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Thai insensitivity continues..


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So anyway, I am in a pool at our village in Phuket. Son and I are swimming...

Wife is playing with, what else, LINE.

This older Thai lady, maybe 60ish, comments to her grandson, 7 ish...in Thai...."doo, yaak kao". Loosely translated to white skinned fat dude, or something to that effect.

Wife turns her head and calls her (she ain't slim herself) yaak dumm! Dark fatso...

Anyways, granny lost her knickers and had a shouting match with wife.

I actually had to get out of the pool just in case wife and her go at it.

We were both in complete disbelief. Ok for her to insult and worst of all, teach her grandchild wrongly. But it was wrong for wife to shoot it back at her.

We both cannot get over it... And she is Thai!

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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"

Not exactly a slur.

Okay, a better translation than "white-skinned fat dude," but something must be missing here, or his wife's Thai is poor.

Yep, the return wasn't spot on either.

Female giant is 'Yak sinee', I would have replied 'Doo Yak sinee dam pit pee'

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Yes there is much insensitivity here.

The other day on an elevator, some Thais holding a very chubby and shall I say UGLY baby. The baby is looking at me. I am smiling at the baby trying to be a sport.

The baby starts crying. Oh well!

The Thais then start insulting me: calling me fat (in Thai), calling me UGLY (in English).


Yes I know Thais call people fat all the time but this was malicious. 

It's like being regarded as a thing with absolutely no feelings. 


Don't worry about it. The only thing they got left is that most of them are slim so they call everybody fat. Besides I dont know when they are going to notice that they are not slim because they are in good shape but they are simply skinny fat so they should just stay quiet.

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Assume it was "yak" = "giant"

Not exactly a slur.

My wife often uses "yak" for too fat or fat and walk like a yak, etc, etc.

Never heard it as something polite. But that might differ from person to person from area to area.

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Here they often tease themself.

Call one child E-Dum. Someone other E-uon, etc etc but all laugh about it and the victim tries to get a revenge later by finding some other mistake like "better black than stupid" etc etc.

Jokes I would never make. But they do and no one is angry.

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What I am getting from the OP is that his wife stood up for him (whether or not he is a fat farang is immaterial).

She's a keeper.

I must admit, I try and look for the positive and could think of one until this comment ... thanks.

For your wife to 'stand up' for you against her Mother should be commended and possibly that action rewarded. Particularly when this was done in public.

Is it "... wrong for wife to shoot it back at her." ... maybe, but that also is testament to the frustration your wife felt towards her mother.

That takes balls great courage for a Thai Daughter.

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What I am getting from the OP is that his wife stood up for him (whether or not he is a fat farang is immaterial).

She's a keeper.

I must admit, I try and look for the positive and could think of one until this comment ... thanks.

For your wife to 'stand up' for you against her Mother should be commended and possibly that action rewarded. Particularly when this was done in public.

Is it "... wrong for wife to shoot it back at her." ... maybe, but that also is testament to the frustration your wife felt towards her mother.

That takes balls great courage for a Thai Daughter.

the wife and the old hag are not related

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