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why so much negativity about Thailand and its ppl?

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Now come the generalized attack posts from "you know who", the sword attack on the American tourist, and the famous "rose colored glasses" response.

Such attacks do not happen in the U.S.. A Black man in Texas was not chained to the bumper of a truck and dragged a couple of miles that left parts of his body littered all over the road a few years ago, his only crime was being a Black man in Texas! 


Those senseless attacks happen all over the world, the bombing in Boston, the senseless mass murders in the US simply because a person has a death wish and shoots any one on sight, in schools, colleges and on the street, also happened in Norway.


You are simply very selective in your pointing a finger at Thailand

We are talking about attacks on tourists and expats in Thailand. The incidents you list are totally irrelevant to what is being discussed.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Because like so many from western cultures, they have been brought up to believe that they are a superior culture and people. It is a common affliction.

And the Thais aren't taught the same from an early age? Or the Japanese? Or the Koreans?

But when you compare what the western world (Europe, US mostly) has given to mankind in the field of invention, exploration, innovation, classical culture, music, film, art, fashion, education, architecture, medicine... (the list is endless), compared to say South-East Asia, is it any wonder (some) westerners consider themselves superior?

Thai classical dancing and Muay Thai were 'borrowed' from Cambodia. Their religion was taken from India.

The food can be nice, though!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What you are saying is, all cultures think they are the superior but in my case I really am superior. Now that is funny. Who said, "The greatest achievements in intellectual life can never be produced by those of alien race but only by those who are inspired by the Aryan or German spirit."

Edited by thailiketoo
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I have lived in Thailand for 12 years, most of my interactions with Thai's have been very positive,

I had many negative experiences prior to coming to Thailand.

I have opted for most of my friends to be Thai, as they are very positive people.

God willing I will one day die in Thailand,

For Thailand is my home and a country I love.

My statement also conforms to forum rules and I state such based on my own Opinion!

No one else's!


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Now come the generalized attack posts from "you know who", the sword attack on the American tourist, and the famous "rose colored glasses" response.

Such attacks do not happen in the U.S.. A Black man in Texas was not chained to the bumper of a truck and dragged a couple of miles that left parts of his body littered all over the road a few years ago, his only crime was being a Black man in Texas!

Those senseless attacks happen all over the world, the bombing in Boston, the senseless mass murders in the US simply because a person has a death wish and shoots any one on sight, in schools, colleges and on the street, also happened in Norway.

You are simply very selective in your pointing a finger at Thailand

We are talking about attacks on tourists and expats in Thailand. The incidents you list are totally irrelevant to what is being discussed.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

You are wrong, it is absolutely relevant. Fact is, when a basher criticizes Thailand, they always do so from the perspective that this "sort of thing" simply doesn't happen in other places (i.e., their homeland). It would be appropriate to point out to said ignoramus that it certainly does.

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May be Bexar the way they behave


Yesterday a motorcycle hit my car the driver looked and took off

I have many experience like this over past seven years like this or other incidents that make me distrust Thai in general. Back home never had seen lack of integrity as much as here.

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It would be appropriate to point out to said ignoramus that it certainly does.


Oh dear! You of all people should realize by now how posting silly insults towards other posters makes you look.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Because like so many from western cultures, they have been brought up to believe that they are a superior culture and people. It is a common affliction.

And the Thais aren't taught the same from an early age? Or the Japanese? Or the Koreans?

But when you compare what the western world (Europe, US mostly) has given to mankind in the field of invention, exploration, innovation, classical culture, music, film, art, fashion, education, architecture, medicine... (the list is endless), compared to say South-East Asia, is it any wonder (some) westerners consider themselves superior?

Thai classical dancing and Muay Thai were 'borrowed' from Cambodia. Their religion was taken from India.

The food can be nice, though!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The discussion is about Thailand, The examples you state are totally irrelevant to the discussion of Thailand based issues. (sounds familiar).


Edited by kikoman
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I think we just get frustrated at times because the way Thai's are. We need to remember we are foreigners here. Also need to remember this country has never had colonization - sometimes good or bad comes from this. (Maybe a pride that they grow up with)

Thai's are great to socialize with, party and have lots of fun... friendly until pushed too far or misunderstood (language issues)

Thai's to work with is a nightmare !! Terrible compared to other asian countries

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"...we love our host country..."

