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why so much negativity about Thailand and its ppl?

Crazy chef 1

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unfortunately we are not asked,allowed or welcomed to give any ( positive?)) advise we are just what we are- guests.

I have no idea where you get the idea that we are not allowed or welcome to give any opinions.

Being critical is good for the country. The Thais can't do it very well themselves. And we all know that ignoring a problem does not make it go away.

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As a west european I was raised in an environment where authorities always were curious about experiences from other countries and tried to learn of these experiences. We don't need to patronize, but my experience with all kinds of Thai people is: if there is a technical problem and by the way you have knowledge and experience about that problem they never will copy your better way of approach. It seems like they even don't listen; they only grin and start doing it their (sometimes very unlogical) own way.

I had a friend who wanted to live in Thailand. Was here many times as a tourist, but after 18 months as a resident he coudn't stand anymore the general silliness and stuborness. It drove him crazy especially when he had to work together with Thai workers.

And that's what triggers the comments of many on this forum. It's a well know issue that outsiders observate much easier the specific interactions of a community than the insiders. That's why we comprehend the discrepancy between the statements of Thai authorities and the reality of life.

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Because the average Thai man walks around with his head up his Axx. The rich look down on the poor and the poor just wei and accept it. How can anyone really have respect for that. Then just look at the stupid ignorant rantings of so many Hi-So male officials, so immature and childlike.

So your opinion is based solely on your opinion! "How can anyone have respect for that" not perceived discrimination against Farang's?

Where did OS35 even mention farangs?

Yet again you have pre-judged not only the content, but also the poster, without actually reading it or having even making the smallest attempt at reaching an understanding of the post.

Prejudice isn't nice, and it does show how well you have been assimilated in to your community

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I have lived in Thailand for 12 years, most of my interactions with Thai's have been very positive,

I had many negative experiences prior to coming to Thailand.

I have opted for most of my friends to be Thai, as they are very positive people.

God willing I will one day die in Thailand,

For Thailand is my home and a country I love.

My statement also conforms to forum rules and I state such based on my own Opinion!

No one else's!


These last 12 years you speak of have been years of relative prosperity for Thailand. Things can go sour and do so fast. Look at Cambodia in the 70s. Things are just now beginning to get a wee tight for some people in Thailand, with inflation starting to pinch the people at the bottom. They may become more and more desperate. And they'll look for the painted bird in their midst. Maybe it won't be you. But you will not know until the moment of crisis comes. And the fact that it is coming is something I'm sure of.

I have no problem with that, I have seen massive changes over my life time, I left a place I no longer desired to live when I came here, my biggest problem was not caused in Thailand but my home country, economic disaster that the Dollar has lost much of its value.. I thank God every day for being in Thailand during the extreme hard times back where I came from.

I grow and make a lot of my own food here, my home is paid off, I have a great and loving Thai family, Thailand has been good to me,

I would never consider living in a place, I did not like, period!

I have Children, Grand children, Brothers, Sisters, all my family back in the home country. but I am the happiest here then I have ever been in my life. In no way I would ever consider leaving Thailand!

Those that are not happy here are right to divest and leave, just don't let the door hit them on their butt on the way out.

I wish them happiness where ever they settle far away from Thailand!


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There is a difference between sharing opinions and some Thai visa members continuous moaning and groaning about their constant daily struggles with the Thais and their plight of living in Thailand.

It appears there are a lot of extremely disgruntled ex-pats living in Thailand and often wonder why they remain here? Although I am now beginning to find all these gripes about everything Thai quite entertaining. It really does make me think that all my troubles in life are very trivial indeed.

My prognosis is; that there are too many ex-pats that are spending too much time in isolation, (most of it self imposed) with too much time to think about too much. The solution is; Thai visa creates a forum called; rants and raves, for the participation and whinging entertainment pleasure of the moaning old farts, or simply just get a life.


Superb clip Beetlejuice & yes ;-)

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I Believe that is one of the biggest problems with working Expats and Thai's, being from the west most believe their way is a better way, then the Thai way. They come into Thailand with the Idea they can change the workers to do things their way.

