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In Defence of Pattaya and in defiance to the Haters


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Go to Pattaya - tens of thousands of falang, go a few miles away to Bang seang with a far better beach and almost no falang, the ONLY reason for the difference is the lack of whores in the latter resort. Sex tourists and peado's please keep going to Pattaya so that decent people and most Thai can avoid you.

Edited by sms747
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To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

Obviously never heard of Mr Meechai. Sex workers + condoms + whoremongers = NO STDs.

If the infection rate was as high as you believe, hundreds of thousands ( ? millions ) of western men would be going home with infections EVERY year, and that just doesn't happen.

Most in Thailand do. The ones that work in Pattaya, Patong, Bkk, Hua Hin, Samui etc etc either want a lot of money, or are looking for a husband/ sponsor. Did you not know that?

You have admitted that you don't know any bar girls, so why do you think you have any qualification to talk about Pattaya bar girls? You are just repeating what you have read, but you don't actually know anything. It's like claiming to know all about rocket science when you've never been a rocket scientist- who can believe anything you say?

I never said sex and going to the toilet are the same for me- there you go again. To the average prostitute though, it's just another bodily function. Do you actually think that they have to get turned on to have sex with strangers?

It's just a job. How many people really enjoy their job- I hated mine in the end, but I did it to make money, just like they do.

Besides, if you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that many of the customers are actually young good looking guys.

Do you actually think the customers care if the girls "like them" or not, 5555555555555555555555

See post 111.

The defender of all things sacred and holy regarding "The Great STD by the Sea" is on a roll - watch out now!

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Who wants to live the near the ocean , yet have to commute 1 hr each way to the beach ...only to share it with 20,000 Chinese ???

If the OP believes that only 1% of the population is involved with the sex industry ,then I would query his maths .

Pattaya is generally cheap and seedy , which is what attracts most of it's patrons ,Russians included .

Thais like to go there to watch the Farang freak show ...and also shop - I'll concede that .

Anywhere can be "amazing" if you can afford to live very comfortably and distance yourself from the reality of your surroundings .

Think you should come and have another look mancub. Takes me about 5 minutes (I'd be living otherside of Rayong to take an hour to get to Jomtien beach, bit weird thing to say tbh) to be on the beach. Chinese? 20,000? Where you been?

What exact % of the population should it be then, you seem to know?

Can't really be bothered to comment any further on your biased view. Your final sentence sums it all up really. Envy. Enjoy the jungle, wherever you may be. Leave us "lucky" enough to live here to keep on having a great time, however that may be.

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To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

Awesome TV - I write none of this - glitchy lol

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Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

I'm sure it's really easy for guy to convince themselves that these smiling girls working in the neon light bars telling you your "handsum man" are actually happy with their situation and that everything is a-OK and they really don't mind this type of work but I suspect a lot of it is putting a brave face on it and doing what they have to do for the cash.

I can't imagine many of them enjoy having sex with many three times their age.

How about twice their age, that ok by you?

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Why don't the Police in Pattaya 'crack down' on prostitution? it's illegal, socially damaging and steeped in criminality, exploitation and degradation, not to mention the health risks.Beach road on any afternoon is a stomach turning spectacle of decrepit falang picking up issan whores, that's only the tip of the sickening iceberg. I have only been there 5 times in 20 years and can never wait to leave the shithole.

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Why don't the Police in Pattaya 'crack down' on prostitution? it's illegal, socially damaging and steeped in criminality, exploitation and degradation, not to mention the health risks.Beach road on any afternoon is a stomach turning spectacle of decrepit falang picking up issan whores, that's only the tip of the sickening iceberg. I have only been there 5 times in 20 years and can never wait to leave the shithole.

I think it's a bit much expecting the police to pander to the sensitivities of someone who only goes there five times in twenty years. Surely the police should reflect the morals and standards of the people that live in the city

In the UK, we call that "Policing by consent"; perhaps in your country your police are a bit more jack boot than friendly copper


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Read Frommer's travel guide to Thailand for a real eye opener. A whole page dedicated to telling you about the evils of the farang focussed sex industry. Saying that all girls working in the bars are sex slaves that have been sold into slavery by their families and implying that they are pretty much kept in chains when not working. By you the tourist supporting these places you are funding the international white slave trade and organised crime. Oh, and every girl also carries every sexually transmitted disease known to man including aids.

