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I truly feel that the Thai's (particularly the guys) hold a deep seated envy or resentment towards Westerners for having, coming from or being "more" than them. Another topic entirely of course. But were this to all come out into the open (in a non violent way) or if they were to grow up a bit and look at this question from a mature standpoint, they'd see things a bit more clearly.

As a minister I knew once told me "If there was peace and love through out the world I'd be out of a job."


Very hard to hear but the girl says something like "don't try to be tough when you're not in your country"


I truly feel that the Thai's (particularly the guys) hold a deep seated envy or resentment towards Westerners for having, coming from or being "more" than them. Another topic entirely of course. But were this to all come out into the open (in a non violent way) or if they were to grow up a bit and look at this question from a mature standpoint, they'd see things a bit more clearly.

How would you feel if your country got invaded by guys who earned about 10 times as much as you and your friends, had a know-it-all-attitude towards you, and strutting the streets with your local girls, hand in hand?


I truly feel that the Thai's (particularly the guys) hold a deep seated envy or resentment towards Westerners for having, coming from or being "more" than them. Another topic entirely of course. But were this to all come out into the open (in a non violent way) or if they were to grow up a bit and look at this question from a mature standpoint, they'd see things a bit more clearly.

How would you feel if your country got invaded by guys who earned about 10 times as much as you and your friends, had a know-it-all-attitude towards you, and strutting the streets with your local girls, hand in hand?

Eeeeeeeeer, pretty similar to my own country with folk walking in under cutting the local work force I suppose, but I have no compulsion to beat them up.


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

Been here nearly 10 years now, never had any trouble and love it here. But if you are that easily scared, then good luck to you. You will never know what you missed.


Three Thai men restraining and sitting on and hitting one woman. Many Thai men behave like these cowardly arseoles. Yet Thai boys are nurtured by their mother as though they are superior human beings. Meanwhile their sister is often virtually running the house or selling her pussy in order to pay her mothers rent. This just has to change.

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I truly feel that the Thai's (particularly the guys) hold a deep seated envy or resentment towards Westerners for having, coming from or being "more" than them. Another topic entirely of course. But were this to all come out into the open (in a non violent way) or if they were to grow up a bit and look at this question from a mature standpoint, they'd see things a bit more clearly.

how can they view things in a rational manner with no education and handle what they ingest , leave them alone for Thais to ride in, I live. Here never think of employing one..


Bare in mind that a lot of tuk tuk drivers are drunk during their working hours and the vast amount of motor fumes they inhale must inhibit their reasoning skills. I actually only had one trip with a tuk tuk driver arranged as a "tour" the first time I went to Thailand many years ago. He tried the usual shit of trying to take me into sponsored tailor shops and a massage parlor but I was not interested in that so he took me around to various attractions in BKK and then we stopped at a bar and had a few drinks, pretty good day actually. Most tuk tuk drivers seem come across as nobs though sadly.

I've only ever had one dispute with a Tuk Tuk driver and I lucked out,

as he pulled out his "Farang education stick" I knocked him the hell out and left him slumped in his seat and wandered off slowly whistling,as it was a small soi that he's pulled into to rob me,nobody(or at least no-one who cared)saw it happen,

I then got back to the main road and got a taxi,I generally,genuinely don't take tuk tuk's,but one has to try everything once or twice smile.png

P.S. Kevozman I love your profile Pic "Minsc and Boo to the rescue!","go for the eyes Boo,go for the eyes!",he(they I should say are still my absolute favourite PC game characters...we could do with Minsc and Boo in Thailand now hey?

Minsc would certainly have a lot of butt kicking for goodness to do!


I think that's the same in any country that has a large tourist industry and a low wage economy. Tourists flock in and are all relatively wealthy compared to the locals. Many are here for what to them is cheap booze and nice weather. They're on holiday and so dress casually, (some very!), relax and enjoy themselves. Locals assume this must be how they always behave because they have plenty of money. Resentment builds. Used to see a lot of this type of behaviour in Spain, the Greek Islands and Italy when their tourists industries were expanding in the 70's and 80's. The "quaint" polite local behaviour to tourists changed to a more aggressive tolerance aimed purely at getting the money from them. A lot is a direct response to the behaviour of the tourists.

In Asia this is exaggerated further by the phenomenon of older foreign men coming and taking much younger wives, gfs or frequenting the sex industry. Many don't like this and again see it as a demonstration of wealth.

Thailand is not a highly dangerous place. If you argue with locals when you don't understand the norms or speak the language, become aggressive or abusive, then you'll get trouble. Same in most countries. There are places to avoid and known and well publicized scams to be wary of.