I remember the first time I laid concrete with the Thai's and I told my Thai friend back home we do things this way, He said that is good, Where are you now,? In Thailand I responded, we do thing our way here. All the cement is mixed by hand, with the elbow grease God gave use that was maybe ten years ago, I still make cement the Thai way, not expensive, no rental of a cement mixer, just sand, rock and cement and the sweat from our brows.

All my friends and neighbors come to give a hand, when they need help we return the favor.

Most of the things I do I pick the best way out of both. ways of doing things.


what I love is that so many Brits think their way is better than anyone elses way and their country is in the dumper!

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Different culture, different values. Sometimes it's hard for foreign visitors to get to grips with that, so the standard recourse is complaint and vilification, and this gets sharper and more unrestrained when others join in--group dynamics. Security and justification is reinforced by numbers. Unfortunately, Thailand has a well- established tourist and sex industry, which only feeds into the confrontational dynamic of 'them and us.' Misunderstanding and poor language skills, on both sides, creates a sense of exploitation, also on both sides. OK?

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Different culture, different values. Sometimes it's hard for foreign visitors to get to grips with that, so the standard recourse is complaint and vilification, and this gets sharper and more unrestrained when others join in--group dynamics. Security and justification is reinforced by numbers. Unfortunately, Thailand has a well- established tourist and sex industry, which only feeds into the confrontational dynamic of 'them and us.' Misunderstanding and poor language skills, on both sides, creates a sense of exploitation, also on both sides. OK?

"it's better in the old country" is a time worn whinge.

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FWIW, I agree with you, but it's futile to bitch about the bitching on TV. Been there, done that, and this is a sample of the level of discourse that ensued:

if you dislike Thailand and the people here dont fckn come here stay in fckn oz with other small minded pricks like your self.theres a lot of good decent people living here and if you are a Ozzie your the worst one i wouldn't like to meet and ozzies are normally cool funny layed back guys go fck ladyboys in your cast off Malaysia

At best, you'll be accused of trolling - regardless of how many of us agree with you. Good luck.

Too true Blue 100%

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I like the part of your post where you say

"can you guys remember how patient your parents have been?"

And to be honest with you....NO I can't.....When I grew up if I was out of line my Parents WHACKED me.....Don't recall social services, kids hiring lawyers against there parents, kids divorcing parents. etc.

Thailand is what it is....and often it can be very frustrating....Yeah......get over it! We all make our own beds....(ie our lives are what WE make of it)

Nah, I don't remember killing anybody, secure in the knowledge that my parents position of power would get me off scott free.

Couldn't happen any-place else ..... unless you are a Kennedy.

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I do not have to look within myself, but again you will have to understand the values one develops are formed over a life time or as you would say (in an off-topic place).

I grew up in the states and it rubs me the wrong way that so many attempt to paint a picture of love and tolerance about a country with a history of racial injustice, the lack of tolerance in the dominate society.during its complete history.

Then I come to Thailand, at last find the happiness that escaped me in the old country, found a very loving wife and a great family, where you can appreciate life and not be responding to police coming to your house concerning complaints by the neighbors ie: barking dog, the grass is to long, your making smoke etc.

Then someone post on TV how stupid, lazy, uncultured "all" Thai's are,and as Merle Haggard would say "gets on the fighting side of me" as my wife, Thai family and friends are Thai's and are being unfairly attacked, solely because of some foreigners opinion of a country he came to by choice and chose to continue to live in.

If someone dares to question their opinion, you are not one of us (thankfully I am not) Then people such as yourself questions that something is wrong in my life, and not in the life of the person who dislikes Thai's and Thailand maybe simply because he got outsmarted by a Rice Farmers Daughter.

I know if some one stated an opinion that your wife, mother, family was stupid, lazy or uncultured you would defend their right to do so.

Not me I stand up for what I believe in, hope that answers your concern.


Edited by kikoman
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I do not have to look within myself, but again you will have to understand the values one develops are formed over a life time or as you would say (in an off-topic place).

I grew up in the states and it rubs me the wrong way that so many attempt to paint a picture of love and tolerance about a country with a history of racial injustice, the lack of tolerance in the dominate society.during its complete history.

Then I come to Thailand, at last find the happiness that escaped me in the old country, found a very loving wife and a great family, where you can appreciate life and not be responding to police coming to your house concerning complaints by the neighbors ie: barking dog, the grass is to long, your making smoke etc.

