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Foreigner !


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Yes I realise how difficult it must be to integrate into a society, who really don't want to know you!sad.png

"they don't even speak English, Swedish, German........"

How many of farangs staying here 10+ years, speak Thai any better than a first grader??

But to be fair, most Thais don't want you speaking Thai, especially your gf/wife.

Then there are so few 'real' teachers to teach Thai, teachers that actually have the ability to teach.

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Must agree with Jasun!

In my country ( USA ) even ilegal forigners can work, earn a pretty good living, get government assistance if needed .

"Liberty and Justice for all."

In thailand it's " Liberty and Just us, that's all!"

But, I must State that I knew Thailand was this way long before I arrived, was this way when I arrived, and will reamain this way.

I still choose to be here!

If it is so, why do you choose to be here???

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No ,it hasn't changed my attitude at all .

I am English , but lived in Italy for a number of years befor moving to Thailand .

I have no problem with people of a more advanced culture coming to my country , contributing through work or simply of independent means .

People who appreciate the culture of my country and willing to adopt the British way of life . In Italy I lived in a small rural village , lived as my Italian neighbours do and spoke the language fluently . In Thailand I have given my wife a beautiful comfortable home , I have financially improved her lifestyle and that of her family . I respect the Thai culture and lifstyle and do not try to force western culture on my wife and her family .

What I object to , is primitive people migrating illegaly , who have nothing to offer , but seek to be dependent on the social benefits of my country and other European countries . Leaving racism out of it , many of these people are Moslim , want to exercise their religion , introduce sharia law and have their women dressed in black from head to foot , that is quite different .

Leaving the religion aside (there are a lot of non Muslims who come to the UK and other affluent European countries) I entirely agree. If one comes to a foreign country one has to adapt to its culture, customs etc. and not try to force his/her culture and customs on the hosts. A country is like a private house. If I am a guest at friends I have to behave the way they do, at home, in my own place, I can act and live the way I like. That is what I have been preaching to foreigners here and other countries including he UK, who do nothing else but complain. All one has to do is to read the TV here or to spend few hours on a Sunday at Hyde Park , and you will know what i mean!

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No ,it hasn't changed my attitude at all .

I am English , but lived in Italy for a number of years befor moving to Thailand .

I have no problem with people of a more advanced culture coming to my country , contributing through work or simply of independent means .

People who appreciate the culture of my country and willing to adopt the British way of life . In Italy I lived in a small rural village , lived as my Italian neighbours do and spoke the language fluently . In Thailand I have given my wife a beautiful comfortable home , I have financially improved her lifestyle and that of her family . I respect the Thai culture and lifstyle and do not try to force western culture on my wife and her family .

What I object to , is primitive people migrating illegaly , who have nothing to offer , but seek to be dependent on the social benefits of my country and other European countries . Leaving racism out of it , many of these people are Moslim , want to exercise their religion , introduce sharia law and have their women dressed in black from head to foot , that is quite different .


I have never felt tempted to change my religion or abandon my culture whenever I have moved to a foreign country. I am grateful that I have not been forced to live by some of the more restrictive laws that apply to the local populace. Like many an itinerant gipsy, I accept my foreignness, keep my head down and carry on working.


Edited by StreetCowboy
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Living in Thailand can be easier and more enjoyable, if only one obeys the rules, which are not and cannot be the same as back home, whether that is the U.K, U.S or anywhere in Europe. As Julia Gillard said in Australia, 'if you don't like the system here, then don't plan to come in the first place!'

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Yes, I now realise how good they've got it.

Most definitely !!! I think that Thais living in the UK should not be allowed to do a job that EU citizens can do. That they report every 90 days. That our police and shopowners rip them off and charge double for everything. That if one is murdered a UK citizen can walk free and end up being a local hero. That they cannot buy land, but can build a house on a UK citzens land before being told to F O !!! that they are referred to as "THAI" and not by their name.

It's not worth saying about driving because they would never pass our driving tests. That they cannot get credit in their own name. Lastly that they are made to hire jetskis.........and then are beaten with a long stick. The aggressor er is fined 20 pounds and told to behave...just loike Phuket!

There are of course many more things but................where would it end? Possibly comparible the the Encyclopedia Brittanica !!!

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Living in Thailand can be easier and more enjoyable, if only one obeys the rules, which are not and cannot be the same as back home, whether that is the U.K, U.S or anywhere in Europe. As Julia Gillard said in Australia, 'if you don't like the system here, then don't plan to come in the first place!'