Thais are a proud people and see an attack by a foreigner as an attack against all Thais - so they will pile in to defend "their honour".

In amongst all the bullshit here I find this one decent comment on Thailand, Thais and their attitude to "farang".

Congratulations Baerboxer on a very astute assessment of the current situation in Thailand

I first came here in 1996 married a Thai in the UK in 1998 where we lived till 2002 returning "home" in the same year.

I have witnessed first hand the changing attitudes over the last 17 years as the Land of Smiles has turned into the Land of Snarls or the Land of Scams.

The lovely friendly people of 1996 have grown older and moved on - the current crop of Thais see tourists as soft targets for anything they can get away with knowing that law enforcement is either absent or negotiable

Robbery, burglary, rape and murder are commonplace in places where tourists congregate and, like wolves round a herd of caribou, the packs assemble from all corners of the land in places like Pattaya, Phuket and areas of Bangkok

Avoid those places and live a decent quiet life in the countryside where old values still apply and respect is there for all to see.

Walk and talk quietly and carry a big stick :)


The wife says its nothing to do with a tuktuk and nothing to do with football - from what she can hear the foreigner was drunk and was causing trouble at a restaurant - and was kicked out. Not 100% sure as not easy to hear.

Thai bashers don't care it gives them another chance to post there superiority on TV.

They are not a bright lot though as far as I am concerned they are just malcontents who couldent make it where they came from because people were fed up with them.whistling.gif


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

It is important to see this forum for what it is. A selected news item is published as a lead article for a thread. This then receives comments from those that feel strongly enough to write. Simple except that the news items are generally about inflammatory subjects guaranteed to stir up the angry feelings of a few. Some contributor stories are, in my opinion, very imaginative and well beyond belief.

Many people come to Thailand and enjoy the time of their life here and never have any problems at all. For many tourists in Phuket ignorance is bliss and they go back to their homes full of happy memories of a few wonderful weeks. For me? Well, I might wish for better road sense for motor cyclists but everything else is well within the parameters of a comfortable trouble free life here in Buriram province.

Yes Thai Visa is not all that concerned with reality.

Take the OP for example the headline is about a farong getting beaten up for not paying a tuk tuk.

The article is completely different it shows a video of some one getting beat up not sure if it is a farong or not. The picture was not that good. Not a tuk tuk in sight and so far only one poster has stepped forth and said the fight had some thing to do with a football game,

The poster asked can any one explain this not a word from him about a tuk tuk.

But look at all the responses to belittle Thais.


Just read another post that says it was about a guy being drunk and disruptive.


You would have to wonder why they continue to live in a country they profess to hate so much...

Sent from my brain using telekinesis


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

That`s good news because it means I have one less person to queue behind when i apply for my visa extension at Immigration.

Thailand is an extremely dangerous country for foreigners. Please pass the word on to all your mates. The only unfortunate part is, that Panama`s gain is going to be Thailand`s loss.

Welcome to another Thai bashing thread.

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You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

Yeah, they're pussies, never fight fair. always 5-8 to one at least. Look at them they're so frail like girls they could barely defend themselves otherwise.

Why don't you go and challenge some to a boxing or Thai boxing match? Then you can see just how frail they are.

A wise American friend from New York once told me "there's no such thing as a fair fight". What do you expect Queensbury rules ?

are all Thais boxers then ?

They're all taught Muay Thai as part of the school curriculum.


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

Panama surely is the wrong joice. Compared to Panama Thailand is a heaven. Panama is full of criminals of all sort, Thailand only in some bad places like Pattaya, Phuket, etc. If you live in Thailand in a provincial town, you will not have any problem at all. Avoid the tourist ghettos of Pattaya and Phuket.


Please share this on your face books for everyone to see. Put " Welcome to Phuket ! this is how they treat you. Notice that no foreigner will help you.


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

The dangerous places for foreigners to live in Thailand are primarily the sex-tourism areas

and the four southern provinces where an insurgency has been in progress for years. I live

in Chiang Mai and I feel safer here than most places I ever lived in my home country.

Every country has dangerous places. Most areas of Thailand are very safe... and friendly.

Yes, the sex tourism places are very dangerous, one might die from having too much fun, as oppose to killing oneself through alcohol from boredom living in the remote village or a junglethumbsup.gif

What do you call "fun".You are seriously deluded if you think there is no fun in the far flung provinces.

  • Like 1

You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

Funny I live here and I am getting the feeling that many foreigners hate Thais,

Did you see a tuk tuk in this yet the headline says he was beat up for not paying one. The poster him self said could any one explain this.

