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Off To The Temple.....


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I'm heading to the temple today, the Thai way is to say for 3 days and try to stay longer. In my case I'll say I'm going for three days and hoping to stay for 10. When I get to the village where my two temples are I'll decide which one I'm going to enter.

One is a meditative chanting centre, the other is based upon silent meditation. The first one has a far more relaxed environment, the second is more difficult in many ways. Here's the first one......

The "regime" there is meditative chanting for one hour, at 6.00am, 1.00pm, 6.00pm and an evening gathering at 8.00 which is a discussion session.

There's no clips for the second temple. The regime there is 4.00am, 8.00am, 1.00pm and 4.00pm I believe. I know the 4.00am time is correct for the start of the day. Two hours of silent meditation at a time. As I leave this morning that is the temple I'm hoping to get into, if I'm going to this at all, I want to see if I can handle this type of "regime".

It's not up to me though, I need to visit the Abbot and get his agreement to take me in, and I'll assume nothing.

What am I after? To learn first and foremost. I know how to live a hedonistic life, and I think I've done enough of that already. I want to listen and learn from the monks and "nuns" that live in this temple about their lives, and how they live them. I hope to learn something that will help make adjustments for the better in my life. I can but try and I am prepared to learn.

What worries me? The first temple I feel I can handle without difficulty, the second one, the length of time meditating will be a challenge. On a practical level, I'm heading into rural Thailand, very close to the Burmese border, so I'll need to be careful about mossies. I could really do without another dengue attack. It's going to be an adventure even getting to the temples, 115km from CM and no direct bus, so I'll need to skip between songthaews. No motorcycle for me this time.

The area they are located is quite spectacular, and both temples are beautiful, so I may get a few decent photos. However I'm as aware as anyone of "The best laid plans of mice and men", I'll be doing this one day at a time, and the first day will be travelling today. See you next weekend all going to plan, and hopefully not before.

Oh, and of course a trip report will follow. smile.png


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Bleth, you've got me worrying for you now.

One is a meditative chanting centre, the other is based upon silent meditation.

Don't do the silent meditation - silence is not you.

And stay away from the first if you are not sure you can pass constant blethering off as chanting.

And anyway... do they have internet?

Give this meditation and retrospection a malarky a miss and stick to your well practiced and proven method of self affirmation - Blethering - its what you do best.

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Bleth, you've got me worrying for you now.

One is a meditative chanting centre, the other is based upon silent meditation.

Don't do the silent meditation - silence is not you.

And stay away from the first if you are not sure you can pass constant blethering off as chanting.

And anyway... do they have internet?

Give this meditation and retrospection a malarky a miss and stick to your well practiced and proven method of self affirmation - Blethering - its what you do best.

biggrin.png No wifi.......that's why I'm going, to give you all peace.

Don't say I'm not good to you. smile.png

Right I'm away now......see you all later. wai.gif

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Just watched the youtube vid in the OP, wow, beautiful place, looks to be a good getaway for a couple days, not interested in the "program" they are selling. This is the first Thai temple I have seen promoted in this way, I had no idea.

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Peace has descended on Chiang Mai. Ten days is a start, but don't forget you're on record as saying you're going in for a year when you come back from Scotland....AND you've been learning thainess.

One year? OK. Promise short and deliver long.

No smileys available on my mobile TV...

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+quote name="soi41" post="6905066" timestamp="1381289476"]

I always thought, that going to a temple, for whatever reason, was a private and spiritual thing? Not a media-event!

But that's just me.


I've been informed by Thai friends that good Thais go to the temple humbly and quietly.....not seeking public approbation.

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+quote name="soi41" post="6905066" timestamp="1381289476"]

I always thought, that going to a temple, for whatever reason, was a private and spiritual thing? Not a media-event!

But that's just me.


I've been informed by Thai friends that good Thais go to the temple humbly and quietly.....not seeking public approbation.

It's a TaiYai village, maybe he should arrive on horseback?

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Is chanting anything like blethering ?

No, I do not know about chanting, but being one of the Blethers fellow Scots, I can tell you what blethering means in Scotland. It actually means talking a lot of nonsense, one thing the Blether does not do.

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Is chanting anything like blethering ?

No, I do not know about chanting, but being one of the Blethers fellow Scots, I can tell you what blethering means in Scotland. It actually means talking a lot of nonsense, one thing the Blether does not do.

We talkin bout the same character ?

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