Then someone post on TV how stupid, lazy, uncultured "all" Thai's are,and as Merle Haggard would say "gets on the fighting side of me" as my wife, Thai family and friends are Thai's and are being unfairly attacked, solely because of some foreigners opinion of a country he came to by choice and chose to continue to live in.

If someone dares to question their opinion, you are not one of us (thankfully I am not) Then people such as yourself questions that something is wrong in my life, and not in the life of the person who dislikes Thai's and Thailand maybe simply because he got outsmarted by a Rice Farmers Daughter.

I know if some one stated an opinion that your wife, mother, family was stupid, lazy or uncultured you would defend their right to do so.

Not me I stand up for what I believe in, hope that answers your concern.


And I too find it offensive. the continuous denigration of thais by so many posters is disgusting. No matter what the subject line, so many of them will find a way to turn the discussion into an anti-thai diatribe! keep at em pal!!

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I figure there are a lot of narrow-minded, racist people on TV. They are not abroad because they like it, but sitting out retirement in a warm place with cheap booze and women sure beats wherever home is in most cases.

Yes, there are many things wrong in Thailand (like in so many other places) but the fact that nearly evert thread descends into blatant Thai-bashing pishes me off. Like wise the "ALL" Thai thingy. I have many Thai friends, educated, with good jobs and better and smarter company than many of the expats I have encountered.

I have lived abroad all my life, first in Africa and the last 20 years in SE Asia. Not every day has been great and yes, there are things I do not like here. But the day I catch myself turning into one of these cynical haters that bitch and moan non-stop, I will be on the next plane out of here (something a number of TV posters should consider as well).

Rant over.

Bravo Hanno!!

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Let me make some comparisons first, and then an observation - I have always really enjoyed my life in Thailand, I speak read, write Thai, most of my friends are Thai, almost all of the people I socialise with in Thailand are Thai and as I have said many times, I have consider the experience I have had of working and living in Thailand, the access that has given me to Thailand and Thai society to be a great privilege.

I'm not going to say I love Thailand, because I do not, but there are people in Thailand who I can certainly say I love as much as anyone anywhere can say - I have fond fond memories of many people, places and aspects of the life I have in Thailand.

I'm sure these are things you will recognise in yourself.

I have told you, and I really mean it, nothing others say about Thailand or Thais changes my personal experience of Thailand or how I feel about Thailand.

I actively challenge people who post ranting about others expressing negative opinions about a place and people I have the feelings above.

Why do you think that is?

Do you think I am a person who might be described as a 'Thai Basher" or a 'Thai Hater"?

So why do I care about people being allowed to criticise?

And how come it doesn't upset me?

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Maybe it's not so much negativity but reporting on topics which disturbs Thailand's cultivated image. The Thai government has been shaping this image for decades, one that shows peace loving Buddhists, no one's rude or disrespectful, everyone's one with nature, and so on. But of course this isn't the case. Thais are just like everyone else, and as a rapidly developing society, Thailand has problems just like every other country.

When you see all of this 'negativity', it's nothing more than average news. Maybe it's your perception of Thai society that's the issue.

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Maybe it's not so much negativity but reporting on topics which disturbs Thailand's cultivated image. The Thai government has been shaping this image for decades, one that shows peace loving Buddhists, no one's rude or disrespectful, everyone's one with nature, and so on. But of course this isn't the case. Thais are just like everyone else, and as a rapidly developing society, Thailand has problems just like every other country.

When you see all of this 'negativity', it's nothing more than average news. Maybe it's your perception of Thai society that's the issue.

the constant whingeing is not news. of course thai society has its faults as have all countries. but when I am a guest in someones house, I dont consider it good form to CONSTANTLY complain about them.

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the constant whingeing is not news. of course thai society has its faults as have all countries. but when I am a guest in someones house, I dont consider it good form to CONSTANTLY complain about them.

But as a "guest" you feel it your duty to tell other "guests" the limit of the opinions they may express.

Ponder on the arrogance of that posistion.

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the constant whingeing is not news. of course thai society has its faults as have all countries. but when I am a guest in someones house, I dont consider it good form to CONSTANTLY complain about them.

