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If "No Hab" why display it?

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Too may times I go into a store to buy a particular item, see the display model on the shelf, tell the store assistant I'll take one, only to be told "no hab". Even if you ask to buy the display model you are told that they have to keep it for display, even if they have none in stock! What really get up my nose is that the "no hab" is said with an element of sadistic glee.

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Or them saying "no hab" then you go find it in the store, bring it back and show it to them, saying "hab". One would think that out of sheer boredom they might want to go take a look at what they sell in between sessions of "mental erase".

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Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.


Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.

The last time it happened was yesterday in Power Buy. I wanted the Brother laser printer they had on the shelf, but after I was told that they "no hab" the guy wanted to sell me another model for 2000 baht more.


Was almost fooled by a ladyboy once.

Asked him/her the same question.

"If no hab, why display it?"

"But hab diss !"

I gave him/her 100 thb to not display it and just go away!

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Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.

The last time it happened was yesterday in Power Buy. I wanted the Brother laser printer they had on the shelf, but after I was told that they "no hab" the guy wanted to sell me another model for 2000 baht more.

Happened to me in Homepro yesterday, but I got lucky and found the same item for 400 Baht less in hardware shop in Pattaya Nua. Will think twice now before buying anything in Homepro.

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Was almost fooled by a ladyboy once.

Asked him/her the same question.

"If no hab, why display it?"

"But hab diss !"

I gave him/her 100 thb to not display it and just go away!

Hilarious! Oscar Wilde eat your heart out.


Another similar scenario was last month in BKK when I went to an electronics store to buy a Sat Nav. "SPECIAL OFFER" plastered all over the counter, was looking at a few models but this "SPECIAL OFFER" model wasn't actually too bad, after all it was on "SPECIAL OFFER". So, after ensuring the price was what was actually labelled I agreed to buy, handed over the money, even had filled out the warranty card....but...moments later.... "Sorry Sir, no longer hab SPECIAL OFFER".....proceed to politely ask for money back + exit shop, extremely p***ed off.

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Yeah, I got this last time I went looking for a television. It's not just the 'No hab', but the unspoken 'and I can't be bothered to go look, or suggest an alternative. I'm just going to stand here and stare at you until you go away'.


Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.

The last time it happened was yesterday in Power Buy. I wanted the Brother laser printer they had on the shelf, but after I was told that they "no hab" the guy wanted to sell me another model for 2000 baht more.

Yes, Power Buy in Central Festival is very good at "no hab".

They have many cell phones on display, but when you want to buy a specific model, it's "no hab".

There also seems to be some laziness involved because, when you ask another sales lady, it happens that the required article is magically in stock.

Perhaps it's even a language problem: I get "no hab" but when my Thai wife asks, it's suddenly in stock. Had this experience in May with an LG L7 II Phone.

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I got highly irritated a few years back... very familiar with the 'sollee, no hab' comment while looking for a TV at a major department store in Bangkok I asked the store assistant...

Me: Which TV's do you have in stock ?...

SA: We have all in stock...

Me: I don't mean delivery, I mean, if you go to the store room in this store, do you have that (pointing) model in stock so I can take it with me today?

SA: Let me check...

10 mins pass as I ponder my choice...

SA returns: Yes have stock.

Me: OK, I've made my Choice, I'd like that Sony Model... Have stock.

SA: Disappears, returns and confirms stock.

I go with him to pay at the counter, but hesitate, I want to see the TV before paying.

I ask the store assistant: Where is the TV

SA: Where do you want it delivered ?

Me: Here, now...

SA: Wait... 10 mins pass.. Sorry... 'No Hab'...

I walked out after calling the shop assistant a stupid liar, I was very peeved !...

(BTW: This wasn't a language or miss-communcation issue)

These days when buying something the Shop Assistants think I'm an idiot when I confirm with them repeatedly if they have stock.. here, in this store, right now, not tomorrow, today, can walk out with in 5 minutes after paying !!!...

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Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.

The last time it happened was yesterday in Power Buy. I wanted the Brother laser printer they had on the shelf, but after I was told that they "no hab" the guy wanted to sell me another model for 2000 baht more.

The Bait-and-Switch approach to retailing certainly is a common practice in the western world, although more a strategy there than is probably the case in Thailand.

I really wish some of the major retailers would hire half to a third as many sales people as they often have wandering the floor mainly socializing, and pay those they do hire twice to three times as much so that they might feel some motivation to keep the job and do it well. Of course making them overly dependent on commissions can make them a little too zealous, but at least if they felt the job was worth their attention they might actually benefit the store owners and their customers. Generally if I see a sales person bearing down on me I cue my Thai friend to divert their attention, although if they mention the magical word "promotion" in his hearing he tends to join forces with them.



not everywhere is bad. Went to Banana IT at Tesco Lamai for a printer. They only had the display model of the one I wanted, let me buy that. Got it home, didn't work, so back to the shop. Decided I'd get a more basic model that was 1,000 baht cheaper, no problem, they refunded me the 1,000 baht difference, took it home, works fine ever since - happy customer


Home pro find very good........ maybe is the way some people ask ?

I wanted a new Freezer, but on show were all far to small, they go get a book, sure the size I wanted was there and a good price..

I want one today [Friday] answer we can deliver on Tuesday ! No want today, she says moment will try to find one.......

Phone calls and many of them... return with answer, 3 store have in stock which one best to go to ?

Picked easy place to go still some 50 KM away, but yes they have it have will put in loading bay, come in and ask for XXX

Drove there sure was waiting for me, simple and easy....

last week my Samsung side by side packed up yet again.. Home pro again did not have the big model I wanted, why settle for 20.8 q when for same price you can get 22.9 q ??