So what part do you disagree with?

Whilst they might not have technically been 'sold' as 'slaves' most are sent there by families who want them to send back money, right?

There is a lot of organised crime in Pattaya and other RLD in Thailand and around the world, right?

As a user of sex workers you ARE funding this sort of thing, right?

Lots of girls do have STDs it's gonna happen when she's a sex worker sleeping with lots of whoremongers, right?

So Frommers whilst may have used extreme language for the shock factor didn't really get it too wrong.

I'm sure it's really easy for guy to convince themselves that these smiling girls working in the neon light bars telling you your "handsum man" are actually happy with their situation and that everything is a-OK and they really don't mind this type of work but I suspect a lot of it is putting a brave face on it and doing what they have to do for the cash.

I can't imagine many of them enjoy having sex with many three times their age.

How about twice their age, that ok by you?

I forgot to ask him if it's just fat old guys having sex with Thai women that he finds offensive, and is it OK if they are young and handsome, as many are IN FACT?

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And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

in fact i would, just like millions of thai who work for 300-400 bt a day (7/11, tesco, tipco, isuzu, etc).

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.

If I had a daughter, and she wanted to become a hooker, in my country it's perfectly legal and organised, so why would I have an objection, as long as she knew what she was getting into and wasn't being coerced. I hope I would respect my child's intgegrity to make her own way in life.

Besides, I'd have to be a hypocryte to object to a daughter of mine being a prostitute when I never claim that it's wrong on TV. It's only wrong when the person is being forced against their will.

Some people will go to any lengths to justify the sexual exploitation of poor women.

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Go to Pattaya - tens of thousands of falang, go a few miles away to Bang seang with a far better beach and almost no falang, the ONLY reason for the difference is the lack of whores in the latter resort. Sex tourists and peado's please keep going to Pattaya so that decent people and most Thai can avoid you.

If you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that Thais come to Pattaya by the thousands on the weekends. It's a very popular place for Bkk Thais.

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And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

in fact i would, just like millions of thai who work for 300-400 bt a day (7/11, tesco, tipco, isuzu, etc).

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.

If I had a daughter, and she wanted to become a hooker, in my country it's perfectly legal and organised, so why would I have an objection, as long as she knew what she was getting into and wasn't being coerced. I hope I would respect my child's intgegrity to make her own way in life.

Besides, I'd have to be a hypocryte to object to a daughter of mine being a prostitute when I never claim that it's wrong on TV. It's only wrong when the person is being forced against their will.

Some people will go to any lengths to justify the sexual exploitation of poor women.

You seem to forget that women that come to work in Pattaya are no longer poor by Thai standards, so shouldn't that be sexual exploitation of rich women?

Meanwhile, millions of poor Thai women are being exploited by their employers in the sweatshops and building sites- is that OK as long as it's not sexual then?

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And YOU would work all day in the rice fields for under 300 baht given the choice of making a whole lot of money lying on your back?

in fact i would, just like millions of thai who work for 300-400 bt a day (7/11, tesco, tipco, isuzu, etc).

anyway, let's speak again if your daughters ever becomes a hooker.

If I had a daughter, and she wanted to become a hooker, in my country it's perfectly legal and organised, so why would I have an objection, as long as she knew what she was getting into and wasn't being coerced. I hope I would respect my child's intgegrity to make her own way in life.

Besides, I'd have to be a hypocryte to object to a daughter of mine being a prostitute when I never claim that it's wrong on TV. It's only wrong when the person is being forced against their will.

Some people will go to any lengths to justify the sexual exploitation of poor women.

Are you saying that prostitutes in countries like New Zealand that have legal prostitution are being "exploited", or are Pattaya hookers in a special category?

BTW, why are all you "antis" only outraged when it's western men? How about the very real exploitation in the Thai sex industry with trafficked women, prostitutes chained to the bed in brothels etc etc.

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A bit much to expect the Royal Thai Police to enforce the law? well what else are they there for? prostitution is ILLEGAL in Thailand, so in the biggest brothel on the planet why don't the Police take action against it, after all it's not as if they would have to look very far.

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Why don't the Police in Pattaya 'crack down' on prostitution? it's illegal, socially damaging and steeped in criminality, exploitation and degradation, not to mention the health risks.Beach road on any afternoon is a stomach turning spectacle of decrepit falang picking up issan whores, that's only the tip of the sickening iceberg. I have only been there 5 times in 20 years and can never wait to leave the shithole.