And yet look at the responses. If you are that naive don't come On the other hand you will fit right in with a certain part of the farong population gullable and willing to believe the worst in people. Mostly people unwanted where they come from and try to take it out on Thais because Thais are more kindly to them than the people back home who really know them.

This is more about farangs not coping and lashing out at the easiest target.A lot of westerners just can't cut the mustard in a society that is "different" to theirs and refuse to learn the language which imho is the biggest problem.

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Walking a level and straight footpath in Thailand is not difficult. It is simply that there are no shoulders; just a long, deep drop off on either side. If one impairs their decision making abilities, then I have no sympathy for them when the wander off the path. However, be reminded... if you should happen to fall off by mishap (i.e. a Thai idiot woman driving illegally in all respects and hitting your SUV) then you will have to pay Satan himself to get back up to that footpath.

Welcome to Dante's Inferno.


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

The dangerous places for foreigners to live in Thailand are primarily the sex-tourism areas

and the four southern provinces where an insurgency has been in progress for years. I live

in Chiang Mai and I feel safer here than most places I ever lived in my home country.

Every country has dangerous places. Most areas of Thailand are very safe... and friendly.

Yes, the sex tourism places are very dangerous, one might die from having too much fun, as oppose to killing oneself through alcohol from boredom living in the remote village or a junglethumbsup.gif

What do you call "fun".You are seriously deluded if you think there is no fun in the far flung provinces.


For the non-sex-tourists, I would suggest Chiang Mai. It's a beautiful modern city, with lots of

friendly people, the world's best Night Bazaar, Night Safari, several great walking streets (just for

shopping, not for hookers), very nice zoo, Tiger Kingdom, tons of outdoor activities and cultural

attractions, and plain old good wholesome fun.

Chiang Mai has several large beautiful shopping malls and at least 3 more under construction.

Also, Promenada Resort Mall just opened. I was there yesterday -- the most beautiful shopping

mall I have ever seen in any country. It makes Bangkok's Siam Paragon and Manila's MegaMall

of Asia look like they were designed by amateurs.

On second thought, maybe I should just be quiet -- we already have plenty of expats here. Don't

want to spoil a good thing... sick.gif


Why don't you go and challenge some to a boxing or Thai boxing match? Then you can see just how frail they are.

A wise American friend from New York once told me "there's no such thing as a fair fight". What do you expect Queensbury rules ?

are all Thais boxers then ?

They're all taught Muay Thai as part of the school curriculum.

They are not. The only thing most of them know about muay thai is what they see on TV.

  • Like 1

Yes, the sex tourism places are very dangerous, one might die from having too much fun, as oppose to killing oneself through alcohol from boredom living in the remote village or a junglexthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ic.ysn6H7pBDU.we alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

What do you call "fun".You are seriously deluded if you think there is no fun in the far flung provinces.


For the non-sex-tourists, I would suggest Chiang Mai. It's a beautiful modern city, with lots of

friendly people, the world's best Night Bazaar, Night Safari, several great walking streets (just for

shopping, not for hookers), very nice zoo, Tiger Kingdom, tons of outdoor activities and cultural

attractions, and plain old good wholesome fun.

Chiang Mai has several large beautiful shopping malls and at least 3 more under construction.

Also, Promenada Resort Mall just opened. I was there yesterday -- the most beautiful shopping

mall I have ever seen in any country. It makes Bangkok's Siam Paragon and Manila's MegaMall

of Asia look like they were designed by amateurs.

On second thought, maybe I should just be quiet -- we already have plenty of expats here. Don't

want to spoil a good thing... xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.JLyi1A2P2g.webp alt=sick.gif width=18 height=18>

I agree with most of what you said except for comparing the Promenada Mall to Siam Paragon. There is no comparison - Siam hands down out classes Promenada not only with content, but with diversity. For instance, it seems like the Promenada has 200 coffee stands lined up next to each other on every floor. Everything is the same. At Siam Paragon one can find just about every type of cuisine, beverage, etc. And the shopping is unparalleled in comparison to anything we have in Chiang Mai.

That said, I prefer Chiang Mai for all the other reasons stated.


You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

And Panama is safe?

Yes it is, plus you can buy a house and actually own it!


Ya need to negociate with the tuk tuk driver ahead of time.And then pay him that amount.I never have A problem.

Yes, you do. Many peopke don't know this however. EIther way, it's not a reson to get beaten up.


It is very easy to thai bash when you get so much evidence of what some of them are like.

In any event, most don't hate thais, just thai men.

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