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Keep your dogs in the house and don't let them wander. I would put CCTV around the house if this ever happened in my village and catch the sorry git doing this.

Not sure who or what poison, but unfortunately a certain religious caste is often blamed wether they are guilty or not!

with your cctc cameras you can see wich dogs shit in front of your door EVERY night ?

Probably the neighbours dog and they don't give a "sh$t" that you have to clean it ?

I wonder where i can buy this magic powder ?

No more cleaning !

I can't wait !beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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I have known a Thai who used a drug to kill a very aggressive dog that had killed some small dogs & cats. The dog was allowed by the falang owner to wander around the Moo Bann who refused to contain his dog; the drug used was methocarbamoloxy, a muscle relaxant. Wife tells me it is easily available

how do you translate "methocarbamoloxy" in thai language,just curious ...

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I would suspect paraquat.

Easily accessible and lethal in only small doses

This is the usual one. It is horrendous and give a very painful death to any creature, human as well, that ingests it. It is pretty bad if you just touch it. Anyone using it is basically a nasty piece of work because no matter what you think about dogs or what ever, they do not deserve to die in 6 hours or so or excruciating pain that sees them puking up their melted organs. People who using it on dogs whose only crime is that they or their ancestors have been abandoned by humans I kind of hope take a swig of it themselves; they would be a lot less missed by the world than the dogs.

only 6 hours?

and in smaller doses?

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I also have no idea about the used poison. But it works very fast. Once we had a sick dog and rushed with it to the vet. The vet said the dog had eaten poison, but not placed to kill the dog, otherwise it was dead already. Later we found out that the dog had eaten a (long time) dead snake. Prepare carbon and egg. In case your dog shows signs from being poisened feed this as fast and as much as possible. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Feed a very sick dog ? Not likely. A vet is your only hope. They use charcoal to absorb the poison in the stomach.

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I would suspect paraquat.

Easily accessible and lethal in only small doses

This is the usual one. It is horrendous and give a very painful death to any creature, human as well, that ingests it. It is pretty bad if you just touch it. Anyone using it is basically a nasty piece of work because no matter what you think about dogs or what ever, they do not deserve to die in 6 hours or so or excruciating pain that sees them puking up their melted organs. People who using it on dogs whose only crime is that they or their ancestors have been abandoned by humans I kind of hope take a swig of it themselves; they would be a lot less missed by the world than the dogs.

Fantastic weed killer though.
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Yes we could certainly use more dead dogs in Chiang mai-I have heard that anti freeze or windsheild wash(available in THailand) works very well-apparently it is very quick and they love it.I am vegetarian and do not like killing anything but this dog problem is out of control in CHiang mai so a huge dog cull would be in order.I would even support paying for every dog carcasse brought in for disposal..Another thing is that as most of us know that we vaishnavas celebrate cows as the best friend of humane beings and not the Dog,especially since most human beings do love to eat the wonderful food these amazing creatures produce for us,we all love to eat cheese-ice cream-yoghurt etc.etc but as well as enjoying these foods unfortunately some extremely greedy persons also eat the flesh of this wonderful animal who selflessly give us so much and as a result these nasty people will take many births as animals in their very near future..SO MY SUGGESTION IS THUS,that you dog lovers and all you flesh eaters should eat your DOGS and not eat the cows flesh and that would get rid of some of these wretched abhorrent creatures at least and help quieten down the neighbourhoods and make CHiang mai much cleaner .So rather than mindlessly eat all other sorts of flesh and suffer for it,(by the way eating dog flesh has much less karma attached to it)rather just eat your dogs and do society a big favour while you are at it.(Do not think for a moment that I am posting this blog in jest-you must understand -I already have enough good friends.)

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I love animal's i really do - and i hate any cruelty towards animal's especially when its for financial gain.

But my moo Baan used to be a peaceful and lovely area, nowdays however it has dogs that bite you and bark at you should you venture out at night and walk from your car,

What's worse however, is that everyone has bought big guard dogs and they must never feed them, they bark all night, they set each other off, its horrible!

I have to say i myself have thought the same, if these dogs cannot be looked after or trained to fit in with society and our well being - as much as i love them, they are better off put down.

If its for a guard - Buy a bloody house alarm and CCTV Camera! dont train dogs to be aggressive - its the 21st century <deleted>!

Furthermore, very few are ever neutered, so what you see today will only be tenfold next year. Keep them on a leash and feed them and stop them barking just because i want to walk to my car!

Edited by djlest
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.......again.......with all these known poisons so readily available........

.....autopsies should be compulsory in all cases of human deaths....especially foreigners.....

......it's too easy to poison some unsuspecting individual and say they had a medical condition...or strew some pills or alcohol around the room......

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Walk around the streets of BKK and see the number of dogs running wild. Something must be down to cut down the population. Just think it could be your child or for that anybodies child being attacked and killed.

This post is as smug as those 'baby on board' notices swinging in the back of, usually, SUV's. Keep your kid inside then. What's it doing being left outside on it's own?

There are many neutering programs being carried out here to cut the dog population down. Humanely. There was a spate of dog poisonings in my Muslim area a few years back which suddenly stopped when the local Muslim contingent became outnumbered. Not sure if this had anything to do with it. I have nothing at all against Muslims, except for the Thai ones' seeming ignorance of dogs and some supposed reference to them and 'angels' in the Koran. I'm not interested enough to bother to read the book.

As to seeing off packs of dogs when walking, keep walking and ignore them, don't show any fear, they smell it. Or carry some dog treats and make friends with them. Dogs are like elephants. They never forget.

And never let your dogs run out alone. Get off your backside and get some exercise with them. You'll thank them for saving you from sedentary related illness in the end.

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I would suspect paraquat.

Easily accessible and lethal in only small doses

This is the usual one. It is horrendous and give a very painful death to any creature, human as well, that ingests it. It is pretty bad if you just touch it. Anyone using it is basically a nasty piece of work because no matter what you think about dogs or what ever, they do not deserve to die in 6 hours or so or excruciating pain that sees them puking up their melted organs. People who using it on dogs whose only crime is that they or their ancestors have been abandoned by humans I kind of hope take a swig of it themselves; they would be a lot less missed by the world than the dogs.

Thank you for this very true speak out. Could be my saying:

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Well, obviously somebody resorted to solving a big problem here by themselves.

At the place we used to live in the past we have dozens of roaming wild dogs tearing up every garbage bag after having tilted the garbage can. We've installed ultrasound devices and peppered the grass strips in front of our house - to no change. Then a neighbour bought a Rottweiler or a Pitbull (dont ask me, I know nothing about dogs) and the beast fed on those stray dogs until the neighbours dog got killed by a car.
I, for one, know that the city council is doing bloody nothing about it and as long as Thais feed those street dogs there is no end to the pest of dog manure, pissed car wheels and garbage literally everywhere.
I ultimately decided to move away as I simply could not stand the situation and luck had it, that I only rented the place and hence was not to be bothered with selling off property in doggie-ville!

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