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Im Going Home This Weekend


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OK, I'll spell it out for you in easy stages seeing as you are unable to grasp the simplest of post.

1) in post # 71 you not me, said that 'you'll be saying that you'll be beating him like a white beggar soon'

2) I then took those words, your words, from your hysterical rant, and then used them in an amusing way,

I hope this clears things up a bit. Its not too difficult when you think about it really.

I'll send you my O level English books if you need to brush up on some comprehension.

Mate, you failed miserably in trying to put a humorous spin on my words - perhaps you are clearly lacking in the 'funny' department?

Please do keep your O-level books, you need them far more than I do - spent way too many years at University to go down to your level. Thanks just the same.

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

Why didn't you move out of Bangkok - the real Thailand is actually very nice.

It's easy to get stuck in Bangkok - I did for nearly 10 years.

Once or twice a year, when neccessary is enough of Bangkok for me.

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After reading 7 (Seven) pages of this I'm beginning to fell slightly sorry for the guy/pansy/poofta/whingeing git/loooooooser/barclays banker/shirt lifter............oooh good luck in ur travels..plse don't come anywhere near England, u just might get wot Prof fart recommends.


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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

I'll do you a deal. You get a transfer to Phuket, then give me your job and your work permit, and I'll give you my house/car/business in London. Then we'll both be happy.

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Let me get this straight. The OP posts calling a place that is home to many posters and loved by many 'a shithole' and people like Sing Sling seem to think that we should give him a kiss and a cuddle, carry him to the airport, and fix him up in a Aus$100K a year job.

Well I suggest we beat him up like a White Beggar and thrash him within an inch of his life.

Ask yourself this what was his motive in posting? To get a flaming or reasoned replies?

He's got what he wanted!

Posts like this just show a growing sort of people that populate TV these days, and to some extent...Thailand.

Bet they are not missed at their countries of origin either...


Edited by Bull
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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

I understand the negative responses the OP received regarding his post, as already said by other posters the Op intentionally expressed his anger for failing his own plans.....I think if the poster wanted to have some positive feedback his post should have been something along those lines:

Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this place that gave me good and bad times (bangkok thailand)

It took long time to decide but finally Im so happy to be going home

Considering the outcome the time I spent here gave me the chance to learn in the hard way that things can go wrong and I will put what I learnt on my personal life experience

I am sure that a post along those lines would have generated a more positive approach from all the posters

Just my opinion

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I'm sure it would have done, but as I write he's probably on his way to the airport to catch TG-982 to freezing Melbourne :o Which will give him nine hours of blissful thought on how to prepare for his integration into the Australian workforce :D

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I'm sure it would have done, but as I write he's probably on his way to the airport to catch TG-982 to freezing Melbourne :o Which will give him nine hours of blissful thought on how to prepare for his integration into the Australian workforce :D

Good luck to you where ever you are, just remember that every cloud has a silver lining,

(except for the mushroom shaped ones, which have a lining of Iridium & Strotium 90) :D

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

I understand the negative responses the OP received regarding his post, as already said by other posters the Op intentionally expressed his anger for failing his own plans.....I think if the poster wanted to have some positive feedback his post should have been something along those lines:

Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this place that gave me good and bad times (bangkok thailand)

It took long time to decide but finally Im so happy to be going home

Considering the outcome the time I spent here gave me the chance to learn in the hard way that things can go wrong and I will put what I learnt on my personal life experience

I am sure that a post along those lines would have generated a more positive approach from all the posters

Just my opinion

Nah ... look up the OP's history (try his Topics) We're just happy that he made it out .....

It does boil down absolutely that some people are not built to live away from familiar things ...:o

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Im finally going home i have quit my job and will be leaving this shit hole (bangkok thailand)

Im so happy to be going home

this is the worst place i have ever lived in my life.

see ya

You're obviously deranged... ! :o

totster :D

I still stand by my original comment ! :D

totster :D

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I think the problem resides with the OP, not Thailand. I think its safe to say he will find fault where ever he lands.

While not wanting to pick on the OP, I think there is a lot of sense in the view that the reason for moving to a place/from a place determines your experience when you arrive.

Moving to Thailand for possitive reasons as opposed to negative reasons, ie you have particular possitive reason why you want to be there, rather than a negative reason why you do not want to be the place you are leaving implies a possitive outlook.

My wife and I left Thailand for what we regard as possitive reasons, better pay, to maintian and better my employment conditions, for new experiences - By my arguments that is perhaps why my wife and I enjoy where we are.

I do still question the need for hostility towards people who make different choices for their own personal reasons.

And there is of course a salutary caution here, someone moving back home, we don't hear of this often, but that is not to say it is not common. Hence the value of the advice, do not burn your bridges.

Someone returning after an unhappy experience in Thailand is not half as bad as someone else stuck there, unhappy and unable to go elsewhere because they blew their life's savings on a whim.

Hence the reason why I think this topic is deserving of reasoned discusion.

Great post....

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OK, I'll spell it out for you in easy stages seeing as you are unable to grasp the simplest of post.

1) in post # 71 you not me, said that 'you'll be saying that you'll be beating him like a white beggar soon'

2) I then took those words, your words, from your hysterical rant, and then used them in an amusing way,

I hope this clears things up a bit. Its not too difficult when you think about it really.

I'll send you my O level English books if you need to brush up on some comprehension.

Mate, you failed miserably in trying to put a humorous spin on my words - perhaps you are clearly lacking in the 'funny' department?

Please do keep your O-level books, you need them far more than I do - spent way too many years at University to go down to your level. Thanks just the same.


amazing, you have just come off suspension and already you're skating on thin ice.

Calm down or the next will be a lot longer that the last one.

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