Yes....but thank Christ she is gone....everything she said was a lie. So that sentence doesn't count either.

She probably doesn't even realize she said it....just read it from a prepared speech like most other great quips she made.

Most expats here obey the rules here....but it's still a freedom to comment on it either way....isn't it?...

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No, my opinions have not changed.

We are all, every single last one of us, humans first. Since I was a child, I've never understood why most people find it comforting to see themselves better than others.

I remember hearing David Letterman shortly after 9/11 ask former President Bill Clinton on the Tonight Show, how we could move forward toward peace in the world, if it were even possible for us to view Muslims in a non-judgmental way as though they were our friends. President Clinton admitted it would be difficult; he said we need to focus on the things we have in common. For example, we all feel the same stomach aches when we're hungry, the same emotions of love & caring, the same grief when someone close to us is ill or dies, etc.

I have friends in almost every country I've visited, & not one of them do I view any differently than someone from my home country. Sure, they've grown up with different cultural norms & influences, but you can find that between two different neighborhoods in your own country.

How is it even possible that we not recognize each other as the same as ourselves? Is there something inherently wrong with the human species? It's almost like some superior intelligence bred us to fight ...

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My daughter lives in a Seattle suburb and has begun to complain about the increasing numbers of Asian children in the public schools, with Chinese being the largest group. I say that America will benefit greatly by accepting more immigrants from "The Far East". These people value education. They will demand that the schools get better. They have strong "family values" that Americans like to give such (mostly BS) lip service to.

Most immigrants to the US work harder than your typical whitebread, know-nothing native, who gets most of his "knowledge" of the world from Fox News. We need a lot of new blood and fresh thinking in America.

I held these views before I came to live in Thailand. Here, I keep a low profile, and do not expect to have the rights or obligations of a Thai citizen. I am grateful to be here, and I love my beautiful brown Isaan wife.

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i have to show 800000 Baht every year, otherwise I have to leave immediately.

If they would do the same in our home countries, there would be much less problems.

And a second thing i have learned: foreigners never integrate. It is a leftist myth. The best you could demand that foreigners follow the rules and have a proper attitude. That's what i do here. That's what people in our home countries should demand from foreigners as well.

I agree that too many foreigners never integrate but in Thailand it helps if you become part of a family as opposed to being a single ex pat.

Edited by bigbamboo
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thailand is much smarter than any western social country (not usa) ...

they don't give handouts to anyone, no social welfare, no free nothing, and they keep us foreigners on a tight leech, even we have a lot of money and a lot to offer (most of us)

they also don't give any rights even you have the right to live with your family, international law that they signed, but don't care and impose strict laws

if my home country would start acting more like thailand, it would be a better place to live and i might consider to go back

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My opinion of foreigners living in my home country England has not changed a bit. A lot of them move there to claim benefits and abuse the national health service and their staff. I remember helping a friend a few years ago to go to a benefits office. He had been loyal to his long term employer but after having been made redundant he was struggling to receive benefits. We were both frustrated and ashamed to listen to a Spanish woman with two young children explaining through an interpreter as she spoke no English, that she arrived a few weeks before with very little money and no husband. She was offered a rent free house, allowances for food, furniture, transport etc., but demanded more. My friend was offered nothing having contributed to the system for 35 years. Regular contact with family and friends confirm that England's a soft touch for these cheats who exploit it. A relative of mine worked as a doctor's receptionist and had to leave through strees after being conitinually abused by foreigners who had only been in the country for a short while, but demanded free health treatment.

Thailand looks after Thais and make it difficult for foreigners to live here, irrespective of the fact that I ask for nothing, learn their language, try to help the locals where possible and learn to live with their rudeness and traditions.

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No ,it hasn't changed my attitude at all .

I am English , but lived in Italy for a number of years befor moving to Thailand .

I have no problem with people of a more advanced culture coming to my country , contributing through work or simply of independent means .

People who appreciate the culture of my country and willing to adopt the British way of life . In Italy I lived in a small rural village , lived as my Italian neighbours do and spoke the language fluently . In Thailand I have given my wife a beautiful comfortable home , I have financially improved her lifestyle and that of her family . I respect the Thai culture and lifstyle and do not try to force western culture on my wife and her family .

What I object to , is primitive people migrating illegaly , who have nothing to offer , but seek to be dependent on the social benefits of my country and other European countries . Leaving racism out of it , many of these people are Moslim , want to exercise their religion , introduce sharia law and have their women dressed in black from head to foot , that is quite different .

Leaving racism out of it?