Nope...not me. I do not love this country. I love certain things about it. I love the cheap labor and I hate the overpriced imported goods that are higher than in my country. I love that I can get my clothes repaired cheaply on almost any street and I love that there is a 7/11 or Family Mart on almost every corner with prices not much different than the big stores. And there are a few more things I could name...however...

I don't like how the government makes us feel unwanted and un-liked and does everything in their power to make us jump through hoops to stay here. This government is riddled with so much corruption it keeps the Thai people down and maintains a truly forced class system difficult for a Thai to raise themselves up from. This corruption, IMO, is the root of a very poor education system and greedy government employees out for themselves and not concerned about the people they represent. I truly feel the only reason the government tolerates us is because we dump a ton of money into their economy. Yes, we are guests, but I could hope for a far superior host.

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There is a difference between sharing opinions and some Thai visa members continuous moaning and groaning about their constant daily struggles with the Thais and their plight of living in Thailand.

It appears there are a lot of extremely disgruntled ex-pats living in Thailand and often wonder why they remain here? Although I am now beginning to find all these gripes about everything Thai quite entertaining. It really does make me think that all my troubles in life are very trivial indeed.

My prognosis is; that there are too many ex-pats that are spending too much time in isolation, (most of it self imposed) with too much time to think about too much. The solution is; Thai visa creates a forum called; rants and raves, for the participation and whinging entertainment pleasure of the moaning old farts, or simply just get a life.


Excellant post,my life must be good too,as i find most of the threafds very trivial

strange man and bird

refused tourist visa

see what i mean

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"...we love our host country..."

Nope...not me. I do not love this country. I love certain things about it. I love the cheap labor and I hate the overpriced imported goods that are higher than in my country. I love that I can get my clothes repaired cheaply on almost any street and I love that there is a 7/11 or Family Mart on almost every corner with prices not much different than the big stores. And there are a few more things I could name...however...

I don't like how the government makes us feel unwanted and un-liked and does everything in their power to make us jump through hoops to stay here. This government is riddled with so much corruption it keeps the Thai people down and maintains a truly forced class system difficult for a Thai to raise themselves up from. This corruption, IMO, is the root of a very poor education system and greedy government employees out for themselves and not concerned about the people they represent. I truly feel the only reason the government tolerates us is because we dump a ton of money into their economy. Yes, we are guests, but I could hope for a far superior host.

Exactly the point of some threads.CAN U CHANGE IT???


So chill out,accept,and get on with life with a huge smile

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Because like so many from western cultures, they have been brought up to believe that they are a superior culture and people. It is a common affliction.

And the Thais aren't taught the same from an early age? Or the Japanese? Or the Koreans?

But when you compare what the western world (Europe, US mostly) has given to mankind in the field of invention, exploration, innovation, classical culture, music, film, art, fashion, education, architecture, medicine... (the list is endless), compared to say South-East Asia, is it any wonder (some) westerners consider themselves superior?

Thai classical dancing and Muay Thai were 'borrowed' from Cambodia. Their religion was taken from India.

The food can be nice, though!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The discussion is about Thailand, The examples you state are totally irrelevant to the discussion of Thailand based issues. (sounds familiar).


It seems you were listing to my critcism of your earlier argument. Well done, I meant all along that my criticism should be constructive.

The demise of the argument 'we must accept things wrong in Thailand because worse things happen elsewhere' is nigh.

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Thailand bashing eh ?

Do they not deserve a little of that. They scam people out of thier life savings, and walk away without a care in the world, even the Police dont want to know. And its often thier parents who, as you say, love thier children that tell them how to go about it.

Lets face it the Thais do not want us here, but we are needed, and the quicker they get used to that the better, before they get such a reputaion, (which is spreading by the way ) that people will stop coming here.

The people in Thailand look after Thais, they will smile at you when you are giving them money or buying something. But when your not they will stab you in the back.

I was once told by a Thai lady that all Thais hate foreigners, and only tolerate them for thier money.

