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why so much negativity about Thailand and its ppl?

Crazy chef 1

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To be fair Beetlejuice, the amount of time you spend on here whining about other expats being unhappy and bitter would maybe suggest that maybe things ain't so green in your own garden...?

What you mean is that I keep interrupting all the Thai bashing and Thailand whiners with some home truths about themselves.

How about some threads themed on the positive sides of the ex-pats stays and lifestyles in Thailand? I am beginning to think that they don`t have any as far as they`re concerned, it`s all become very mundane for them.

More to the fact is that you snipe at others yet fail to share your own joyous life experiences here....

Glad you asked.

Don`t have to work, no pressures of being involved in industry, my time is my own.

At home I can go to bed and wake up whenever I please.

Nice neighbors who I always get along with and have known for many years without any hassles or disputes. My kids grew up with their kids. My wife gets involved with all the local activities here and is in her element.

If I feel like going out for a meal, or going anywhere at anytime with anybody or just on my own, I just hop on to my motorbike and off I go at a whim.

Have a nice family home, wife, pets, lovely garden, all legal, above board and plenty of space, located in an environment that I could never afford back in Farangland.

Have no debts, everything paid for, owe nobody nothing.

Nice weather most of the time.

Area where we live, relatively safe, have no need to secure our home like Fort Knox as we did in Farangland.

Living a relaxed, decent lifestyle, good food on the table, eat, drink, pee, crap, pick my nose and fart whenever the urge takes me, no need to seek anyone’s permission for anything.

Have a few decent friends, both farang and Thai.

Pretty young girls actually talk with me here and not considered an old pervert for doing so.

All my kids are thriving here, afforded them a good education that was no where near affordable in Farangland. They are well integrated into Thai society, but also still quite Western, so can enjoy the best of both worlds.

When out and about I smile at the people and the people smile back at me, including the pretty girls, except the farangs of course.

Although getting on a bit in years, this is the best time of my life, never had it so good and all for a fraction of the cost if I wanted to archive a similar lifestyle in Farangland. Decided to spend the remainder of my life in Thailand was the best move I ever made.And I can tell you that there are many, many other ex-pats who like me are reaping the benefits of living in Thailand. There is no way that I can complain and consider myself extremely lucky to be in my situation right now. I know of many who are enduring their mundane lives in Farangland who would swap with me and probably you at an instant.

The best part is that one does not have to be filthy rich to enjoy a similar lifestyle in Thailand, it`s all down to good planning, not getting too involved, keeping your head down and making the most of it. Anyone with any savvy will realise that there are more positives than negatives to living in Thailand and for those who can only see the downsides of everything around them, have a problem which stems for their own failures and there is no point in blaming anyone else.

So you've been waiting all this time to justify yourself in cyberspace....

Nice. I'm glad to see you've done OK.

Maybe better to advise folks on how to be like you are than sit and snipe from behind your keyboard then...?

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For myself it's not a case of negativity but, even after nearly 2 decades here, more a sense of occasional frustration at the complete lack of thought of consequence of action and basic common sense exhibited by a number of locals.

Case in point. Yesterday I was exiting my condo car park and there was a water truck doing a delivery completely blocking the entrance. There was plenty of space both before and after the entrance but no, he had to park smack bang across the entrance so I couldn't get out.

Things like this, not necessarily driving related, are an everyday occurrence. I try to go with the flow for my own sanity but sometimes.....

Do things like a lack of common sense or thought of consequence of actions occur back where I come from? Of course.

To the same extent as over here? Not a chance. Thinking differently would simply be living in denial.

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So you've been waiting all this time to justify yourself in cyberspace....

Nice. I'm glad to see you've done OK.

Maybe better to advise folks on how to be like you are than sit and snipe from behind your keyboard then...?

No, it`s because you asked me and I being a gentleman and a scholar responded.

And how to be like you are than sit and snipe from behind your keyboard then...? I have answered that in my last paragraph and I don`t consider explaining what you asked me as sniping.

So I am guessing that you are not happy living in Thailand or maybe you don`t live in Thailand at all or for some reasons you wanted to stay here but couldn`t and you`re angry and bitter about it? And judging by your replies, you totally disagree with all my comments but don`t seem to have any constructive comments of your own, so it`s a one sided story. Besides aiming your comments at a personal level directly at me, do you otherwise have anything informative to say? Somehow I doubt it.

Out of interest what do you do in Thailand and why are you not happy here? What went wrong?

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For myself it's not a case of negativity but, even after nearly 2 decades here, more a sense of occasional frustration at the complete lack of thought of consequence of action and basic common sense exhibited by a number of locals.