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No ,it hasn't changed my attitude at all .

I am English , but lived in Italy for a number of years befor moving to Thailand .

I have no problem with people of a more advanced culture coming to my country , contributing through work or simply of independent means .

People who appreciate the culture of my country and willing to adopt the British way of life . In Italy I lived in a small rural village , lived as my Italian neighbours do and spoke the language fluently . In Thailand I have given my wife a beautiful comfortable home , I have financially improved her lifestyle and that of her family . I respect the Thai culture and lifstyle and do not try to force western culture on my wife and her family .

What I object to , is primitive people migrating illegaly , who have nothing to offer , but seek to be dependent on the social benefits of my country and other European countries . Leaving racism out of it , many of these people are Moslim , want to exercise their religion , introduce sharia law and have their women dressed in black from head to foot , that is quite different .

Leaving racism out of it?

He's right it's not racism, but it is bigotry. As I posted earlier this topic will encourage the off topic anti Muslim posters. Could be wrong, but I believe no word yet from the OP countering this type of posted content. OP, your thoughts?

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i have to show 800000 Baht every year, otherwise I have to leave immediately.

If they would do the same in our home countries, there would be much less problems.

And a second thing i have learned: foreigners never integrate. It is a leftist myth. The best you could demand that foreigners follow the rules and have a proper attitude. That's what i do here. That's what people in our home countries should demand from foreigners as well.


I agree with the above, here you are allowed to stay as a retiree if you have enough money in the bank. If they did that back home in America, millions of illegal immigrants and others would be forced to go back home. But, even illegals get health care, access to homeless shelters, etc. Also, I agree, I don't think farangs are against integrating, but it seems to be like in most countries; where people tend to hang out with those who are most like them.

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Yes, I now realise how good they've got it.

Sadly for Australians living in Australia, Illegal Immigrants (Boat People and other assorted Que-Jumpers) are given a much better deal by Australian Governments (Labor and Liberal) than Aussies who've worked their butts off and paid high taxes all their lives.

The other thing is, that over the years in Australia, we used to laugh at what were called, "Whinging Poms," migrants from the U.K., who were also known as "To-and-Froms" as many tended to come to Oz on Assisted Passage, thanks to Oz Taxpayers and only have to pay Ten Pounds (English money) Frequently, they would arrive and start moaning about "how it was better in the U.K." and in due course, they'd pack up and Go Home, only, in many cases, to decide they'd made a mistake and come back to Australia (even if they had to pay for their passage the second time.)

Probably worth mentioning that one Infamous POM who came to Australia on the "Assisted Passage scheme" was, Great Train-Robber, Ronald Biggs, who provided me and a whole bunch of other Aussie Journos with many Great Stories, as we joined the local cops in tracking him around Australia...but I digress, so I'll get back to the point!

I now STOP myself every time I go to grizzle about something in Thailand and remember how annoying, this sort of thing was when the "Poms" did it in Australia and how constant Grizzles from Ex-pats must annoy the Hell out of our Thai hosts, including my own Long-suffering Wife.

Edited by Torrens54
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No ,it hasn't changed my attitude at all .

I am English , but lived in Italy for a number of years befor moving to Thailand .

I have no problem with people of a more advanced culture coming to my country , contributing through work or simply of independent means .

People who appreciate the culture of my country and willing to adopt the British way of life . In Italy I lived in a small rural village , lived as my Italian neighbours do and spoke the language fluently . In Thailand I have given my wife a beautiful comfortable home , I have financially improved her lifestyle and that of her family . I respect the Thai culture and lifstyle and do not try to force western culture on my wife and her family .

What I object to , is primitive people migrating illegaly , who have nothing to offer , but seek to be dependent on the social benefits of my country and other European countries . Leaving racism out of it , many of these people are Moslim , want to exercise their religion , introduce sharia law and have their women dressed in black from head to foot , that is quite different .

Leaving racism out of it?

Islam is a religion...not a race

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No ,it hasn't changed my attitude at all .

I am English , but lived in Italy for a number of years befor moving to Thailand .

I have no problem with people of a more advanced culture coming to my country , contributing through work or simply of independent means .

People who appreciate the culture of my country and willing to adopt the British way of life . In Italy I lived in a small rural village , lived as my Italian neighbours do and spoke the language fluently . In Thailand I have given my wife a beautiful comfortable home , I have financially improved her lifestyle and that of her family . I respect the Thai culture and lifstyle and do not try to force western culture on my wife and her family .