You need to make the Police aware of your concerns - clearly, they've failed the good people of Pattaya, and that's exactly how I'd phrase my complaint.

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Go to Pattaya - tens of thousands of falang, go a few miles away to Bang seang with a far better beach and almost no falang, the ONLY reason for the difference is the lack of whores in the latter resort. Sex tourists and peado's please keep going to Pattaya so that decent people and most Thai can avoid you.

If you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that Thais come to Pattaya by the thousands on the weekends. It's a very popular place for Bkk Thais.

No they don't far more go to Bang Seang and the Thais that do go to Pattaya do not go for the whores, unlike most falang visitors and residents

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Why don't the Police in Pattaya 'crack down' on prostitution? it's illegal, socially damaging and steeped in criminality, exploitation and degradation, not to mention the health risks.Beach road on any afternoon is a stomach turning spectacle of decrepit falang picking up issan whores, that's only the tip of the sickening iceberg. I have only been there 5 times in 20 years and can never wait to leave the shithole.

You need to make the Police aware of your concerns - clearly, they've failed the good people of Pattaya, and that's exactly how I'd phrase my complaint.

Not much chance of the Police doing anything to clean up the dump when the mayor is the son of a convicted mafiaso convicted murderer. people who go there are victims, laying down and getting the baht sucked out of them, suckers indeed.

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so in the biggest brothel on the planet why don't the Police take action against it, after all it's not as if they would have to look very far.

Because my myopic friend, you will find Thailand finest are getting financial considerations from the industry thats why, so they are part of it...thumbsup.gif

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and the Thais that do go to Pattaya do not go for the whores, unlike most falang visitors and residents

And you know this how ?....however you are most likley correct most Thai males will go to cheaper places for their whores...get off your high horse....prostitiution/harems mia noi'setc were prevelant in Thailand long before Pattaya even existed or there were even significant numbers of farangs in Thailand.

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This thread is really going places - those of us who express any kind of support for (greater) Pattaya have gone from being merely 'sexpats' and 'sex tourists' to 'pedos'. I wonder how many of the keyboard warriors throwing those terms around would be prepared to do so in a Pattaya bar at midnight or even in CentralWorld at 11am ?

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The sex on tap industry supports a lot of extended families in the kingdom, what would those workers and families do otherwise?

well, they would all just have to find a regular job. plenty of jobs in thailand, ask any (registered) burmese migrant worker.

Yes there are plenty where I am and they paid a a pittance. There is no chance for any of the better things of life, let alone think about getting old and how to deal with things when your body has no energy and has lost its sheen, the Way here is to live for today, today is real tomorrow may not come, it does of course and brings renewed problems. People here work everyday, have no holidays and eventually, unless they are lucky end up with no hope, they tale each day at a time and hope for the best, but we are getting off topic now, we will be arriving in Patters on thursday for 11 nights and are thoroughly looking forward to it, oh I do hate holidays dont you?

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I lived there 39 years ago and Pattaya was very beautiful back then. Peaceful, beautiful, clean. No malls, no McDonalds, no 7-11's, no congested beach, hardly any cars--mainly taxi's and baht buses---and if ladyboys were there back then, I sure never saw or knew of any. The prostitutes were there--but they sure didn't make it so obvious like they do these days.

Just clear aqua pristine water, beautiful land, and the little Thai street restaurant shops.

I could take a samlor all over town for 15 cents, eat for 25 cents a meal--50 cents if I got papaya salad or something more elaborate.

I miss the old Thailand. It was so very different back in the early 70's.

Does anyone remember the Spider Band from way back in the early 70's? Maybe some here were not even born yet :=)

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so in the biggest brothel on the planet why don't the Police take action against it, after all it's not as if they would have to look very far.

Because my myopic friend, you will find Thailand finest are getting financial considerations from the industry thats why, so they are part of it...thumbsup.gif

So who are these fine people here pimping out so many farmers daughters for financial gain, do let us know we can forward the names to the Police!

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I lived there 39 years ago and Pattaya was very beautiful back then. Peaceful, beautiful, clean. No malls, no McDonalds, no 7-11's, no congested beach, hardly any cars--mainly taxi's and baht buses---and if ladyboys were there back then, I sure never saw or knew of any. The prostitutes were there--but they sure didn't make it so obvious like they do these days.