Case in point. Yesterday I was exiting my condo car park and there was a water truck doing a delivery completely blocking the entrance. There was plenty of space both before and after the entrance but no, he had to park smack bang across the entrance so I couldn't get out.

Things like this, not necessarily driving related, are an everyday occurrence. I try to go with the flow for my own sanity but sometimes.....

Do things like a lack of common sense or thought of consequence of actions occur back where I come from? Of course.

To the same extent as over here? Not a chance. Thinking differently would simply be living in denial.

Sadly, Sydney is getting more like that each year - it's definitely not the city I grew up in, and I find it difficult to imagine how unbearable life will be in any of the big cities in the Asia-Pacific region 50 or so years from now. Thankfully, very few of us will be around to experience it.

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There is a difference between sharing opinions and some Thai visa members continuous moaning and groaning about their constant daily struggles with the Thais and their plight of living in Thailand.

It appears there are a lot of extremely disgruntled ex-pats living in Thailand and often wonder why they remain here? Although I am now beginning to find all these gripes about everything Thai quite entertaining. It really does make me think that all my troubles in life are very trivial indeed.

My prognosis is; that there are too many ex-pats that are spending too much time in isolation, (most of it self imposed) with too much time to think about too much. The solution is; Thai visa creates a forum called; rants and raves, for the participation and whinging entertainment pleasure of the moaning old farts, or simply just get a life.

And this from someone who has made nearly 5000 post in 3 years.

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For myself it's not a case of negativity but, even after nearly 2 decades here, more a sense of occasional frustration at the complete lack of thought of consequence of action and basic common sense exhibited by a number of locals.

Case in point. Yesterday I was exiting my condo car park and there was a water truck doing a delivery completely blocking the entrance. There was plenty of space both before and after the entrance but no, he had to park smack bang across the entrance so I couldn't get out.

Things like this, not necessarily driving related, are an everyday occurrence. I try to go with the flow for my own sanity but sometimes.....

Do things like a lack of common sense or thought of consequence of actions occur back where I come from? Of course.

To the same extent as over here? Not a chance. Thinking differently would simply be living in denial.

Sadly, Sydney is getting more like that each year - it's definitely not the city I grew up in, and I find it difficult to imagine how unbearable life will be in any of the big cities in the Asia-Pacific region 50 or so years from now. Thankfully, very few of us will be around to experience it.

I go along with that, only not just in Sydney but worldwide. And even where I was brought up has changed beyond all recognition.

Some people believe that respect and human nature is better somewhere else, but the reality is, it`s not.

I think the same way and glad I won`t be around in the next 50 years or so to see how this all progresses. Not for the better that`s for sure and I seriously believe that we have seen the best of it.

No matter where we live the grass ain`t going to be any greener.

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So you've been waiting all this time to justify yourself in cyberspace....

Nice. I'm glad to see you've done OK.

Maybe better to advise folks on how to be like you are than sit and snipe from behind your keyboard then...?

No, it`s because you asked me and I being a gentleman and a scholar responded.

And how to be like you are than sit and snipe from behind your keyboard then...? I have answered that in my last paragraph and I don`t consider explaining what you asked me as sniping.

So I am guessing that you are not happy living in Thailand or maybe you don`t live in Thailand at all or for some reasons you wanted to stay here but couldn`t and you`re angry and bitter about it? And judging by your replies, you totally disagree with all my comments but don`t seem to have any constructive comments of your own, so it`s a one sided story. Besides aiming your comments at a personal level directly at me, do you otherwise have anything informative to say? Somehow I doubt it.

Out of interest what do you do in Thailand and why are you not happy here? What went wrong?

Yes, you are guessing...wildly....but pray continue...

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Interesting topic. We all have frustrations, and this forum allows us to rant. So, we use it to vent on occasion. But, I do see a fair amount of positive comments on the Thai people. Obviously some of us really like our hosts. I find them to have a lot of wonderful qualities. Sure, there are frustrations, such as the lack of pride in craftsmanship (one of my pet peeves) but so many of our issues come down to cultural differences. It seems that a lot of differences come down to the fact that most Thais think only about today, and as foreigners we are accustomed to considering the future, especially when it comes to something like customer service. That does not seem to the typical here.

But, the reality is that for many of us, life here is simply a lot better than where we came from. In my case, I come from the US, and that feels like a broken down country on the wane, full of frustrated, bitter, and disenfranchised people, and completely compromised, incompetent politicians. By contrast, this place feels optimistic, and full of hope, and the people are some of the most joyous I have ever encountered. So, I suppose a lot of this comes down to one's own perspective? In my case, I love most of the Thai people, and this country in general.