But as a "guest" you feel it your duty to tell other "guests" the limit of the opinions they may express.

Ponder on the arrogance of that posistion.

I dont bother telling rude people how rude they may or may not be. I realize they will behave as they always have and I and others will comment on it.

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We come from different backgrounds, different education, different times, and different cultures, it is only by the grace of God that we even communicate with or at each other, in a different time in a different place our paths would have never crossed.

The life experience you had help shape who you are, as it has shaped me, I would venture to say we have nothing in common, well you like Thailand, I love Thailand, our perception of the actual meaning of the written word is different, my primary language is Spanish, I think in Spanish write in English.

I know first hand what not being accepted by the dominate society is, and for many on the forum to state they are as discriminated against in Thailand like the Blacks are in the south, is a joke as many Blacks, among other minorities in the US lost their life's as a result of that discrimination,

I showed some of my Thai family, of what the bashers wrote about "all" Thai's and they did became upset, they will no longer view Farang's the same as they did before. ( while much was lost in the translation.)

I would like for you to show me exactly where I ever referred to you as a Thai Basher, that statement is untrue. I have posted in response to statement you made directly, if you assume that is the same as labeling you as a Thai Basher that is your problem not mine.

I would gladly agree with you that we agree to disagree, if the post are civil' I would afford you the same respect,


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We come from different backgrounds, different education, different times, and different cultures, it is only by the grace of God that we even communicate with or at each other, in a different time in a different place our paths would have never crossed.

The life experience you had help shape who you are, as it has shaped me, I would venture to say we have nothing in common, well you like Thailand, I love Thailand, our perception of the actual meaning of the written word is different, my primary language is Spanish, I think in Spanish write in English.

I know first hand what not being accepted by the dominate society is, and for many on the forum to state they are as discriminated against in Thailand like the Blacks are in the south, is a joke as many Blacks, among other minorities in the US lost their life's as a result of that discrimination,

I showed some of my Thai family, of what the bashers wrote about "all" Thai's and they did became upset, they will no longer view Farang's the same as they did before. ( while much was lost in the translation.)

I would like for you to show me exactly where I ever referred to you as a Thai Basher, that statement is untrue. I have posted in response to statement you made directly, if you assume that is the same as labeling you as a Thai Basher that is your problem not mine.

I would gladly agree with you that we agree to disagree, if the post are civil' I would afford you the same respect,


Kikoman - you do the expat community in Thailand a great disservice!! And only make worse the growing discrimination between Thai and Farang. Thaivisa is an expat site and lends space to the expat community to [putting it mildly] getting things off their chest. The fact that you show your Thai friends and relatives the anti-Thai posts etc from the site and that they now view ALL farangs differently only emphasises your own hypocrisy and allows your so-called Thai friends and relatives to have a bad view of ALL farangs - whereas as this thread alone shows, there are many farangs [and most probably the majority of expats living here] who love and cherish this country. You are no better that the sick bastards of the south that you decry!

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We come from different backgrounds, different education, different times, and different cultures, it is only by the grace of God that we even communicate with or at each other, in a different time in a different place our paths would have never crossed.

The life experience you had help shape who you are, as it has shaped me, I would venture to say we have nothing in common, well you like Thailand, I love Thailand, our perception of the actual meaning of the written word is different, my primary language is Spanish, I think in Spanish write in English.

I know first hand what not being accepted by the dominate society is, and for many on the forum to state they are as discriminated against in Thailand like the Blacks are in the south, is a joke as many Blacks, among other minorities in the US lost their life's as a result of that discrimination,

I showed some of my Thai family, of what the bashers wrote about "all" Thai's and they did became upset, they will no longer view Farang's the same as they did before. ( while much was lost in the translation.)

I would like for you to show me exactly where I ever referred to you as a Thai Basher, that statement is untrue. I have posted in response to statement you made directly, if you assume that is the same as labeling you as a Thai Basher that is your problem not mine.

I would gladly agree with you that we agree to disagree, if the post are civil' I would afford you the same respect,


Kikoman - you do the expat community in Thailand a great disservice!! And only make worse the growing discrimination between Thai and Farang. Thaivisa is an expat site and lends space to the expat community to [putting it mildly] getting things off their chest. The fact that you show your Thai friends and relatives the anti-Thai posts etc from the site and that they now view ALL farangs differently only emphasises your own hypocrisy and allows your so-called Thai friends and relatives to have a bad view of ALL farangs - whereas as this thread alone shows, there are many farangs [and most probably the majority of expats living here] who love and cherish this country. You are no better that the sick bastards of the south that you decry!