Just clear aqua pristine water, beautiful land, and the little Thai street restaurant shops.

I could take a samlor all over town for 15 cents, eat for 25 cents a meal--50 cents if I got papaya salad or something more elaborate.

I miss the old Thailand. It was so very different back in the early 70's.

Does anyone remember the Spider Band from way back in the early 70's? Maybe some here were not even born yet :=)

Unfortunately the Thais paved paradise well over 25 years ago and turned the place into a tacky unattractive knocking shop.

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I lived there 39 years ago and Pattaya was very beautiful back then. Peaceful, beautiful, clean. No malls, no McDonalds, no 7-11's, no congested beach, hardly any cars--mainly taxi's and baht buses---and if ladyboys were there back then, I sure never saw or knew of any. The prostitutes were there--but they sure didn't make it so obvious like they do these days.

Just clear aqua pristine water, beautiful land, and the little Thai street restaurant shops.

I could take a samlor all over town for 15 cents, eat for 25 cents a meal--50 cents if I got papaya salad or something more elaborate.

I miss the old Thailand. It was so very different back in the early 70's.

Does anyone remember the Spider Band from way back in the early 70's? Maybe some here were not even born yet :=)

Unfortunately the Thais paved paradise well over 25 years ago and turned the place into a tacky unattractive knocking shop.

If you want to turn back time to a happier age, do it in your own country. It didn't work for Mao Tse Tung, and it didn't work for Pol Pot, but it might work in your country. It is not something that I would wish upon Thailand


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To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

<More likely they stayed in their parents house until they were old considered an adult and sent off to work and make money.>
REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

<I have no stats on STDs but it's common sense. Sex workers + whoremongers = STDs>
Obviously never heard of Mr Meechai. Sex workers + condoms + whoremongers = NO STDs.
If the infection rate was as high as you believe, hundreds of thousands ( ? millions ) of western men would be going home with infections EVERY year, and that just doesn't happen.

<not just left the girl go work in 7/11 or as a waitress at a regular restaurant and earn minimum wage instead of having to sell her body.>
Most in Thailand do. The ones that work in Pattaya, Patong, Bkk, Hua Hin, Samui etc etc either want a lot of money, or are looking for a husband/ sponsor. Did you not know that?

You have admitted that you don't know any bar girls, so why do you think you have any qualification to talk about Pattaya bar girls? You are just repeating what you have read, but you don't actually know anything. It's like claiming to know all about rocket science when you've never been a rocket scientist- who can believe anything you say?

I never said sex and going to the toilet are the same for me- there you go again. To the average prostitute though, it's just another bodily function. Do you actually think that they have to get turned on to have sex with strangers?

<most girls would not enjoy having to let sweaty, old, overweight men, have sex with them>
It's just a job. How many people really enjoy their job- I hated mine in the end, but I did it to make money, just like they do.
Besides, if you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that many of the customers are actually young good looking guys.

<I'm sure the ones you enter 'relationships' with tell you otherwise of course.>
Do you actually think the customers care if the girls "like them" or not, 5555555555555555555555

<Let's see if any users of prostitutes who claim the girls don't mind, it's all OK, there's no problem would be happy for their own daughter to become a pro?>
See post 111.

I know a lot of Thai girls aged 20-30 and the majority still live at home with parents.

How do you know foreigners are not going home with STDS? You think they go shouting about it? Of course Pattaya is rife with STDs.

Sure for a hooker sex becomes something they do every day so it becomes nothing special but do you think that makes it OK?

If I had to have sex with horrible old women every day I'd be disgusted. I might get used to it but I definitely wouldn't like it. Thought makes me feel sick and I imagine it's the same for Thailands bar girls.

There's a reason you're in Thailand having sex with girls young enough to be your daughter it's because you find women your own age disgusting.

So how do you think the Thai girls feel about you? Remember that the next time you're having sex with one.

It's not 'just a job'. I'd rather spend 12hrs a day in 7/11 or a factory than stick my dick in manky old women and I honestly think it's easier for men to &lt;deleted&gt; just about anything than it is for women as we tend to have less standards and will bang anything if we're horny enough.

I have been to Pattaya most of the people I saw were over 50 years old. I doubt the girls mind as much when having sex with some of the younger and not so bad looking ones though.