What I object to , is primitive people migrating illegaly , who have nothing to offer , but seek to be dependent on the social benefits of my country and other European countries . Leaving racism out of it , many of these people are Moslim , want to exercise their religion , introduce sharia law and have their women dressed in black from head to foot , that is quite different .

Leaving racism out of it?

Islam is a religion...not a race

Race does not need to exist for racism to exist. People do not need to belong to a given race for us to be racist against them. Racism is not about race, it is about identifying groups (or tribes, or separate populations) (whether real or imaginary) and exhibiting prejudice against them

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To me the whole issue on Immigration is simply a crock of shit. For centuries the world has had a vestige of migrant populations who in the early days had to work all the hours God sent simply to survive and they had too accept the laws of their new domain and many contributed to the development of their new home country. Many were treated with significantly less respect than their indigenous host, however, even under these harsh conditions they saw their new home as preferable to the country they hailed from as it provided them with employment , a roof of some kind over their head and a system for them to work within. Such immigration can work for the benefit of all, however, it is a far cry from what we have seen in the past 50 years with the advent of screaming liberalization.

Much of the immigrant population shifts today come from countries that have abysmal human rights, high unemployment and seriously fractionated class systems and yet they come primarily to screw the new host system for each and every handout they can get and they are actively engaged in separatism with no interest or intention to assimilate.

Are they wrong ? The problem lies squarely with the ridiculous national policies that allow this to happen.

If you are a vegetarian and you come to my house for dinner ,my wife will prepare a vegetarian meals for you out of courtesy and respect., but it is not a right and it should be viewed in that manner. Much of the current migrants population would have great difficulty in understanding such a premise as to them, they are devoid of respect for their hosts. There is little if any symbiosis in the current immigration ,simply parasites looking to feast for free.

With regards to Thailand I have had a relationship with this country for over 30 years. I have a Thai wife and three daughters all of whom were educated elsewhere. This alone should tell you of my overall perceptions of this country however, we live here , abide by the law, contribute to the GDP and accept the good with the bad.

We assimilate as much as is possible and practical. I hold my own opinions are they are often contentious with regard to many aspects of life here, however, I am a foreigner (immigrant) in a country that never lets you forget that fact and as such I accept that as they are my hosts. Should it ever come to the point where I feel totally alienated with this country and/or culture I will simply pack my tent and leave. No riot , no demonstration, no rebellion.

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I am a foreigner (immigrant) in a country that never lets you forget that fact and as such I accept that as they are my hosts. Should it ever come to the point where I feel totally alienated with this country and/or culture I will simply pack my tent and leave. No riot , no demonstration, no rebellion.

I would suggest you aren't an immigrant, and it says so in your passport.

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Yes I realise how difficult it must be to integrate into a society, who really don't want to know you!sad.png

"they don't even speak English, Swedish, German........"

How many of farangs staying here 10+ years, speak Thai any better than a first grader??

But to be fair, most Thais don't want you speaking Thai, especially your gf/wife.

Then there are so few 'real' teachers to teach Thai, teachers that actually have the ability to teach.

Ah the old "most Thais don't want you speaking Thai" chestnut.

Ok then, let's hear the reasoning behind that ridiculous statement

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It Depends. some people I'm ashamed of being from same country. but thai comments also make me realize what kind of farangs they see. I trained and stayed fit last time in Thailand. so I didn't drink that much alcohol. what many thais said was this sentence: Ive never in my life seen a farang who doesn't drink alcohol.

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Has living as a foreigner in Thailand changed your opinion about foreigners living in your own country ?

Nope. Individuals who enter my home country illegally are breaking the law and need to be deported. It would be absurd to expect Thailand to grant foreigners citizenship simply because they have overstayed their visas and are living in the country illegally. But that's exactly what is happening in the West.

Hey! Let's all throw our passports away and march en-mass on Thai immigration and demand citizenship!!! I wonder where that will get us. LMAO whistling.gif

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As an Australian I am deeply ashamed to read some of the above posts from my countrymen.

Australia is incredibly lucky to have so few refugees compared to European countries.

The numbers arriving are a tiny, tiny percentage of our population.

Unfortunately the gutter-press, radio shock-jocks and conservative politicians have used this issue to whip up hate and discontent in the community.

Most of the wild claims about favorable treatment of refuges are cruel lies and can be easily refuted with a little research.

The lying politicians rely on their followers being so dumb that they believe everything they hear in the MSM.

Question: If I jump in a dingy and row to Australia, will I get to stay if I ask for asylum?

Answer: No.

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