No problem same as above, but different store.. guess over the passed 10 years have found Home Pro Bang Yai very helpful... years ago wanted some more tiles, No Hab in stock normal answer, only need 2 more boxes, can I order ?

Will go check........... surprise surprise, comes back with 2 boxes.. just don t take the stock answer

Same with other places, if not understand or have not = No Hab, but try to explain why you want and ask for there help and advise, they are now Important someone asking for there help..often = will call someone even phone other stores.


Same problem at restaurants - expansive menus with only half of options ever actually available.

"Have fried pork, no have grilled pork"..


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Same problem at restaurants - expansive menus with only half of options ever actually available.

"Have fried pork, no have grilled pork"..


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yep, very true. Went to BKK about a month ago to a small restaurant that served 'all things chicken' with quite a large menu of, yes, you guessed it - lots and lots of dishes with chicken. Alas, all I wanted was some good old Khow Pad Guai (if thats how to spell it in English)......'Sorry Sir...no hab, we not do'. They must have taken into account my perplexed reaction because I returned last week to said restaurant and lo and behold a new addition to the menu!


Most do, however ,have a degree in "stating the bleedin obvious ". Happy to point out that the appliance you are looking at is, indeed ,..a TV .

When they follow you around like a troupe of ducklings , is the only time that I wish I suffered from Tourette Syndrome.


Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.

The last time it happened was yesterday in Power Buy. I wanted the Brother laser printer they had on the shelf, but after I was told that they "no hab" the guy wanted to sell me another model for 2000 baht more.

Yes, Power Buy in Central Festival is very good at "no hab".

They have many cell phones on display, but when you want to buy a specific model, it's "no hab".

There also seems to be some laziness involved because, when you ask another sales lady, it happens that the required article is magically in stock.

Perhaps it's even a language problem: I get "no hab" but when my Thai wife asks, it's suddenly in stock. Had this experience in May with an LG L7 II Phone.

Great, I thought that the Power (supposed to) Buy along Pattaya Klaang was even better at "no hab". Most of the times they direct me to Central festival........obviously another "no hab" superstore.


Went with my damaged bike to Mityon.

I gave them 2 weeks to repair the thing which they obiously needed; it would take 7 days to get the parts from BKK.

After 13 days I went to the shop to find out how its status was.

The bike was still parked where I left it.......loads of dust on it and no progress!!

I told them that I'd need the bike TOMORROW..........."Oh sir......parts not come.....need 2 or 3 more days"

I told them again TOMORROW "or you are going to pay for my rental bike"; silence and the manager left.

After 10 minutes (he most probably went to BKK) he came back with the parts.

"Tomorrow ready misterrrrr!"


Happens in Europe also, it's all about getting the customer into the store... what the Thai employees don't understand / don't care about / are too lazy to do is take the opportunity to try and sell you an alternative product... which in Europe would definitely happen.

What angers me much more is the "no can do" answer when you definitely know that they could do but just don't want to do something.

The last time it happened was yesterday in Power Buy. I wanted the Brother laser printer they had on the shelf, but after I was told that they "no hab" the guy wanted to sell me another model for 2000 baht more.

Happened to me in Homepro yesterday, but I got lucky and found the same item for 400 Baht less in hardware shop in Pattaya Nua. Will think twice now before buying anything in Homepro.

Not only can't you buy the item as it isn't in stock they won't even part with the demo model. Anything requiring a warranty I shop everywhere but Home pro. They are down to 100 baht purchases or less. I hate even buying a roll of tape from them.


The only store that ever helped me out with a display item was Boonthavorn while tiling my new kitchen.

Was short two 12 X12 tiles that I had special ordered somewhere else and went to Boonthavorn and they had the same tiles on display and I asked the department manager if I could buy them, and with no drama the sale was rung up and I walked out with the two tiles that the workman needed to finish the kitchen

So it does happen, but not often


I was told some time ago, that it is basically all a matter of commerce, especially in case of promotions.

Many shops will get 2 items: one for sale and one for display.

1 item will be sold with promotion and the display-item remains.

Customers will be told; "No hab" and a good sales-person will manage to sell an alternative.

Just a few shops will enable you to order the promotion-item at the promotion price.

This is not only happening in Thailand; it happens all over.


About 2 years ago looking for a mattress, I found one that suited me ---- special offer. Returned to store a few days later to purchase and told ''Sorry no hab, special offer, all gone''. Okay, I look around the shop and lo and behold, it's been moved to the next aisle, still on special offer. Okay, I will take this one ---- Yes Sir, no problem.


I picked out a TV for 140,000 bt at Central.

Went to pay with my credit card and the salesman needed to verify the card and asked ME to call my USA bank on MY phone.

I didn't have enough phone credits so I told him I will go to 7-11 to top up my phone.

I wonder if he is still waiting for me to return?

Why didn't you just say 'No Hab, phone disply only'.

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We finished a round of golf last week and went into the restaurant. The waiter took our drinks orders and gave us a menu. He then returned after five minutes. After a few different orders got the "No hab" response, we asked him what they *did* have.

"Spring Roll and French Fries" was the response.


Anyway, we ordered them both, and those that had the spring rolls all got food poisoning.



I picked out a TV for 140,000 bt at Central.

Went to pay with my credit card and the salesman needed to verify the card and asked ME to call my USA bank on MY phone.

I didn't have enough phone credits so I told him I will go to 7-11 to top up my phone.

I wonder if he is still waiting for me to return?


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