Mike Macarelli

Chaiyaphum, Thailand

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Some expats have been brought up in cultures that teach and promote "problem solving". It can be frustrating to experience a culture that believes there are no problems and if there were no one can make changes for the better. Many of the shortcomings in Thailand are simple to fix yet never occurs. Understandable frustration IMHO.

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Define what you mean by 'basher'.

If anyone is getting emotional it's you and Beetlejuice. Most 'bashers' are able to make a well constructed argument about the 'negative' things they see.

All you two seem to be able to do is bleat on about how perfect everything is in your own imaginary worlds and how if anyone every says anything negative about Thailand, then they're some sort of social dysfunctional maniac....

Don't ask what is the definition of 'basher' look how it is used.

Invariable to pigeon hole an opinion so that it can be disregarded rather than dealt with.

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To me, "complaining" about a country is rather a sign that you care about it. It's the human nature that we tend to just enjoy the good things and speak out the bad things. Because there's no need to discuss about the good things. Even though I sometimes get a harsh opinion of some things here in Thailand, I still prefer to live here. And I think most of the expats who complain still are happy to be here in the end.

Cannot agree more, this is exactly how I feel. There are many good things about Thailand, but that does not mean I always wear rose coloured spectacles.

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Define what you mean by 'basher'.

If anyone is getting emotional it's you and Beetlejuice. Most 'bashers' are able to make a well constructed argument about the 'negative' things they see.


All you two seem to be able to do is bleat on about how perfect everything is in your own imaginary worlds and how if anyone every says anything negative about Thailand, then they're some sort of social dysfunctional maniac....

Runner-up to Post Of The Year!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My definition of a Thai Bashers is a person that constantly complains about Thai's and Thailand. Pick one out go back over their post and make your own decision.

My opinion of a Thai basher is one that insist the word "farang" is an insult and originated in Thailand aimed at "white skinned people". Despite the origin of the Persian word that was introduced to Thailand by Arabic traders in the 1700's, used all over North Africa, the Middle East and the Hindi speaking parts of India with the meaning of a "foreigner with European Heritage" and is said to have originated to define the Frank tribe of Europe. If you enter the Thai word for foreigner and ask for a definition of what it means in English in your phone computer the answer will be "Farang" Try it some time.

Many expats will not freely admit that the dictionary state the word "Farang is not an insult" They need for it to be one because that is the basis they try to connect to other Expats experiences in Thailand, and attempt to name it discrimination. Any word can be used as an insult depending on the situation, tone and volume it is used in, even the word "Mother".

The person that asked for this definition, was asked for his explanation of what he does by Beatlejuice, but simply changed his focus from Beatlejuice to me, while refusing to acknowledge the request. a very common tactic by those people!


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Now come the generalized attack posts from "you know who", the sword attack on the American tourist, and the famous "rose colored glasses" response.

Such attacks do not happen in the U.S.. A Black man in Texas was not chained to the bumper of a truck and dragged a couple of miles that left parts of his body littered all over the road a few years ago, his only crime was being a Black man in Texas!

Those senseless attacks happen all over the world, the bombing in Boston, the senseless mass murders in the US simply because a person has a death wish and shoots any one on sight, in schools, colleges and on the street, also happened in Norway.

You are simply very selective in your pointing a finger at Thailand.


Edited by kikoman
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To the OP:

There are a lot of wonderful things about Thailand and Thai people. I began spending long summers in Thailand back in the mid-1980s, and then lived there for the 2 years before the Red Shirt riots. I don't think I wore rose colored glasses because I always saw the negatives. But when I would see a negative (and there were many), it seemed as if some of the positives always made up for it. But, after a while, with the steady stream of negatives, you run out of positives to balance things out. The list is endles -- pickpockets, scam artists galore, salespeople who don't know shit about what they are selling and will lie to your face to sell the product, cheating taxi and tuk tuk drivers, selling food that is beyond being fresh by days, total insincerity to be polite, endless whores when you walk around certain areas, offers for sex with men women and children, being treated like a walking ATM by Thai "friends"...need I go on? Yes, all these things happen elsewhere...but rarely are they so common. And then there's Thai politics and Red Shirts. For me, the Red Shirts broke the camel's back. Think of the scales of justice...but instead replace it with a set of scales balancing out the good and the bad in Thailand. Sorry, but after a while one side slams down, and if you're realistic, it ain't the good side.

Oh, I just remembered -- rampant bribery and the need to participate in it.