Oh my who pissed in your Wheaties,,

What do I owe you or the expat community, not one damn thing, if you all do not like your comments about Thai's in an open public forum, then do not post them, those that stand by and do nothing are as much at fault as those that write that filth, for a Southern you have very thin skin,but you need to remember you guys lost the war, get over it!

Remember this is an open public forum, whatever you write is there for the public to read, It is open to non-members to read as well as members.By the way what I share with my family is my own business,

If you have a problem with that, remember the old country song, "Here a Quarter call someone who cares"

I don't.


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We come from different backgrounds, different education, different times, and different cultures, it is only by the grace of God that we even communicate with or at each other, in a different time in a different place our paths would have never crossed.

The life experience you had help shape who you are, as it has shaped me, I would venture to say we have nothing in common, well you like Thailand, I love Thailand, our perception of the actual meaning of the written word is different, my primary language is Spanish, I think in Spanish write in English.

I know first hand what not being accepted by the dominate society is, and for many on the forum to state they are as discriminated against in Thailand like the Blacks are in the south, is a joke as many Blacks, among other minorities in the US lost their life's as a result of that discrimination,

I showed some of my Thai family, of what the bashers wrote about "all" Thai's and they did became upset, they will no longer view Farang's the same as they did before. ( while much was lost in the translation.)

I would like for you to show me exactly where I ever referred to you as a Thai Basher, that statement is untrue. I have posted in response to statement you made directly, if you assume that is the same as labeling you as a Thai Basher that is your problem not mine.

I would gladly agree with you that we agree to disagree, if the post are civil' I would afford you the same respect,


Kikoman - you do the expat community in Thailand a great disservice!! And only make worse the growing discrimination between Thai and Farang. Thaivisa is an expat site and lends space to the expat community to [putting it mildly] getting things off their chest. The fact that you show your Thai friends and relatives the anti-Thai posts etc from the site and that they now view ALL farangs differently only emphasises your own hypocrisy and allows your so-called Thai friends and relatives to have a bad view of ALL farangs - whereas as this thread alone shows, there are many farangs [and most probably the majority of expats living here] who love and cherish this country. You are no better that the sick bastards of the south that you decry!

FK, you are seriously barking up the wrong tree. I for one have been harping on my fellow TV posters forever, telling them to knock it off with the nonsensical racist comments. But it never ends. I myself have shown my Thai colleagues at work some of the more ridiculous posts on these threads. And yes, the respect for farangs in Thailand continues to diminish. We have but ourselves to blame.

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I figure there are a lot of narrow-minded, racist people on TV. They are not abroad because they like it, but sitting out retirement in a warm place with cheap booze and women sure beats wherever home is in most cases.

FK, you are seriously barking up the wrong tree. I for one have been harping on my fellow TV posters forever, telling them to knock it off with the nonsensical racist comments. But it never ends. I myself have shown my Thai colleagues at work some of the more ridiculous posts on these threads. And yes, the respect for farangs in Thailand continues to diminish. We have but ourselves to blame.

Thais aren't a race, so if you bad mouth Thais, but don't generally bad mouth Asians/Indians, then you aren't a racist.

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I'm sorry to say, but I have heard it on several occasions from Thai's saying go to your own country. I sometimes play golf at government and military golf course and you would be extremely surprised to hear what comes out of their mouth. Thai's I have found that are extremely nice are the ones live outside the city and to me I think they are just great!

If you think, unfortunately, you are welcome, I strongly suggest you to rethink your position. There was one posting that said that they could express their opinion openly. That my friends are totally untrue. I am an optimistic person, but I have seen just too many things taking place in Thailand.

I am an educator and have done a lot of educating free of charge for people could not afford the fee. They were extremely grateful and very attentive. Unfortunately, we must face the realization of the fact that we are for the most part not welcome here.

For all the ones that wish to say to me why don't you leave? Purchase my home and give me 30 days.

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