So is it Thai bashing, its tell it as it is.

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why so much negativity about Thailand and its ppl?

It's a bit like a restaurant with photos on the menu. What comes out of the kitchen doesn't live up to the promise.

And you won't even get served if you don't pay in advance, this meal and the next one, with promise to come back every 90 days.

Wait! Wait! Put your fork back there: You need photocopies of your passport each time you eat, fill a form, go to your consulate every 4 meals, pretend the coffee is not stale and make sure you don't point anybody... with your feet...

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There are many forms of loco exhibited by the crust of scum farangs that infests Thailand, but loco parentis is one of the most insidious.

The flood-tide of verbal puke that occurs daily on almost every Thai Visa topic is easily explained: a lot of frustrated losers, and mid-life road-kill (predominantly male), came to the Magic Kingdom to get in touch with their "inner pig;" and:

Guess what ? They found their Circe who enabled their final transformation into swine.

And now, they oink, and oink, and oink ... at the trough.


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why so much negativity about Thailand and its ppl?

It's a bit like a restaurant with photos on the menu. What comes out of the kitchen doesn't live up to the promise.

And you won't even get served if you don't pay in advance, this meal and the next one, with promise to come back every 90 days.

Wait! Wait! Put your fork back there: You need photocopies of your passport each time you eat, fill a form, go to your consulate every 4 meals, pretend the coffee is not stale and make sure you don't point anybody... with your feet...

Get up, walk out and find another restaurant that suits you better.

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There are many forms of loco exhibited by the crust of scum farangs that infests Thailand, but loco parentis is one of the most insidious.

The flood-tide of verbal puke that occurs daily on almost every Thai Visa topic is easily explained: a lot of frustrated losers, and mid-life road-kill (predominantly male), came to the Magic Kingdom to get in touch with their "inner pig;" and:

Guess what ? They found their Circe who enabled their final transformation into swine.

And now, they oink, and oink, and oink ... at the trough.


I take this post to be self-prophetic.

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There are many forms of loco exhibited by the crust of scum farangs that infests Thailand, but loco parentis is one of the most insidious.

The flood-tide of verbal puke that occurs daily on almost every Thai Visa topic is easily explained: a lot of frustrated losers, and mid-life road-kill (predominantly male), came to the Magic Kingdom to get in touch with their "inner pig;" and:

Guess what ? They found their Circe who enabled their final transformation into swine.

And now, they oink, and oink, and oink ... at the trough.


Thought this was the English language forum!!

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Some local friends here in China mentioned this, as they read expat forums to get an idea of expat experiences and opinions. They asked why some farangi complain so much. I explained about some of the expats in Thailand, people who get a pension equivalent to royalty salary, have every need taken care of, live on a beach. all the women wine and finer things a man could dream of, yet they manage to spend all the time complaining. Hell, I do it myself.

I hear expats in the Middle East complain about the locality with a passion that far exceeds anything in Asia.Just a way to pass the time I guess.

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The LOS is like any other place in that it isn't perfect, whatever that may mean.

It has what I am looking for and all the negative vibes I let pass and live life on life's terms. Analyzing and posting is great fun, but in the end it's the individual who makes it a good experience or a tormented existence.

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I grew up during WW2 in London and played on the bombed sites. The best adventure playground in the world, with no one to say don't do this or don't do that. My father was away in the Royal Navy and my mother worked in a factory so parental control was minimal except that the neighbours kept an eye on the kids and reported to your parents. Come Christmas, we would collect the empty beer and lemonade bottles from the relatives and get the deposit money for them. Go to Woolworth s with five bob and come home with ten bobs worth of presents. If you were caught by a copper he would whack you and warn you about what would happen the next time. No politically correct ideas then. Why should I bash the Thais after living here for many years? A British trait I suppose. But I wouldn't live anywhere else and the people who do the bashing feel the same I think.

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Go to a few other expat forums... Expat Forum in Australia is a good laugh...

Expat forums for China are heaps of fun....

Expats love to complain.... They move to a different country, usually enjoying big pays, but then complain non stop..... Some are warranted... Most are ^&^$(#@ stupid..

Yes Australia and its non stop "windging pommies"

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