Edited by phetaroi
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Now come the generalized attack posts from "you know who", the sword attack on the American tourist, and the famous "rose colored glasses" response.

Such attacks do not happen in the U.S.. A Black man in Texas was not chained to the bumper of a truck and dragged a couple of miles that left parts of his body littered all over the road a few years ago, his only crime was being a Black man in Texas!

Those senseless attacks happen all over the world, the bombing in Boston, the senseless mass murders in the US simply because a person has a death wish and shoots any one on sight, in schools, colleges and on the street, also happened in Norway.

You are simply very selective in your pointing a finger at Thailand.


Given that this forum is Thailand related, and indeed non Thailand related posts are frequently removed, it is not surprising the participants many of whom are living in Thailand, all of whom have some connection to Thailand (or they would not be here) discuss Thailand, and that discussion will include problems relating to Thailand.

When a member states 'I had this negative experience in Thailand' or this 'Negative thing happened in Thailand' - it is Thailand related and therefore fits within the context of this forum. Specifically it fits in the forum rules of being 'Thailand related'.

To repost the statement with 'well such things or worse things happen elshwere, you are simply being very selective pointing the fingure at Thailand' is hollow argument on two fronts.

1. It ignores the fact that this forum is Thailand related.

2. It is the argument that if we can find something wrong here but can find something worse happening elsewhere then the wrong here is of no significance.

Where you rightly take issue with generalised attacks on the origins of a poster, you then make the exact mistake by generalising problems in Thailand into a world context and in doing so make mistake No 2 above.

And all because you dislike someone telling a negative story which invariably is based in a real experience.

Far better I think to spend some time asking yourself why exactly you personally get upset about other people's negative views. If you are indeed happy with your own life choices, if your life in Thailand is indeed as happy and faultless as you claim, then the simple act of comparing the negative view against your own life experience in Thailand will enable you to conclude 'that person's experience is nothing like my own'.

A balanced view would then allow for that person's experience to be different - they are after all a different person living their own different life.

I'm not singling you out, you are not unique.

But read through TVF and take note of the special vitriol reserved by a small minortity for anyone who expresses any negative view of Thailand.

I find your post Re: Forum rules as being selective as Forum rule clearly state:

#7 "Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the bases of race, nationality, religion. gender, or sexual orientation.".

#8 Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed at all Thai's.

I will leave it at that, if your comments were made solely in an impartial and informative way I would better understand your concern. but as written the post in it self is not impartial!

Many posters involve their home countries in the complaints about Thailand IE "In my home country a Thai will be treated the same as anyone under our laws" or discrimination does not exist in our home countries".

Which I know is not the true facts. Sure post get deleted mostly because some one complains about the content. as I know as a fact all the negative comments about all Thai's, clear violation of forum rules do not get deleted!

Again what you consider a small minority of TV posters, negative comment's, I view as a large group of TV posters express negative views of Thailand.

To be fair one must be impartial, if one is not fair and impartial. they are not a part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

Again only my opinion.


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Again what you consider a small minority of TV posters, negative comment's, I view as a large majority of TV posters express negative views of Thailand.

Total failure to comprehend the post from GH.

Read it again.

I have had negative experiences in Thailand..

That is not to say that I have not had negative experiences elsewhere in the world.

I have had more negative experiences in Thailand than elsewhere in the world.

I live in Thailand.

I believe that my statements fall firmly within forum rules and also support GH's point/s.

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Now come the generalized attack posts from "you know who", the sword attack on the American tourist, and the famous "rose colored glasses" response.

Such attacks do not happen in the U.S.. A Black man in Texas was not chained to the bumper of a truck and dragged a couple of miles that left parts of his body littered all over the road a few years ago, his only crime was being a Black man in Texas!

Those senseless attacks happen all over the world, the bombing in Boston, the senseless mass murders in the US simply because a person has a death wish and shoots any one on sight, in schools, colleges and on the street, also happened in Norway.

You are simply very selective in your pointing a finger at Thailand.


Given that this forum is Thailand related, and indeed non Thailand related posts are frequently removed, it is not surprising the participants many of whom are living in Thailand, all of whom have some connection to Thailand (or they would not be here) discuss Thailand, and that discussion will include problems relating to Thailand.

When a member states 'I had this negative experience in Thailand' or this 'Negative thing happened in Thailand' - it is Thailand related and therefore fits within the context of this forum. Specifically it fits in the forum rules of being 'Thailand related'.

To repost the statement with 'well such things or worse things happen elshwere, you are simply being very selective pointing the fingure at Thailand' is hollow argument on two fronts.