I mean if I had to for my 'job' I could probably bang most girls under the age 35 but when it starts getting older and older no way. There's no way I'd have sex with a 60 year old women. Not sure how these girls manage to do it.

And yes I do think a lot of the customers are deluded enough to think the girls like them hence guys sponsoring, shacking up and marrying them.

Sure you can SAY you wouldn't mind 70 year old guys banging your daughter but if she's down on her luck, has no education and not much money and is doing it out of desperation I think the reality would be very different and you'd NOT be happy.

It's not the same as a girl with good education and money in the West making the decision to become a high end escort for example because she likely has choices and is entering into it through free will where as the average Thai bar girl has no education, no money and the pressure from her parents to bring home an income so feels like she doesn't have much choice (even though there are 7/11 and factory jobs)

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To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

<More likely they stayed in their parents house until they were old considered an adult and sent off to work and make money.>

REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

<I have no stats on STDs but it's common sense. Sex workers + whoremongers = STDs>

Obviously never heard of Mr Meechai. Sex workers + condoms + whoremongers = NO STDs.

If the infection rate was as high as you believe, hundreds of thousands ( ? millions ) of western men would be going home with infections EVERY year, and that just doesn't happen.

<not just left the girl go work in 7/11 or as a waitress at a regular restaurant and earn minimum wage instead of having to sell her body.>

Most in Thailand do. The ones that work in Pattaya, Patong, Bkk, Hua Hin, Samui etc etc either want a lot of money, or are looking for a husband/ sponsor. Did you not know that?

You have admitted that you don't know any bar girls, so why do you think you have any qualification to talk about Pattaya bar girls? You are just repeating what you have read, but you don't actually know anything. It's like claiming to know all about rocket science when you've never been a rocket scientist- who can believe anything you say?

I never said sex and going to the toilet are the same for me- there you go again. To the average prostitute though, it's just another bodily function. Do you actually think that they have to get turned on to have sex with strangers?

<most girls would not enjoy having to let sweaty, old, overweight men, have sex with them>

It's just a job. How many people really enjoy their job- I hated mine in the end, but I did it to make money, just like they do.

Besides, if you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that many of the customers are actually young good looking guys.

<I'm sure the ones you enter 'relationships' with tell you otherwise of course.>

Do you actually think the customers care if the girls "like them" or not, 5555555555555555555555

<Let's see if any users of prostitutes who claim the girls don't mind, it's all OK, there's no problem would be happy for their own daughter to become a pro?>

See post 111.

I know a lot of Thai girls aged 20-30 and the majority still live at home with parents.

How do you know foreigners are not going home with STDS? You think they go shouting about it? Of course Pattaya is rife with STDs.

Sure for a hooker sex becomes something they do every day so it becomes nothing special but do you think that makes it OK?

If I had to have sex with horrible old women every day I'd be disgusted. I might get used to it but I definitely wouldn't like it. Thought makes me feel sick and I imagine it's the same for Thailands bar girls.

There's a reason you're in Thailand having sex with girls young enough to be your daughter it's because you find women your own age disgusting.

So how do you think the Thai girls feel about you? Remember that the next time you're having sex with one.

It's not 'just a job'. I'd rather spend 12hrs a day in 7/11 or a factory than stick my dick in manky old women and I honestly think it's easier for men to fuc_k just about anything than it is for women as we tend to have less standards and will bang anything if we're horny enough.

I have been to Pattaya most of the people I saw were over 50 years old. I doubt the girls mind as much when having sex with some of the younger and not so bad looking ones though.

I mean if I had to for my 'job' I could probably bang most girls under the age 35 but when it starts getting older and older no way. There's no way I'd have sex with a 60 year old women. Not sure how these girls manage to do it.

And yes I do think a lot of the customers are deluded enough to think the girls like them hence guys sponsoring, shacking up and marrying them.

Sure you can SAY you wouldn't mind 70 year old guys banging your daughter but if she's down on her luck, has no education and not much money and is doing it out of desperation I think the reality would be very different and you'd NOT be happy.

It's not the same as a girl with good education and money in the West making the decision to become a high end escort for example because she likely has choices and is entering into it through free will where as the average Thai bar girl has no education, no money and the pressure from her parents to bring home an income so feels like she doesn't have much choice (even though there are 7/11 and factory jobs)

So true. Real talk. This just about ends the debate for me.

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