1. It ignores the fact that this forum is Thailand related.

2. It is the argument that if we can find something wrong here but can find something worse happening elsewhere then the wrong here is of no significance.

Where you rightly take issue with generalised attacks on the origins of a poster, you then make the exact mistake by generalising problems in Thailand into a world context and in doing so make mistake No 2 above.

And all because you dislike someone telling a negative story which invariably is based in a real experience.

Far better I think to spend some time asking yourself why exactly you personally get upset about other people's negative views. If you are indeed happy with your own life choices, if your life in Thailand is indeed as happy and faultless as you claim, then the simple act of comparing the negative view against your own life experience in Thailand will enable you to conclude 'that person's experience is nothing like my own'.

A balanced view would then allow for that person's experience to be different - they are after all a different person living their own different life.

I'm not singling you out, you are not unique.

But read through TVF and take note of the special vitriol reserved by a small minortity for anyone who expresses any negative view of Thailand.

I find your post Re: Forum rules as being selective as Forum rule clearly state:

#7 "Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the bases of race, nationality, religion. gender, or sexual orientation.".

#8 Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed at all Thai's.

I will leave it at that, if your comments were made solely in an impartial and informative way I would better understand your concern. but as written the post in it self is not impartial!

Many posters involve their home countries in the complaints about Thailand IE "In my home country a Thai will be treated the same as anyone under our laws" or discrimination does not exist in our home countries".

Which I know is not the true facts. Sure post get deleted mostly because some one complains about the content. as I know as a fact all the negative comments about all Thai's, clear violation of forum rules do not get deleted!

Again what you consider a small minority of TV posters, negative comment's, I view as a large group of TV posters express negative views of Thailand.

To be fair one must be impartial, if one is not fair and impartial. they are not a part of the solution, they are part of the problem.

Again only my opinion.


Let's examine this - The forum rules you have stated are correct, and rules which I agree with - indeed I have in the past used the post button too report gratutuous breaches of those rules. The rules are there and they are enforced - So it follows that if a post is allowed to remain on the board it doesn't break the rules.

So we are not discussing posts that break the forum rules. If you feel they do - use the report button.

You have stated my response above is not impartial - can you please hightlight - in context - where my post above is not impartial. I'm keen to improve my impartialality and would be pleased to see where you think my post is not impartial.

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Negativity comes in many shapes. The young guys whinge about the old guys with young women because they are having too much fun. The old guys whinge about the young guys because they are whinging about the old guys. The young guy says old guys aren't really having fun because they have to pay for it. The old guys says, "do you pay for food or grow your own?"

That much is obvious.

Then there is the religious horny fellow who says both the young guy and the old guy are bad for taking advantage of the poor women of SEA.

Also are the ex cop/military religious horny fellows who miss the rush of busting brothels. Since no one will let them do it at home they come to Thailand or Cambodia and start a charity.

By far I think the oddest group (read the bum gun thread) are the folks who have never been to Thailand but pretend they are experts. They complain about everything in Thailand becase can't afford to vacation or live in Thailand and are jealous of those who can. This group can be dangerous because they don't have a clue and are giving advice. A person who doesn't speak Thai, lives in the West and in fact has never even been to Thailand!

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You only make your point that post should be related to Thailand based on forum rules, an impartial person would have based the post on all the rules that apply to the situation, hence my post Re; Forum rules #7 and #8, also part of the discussion.

I make it a point not to reply to most post directly, I replied to yours because it had some relevant points,

that being said I will go back to my replying to post I feel address relevant issues, if the post seem more as a fishing post, I will ignore them and just post to what I believe is relevant.

I will seldom use the report button, I prefer to place people on my ignore list, and their post do not show on my screen (period). If someone post into my post, was the only time I hit the report button.


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Most 'bashers' are able to make a well constructed argument about the 'negative' things they see.

What a big load of manure you're laying. Serial Thai-bashers are more like lifetime members of the flat-earth-society. No matter how "well constructed" their arguments are, they still have no idea what they're talking about.

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Because like so many from western cultures, they have been brought up to believe that they are a superior culture and people. It is a common affliction.

And the Thais aren't taught the same from an early age? Or the Japanese? Or the Koreans?

But when you compare what the western world (Europe, US mostly) has given to mankind in the field of invention, exploration, innovation, classical culture, music, film, art, fashion, education, architecture, medicine... (the list is endless), compared to say South-East Asia, is it any wonder (some) westerners consider themselves superior?

Thai classical dancing and Muay Thai were 'borrowed' from Cambodia. Their religion was taken from India.

The food can be nice, though!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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